@rtjhnstn I posted it separately for the double entendre!
Hard to pull off physically, yes - but also in the original spirit of the question, hard to pull off wearing them well unless you look like Dwight here.
@blaineg The part I can’t figure out (aside from all of it) is why take off the jacket and throw it on the muddy ground first. It wouldn’t offer much armor from injury but a bit better than bare arms. So I guess he has a right to bare arms…
me looks down
@yakkoTDI Before and after shot
Picture not allowed@yakkoTDI
Anything that’s been superglued on, I guess?
Damn those eco terrorists…
Wet denim
Tight jeans.
@Kyeh This should be combined with the above post.
@rtjhnstn I posted it separately for the double entendre!

Hard to pull off physically, yes - but also in the original spirit of the question, hard to pull off wearing them well unless you look like Dwight here.
Your own skin.
A tick.
@shahnm Easy-Peasy with this
@shahnm Check availability before going to store. Amazon takes at least a couple days, WallyWorld is worse.
Bank robbery.
@phendrick You must not live in California
The Triple Lindy.
A three some
A Stripper’s G-String!!

/giphy g-string

@IndifferentDude I think the low resolution is giving me flashback excitement.
@IndifferentDude @yakkoTDI Strangely reminds me of Hypnotoad. Just as hard to look away too.

Loading a motorcycle.
@blaineg The part I can’t figure out (aside from all of it) is why take off the jacket and throw it on the muddy ground first. It wouldn’t offer much armor from injury but a bit better than bare arms. So I guess he has a right to bare arms…
@blaineg Definitely a “hold my beer” moment.
Cutoff shorts on a guy
Duct tape on a patch of sensitive or hairy skin.
Wining the lottery
@Star2236 Casemates might help with that.