What's the best thing you have ever bought at Aldi?
9Other than the private label food, what is the best thing you have bought there? The newer stores have an expanded housewares and appliances section along with other seasonal stuff.
Last week, I got a Panini maker for 12 bucks, simple machine, but worth a lot more than 12 bucks. I really like shopping there and if you show up on the right days they mark down lots of stuff too.
- 45 comments, 116 replies
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I’ve never even seen an Aldi.
We just got an Aldi and I haven’t been yet.
Hard to pick any one thing. I’ve bought tons of groceries there. I’ve bought all sorts of their special weekly “finds” as well.
Better to just educate fellow mehmbers on how good it is.
The best advice I can give is, give it three visits before deciding, and take a solid quarter for the shopping cart.
@therealjrn I have a bag of quarters left over from my days at the laundromat. I’ll give it a shot.
@sammydog01 You’ll get the quarter (or one like it) back when you return your cart to the corral. Take some shopping bags with you so you don’t have to buy them at checkout. Or do like me and pick up a couple of boxes off the shelves as you shop. I like using the cracker boxes.
@sammydog01 so your washer is fixed now?
@Kidsandliz @sammydog01 Fixed as in a new one with a 5 year extended warranty, IIRC.
@narfcake @sammydog01 New is good in that hopefully it won’t break for a good long while. Although with an extended warranty that has probably cursed you for the first repair to be needed on day one of year six.
@sammydog01 @therealjrn You get your own quarter back- it’s retained in your cart until you return it.
OTH, I often make $0.50 or so returning other people’s carts to the corral.
@PhysAssist Some of my local 99-cents stores is doing the same quarter-in-quarter-out cart system. I don’t mind the extra exercise for some extra quarters.
@PhysAssist Technically, if you are checking out properly, your cart gets switched as the checker fills up the cart next to themselves as yours gets emptied. So you’ll end up with a different cart with a different quarter in the lockbox when you leave.
Your Aldi might have a different system.
Frequently somebody will give me their cart as they leave and I arrive. I usually then give my cart away to somebody else going inside as I leave…maybe that’s just a Tulsa thing. It only costs 25 cents and feels so good lol.
@PhysAssist @therealjrn I always give my cart away, a small cheap way to spread cheer and happiness. What I find funny is the number of people who act like I am crazy to give them a cart. I have even had ppl refuse b/c I would not take their quarter.
I just always ask that they pass along the cart when they leave.
@sammydog01 @therealjrn I might add this system really does work. I’ve been shopping at my location for years and I dont think I’ve ever seen a single stray shopping cart in the parking lot.
@PhysAssist @therealjrn @tinamarie1974 So I am walking in and guy coming out with a cart looks at me and asks if I have a quarter. I told him I didn’t need a cart today and continued inside. First time I have heard that one. I generally take my own shopping bags and fill them or grab an empty box to shop.
@speediedelivery I had a lady screeching at me “I have a quarter!!” while she wasn’t even close to the cart return. I was about to plug the cart in with all my stuff in my hands. She had a cane so I wobbled over to help her out.
@therealjrn Yeah- they do that at BJ’s, but not at our Aldi’s. My stuff gozinta my cart.
@therealjrn No, I often give away my cart, mainly to people who smile at me and say “Hi” or other pleasant greeting, who look like walking the extra way to the carts will be a few steps too many, or just look like they might not have the required 0.25.
@PooltoyWolf @sammydog01 @therealjrn Although a really functional cart for 0.25$ is a bargain, so maybe some people think they’re buying, not “renting”
We’re fans but so far mostly just buy the food there.
I’ve purchased some beautiful flowers for my wife, but its chancy on the quality/age of them on any given day.
They have periodic influxes of “German food days” where they carry some cool stuff (and have German made chocolates that are quite good all the time); also periodic special foods (honey ginger or Korean BBQ chicken chunks that we cook and serve over rice). Best price around here on the preformed hash brown patties too.
Some of the stores carry wine also; I can’t speak to the quality but includes some odd brands that might not be easy to find otherwise.
A neighbor bought a small generator there a few years ago, still going strong.
They carry Advent calendars with nice German chocolates in them. And we bought an aloe vera plant from them 4-5 years ago; that one is gone because it grew too large to keep inside (and they can’t survive outside here) but its ‘children’ are now at work, given to neighbors, and once again getting too large to keep indoors. Neat stuff.
@duodec Advent calendar with actually decent chocolate??? I must go, soon.
@duodec @RiotDemon yup and this year they added two new calendars. Cheese and wine. Sold out super fast, I was not able to get them
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Dang, didn’t even know about those (or they didn’t have them here, not sure). I may have to cruise some other stores to see if I can find any.
@duodec Agree about the chocolate. It has become a staple in our Easter baskets and Christmas stockings.
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 All the ones around here are sold out of the deluxe chocolate calendars too; only the little kiddy ones are left. I checked three stores, then called 5-6 more, all gone except for the little ones. Meh. I missed it.
@duodec @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 I snagged one of the cheese calendars. My wife is stoked. Seriously, she keeps telling me she can’t wait for December so we can start on it.
I know what my baby likes, and it’s a reasonably-priced cheese assortment.
@dannybeans @duodec @RiotDemon since I couldn’t find one you will have to let me know if it was worth it…then I can try harder next year lol
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974
I spread the search out to a 30+ mile radius, calling a bunch of stores during lunch. There are no stores with deluxe advent calendars, or cheese or wine calendars. I’ve set a reminder for myself next year to start monitoring the Aldi app just before Halloween.
I’ve never seen the Christmas stuff sell out so incredibly fast before. On the bright side I picked up another 5 bags of the honey ginger chicken we like that is only available every few months. Lets hear it for having a chest freezer!
@duodec @RiotDemon you are an over achiever! I went to two Aldi and texted friends who shop at other stores to check for me. No luck! Here is to next year for both of us
@RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 @compunaut
The cheese, wine, and deluxe chocolate calendars are common on ebay now. $$$
@compunaut @duodec @RiotDemon Not cool, and who would want to buy cheese over ebay - - and it is illegal to ship wine to many states. Seems wrong on so many levels
I have purchased so many non-food items at Aldi’s that it’s hard to pick a favorite. The items I use the most are the food dicer, hand-held rechargeable wet/dry vacuum and mini exercise bike. There are a number of items I purchased because they were good deals that are waiting in the wings to be tried, such as a steam cleaner, car battery charger, rechargeable power drill and food processor. I just bought a boatload of AAA batteries there today, since I can’t seem to rely on Meh to offer them
. They have some wonderful holiday decorations as well. In fact, bought a 4’ self-inflating holiday penguin
today. I’ve purchase organic lettuce there a few times.
@heartny What’s non-organic lettuce made out of?
@phendrick Lettuce and pesticides, I guess.
@heartny @phendrick It’s a myth that pesticides aren’t used on organic produce. There are pesticides organic farmers can’t use, but there are plenty of dangerous-to-humans pesticides they can use.
@heartny How are the batteries? Had any leakers yet?
@PhysAssist Not yet, but I’ve only had them for 2 weeks. I think it might be too soon to tell.
My folks bought one of the $200+ class blenders for $70. I would have bought one too but they sold out that afternoon already.

/image Ambiano blender
Bike pumps. Much better than the Bell one I bought at Walmart and they were less $ too.

/image Bikemate pump
Yogurt. I buy their Greek yogurt by the flats. They’re easily half the price of other markets.
We had an old neighbor (in both meanings in that he is no longer our neighbor and he is old) that used to go walking at stores. He would buy things simply because he felt he needed to. Some of those things got deposited on our driveway (seriously, he would leave them on our driveway). Among the things he brought was a 4 person tent purchased because it was cheap at Aldi.
I got a double crock pot for $15
It’s a little late, but Aldi definitely has the best pumpkins at the best price for Halloween. Surprisingly good cheese selection. Decent coffee. I haven’t bought their housewares but if I needed something in a pinch their stuff doesn’t look any worse than anyone else’s.
I got some Ginger Brew there the other day (Think Ginger Ale but a bit stronger like Blenheim) . Definitely worth checking out if there’s one in your area
So, I was going to post about how I have never been to Aldi’s, since there are none close to me. But I drive by a couple during my work travels.
Then I googled it for the locations and one popped up for my town. I thought this can’t be right, there are no Aldi’s here.
Holy Shit!!! It opened about 3 days ago! I am kind of excited. If you knew where I live you would know why.
I feel an Aldi excursion coming this week.
Tell me the must buy things!!!
@mfladd Our go-to items include hard cider (seasonal), free-trade coffee, frozen orange juice concentrate (we like the taste better than name brands), chocolate, & whole pineapple ($.99 on a fairly regular basis).
@mfladd I basically only go there to buy chocolate. The non food things change a lot. I’ve bought a few things here and there. I’m not crazy about the produce at my Aldi.
@mfladd coffee, eggs,butter,chocolate, kale salad, cheese,40 calorie per slice bread, chocolare chip cookie dough protein bars. Well these are my almost every trip items
Fun fact, Aldi is Trader Joe’s left side brother.
@miko1 Even funner: It used to just be “Aldi,” but the family had a split on whether they should sell cigarettes, so they split into Aldi North and Aldi South. Aldi North became Trader Joe’s.
@miko1 Well, estranged cousin, maybe.
The brothers who owned Aldi split the company into two completely separate Aldis back in the Sixties, Aldi Sud and Aldi Nord. Sort of like Adidas and Puma, only keeping the same name.
The U.S. Aldi stores are part of Aldi South. Trader Joe’s is owned by Aldi North. So they aren’t part of the same company.
Aldi in the UK is confusingly Aldi North, so it is related to Trader Joe’s and not Aldi USA.
Mine had avocados for 69¢ last week. Usually they are a buck.
I like looking at the “look alike if you squint” cereal packaging. They also sell look-alike imported beer, if you are into mainstream European lagers.
Sounds like a great place. The closest one to us is 130 miles away, so I guess we won’t get to stop by anytime soon.
@Pony Check the flyer and pick a day to go when they have stuff you need/want.
@heartny 130 miles is too far for me. Not happening.
@Pony Believe me, it’s not worth the trip.
@Barney @Pony hell no. I only happen to go occasionally because it’s two minutes from my job.
I’m wayyy too into Aldi
There are a few items we buy there all the time- their 12-grain bread, peanut butter [although the chunky PB is crap], canned turkey chili, but we’ve also bought a balance “Ball” [ball section with platform to stand or do push-ups on], and curtains for our bedroom,
Aldi rocks!!
You can get decent quality kitchen stuff for a fair price. I’m watching brasserie now to see if they “clearance” it lol.
Bring your own bags.
We get our fruit & veggies there every week just inspect them for quality. BUT they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee.
@reg036 Aldi “brasserie”? Not sure what a “brasserie” is?
@JnKL @reg036

/image brasserie
@JnKL Some enameled dutch oven type pan just wider and shorter walls.
I bought an Aldi folding crate - to use when I shop at Aldi!
Actually it’s not quite as strong as the Stack-On ones they sometmes sell at that other site, but I still get a lot of use out of folding crates.
BEST thing, though… A lot of their specials have helped me out at good prices, good seasonal timing. Their housepainting kits are great. I got a couple zero-gravity loungers from them that are still my favorite. We got a patio set for my father that he adores. We got some very sturdy outdoor seat-boxes we get lots of use out of.
I’m not even sure I should share this with any of you in fear you might go out and buy them all. Without a doubt, my favorite thing from Aldi is the Gouda Cheese Bites. They’re light and puffy, with that sort of Pringle like potato goodness to them. The flavor is awesome and you’ll find the bottom of the bag before you know it. They’re a seasonal item and just made their way back into the stores about two weeks ago. Seriously, go buy them and feel free to blame me for starting your addiction. Just don’t hate me when they stop selling them until next year. (And no, that’s not my picture. I’m too busy popping them in my mouth to take the time out for a picture.)

these. I was super sad when I saw them in the store last week, I am on keto and cannot eat them 

@tinamarie1974 I’m back on my ski season diet, but screw that - it’s right out the window for these things.
@cinoclav @tinamarie1974 Blame sent. I stopped in and grabbed a bag. Now I need to go back for more.
I also picked up a Butterball turkey (at half the price I saw at the last place I looked) some roasted pepper hummus and guacamole.
@speediedelivery I take both full and no responsibility for creating any addicts. They’re kind of hard to describe, aren’t they? But damn they’re good. Btw, hummus and guac are also two common Aldi staples for me. I love the hummus quartet they have for bringing to parties.

@cinoclav @speediedelivery yeah, they are addictive. Sorry, not sorry lol
@cinoclav My sister brought that to a picnic and got me hooked.
@cinoclav Bought a box at one of the farther stores (nearer ones didn’t have them) and my wife loves them so going to go back tonight.
@duodec A bag of the gouda bites?
@cinoclav Da! They were ok for me but she loved them. That one store had a few cases left so I’m going to try and get back to get her another couple of boxes.
@duodec I’m sitting here at work craving them now. When I get home I’m going to feast. You keep mentioning boxes, but I assume your Aldi isn’t special and they’re actually bags, right? Though in my case, I’ve actually bought boxes of them (filled with 9 bags).
@cinoclav sorry, you’re right. My wife took the bag to work, and I’m going to get her a few more if they are still available.
19 cent ghost marshmallows which were free because I found a cart with a quarter in it.
@sammydog01 Yay! You went! You’re an Aldiac now!
@sammydog01 looking for more shopping cart quarters

@Barney @sammydog01 Best thing is you only need one quarter at a time unless you’re doing the cart-train thing…
Chicken Salad Spread
Generic Red Bull
Aldi has amazing junk food. Tons of it, all fake knockoffs of real brands. Their Fritos are spot on. Their nuts are great quality and way cheaper than anyone elses. I don’t live close enough to one to shop there regularly, but when I visit a couple different clients, Aldi is on my way home.
@Fuzzalini Yes, the Fritos are great and under a buck for a big bag.
Am I the only one who does not like shopping at Aldi? We have some of the strangest people who hang out at the Aldi nearest me.
Oh, wait! I looked again and they’re Meh forum members.
Never mind.
@Barney Sketchy for sure. Sometimes it’s fun to slum it. Money goes farther kinda like that Downsizing movie. Take your Hyvee/Dillons money to Aldi and feel like a king/queen except you don’t have servants there to bag your groceries…
@Barney I think it’s been six months since I’ve been. Chocolate and sometimes random household goods is what I look for. Even though I hate the pillow and electric sweeper I bought.
@RiotDemon I do love chocolate. Guess I’ll have to go and check it out again.
@Barney Aldi is a discount store and is mostly used by lower income people.
That doesn’t bother me, but neither do thrift stores.
I don’t shop there regularly, but I do stop by from time to time just to see how much the avocados are and to see what cheese and chips I might want to buy. And whatever is on the electronics/tools/etc shelves.
@craigthom I am a low income person who lives in a low income, sketchy neighborhood. I do almost all of my shopping within my neighborhood area. I just don’t like the people who shop in my Aldi store. They really are the strangest of the strange.
@Barney Sorry your Aldi sucks/is weird. The one I use is just outside a huge gated senior community, so everyone there is ancient and is returning a piece of fruit they bought with a coupon.

/giphy Professor Farnsworth
@Barney @craigthom It was pretty empty this morning. Now I have to go back and find these sketchy people you talk about.

/giphy my people need me
@craigthom @sammydog01

My neighborhood Aldi shoppers seeking chocolate:
@Barney Maybe you need to shop at Walmart more often to appreciate the folks at Aldi?
@heartny Nope, don’t like Walmart either. I have to get my prescriptions there. It’s a nightmare.
@Barney @craigthom I think Aldi USE to be for low income folks. That said they are now located in middle and upper middle class neighborhoods. I know people from all walks of life who shop there and love it
@Barney @craigthom @tinamarie1974 Depends on how old the location is, I think. The one in my town hasn’t been significantly updated since probably the mid '80s, and it’s definitely the lowest-class place we’ve got. And it does seem to attract some strange people - think the sort of folks who hang out at the laundromat. Same vibe.
Meanwhile there are two brand-new ones in neighboring towns, and they’re by far the nicest stores in their respective areas, with clientele to match.
Folded Mountains Pale Ale. No, really! Some of the tastiest inexpensive craft Ale out and scores pretty well on BeerAdvocate.
@tjanecek Mostly “not bad” on Beer Advocate, worse on RateBeer and Untappd. But it’s cheap.
@tjanecek I was in an Aldi a couple of years back in Wisconsin (buying pumpkins for some reason) and was excited/surprised/impressed to see they had cases of New Glarus Spotted Cow. I didn’t buy any, and don’t know if that was a regular thing or something unusual.
@mossygreen @tjanecek love the spotted cow when I’m in WI. Wish they would sell it elsewhere!!!
I am a little bit surprised for the love for Aldi’s here. I want to temper expectations for those that say they have never been in one. I shop Aldi’s occasionally, but it can’t act as my regular grocery because a) some of the knock-offs are kind of gross, and b) you can’t rely on what they are going to have in stock from week-to-week.
You can stretch your dollar when grocery shopping, but you have to be okay with brands you have never heard of. Sometimes they are almost indistinguishable from the name brand, but sometimes they are almost not recognizable as food. You are going to be have to do some experimentation and occasionally you are going to get burned. Over time you will learn which ones match up with your palate.
You will find some small appliances, housewares, tools and knock-off toys, but you can’t go into an Aldi’s looking for a specific item like a toaster oven or a waffle iron. Your only hope is that you accidentally stumble upon something for a great price at the same time you are actually in the market for it.
The store itself just has sort of a cheap vibe to it. I don’t have an issue with buying at Aldi’s, but I know people who have walked in, were immediately turned off, and then left. It’s not dirty, but its sort of dimly lit and not immaculately shelved. It has the aura of that one guy at the flea marker whose two products are tube socks and cases of snack ships that are nearing their expiration. You know the cliche of the shopping cart with one wheel that doesn’t work? Well, an Aldi’s cart has one wheel that does work, and looks more like a child’s toy than a real shopping cart. The fact the facility is far smaller than your average supermarket adds to its spartan look.
The clientele usually seems sketchy, and somehow the same half dozen people are simultaneously in every Aldi’s in the U.S. You can walk into an Aldi’s in an upper middle class neighborhood or in the seediest part of town, and you always instantly think “did I accidentally walk into a psychiatric ward?”
tl;dr I dislike when people only have negative things to say, but I want first-timers shoppers to be walking in with their eyes open. Cheap-o prices are often accompanied by a cheap-o experience.
@DrWorm You’re surprised for the love of Aldi. Here on Meh. Really? You forgot where you were. You literally have people who won’t buy something, unless it’s here and they can take advantage of the “free” shipping they pay for every month.
@DrWorm Most of your complaints may be store specific. I have a new store I pass on my way home (if I take that particular route) that’s well lit, with normal, functional shopping carts. It’s in a decent neighborhood and the clientele is generally just fine. The only complaint is a common one with Aldi, there are never enough lines open to checkout.
@DrWorm Nothing like the ones here. Shopping cards are bog standard metal carts, just with the little coin receiver/chain unit on the handle. The stores are generally quite clean (allowances for stocking times and the odd nasty dirty customer or uncontrolled kids). Better than the two nearby Walmarts in my estimation.
As to the items for sale… yes, they do carry some exceptionally low end items, and its good to buy small quantities of things you haven’t tried. But they have quite a number of good to excellent things still at good prices. Its worth the effort.
I agree with @cinoclav about the long waits in line. Not all the time but it can happen.
@cinoclav @duodec My complaints may be “store specific”, but aren’t confined to a single store. I have been in about 6-8 Aldi’s in 4 different states and my experience has been the same. Interestingly, I haven’t noticed long lines being a recurring problem. I think we all agree that there is some value to be had there, but, in my experience, the atmosphere can definitely be off-putting for some shoppers.
@DrWorm The newer stores are spacious, clean and well-lit. It’s actually kind of weird. Like being in a commercial for Aldi.
Yes, the choices are still limited, the packaging may be smaller and product names are suspiciously similar to nation brands.
No Aldi’s around here. Was in one once in IL. Eggs and milk were really cheap there. That one seemed to only have food and not much choice of anything. I just read about it. Didn’t realize that one brother owns Aldi and the other brother owns Trader Joes (of which we don’t have any of those here either).
All the Aldi hate suprises me but I’m guessing it’s store specific, my stores are newer, well lit, and staffed well. The area is a mixture of low to higher middle class. I find the store brands to be on par with all “regular” brands, the produce if inspected is always good for us (Need to have properly trained staff that knows HACCP).
Whenever I had an issue they always honored the 100% satisfaction garuntee and gave me my money back and got to swap out the product.
I regularly get my creamer, eggs, bread, salad mix, weekly special fruit, crackers, paper goods, shredded cheese, lunch meat when I can’t make it to the good deli, and misc. cooking/baking products. Cheaper then most places and I don’t have to go to Hellmart to save a buck.
I don’t usually buy meat there but I hate the pre-packaged filled with gas type stuff, will get chicken/suasage as that comes in frozen.
They do carry a nice selection of seasonal items and some stuff that is of higher quality including a decent glutan free section.

@reg036 Yeah forgot about the gluten free. My wife prefers to do with a lot less gluten and the rice pasta and the rice-based mac and cheese (though they stopped carrying the ‘kraft’ box style with powder cheese and now only have the ‘deluxe’ style with the foil squeeze pouch of cheese whiz) cook up nicely and taste quite good.
The quinoa based pasta not so much (but the two brand name quinoa pastas I tried had the same off flavor so…)
/image people of aldi

@medz why the hell? I would leave. Nothing they are selling is worth that much time to me.
@RiotDemon Google image search says it was when they sold a Lifetab android tablet.
/image aldi shoppers

@medz this must be an example of “your timing must be spot on”. I’ve never found kids on sale at aldi’s
We shop there routinely, and I agree, lots of their store brand consumables are downright good stuff. For example, I actually prefer their versions of SpaghettiO’s and Fruity Pebbles. It’s hard to pin down a single best product, but their electronics, like Bluetooth speakers, tend to be very good for the prices, and during one holiday season we got a $30 drone there that has proven durable and fun to fly. We like ALDI
EDIT: Their batteries are also very good for the price, comparable to Energizer and Duracell.
The best thing I picked up recently from Aldi’s is a cordless reciprocating saw for under $40.
I also like their coconut chocolate almonds.
Almonds, almond cookies, all the chocolate, paper towels and a paper trimmer marked down from $20.
The lines were insane. 24 pieces of cheap Advent chocolate for 1.29 isn’t bad though. While waiting, a teacher said she got the paper slicer for school but it’s not heavy duty enough for that.
Never set foot in the door of one and don’t ever intend to do so. (yes there is one a couple towns over in a weird place for a grocery store, but … shrug…) (I don’t shop at sprouts either but for a very different reason.)
So, I went to the new Aldi in town. It’s in a weird location where a gas station use to be. Good news is it’s next to the State Police barracks. It was VERY crowded, and the parking is limited. Big mix of people - which I like. Some woman just gave me a cart - I noticed the quarter still in it.

I just walked around with a - what a strange place this is - look on my face. I went around the same aisles time and time again.
I bought cage free eggs, strawberry preserves, grapefruit, swiss rolls, vanilla yogurt (it’s gonna have to be pretty amazing to beat the Greek Gods vanilla I find at walmart), Things I thought were the Gouda bites - same picture - but are not those, and frozen berries. Didn’t find cookie dough protein bars.
All the the items seem to be limited to just a few brands - not a problem if they are good.
I left and gave my cart to another lady who offered me a quarter. I told her just to pay the cart forward when she left.
You people need to tell me more must haves.
@mfladd We like the 2% white* milk from Aldi. It tastes good and stays fresh longer than many other brands.
*My chocolate milk must be Anderson Erickson (AE) brand or one of the store labels they fill.
@mfladd yeah the crowds will go away. One good peice of advice try something every week. Start by doing basics but slowly add in one new item every shopping trip. You will find your favorite items that way.
@mfladd - It really depends what you eat - Aldi’s mostly kind of junk food and low-end comfort food, with some key exceptions. Their milk products, nuts, OJ, bag salads, spices, frozen prepared foods, crackers, chips, and dips are good and cheap, their cereals and breakfast bars are better and cheaper than, say, Acme house-brands but not as good as brand name. Their staples (salt, pepper, flour etc) are OK but the prices are just OK, ditto their paper products. I think their bread, pet food, cleaning products, pasta, canned vegetables, and frozen fish sucks. Their meat and cheese is low-grade and priced accordingly; Walmart-level stuff, used to be true of their produce too but that seems to’ve improved…
Their chocolate isn’t top quality but is good and cheap - I like it better than Hershey’s. I’m addicted to their hazelnut milk-chocolate bars. I think a lot of people have stuff like that at Aldi; favorite goodies kind of things.
It’s the specials you want to look out for - they have a weekly circular you can find on-line, about two weeks in advance. Where I am, anyway, you can call the store to see if the item is in before driving over. It’s worth finding out the actual delivery schedule for your store because good things can go fast.
@mfladd Did you happen to get the Emmentaler cheese bites instead? Their boxes usually have 6 bags of gouda and 3 of the Emmentaler. (Not that I would ever buy them by the case. Nope, not me…)
The bags are similar. They’re also good but I slightly prefer the gouda. In the past I’ve also run across a bag of parmesan (which I bought and enjoyed) and a bag of blue cheese (of which I ignored as I don’t like it).
@msklzannie Isn’t that strange about the milk? I was buying milk from Giant Eagle and it was going bad fast (happened with multiple gallons). I started buying my milk at Aldi and it seems to NEVER go bad!
@fjp999 There was one store (not Aldi) where any milk we got would start to go bad before the sell-by date. After that happened a few times I checked the dairy case thermometer and discovered the temperature was too high. Dairy cases should be between 34-38°F and it had been about 42 iirc. I let the employee who was stocking the dairy section know that they should check the temperature as it was higher than it should be. Since then that store’s milk section’s temperature has been in the correct range.
@msklzannie Good to know. I like that milk at the Aldi I shop at is held in refrigerated storage and the customer opens glass doors to get products while in most other supermarkets it is set up in easy reach refrigerated shelving. I think that keeps such products at a constant temp as well.
Keeping milk on the bottom shelf at the rear of the fridge also helps to keep it at its coldest is my understanding.
@aetris Junk food - that’s me!
@cinoclav It was the Emmentaler. Haven’t tried them yet. I may try them on the long bus trip to Philly tomorrow. I am chaperoning for a bus load of 11yr olds.

@mfladd Welcome to town. Sorry I didn’t have a chance to throw out the welcome mat. Please close all doors behind you and don’t let the Gritty out.
I assume you’re going to experience the endless thrills of the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, Constitution Center, etc.?
@cinoclav @mfladd is also in Philly to steal all of your Gouda Cheese Bites.
@Barney @mfladd

/giphy Nooooooo
@cinoclav Thanks, I closed up after I left. It was a trip to UPenn Museum of Archeology and Anthropology. It was a long and exhausting trip that lasted 12 hrs. Also, I almost had to throttle a few misbehaving kids because some chaperones think it is their job to just stand there and take up space without uttering a word all day.

@mfladd Interesting. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard of a field trip there. Definitely one of the more obscure destinations in Philly. Never been there myself, how was it?
@cinoclav It was nice, but very small. I thought we would not have much time there, but it turns out we had too much time. It’s not like 11 yo’s are going to stop and read the card about a cool Greek Hoplite helmet. These kids were buried in their phones. They did do a presentation on Egypt and mummification techniques that the kids liked. The museum did have some really nice pieces there.
@cinoclav @mfladd I was coerced to chaperone a field trip to the Smithsonian. It snowed. They couldn’t get us to the right stop on the train. None of the sidewalks was shoveled. We had to use snow covered staircases. Did I mention one of my kids was in a wheelchair? The train leaving was delayed for a couple of hours. Fuck you DC.
@mfladd Oh yeah, I volunteer at a museum. Some days we have over a thousand kids from school groups. Fuck you, lazy assed chaperones. I hope your kid breaks that bee hive and you get stung. A bunch.
@mfladd Hmm, I may have to check it out at some point. I’ll be at the Academy of Natural Sciences Saturday evening. They have a theater there where they’re showing the annual Warren Miller (skiing) movie. Unfortunately the only area that’s accessible at that point is the dinosaur hall. It’s still cool to see the T-Rex every year, no matter how many times I’ve been there. That might have been a bit more interesting for the kiddos.

@cinoclav @mfladd @sammydog01 What kind of museum has live bees? That sounds very exciting. Can the kids pick up the hive and shake it?

/giphy shake the bee hive
@cinoclav I agree. That looks cool! I can’t wait to take my kids to philly on my own sometime and introduce them to the Mutter Museum.
@mfladd Oh, that’s definitely the strangest museum they’ll likely ever visit. Philly has some really great culture. I’ve been wanting to get to the new Museum of the American Revolution.
My favorite thing at Aldi is the seasonally available German/Dutch speculaas Christmas cookies. First - they are terribly delicious. Second- they are only $2.00. Finally, they remind me of my childhood. They also have a wide variety of sliced cheeses for only $1.79. And they have real ice cream for $2.00- comparable to the $3.50 variety at Kroger. The employees are great too.
@dhelmick56 I don’t know if Aldi has it but Trader Joe’s has cookie butter made from those Speculoos cookies, and it is outstanding. If you see it, grab some.
Love Aldi…Greek yogurt, dirty rice mix, couscous, frozen Asian stir fry ( very similar, if not the same as Trader Joe’s, but cheaper). Some of the wines are outstanding and for 5 or 6 bucks if you don’t like it, cook with it.
I’ve found any number of good things there, but the one I always make a point to look for is the whiskey cheddar they had four or five Christmases ago. I think I’ve found it once since, and I pretty much bought them out of it. That stuff is amazing.
I have a love/hate relationship with Aldi - I love it for staples - not the metal ones - staples - like milk - eggs - snacks - lunchmeat - bread - cereal - etc. I buy some produce from Aldi - but their selection can sometimes be limited - but they did have 69 cent avocados last week - so YAASSSSSS.
Other good deals are their premium mixed nuts (someone will make a joke here), greek yogurt, soups, etc. Their organic milk is half the price of any of the stores near me. $3/half gal vs $5-6 elsewhere. OMG - I forgot the salad kits - I love the Asian sesame one - $2.50 lunch!
The fake girl scout cookies - those are soooo good. I bring them to the office from time to time.
From the household aisle, I got a $10 squatty potty* - a $20 ambiano keurig - that sucks. I was too lazy to return it - but they would have taken it back without an issue.
What I hate - their seasonal “one time buys” that I fall in love with - then it disappears. They had this pistacio gellato - it was the best I have ever tasted in my life - it disappear - then it came back again for a limited time - but it was from a different company for sure. Also - sometimes - they stop ordering things due to slow sales at one store - but I can find it at another store. I also hate how some of their stuff is super expensive. Take for example - La Croix - they sell it - but its $5 a 12 pack - but their brand - la belle? is $3 a 12 pack.
@makhay I agree on the one-time things. We have found several items through the years that we would continue buying, but they never returned. Sometimes we’d manage to buy some more before they ran out, but not often.
I haven’t seen it in over ten years, but Aldi used to have what they called “Black Forest Prosciutto”, imported from Germany, which I’m pretty sure was rauchschinken (based on the ingredients list). It wasn’t Prosciutto di Parma or Jamon serrano, but it was tastier than American “prosciutto”, which is all I see there now.
Yesterday I came home and found my daughter eating my $3 Aldi brie on my $3 Aldi fancy crackers. So I went back today. Got some of those gouda crackers too.
@sammydog01 Waiting on your review of the gouda bites.
@cinoclav They’re good. Really good. I’m trying to not eat the whole bag.
@sammydog01 I wish you luck with that. I stopped in yesterday to pick up some yogurt. Checked for the bites and found a total of 12 bags left. I bought 9 of them. I have a problem.
@cinoclav @sammydog01 I have to get back and look for the blue cheese. I didn’t know to look last time and I love blue. My gouda bites are gone and the emmentaler are open. I do agree that the gouda are better but I would not say no to either.
@speediedelivery I think the blue cheese and parmesan I had seen were past flavors that they don’t make now. I had found them in their clearance area and it was only one bag of each. Don’t go crazy looking.
/google aldi recalls
ALDI US - Product Recalls
Live on the East Coast in Conn. They are just coming out here, shopped at them often in the Midwest. Cost of groceries much higher in the East than the Midwest, so Aldi’s prices are hands down the best in the East… Quality is very good overall and they pass the savings on to you with low staff, so just cut open boxes and control of the grocery carts with the quarter policy and have to purchase bags…
They bought Trader Joes another very good company. Look in their Aldi finds for great household items as well…
@jholsapple More like they’re distant cousins. Everyone tends to confuse this issue. This helps: https://www.thekitchn.com/aldi-trader-joes-parent-company-rumor-260999
Just tried Sicilian Extra Virgin Olive Oil P.D.O. 500ML and found it very tasty. I usually buy California Olive Ranch and think this Aldi oil is better at $8 than the $12/ COR EVO. The Limited Reserve from COR is much better but a lot more expensive.
Tested the boxed Belgian Cocoa Dusted Truffles and they are still delicious at only $2.89. There are other truffles that are hard coated but these are soft, melt in your mouth goodness. Seasonal and I think I have seen them maybe twice a year.
I picked up a box each of the Torino Mint Chocolate cookies and the Torino double chocolate cookies, along with the truffles @fjp999 mentioned above. While I didn’t think the mint ones were all that great, the double fudge and truffles were excellent, and all the cookies and the truffles disappeared with alacrity at work today.
I may buy more…
I’ve never been to or seen an aldi’s.
Been to Trader Joes, it’s not worth going out of my way for…
@daveinwarsh I think you’re doing it wrong…

/image Trader Joe’s cat cookies
@daveinwarsh @narfcake

/image Trader Joe’s chocolate covered espresso beans
Yet another reason to love Aldi, they will now deliver to your door!!
Aldi Home Delivery