I was always ambivalent about this- I delighted in helping people who had legitimate issues, and all of the businesses I worked at had fairly liberal return/refund policies on this day and for a few days afterwards.
I was also a combination of fascinated and irate by and about the multi-various scams and schemes people tried to employ to take unfair advantage of the liberal Boxing Day return policies:
These ranged from trying to return items still labeled with other stores tags, to trying to get a refund for worn-out sneakers that they swore that they were given the day before as a Christmas gift, some were simply stupid or ignorant, and some were convoluted and imaginative.
@shahnm Can I interest you in a gently used Deluxe World Domination timeshare package?
Still in good condition. I thought I would use it more than I did, but it seemed like something always came up during my assigned weeks.
@mycya4me@shahnm I have 12 Days of Christmas Irish Cream, Tea, Seltzer, and Chocolate calendars. Twelve, count them, twelve days of Christmas and they’ve just begun.
You’re a mean one, Shahnm Grinch
You really are a heel
You’re as cuddly as a cactus
You’re as charming as an eel
Shahnm Grinch,
you’re a bad banana with a,
greasy black peel
@Pony You know Lindsey Vonn had a knee replacement and now she’s ski racing again, right? I hope you heal as well as she has, even if you’re not going to be skiing.
Hi Pony, if you’re not doing your ‘prehab’ yet, there’s no time to waste: https://foothillsrehab.com/blog/10-prehab-exercises-knee-replacement/
I had my left knee replaced in 20210 and had an excellent outcome and easy recovery because I really worked hard to get the supporting muscles in the best shape possible beforehand- [see disclaimer* below].
In fact, my M-I-L was jealous because I was in and out in in less than 4 days total.
Unfortunately, about 5 weeks later, while I was at home rehabbing, I slipped on some water that had spilled on our kitchen floor, and not only ripped open the whole length of the incision, but also dislocated my patella [knee cap], and separated the patellar tendon [at the bottom of the patella].
This led to my knee becoming infected with a staph bacteria [luckily not an antibiotic-resistant strain] which meant that in addition to having the incision re-closed, they had to aggressively wash out the wound. I was placed on IV antibiotics [Abx] [via a PICC at home] for 3 months, and then finished out a year with oral antibiotics 4-times daily.
After that year, I was declared clear of any further evidence of infection and discharged from the infectious disease specialist’s care in early 2011.
*Disclaimer: To be fair, I was in some amount of increased risk of having all those bad things happen when I fell because I had had extensive surgery on that femur when I was 19 y/o to treat bone cancer- including along with excision of the tumor and a bone graft, a fair amount of my quadricep muscle overlying the tumor was also removed, and then I ended up fracturing it at the graft site a month later.
FWIW, I was over 50 when I had the knee replacement, so it had been healed for a long before.
TLDR version: Pre-hab now!
Then don’t worry, have your surgery, and then pursue rehab aggressively, and be really really careful to avoid falls and other ways that you can re-injure yourself in the weeks and months post-op.
Finale- my “cleared” infection returned like a tsunami in 2014 causing sepsis, so for my 55th birthday, I had my knee explanted [removed and Abx-laced bone cement put in its place], went on IV Abx for 4 months, and then got my new and current knee implanted in 9/2014- and no further problems occurred.
Now, I’m looking at my right knee being replaced in due time, and despite the trials and tribulations associated with my first one, I would/will have no hesitation about going in for that.
As always, this is not to be construed as medical advice, and YMMV.
@Pony It almost always goes well without complications or problems. As noted above, it restores people to much better functioning and a major life improvement. After this, you will be less likely to fall, so less likely to get a fracture or a head injury. The most important part of the surgery is to do all of the physical therapy afterwards to insure full motion (you can’t do it alone). Although you do not really need it, I’ll wish you good luck anyway!
@Pony They have come a long way in the last 50 years. In most places you go home the same day and are up and about quickly. You don’t have that monster rehab time that the old school devises had.
@PhysAssist@Pony And PhysAssist shows you how much it has changed in just 15 years, not even the 50 I said below.
Most people I saw in my last couple years in home health were home the same day, as I said. A few with medical issues stayed overnight. I have seen a significant decrease in post op complications (probably because of recovery at home, LOL)
And well shit does happen. A fall like that can really mess crap up.
My nursing advice
Don’t discount anything you feel afterward, Assert yourself if you think something doesn’t look or feel right (not very often but surgeons have egos and ortho surgeons have super-egos)
Expect you back early February saying it was much easier than you expected
@Cerridwyn@PhysAssist@Pony My mom just had one done at 74 and she was walking with a walker within a week. Be sure to them about pain but also know that it will HURT and as someone who has rehabbed from 3 knee surgeries myself (an ACL in each knee and meniscectomy), coming to grips with the time it takes is the best thing you can do mentally.
Also, DO THE PRE-SURGERY PT EXERCISES! My mom did them and all of the people she has seen afterwards have commented on how well she is doing and link it back to the pre-surgery PT / pre-hab stuff.
While I agree generally, the biggest difference between 'knee surgery ’ and knee replacement surgery is that the postoperative pain after knee replacement is usually less than the preoperative pain at baseline.
After all, that’s the point- to get a new, non-painful knee.
In fact, one of the indicators for the need to have a TKR is that your knee pain is no longer easily controllable.
Thus the post-op incisional pain is usually less than before the surgery.
But pre-hab is still key.
I am continuing to run 180 extracts. 5 years of monthly data across 3 types. So that we can use those too build 720 extracts. To the 4… Partners… One of whom is loading them for the first time and cant process things if it’s not loaded by the first. When they go live. And of course the splitter jobs are running slower cause 4 instead of three and the people shifted to the new one…
But who needs sleep. This is fine. This will be fine…
@andyw@kittykat9180 database extracts. Software stuff. That you need to have history information to process the… Next Transaction… correctly. Because there is auditing. And multiple entities. And all of it has to be loaded by January 1st.
And the people at this company just have no clue where the first 60 production files went in their system. Despite us testing with them in a production level system on our side. I see them in their box. They took them. They don’t know where they are.
@andyw@kittykat9180@unksol I was thinking apothecary - the 4 partners divining the720 extracts to keep the demonlords at bay during the holy days, but messing up whilst the supervising wizards regret their choice of acolytes.
@andyw@kittykat9180@stolicat apparently an… Issue… In their logging or archive system where a manager didn’t see them but… That’s still confusing to me cause. My first stop if someone asks a question is to check everything on my end. Not just respond to an email “I dont see anything on the UI”
@andyw@kittykat9180@unksol back when i was able to take long hikes, I was on the far end of a long hike, and developed an annoying sinus-y headache. I’d read about Salix sp., even researched a bit, so I stripped as piece of bark from an arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis), checked it for bugs, and chewed on it for awhile, spitting out the pulp and washing mouth with water. My head ache left. Not sure if it really was the salicylic acid or just a placebo effect, but it was cool that it worked.
I know few beans about apothecary but I love the cabinets …
@andyw@kittykat9180@stolicat I like the history and the image. And medevil pharmacy/doctoring is interesting. I’m up for that YouTube vid. At least they were trying. And got somewhere eventually
It’s weird that we have modern people selling random BS supplements. And straight up lying. And it’s still legal
@kittykat9180@stolicat@unksol Many of our present prescription medicines began from plants-less so now with the new medicines. And yes, over the counter medicines are not regulated or approved by the FDA. The makers are not supposed to lie, but the often couch their unproven claims in terms like “supports digestive health” or some such. They get pretty disgraceful in their claims.
@pakopako@zinimusprime will see how that goes. Everything needs to work on the 1st and deploys on the 30th/31st so. You know. Work to do… Potentially more sleep debt.
working because everyone else was smart enough to put in their pto hours for the next week. But I did take a long lunch to take advantage of the Lush boxing day sale. All the good smelly things for me!
Cleaning up the holiday mess that exploded in my house. Last night on my drive home my car completely broke down, wouldn’t even turn on or go into neutral. I had to leave it in the middle of the road with the hazards on and pray nobody would hit it and that AAA would get there soon while I walked back to my moms. Shops closed till Monday so we’ll see what’s wrong, warranty is up next month so hopefully they figure it out. Not the first time I’ve had this problem (just never completely broke down before) and shop could never find anything wrong. Other than that I have to take care of stuff for my fathers estate (which is in my car).
@Star2236 I’m sorry for all the troubles. If you can’t get it into neutral or park it probably will not start because of the “neutral safety switch” that prevents you from starting and immediately going forward into the wall or the people in front of or in back of you. There used to be, and maybe there still is, a way to bypass that by lifting a small (about 1/2 inch) cover plate near the shift lever. Check the online manual for the car if you can’t get a mechanic to the car. If it died while driving, the battery may be dead which is an easy fix. Good luck.
I’m VERY tempted to ask what model/year and exactly what it did cause normally I can fix a car and there are other car people here.
Just dieing while driving it without a horrible sound indicating a mechanical failure is rare on my stuff. Cause pre 2000s. But if it’s electric/hybrid/has stop-start tech. Something with the computer. It gets harder for a basic shop to find.
If its the dealer and a dealer warranty. Obviously document everything. May be manufacture service bulletins out there that they either aren’t aware of or are just choosing not to acknowledge cause they think they can run out the warranty and not have to deal with it. Those aren’t hard to find.
If it’s a used car dealer. Their “warranties” are suspect.
But also some states have lemon laws. Lots of stuff with dealers depending on the situation.
Bottom line if you have a warranty and they are trying to screw you with a crap car/pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Which some dealers are known for. You might want a lawyer as a last resort. A strongly worded letter referencing the contract, warranty, and relevant laws in your area wouldn’t take much time for them.
@andyw@Star2236 neutral switch was also my thought… Cause I go into fix my own car first . But it died while driving so. They would have been in drive when it died. So why did it die in the first place.
The switch would only prevent a restart. The root cause is it dieing.
Plus. If they have a warranty. Screw all that. Find the root cause and fix it and fix it right or give me back my money. I don’t buy cars with warrantys but. It you do better honor it
It didn’t just die exactly. I have a 2007 Subaru Outback. I let it warm up for a while and (I’ve had this problem a lot before its just never died after and it doesn’t always happen after switching from reverse to drive, usually happens just while driving and going through different gears) I put it in reverse and then drive and it was like the engine revered really high and the car jerked forward really hard. Almost like if I was driving a manual and I didn’t know how operate the clutch and it just bogged out. After that it kinda just puttered down the road and wasn’t driving right. So before I turned onto the main road I shut it off and it wouldn’t restart. It had power, it just wouldn’t turnover over or even click. I tried to get into neutral to move it out of the road but I couldn’t even get it into neutral. So I just let it and called AAA and had it towed to the shop.
I keep saying it’s the transmission but nobody believes me. I’ve had the shop look at it before but they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. I have an aftermarket warranty (obviously) they already replaced the timing belt and I think the water pump. I’ve had it serviced regularly and am up to date with everything for the mileage of the car. So I know it’s not something that I’m not taking care of on my end. Any help would be appreciated.
@Star2236@unksol We’ve had several Subarus in the past and generally found them reliable. If you don’t hear the starter clicking it means the battery is dead (with just enough to turn on the lights) or the connection to it is bad, either because of a bad wire or a switch is off, like the neutral safety switch (or the starter is broken). Check the ground and main wires to the starter and make sure the connections there are clean. You could post this on Car Talks site cartalk.com, just be sure you have the time line and details right to avoid someine getting sarcastic (they usually don’t). Again, good luck.
I just got the battery replaced in September. I can’t imagine it’s the battery again already. The fucking Subaru dealership keeps giving me shitty fucking batteries that barely last a year. I know it’s only like $70 or $80 but it’s the principle of the matter. I had to get the warranty on the warranty of the original battery warranty replaced this September bc I keep getting shitty batteries (three times in three years). There was a class action suit for Subaru and their batteries but it didn’t include my year.
When it’s the battery for me everything is completely dead. This was different (I never had a battery light show up on the dash board either, shop asked that) I had full dashboard lights, I could lock and unlock my doors, lights inside the car, headlights, radio and everything else.
You could very well be right. I’ll find out Monday. But the jerking while shifting in between gears (what it feels like) is what I’m concerned about. It’s happening more and more lately. I’ll let you know what they find with it.
@Star2236@unksol Subaru has had battrery issues on some cars. Our Sub. Ascent had one die, but a forum I go to (https://www.ascentforums.com) has reports of lots of problems and I think they now have a bettery battery for the Ascent. Again, good luck!
@andyw@Star2236 I think you’re right. Transmission or differential. Which would not be cheap… Never been under a Subaru. Not sure what your warranty states but I’d make sure it’s all documented cause. Insurance never wants to pay.
It was my alternator and so every time I felt that it was the car working draining and working off the battery. Or so I’m told. I haven’t driven it enough to see if that’s really what it was but it makes sense and as to why I’ve gone through 3 batteries in 3 years. We’ll see.
@andyw@Star2236 this is… probable… As far as the battery. But also anytime this sort of thing happens they should be testing the alternator just as standard practice. In addition to the battery. Never mind three lazy battery replacements. This is basic practice.
AutoZone/advance/O’Reilly will all test an Alternator although you have to take it out. It’s really sad if a dealer didn’t.
Currant leaks are always possible and a pain to chase but usually corrosion that a dealer should also know about.
Just. Unimpressed with your dealers efforts.
The last issues you mentioned seem less likely but. Ffs what tech. With a 2007 vehicle. Having power issues. Doesn’t check the alternator…
Where I take my car to get work done is not the same place I got the battery changed. The Subaru dealership is about a half hour away (that’s where I got the battery done), my shop is like 12mins away and certified as a Subaru shop (they used to be a Datsun shop long ago). The battery was warrantied from the dealership from when I bought the car and I figured as much as I spent on the car they can keep giving me free batteries. But yes it is ridiculous that after the second time they didn’t think to check the alternator. I didn’t even think of the alternator bc it was still running. In other cars I’ve had, when the alternator goes it goes, it doesn’t chug on for 3 years and 3 batteries. I just assumed it was bad batteries bc they don’t replace a lot of batteries at a dealership.
@andyw@Star2236 in my experience the alternator degrades. I think I’ve had maybe one trash itself. Because it’s degrading it doesn’t charge the battery properly then the battery goes. IDK I always check the alternator output if the battery gets weird. But. Wasn’t your job that’s what you paid them for.
I’d have calmly asked why they didn’t check it before. Just cause I want them to always do it for this. Update the run book
@Star2236@unksol Sometimes, I think, if the belt loosens enough you won’t get adequate charging. Tightening it is easy, but they didn’t check for any problem with the alternator!
@andyw@Star2236 It should not be a bolt but the belt tensioner can also have issues. That could skip a tooth. Resulting in timing issues. Or the belt is worn and stressed
And I’m googling but that is an interfere engine. So if it skips to many valves in the head smack the cylinder. boom. Engine over.
If you hear any engine I’d be looking at it or have someone check it
I had my timing belt done two years ago (the Subaru dealership that sold me my car (not the one close to me) told me the noise I was hearing, (the time belt) the car was supposed to sound like that. Don’t even get me started on that issue. This was after they said it was fully serviced in their garage by their mechanics. But anyways, having just have the timing belt done, shouldn’t I be okay?
I drove it last night (just to pick up pizza) I does sound and seem to be driving a lot better. I do need to take it for a long drive and on the expressway to see how it drives and sounds, I just don’t go anywhere so it seems like a waste of gas lol
What AndyW said- and in addition, once you have the cover off, insert your [any] key, to release the gear shift to go to a neutral position.
Despite my obsessive driver’s manual perusal, I did not know this, and found out from the tow truck driver when I hit a deer that jammed my auto-tranny up completely.
In most, if not all cars with automatic transmissions, there is a little cap on the console next to the shift lever. It covers the transmission’s Shift Lock Release, so if you get into a situation where the transmission is locked up [like mine was after I hit a deer], take the cover off and stick a key down into the slot that is revealed, and it will allow the transmission to be shifted- mostly so that you can get it into neutral.
I hope that is a better explanation, but if you still have questions, look here: https://mechanicbase.com/transmission/shift-lock-release/
You know your ride and I don’t, but although mine has one, it’s not labelled like the one in the picture, and it is very much less obvious as well.
@duodec@Kyeh@OnionSoup well they are right. lol. Will be monitoring for any problems. Plus they found one that’s been in testing for months and just brought it up today. Two lines of code though. So prod override and monitoring the whole thing coming up.
Counting down until the next Christmas.
@yakkoTDI Getting some OT money as well.
Back to work for return season.
I was always ambivalent about this- I delighted in helping people who had legitimate issues, and all of the businesses I worked at had fairly liberal return/refund policies on this day and for a few days afterwards.
I was also a combination of fascinated and irate by and about the multi-various scams and schemes people tried to employ to take unfair advantage of the liberal Boxing Day return policies:
These ranged from trying to return items still labeled with other stores tags, to trying to get a refund for worn-out sneakers that they swore that they were given the day before as a Christmas gift, some were simply stupid or ignorant, and some were convoluted and imaginative.
/giphy pinky brain
@shahnm yep, with his sidekick Pinky!
@shahnm was my exact thought. was too tired to post it last night
@shahnm Can I interest you in a gently used Deluxe World Domination timeshare package?
Still in good condition. I thought I would use it more than I did, but it seemed like something always came up during my assigned weeks.
@macromeh Ah well thank you for the offer, but you see I already have one so…
@shahnm I see…
Its not over until we say its over.
@duodec Ani’t that he Truth!
@duodec @mycya4me
/giphy it’s over
@mycya4me @shahnm I have 12 Days of Christmas Irish Cream, Tea, Seltzer, and Chocolate calendars. Twelve, count them, twelve days of Christmas and they’ve just begun.
@duodec @shahnm BUT the 12 days are not complete & the Fat Lady has NOT sung!
@duodec @mycya4me @shahnm NO, see Duodec above.
@blaineg @duodec @mycya4me
/showme a big lady singing in order to stop the holidays
@blaineg @duodec @mycya4me
/showme can #/blowme
Something went terribly wrong. Please try again.
@blaineg @mycya4me @shahnm
You’re a mean one, Shahnm Grinch
You really are a heel
You’re as cuddly as a cactus
You’re as charming as an eel
Shahnm Grinch,
you’re a bad banana with a,
greasy black peel
@blaineg @duodec @mycya4me
/showme shahnm the Grinch cackling derisively at his Meh minions
Ah, the sadness, all the more-so for being self-imposed…
Freaking out because my knee replacement surgery is only a month away and I am totally terrified.
@Pony My grandmother had double knee replacements at 82. Less than six months later she was up for frisbee.
Kneesy peasy.
@Pony i know a number of people who have done this, and they all are back on their feet so soon! despite that being said i’d be freaking out too
@Pony You know Lindsey Vonn had a knee replacement and now she’s ski racing again, right? I hope you heal as well as she has, even if you’re not going to be skiing.
Hi Pony, if you’re not doing your ‘prehab’ yet, there’s no time to waste:
I had my left knee replaced in 20210 and had an excellent outcome and easy recovery because I really worked hard to get the supporting muscles in the best shape possible beforehand- [see disclaimer* below].
In fact, my M-I-L was jealous because I was in and out in in less than 4 days total.
Unfortunately, about 5 weeks later, while I was at home rehabbing, I slipped on some water that had spilled on our kitchen floor, and not only ripped open the whole length of the incision, but also dislocated my patella [knee cap], and separated the patellar tendon [at the bottom of the patella].
This led to my knee becoming infected with a staph bacteria [luckily not an antibiotic-resistant strain] which meant that in addition to having the incision re-closed, they had to aggressively wash out the wound. I was placed on IV antibiotics [Abx] [via a PICC at home] for 3 months, and then finished out a year with oral antibiotics 4-times daily.
After that year, I was declared clear of any further evidence of infection and discharged from the infectious disease specialist’s care in early 2011.
*Disclaimer: To be fair, I was in some amount of increased risk of having all those bad things happen when I fell because I had had extensive surgery on that femur when I was 19 y/o to treat bone cancer- including along with excision of the tumor and a bone graft, a fair amount of my quadricep muscle overlying the tumor was also removed, and then I ended up fracturing it at the graft site a month later.
FWIW, I was over 50 when I had the knee replacement, so it had been healed for a long before.
TLDR version: Pre-hab now!
Then don’t worry, have your surgery, and then pursue rehab aggressively, and be really really careful to avoid falls and other ways that you can re-injure yourself in the weeks and months post-op.
Finale- my “cleared” infection returned like a tsunami in 2014 causing sepsis, so for my 55th birthday, I had my knee explanted [removed and Abx-laced bone cement put in its place], went on IV Abx for 4 months, and then got my new and current knee implanted in 9/2014- and no further problems occurred.
Now, I’m looking at my right knee being replaced in due time, and despite the trials and tribulations associated with my first one, I would/will have no hesitation about going in for that.
As always, this is not to be construed as medical advice, and YMMV.
@Pony It almost always goes well without complications or problems. As noted above, it restores people to much better functioning and a major life improvement. After this, you will be less likely to fall, so less likely to get a fracture or a head injury. The most important part of the surgery is to do all of the physical therapy afterwards to insure full motion (you can’t do it alone). Although you do not really need it, I’ll wish you good luck anyway!
@Pony They have come a long way in the last 50 years. In most places you go home the same day and are up and about quickly. You don’t have that monster rehab time that the old school devises had.
@PhysAssist @Pony And PhysAssist shows you how much it has changed in just 15 years, not even the 50 I said below.
Most people I saw in my last couple years in home health were home the same day, as I said. A few with medical issues stayed overnight. I have seen a significant decrease in post op complications (probably because of recovery at home, LOL)
And well shit does happen. A fall like that can really mess crap up.
My nursing advice
Don’t discount anything you feel afterward, Assert yourself if you think something doesn’t look or feel right (not very often but surgeons have egos and ortho surgeons have super-egos)
Expect you back early February saying it was much easier than you expected
@Cerridwyn @PhysAssist @Pony My mom just had one done at 74 and she was walking with a walker within a week. Be sure to them about pain but also know that it will HURT and as someone who has rehabbed from 3 knee surgeries myself (an ACL in each knee and meniscectomy), coming to grips with the time it takes is the best thing you can do mentally.
Also, DO THE PRE-SURGERY PT EXERCISES! My mom did them and all of the people she has seen afterwards have commented on how well she is doing and link it back to the pre-surgery PT / pre-hab stuff.
Best of luck and keep us updated.
@Cerridwyn @Pony @zinimusprime
While I agree generally, the biggest difference between 'knee surgery ’ and knee replacement surgery is that the postoperative pain after knee replacement is usually less than the preoperative pain at baseline.
After all, that’s the point- to get a new, non-painful knee.
In fact, one of the indicators for the need to have a TKR is that your knee pain is no longer easily controllable.
Thus the post-op incisional pain is usually less than before the surgery.
But pre-hab is still key.
@Cerridwyn @Pony
Totes agree!
@Pony Good luck. Hopefully you will be back to ass kicking in no time.
I’m on meh. Doesn’t that tell you I have no life?
@tweezak so true for me too!
@tweezak Nailed it.
watching for mushrooms - the crop is very very late this year, but I’m seeing signs of chanterelles by new years …
@stolicat Wow - wild ones?!
@Kyeh Yes, and nothing like fresh picked. The are embarrassingly common around these parts, everyone has their own little picking area.
@stolicat Amazing! I’m envious!
I am continuing to run 180 extracts. 5 years of monthly data across 3 types. So that we can use those too build 720 extracts. To the 4… Partners… One of whom is loading them for the first time and cant process things if it’s not loaded by the first. When they go live. And of course the splitter jobs are running slower cause 4 instead of three and the people shifted to the new one…
But who needs sleep. This is fine. This will be fine…
/youtube something went terribly wrong
@unksol Am I supposed to understandf what you wrote, or do I need to be part of a specific industry or have an MBA?
@andyw @unksol
Same questions as although I had some ideas about what you were saying, but no idea if they were at all valid or related.
@andyw @unksol, I assume they are a baker and need extracts for recipes.
@andyw @kittykat9180 database extracts. Software stuff. That you need to have history information to process the… Next Transaction… correctly. Because there is auditing. And multiple entities. And all of it has to be loaded by January 1st.
And the people at this company just have no clue where the first 60 production files went in their system. Despite us testing with them in a production level system on our side. I see them in their box. They took them. They don’t know where they are.
I… Wall. Head. Bang.
@kittykat9180 @unksol Thanks, that is of some help. But it certainly shows that most fields have their own languages and usages.
@andyw @kittykat9180 @unksol I was thinking apothecary - the 4 partners divining the720 extracts to keep the demonlords at bay during the holy days, but messing up whilst the supervising wizards regret their choice of acolytes.
Software works too.
@andyw @kittykat9180 @stolicat there might be some witchcraft in how I’m making it happen on time lol.
And then they were like “we don’t see you files anywhere. We think you didn’t send them. We think it’s your fault”
Um no. I have the receipt. And everyone else is fine.
May be over dramatic cause no sleep. but basically. I put something in a highly secured box that only you have a key to.
You gave someone the key (their manage file transfer team or it’s equivalent).
You took a legally protected payload out of that box. And you don’t know where you put it.
WTFv are you doing
@andyw @kittykat9180 @stolicat apparently an… Issue… In their logging or archive system where a manager didn’t see them but… That’s still confusing to me cause. My first stop if someone asks a question is to check everything on my end. Not just respond to an email “I dont see anything on the UI”
Ffs ask you tech lead first
@andyw @kittykat9180 @stolicat I would love to see the apothecary thought chain that goes with this though.
I think my closest context would be the Witcher series. Still havent gotten around to finishing 3. Well and Skyrim.
I’m not actively harvesting willow bark (aspirin)
@andyw @kittykat9180 @unksol back when i was able to take long hikes, I was on the far end of a long hike, and developed an annoying sinus-y headache. I’d read about Salix sp., even researched a bit, so I stripped as piece of bark from an arroyo willow (Salix lasiolepis), checked it for bugs, and chewed on it for awhile, spitting out the pulp and washing mouth with water. My head ache left. Not sure if it really was the salicylic acid or just a placebo effect, but it was cool that it worked.
I know few beans about apothecary but I love the cabinets …
@andyw @kittykat9180 @stolicat I like the history and the image. And medevil pharmacy/doctoring is interesting. I’m up for that YouTube vid. At least they were trying. And got somewhere eventually
It’s weird that we have modern people selling random BS supplements. And straight up lying. And it’s still legal
@kittykat9180 @stolicat @unksol Many of our present prescription medicines began from plants-less so now with the new medicines. And yes, over the counter medicines are not regulated or approved by the FDA. The makers are not supposed to lie, but the often couch their unproven claims in terms like “supports digestive health” or some such. They get pretty disgraceful in their claims.
@andyw @kittykat9180 @stolicat well also the fact they don’t even have what they say they have in them. Then there is Dr. Oz… Just. Wtf
Absolutely nothing and it is better than I imagined
@cbatte I planned to do that. Nature decided otherwise.
I must now kill nature.
@pakopako what has nature done? I am intrigued.
@cbatte part of it can be my fault for having a temporary lax on preparation, but sudden shifts in temperature lead to two flooded floors.
@pakopako Oof! Sorry to hear that.
I’m paying bills and continuing the year-end contribution by check, credit card, etc. Oh yeah, I’m, commenting on Meh.
Driving back home
Right now?
Evacuating Xmas dinner and reading Meh.
@OnionSoup Wise choice - doing it in that order will keep the flow moving smoothly.
I’m off for two weeks, so projects. Both home and hobby.
And also a fair bit of nothing.
@zinimusprime retoxing
@unksol @zinimusprime …and doing it again for New Year’s?
@pakopako @zinimusprime will see how that goes. Everything needs to work on the 1st and deploys on the 30th/31st so. You know. Work to do… Potentially more sleep debt.
Out of town visiting family.
working because everyone else was smart enough to put in their pto hours for the next week. But I did take a long lunch to take advantage of the Lush boxing day sale. All the good smelly things for me!
Cleaning up the holiday mess that exploded in my house. Last night on my drive home my car completely broke down, wouldn’t even turn on or go into neutral. I had to leave it in the middle of the road with the hazards on and pray nobody would hit it and that AAA would get there soon while I walked back to my moms. Shops closed till Monday so we’ll see what’s wrong, warranty is up next month so hopefully they figure it out. Not the first time I’ve had this problem (just never completely broke down before) and shop could never find anything wrong. Other than that I have to take care of stuff for my fathers estate (which is in my car).
@Star2236 I’m sorry for all the troubles. If you can’t get it into neutral or park it probably will not start because of the “neutral safety switch” that prevents you from starting and immediately going forward into the wall or the people in front of or in back of you. There used to be, and maybe there still is, a way to bypass that by lifting a small (about 1/2 inch) cover plate near the shift lever. Check the online manual for the car if you can’t get a mechanic to the car. If it died while driving, the battery may be dead which is an easy fix. Good luck.
@Star2236 that sucks.
I’m VERY tempted to ask what model/year and exactly what it did cause normally I can fix a car and there are other car people here.
Just dieing while driving it without a horrible sound indicating a mechanical failure is rare on my stuff. Cause pre 2000s. But if it’s electric/hybrid/has stop-start tech. Something with the computer. It gets harder for a basic shop to find.
If its the dealer and a dealer warranty. Obviously document everything. May be manufacture service bulletins out there that they either aren’t aware of or are just choosing not to acknowledge cause they think they can run out the warranty and not have to deal with it. Those aren’t hard to find.
If it’s a used car dealer. Their “warranties” are suspect.
But also some states have lemon laws. Lots of stuff with dealers depending on the situation.
Bottom line if you have a warranty and they are trying to screw you with a crap car/pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Which some dealers are known for. You might want a lawyer as a last resort. A strongly worded letter referencing the contract, warranty, and relevant laws in your area wouldn’t take much time for them.
@andyw @Star2236 neutral switch was also my thought… Cause I go into fix my own car first . But it died while driving so. They would have been in drive when it died. So why did it die in the first place.
The switch would only prevent a restart. The root cause is it dieing.
Plus. If they have a warranty. Screw all that. Find the root cause and fix it and fix it right or give me back my money. I don’t buy cars with warrantys but. It you do better honor it
@andyw @unksol
It didn’t just die exactly. I have a 2007 Subaru Outback. I let it warm up for a while and (I’ve had this problem a lot before its just never died after and it doesn’t always happen after switching from reverse to drive, usually happens just while driving and going through different gears) I put it in reverse and then drive and it was like the engine revered really high and the car jerked forward really hard. Almost like if I was driving a manual and I didn’t know how operate the clutch and it just bogged out. After that it kinda just puttered down the road and wasn’t driving right. So before I turned onto the main road I shut it off and it wouldn’t restart. It had power, it just wouldn’t turnover over or even click. I tried to get into neutral to move it out of the road but I couldn’t even get it into neutral. So I just let it and called AAA and had it towed to the shop.
I keep saying it’s the transmission but nobody believes me. I’ve had the shop look at it before but they couldn’t find anything wrong with it. I have an aftermarket warranty (obviously) they already replaced the timing belt and I think the water pump. I’ve had it serviced regularly and am up to date with everything for the mileage of the car. So I know it’s not something that I’m not taking care of on my end. Any help would be appreciated.
@Star2236 @unksol We’ve had several Subarus in the past and generally found them reliable. If you don’t hear the starter clicking it means the battery is dead (with just enough to turn on the lights) or the connection to it is bad, either because of a bad wire or a switch is off, like the neutral safety switch (or the starter is broken). Check the ground and main wires to the starter and make sure the connections there are clean. You could post this on Car Talks site cartalk.com, just be sure you have the time line and details right to avoid someine getting sarcastic (they usually don’t). Again, good luck.
@andyw @unksol
I just got the battery replaced in September. I can’t imagine it’s the battery again already. The fucking Subaru dealership keeps giving me shitty fucking batteries that barely last a year. I know it’s only like $70 or $80 but it’s the principle of the matter. I had to get the warranty on the warranty of the original battery warranty replaced this September bc I keep getting shitty batteries (three times in three years). There was a class action suit for Subaru and their batteries but it didn’t include my year.
When it’s the battery for me everything is completely dead. This was different (I never had a battery light show up on the dash board either, shop asked that) I had full dashboard lights, I could lock and unlock my doors, lights inside the car, headlights, radio and everything else.
You could very well be right. I’ll find out Monday. But the jerking while shifting in between gears (what it feels like) is what I’m concerned about. It’s happening more and more lately. I’ll let you know what they find with it.
@Star2236 @unksol Subaru has had battrery issues on some cars. Our Sub. Ascent had one die, but a forum I go to (https://www.ascentforums.com) has reports of lots of problems and I think they now have a bettery battery for the Ascent. Again, good luck!
@andyw @Star2236 I think you’re right. Transmission or differential. Which would not be cheap… Never been under a Subaru. Not sure what your warranty states but I’d make sure it’s all documented cause. Insurance never wants to pay.
@andyw @unksol
It was my alternator and so every time I felt that it was the car working draining and working off the battery. Or so I’m told. I haven’t driven it enough to see if that’s really what it was but it makes sense and as to why I’ve gone through 3 batteries in 3 years. We’ll see.
@Star2236 @unksol I’m glad you are getting to a solution-I hope it drives OK now.
@andyw @Star2236 this is… probable… As far as the battery. But also anytime this sort of thing happens they should be testing the alternator just as standard practice. In addition to the battery. Never mind three lazy battery replacements. This is basic practice.
AutoZone/advance/O’Reilly will all test an Alternator although you have to take it out. It’s really sad if a dealer didn’t.
Currant leaks are always possible and a pain to chase but usually corrosion that a dealer should also know about.
Just. Unimpressed with your dealers efforts.
The last issues you mentioned seem less likely but. Ffs what tech. With a 2007 vehicle. Having power issues. Doesn’t check the alternator…
@andyw @unksol
Where I take my car to get work done is not the same place I got the battery changed. The Subaru dealership is about a half hour away (that’s where I got the battery done), my shop is like 12mins away and certified as a Subaru shop (they used to be a Datsun shop long ago). The battery was warrantied from the dealership from when I bought the car and I figured as much as I spent on the car they can keep giving me free batteries. But yes it is ridiculous that after the second time they didn’t think to check the alternator. I didn’t even think of the alternator bc it was still running. In other cars I’ve had, when the alternator goes it goes, it doesn’t chug on for 3 years and 3 batteries. I just assumed it was bad batteries bc they don’t replace a lot of batteries at a dealership.
@andyw @Star2236 in my experience the alternator degrades. I think I’ve had maybe one trash itself. Because it’s degrading it doesn’t charge the battery properly then the battery goes. IDK I always check the alternator output if the battery gets weird. But. Wasn’t your job that’s what you paid them for.
I’d have calmly asked why they didn’t check it before. Just cause I want them to always do it for this. Update the run book
@Star2236 @unksol Sometimes, I think, if the belt loosens enough you won’t get adequate charging. Tightening it is easy, but they didn’t check for any problem with the alternator!
@andyw @Star2236 It should not be a bolt but the belt tensioner can also have issues. That could skip a tooth. Resulting in timing issues. Or the belt is worn and stressed
And I’m googling but that is an interfere engine. So if it skips to many valves in the head smack the cylinder. boom. Engine over.
If you hear any engine I’d be looking at it or have someone check it
@andyw @unksol
I had my timing belt done two years ago (the Subaru dealership that sold me my car (not the one close to me) told me the noise I was hearing, (the time belt) the car was supposed to sound like that. Don’t even get me started on that issue. This was after they said it was fully serviced in their garage by their mechanics. But anyways, having just have the timing belt done, shouldn’t I be okay?
I drove it last night (just to pick up pizza) I does sound and seem to be driving a lot better. I do need to take it for a long drive and on the expressway to see how it drives and sounds, I just don’t go anywhere so it seems like a waste of gas lol
@andyw @Star2236 timing belt should be good for a while then. Usually 50K miles plus. Subaru says 105K.
But i am just googling stuff and interpreting based on what I have worked on. Never been a mechanic just fixing my own stuff lol.
Just fyi
@andyw @Star2236
What AndyW said- and in addition, once you have the cover off, insert your [any] key, to release the gear shift to go to a neutral position.
Despite my obsessive driver’s manual perusal, I did not know this, and found out from the tow truck driver when I hit a deer that jammed my auto-tranny up completely.
@andyw @PhysAssist
Please say that differently?
In most, if not all cars with automatic transmissions, there is a little cap on the console next to the shift lever. It covers the transmission’s Shift Lock Release, so if you get into a situation where the transmission is locked up [like mine was after I hit a deer], take the cover off and stick a key down into the slot that is revealed, and it will allow the transmission to be shifted- mostly so that you can get it into neutral.
I hope that is a better explanation, but if you still have questions, look here:
I pretty sure my car doesn’t have that. I think I would have noticed it, I could be wrong though lol
You know your ride and I don’t, but although mine has one, it’s not labelled like the one in the picture, and it is very much less obvious as well.
had the 24th, 25th, and 26th off.
out of the house 24th, and 25th, doing laundry today (26th), back to work 5 am tomorrow (27th)! oh joy
Technically, Christmas isn’t over. Christmas DAY is over, but Christmas lasts until Jan 6th. 12 days…
@OnionSoup This! No matter what the grinches say!
@duodec @OnionSoup We must live in different universes. But I murdered the work emergency so. I’ll take that win
@duodec @OnionSoup
@unksol - Congratulations - I hope you get a decent break now?!
@duodec @Kyeh @OnionSoup well they are right. lol. Will be monitoring for any problems. Plus they found one that’s been in testing for months and just brought it up today. Two lines of code though. So prod override and monitoring the whole thing coming up.
Go lives are fun
@duodec @OnionSoup @unksol Are you the only one working for them?!