What should the Instant Regret Kit design be?
12All right, we renamed the Fuko as the Instant Regret Kit (IRK). Now we need to figure out what to put on the bag it comes in.
You can design something or sketch something if that’s your thing, but feel free to just describe something if that’s easier. Once we figure out one (or more) ideas we like, we’ll work with an illustrator to make the actual design.
Have at it! (And vote for your favorites, of course.)
- 239 comments, 66 replies
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Half of Irks face smiling the other half crying
Irks face either looking sad or vomiting.
Maybe Irk vomiting into a bag that looks similar to the bag it’s printed on.
@Seeds @lljk
Maybe Irk vomiting into a bag, as the bottom of the bag falls out? (Hence, the instant regret of not picking / receiving a better bag?)
Random items falling out of the bottom of the bag, i.e. the possible contents of the Instant Regret Kit…
And yes, even a baby arm, possibly throttling Glen.
The contents falling out of the bag could change with each IRK.
I’m voting for the first IRK to have a jumble of the 50 user names of the folks whose ideas were chosen for the IRK falling out the bottom of the saggy bag.
That is all…
@icehole @lljk
I like that
Can we work Glen into this somehow? And maybe the baby arm as well?
A night with Glen
Imagine Irk standing in for Wile E. Coyote having just run off a cliff but not yet fallen and just suddenly realising…
…but Irk!
Irk doing a facepalm.
Its hard to say “meh” more than a wordmark, so why not just a stacked
masked to look vaguely like Irk’s head?
A random menagerie of meh’s user names. Change it up for every new IRK bag so even more people can be pissed off when they finally get a bag but it doesn’t have their name on it. (And of course a tiny little Irk image in the corner.)
Irk with a bandana and a No Regerts tattoo.
The infamous shrug emoticon
Irk making the infamous shrug - coming out of a half circle of stars, three yellow, three outlined in gray.
/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/join-the-mehvolution
Join the Mehvolution
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
So it’s Irk looking down toward his own sack, but he’s shocked to see the baby arm instead.
Irk, half-puddled on the ground. Baby arm lying nearby, fallen out of Irk. Glenn looking on from a short distance with a sad, stunned, disappointed look on his face.
Med kit with poison symbols (or radiation symbols) instead of red crosses and/or Caduceus
Irk in a bathtub with a face tattoo
@Trillian and a bottle of Malort!
With Irk making a Malort Face!
“I’ll have another”
Malort Unaired Commercial
IRK meant to look like Japanese script to pay homage to the past. New twist: each new bag logo has a hidden IRK on it like the Playboy magazine covers used to have.
@Hskrjer99 Whoa, I never noticed Irk on the Playboy Magazines! I did see some things that looked vaguely like his face in Hustler though.
@frd1963 Don’t judge! It was the ‘70s man. Everybody did something in the ‘70s they wish would go away…
Irk with his arms raised like he’s scored a touchdown. There will always be a winner, either Irk or the purchaser.
Grayed out undo button with a mouse pointer over it. Possibly with Irk smashing the mouse.
Did you instantly regret naming it the Instantly Regret Kit? Because me thinks you should have…
Irk yelling at the spouse, with a speech bubble saying “you idiot, you bought another one?!” … oh wait, that’s just what happens at my house when one arrives
Irk clicking a box that says “I’m not a robot”
Irk counting money and thinking “a sucker is born every minute.”
Irk with a face of horror after seeing his new “Meh.” neck tattoo for the first time.
How about the captcha thing asking you to “click all boxes with regret in them” and it’s just the Meh logo segmented into a 9x9 grid
You had the $5 and you just had to have the pudding.
Irk kisses the sky
Its Irk sacrificing the other Meh mascots to make the bags. Soylent IRKs are mascots!
Just “Instant Regret Kit” in Comic Sans. Or Papyrus. Or Comic Papyrus.
Also it should just be a brown paper bag.
@pib How about in WingDings?
Whatever the case, a facepalm must be involved.
A guy, who’s clearly irked, standing in his front doorway, looking at a flaming ‘The Instant Regret Kit’ on his welcome mat. Irk is hiding in the bushes, laughing. Get it? It’s like a flaming bag of crap. Get it?
Irk sitting on toilet with head held in hands in despair.
It should have a big Irk face on the front and below his sexy mug, “The I.R.K.” in big letters, and put the Meh logo small in the lower left corner.
Irk looking frustrated, with a bunch of junk in front of him, trying to make sense of it all. Kind of like Al Bundy assembling a bike without the manual. Irk would be trying to use all of the items in the kit (new fuku) to make something fabulous, but it just wouldn’t work. Maybe some glue, or duct/scotch tape holding together some random loot items.
Picture your last Fuku (if you’ve gotten one). Now try and MacGyver the shit out of that.
Or maybe Irk half buried in a mountain of candy corn and speaker docks — which would also likely foreshadow at least part of the contents of the bag itself
Maybe something like this?
@airmo I like this concept, but need to add vector image of Irk’s head similar to these other icons:
I suck at sketching, but I gave it a try anyway. Basically, make it a wooden crate with stench lines and flies coming out of it, a sad Irk sticker slapped on the side of the crate, with a pile of poo on the ground next to it. Or perhaps it’s a brown Devo hat, you really can’t tell with my lack of artistic ability, can you?
@nptacek You’re pretty skilled for someone who sucks at sketching, innit.
Irk sitting patiently atop a bag, reading a newspaper, pants around his ankles.
well, this is what I was thinking. perspective from bottom of box looking up at some dude in agony opening up his box of crap. here’s kind of what I was thinking but needs more perspective and yea…more talent.
Irk building his own wall around meh hq…not to keep people out but to keep meh staff in
A half-crushed box with Irk’s smiling face on top and Irk throwing the box on two sides.
Sorry, I have no artistic merit and a broken arm, but picture this:
It’s a shot from inside a living room with the point of view angled at the entrance. A beautiful woman, with a packed rolling suitcase, is opening the door to leave in a state of angered haste. Closer to the camera is Irk, sitting with his legs stretched out and a sad, disappointed look on his face. Near him is a tattered open box, and a couple of random, low-quality items strewn about the floor. I mean like the worst of the worst that has ever appeared on this site, such as some 12-year-old speaker docks, low-quality Meh-branded wearables, broken glass, a smartwatch box with a “return” sticker on it, a small pile of expired candy, and of course, a puke-green TIRK bag. Maybe Irk is also holding something, like a broken headset with a dangling ear cup. In the background, you can see a dog urinating onto a curtain.
PS: posting this for a friend. It’s not like any of this is from personal experience or anything…
Keep it simple,
Have a picture of irk’s head (straight on facing) with small hands offering a box with a question mark on it or simply “IRK”. Could mix it up and have different symbols for different iterations such as different punctuations, numbers, or misc symbols on them. (Schrodingers cat comes to mind as a neat idea).
Could also play with the idea of placing the symbols on his forehead.
Irk’s face but made up of hundreds(or tens) of baby arms; a baby arm mosaic.
@rawhite37 or made up of hundreds of meh faces
Instant regret coming with a bag of dynamite along with the obvious fidget spinner and candy corn etc.
Or while puking up from the candy corn
A Wheel of Fish.
Underneath in a font reminiscent of Hanzi, reads “You so stupid.”
Irk at the alter in front of a priest with an open cardboard box with a veil on it
Simply, “Remember, there is no regret until you look inside the bag, and then it is too late. Just say no. “
@medz What no goat dead or alive?
What about a timer with digital readout of 00:00:00.01 AM to show the time you must have placed your order to have gotten it? (I may be a little bitter since I have tried and failed many times to order one)
Instant Regret Kit, translated to Japanese symbols. It even has a meh face in it naturally.
Irk sitting at a computer with his head down in shame, issuing a /buy command on the forum, and getting a ridiculous (possibly changing) order number from mediocrebot
A thousand
Irk-shaped clicky faces with yesterday’s left unclicked.
@ruouttaurmind I was coming here to say something almost exactly like this! You beat me to it. Now I’m forced to think some more.
@mehbee @ruouttaurmind I suggested the click faces 3 hours prior to that, but left out the one left unclicked.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind I think I saw that one too. That would work for me, and I liked the idea of having a bunch of user names all over it.
@Kidsandliz Sry, not trying to steal your thunder. I didn’t read through them all.
/giphy cone of shame
@ruouttaurmind Don’t worry about it. If I thought of anything it is guaranteed not to win…
The bag with Irk popping from out of the corner with insulting text bubbles
@betlogs This is awesome! Maybe on the side of the bag it can have vertically:
No offense to whomever came up with it, but I’m not digging the name. I worry there will be nipple confusion between Irk the troll and IRK the bag/box. “I just bought a The IRK from meh.com!” What?
@medz That seems like a kind of convoluted thing to put on a bag, but I dig it.
Or your ‘who’s buying this stuff’ map with the word SUCKERS! stamped across it (works on a couple of levels considering the political climate)
Irk with a bib on, fork/knife in hand, being attacked by an octopus he was trying to eat
I propose… a viking funeral.
Irk dejectedly staring at a boat, with a bag of some sort on it, burning… the flames fed by money.
On the site, it could be animated floating away and slowly sinking. Glen could shove it off.
Irk’s face on a stylized package of instant ramen.
“Maybe it bothers me more than it should” in “The more you know” style.
Maybe Irk’s face or silhouette in place of the star.
@stardate820926 this one’s my favorite
Ok, one more then sleepy time. Irk taking a dump in the meh box. gnight ya’ll.
Picture of Irk walking slowly down the highway in the rain with the end music from the Incredible Hulk playing by way of a sound chip embedded in the bag.
Irk the Troll passed out and half covered in vomit, one arm hugging a bottle of very cheap tequila, a fallen cell phone at his side displaying a last call to someone named Mortimer
Terrible/very cheap tequila = Guatemala Bob’s. This is (or was) a real thing
Since it’s a kit for Instant Regret, Maybe box like an In Case of Fire box, but this would be a break in case of instant regret. Inside is Irk with tissues in one hand and chocolate in the other. And a baby arm attached with a chain to break the glass .
![where Irk gets meh nightly deals from][1]
Irk gets nightly deals and gives customers curb service —well He gets the items from the cans people put out by their curbs at their homes.
Thus Irk standing with a garbage can maybe label the can instead of meh nightly deal to Instant regrets
Or you know some old-timey design for instant coffee…
A $5 bill with Irk’s face on it instead, and appropriate text, like “In Regret We Trust” or just “Instant Regret Kit”. Irk should be laughing, possibly waving fistfuls of money.
@yeppers In IRK we regret
irk watching a truck drive away after leaving a pile of useless junk in his driveway. Candy corn, speaker docs, knives etc.
A warning label explaining this bag contains 5000 agitated wasps.
A box reminiscent of a first aid kit but leaking something.
A one dollar bill with a five dollar price tag.
Irk looking very embarrassed with his head down and not making eye contact, a wad of cash in his outstretched left hand passing to an unseen figure out of frame and a suspicious looking package being passed back to him.
A cardboard box that has been fancied up to look like pandora’s box. It has been opened, but rather than smoke it’s just a bunch of dust to signify how old and crappy the contents are. The dust is surrounding IRK and meh.com.
The meh face, but it looks suspiciously like a troll’s butt turned sideways with googly eyes glued to one cheek
The same design as a Fuko bag, but with IRK on the side, and the bottom is slit down the middle, so when you pull the bag out of the box it ships in everything immediately falls out of it.
@medz We have a winner!!
A box that very clearly does not contain a boat.
Irk squatting over a box, because it’s all IRK crap.
This comes from a psychological test called the T.A.T. (But now with I.R.K).
A meh face based on Irk, but with the outer boundary spelling out “What did I just order?”
Or possibly “What did I just order?” as a motto below.
@brainmist or have the words state “Irk Meh’d me do it “
Irk holding a dirty bag of coins at a shipyard standing in line to buy “regret” from a dilapidated cargo ship that has “regret” painted on it.
So it’s Irk in this pose, but his jersey says meh and his number is 2
@Nate311 “RYAN” are you picking on him? What’s the “pitch”?
The entire bag be Irk’s face, and perhaps the handles of the bag be Irk’s ears.
Super obnoxious, in your face, people staring at your bag at the grocery store. Something like this perhaps:
I always thought regret came in a bottle.
@2many2no Gaaa. I can’t even look in the vicinity of that Wild Irish Rose without feeling queasy.
“20% alcohol by content” Ya, rubbing alcohol maybe.
@2many2no Mad Dog 20/20…good times
@ruouttaurmind @mehbee Y’all should try the T-bird…
It’s kind of a mixture of cheap gin and kerosene.
@2many2no @mehbee @ruouttaurmind With the T-bird, you first take a few sluges, then crack open a DOnald Duck Grapefruit Juice and pour it into the bottle, cap, shake, and re-open… consume. MMMMMmmmmmmm! Drink INSIDE a dumpster for ambiance!
@2many2no WIsh I could find me some Ripple… been a few (3) decades… LOL!
@2many2no @ruouttaurmind @Technologist You got me with dumpster ambiance…who can pass that up
@2many2no @mehbee I’m 15 again…especially if you include Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill. No wonder I despise all wine now and head straight for the bourbon…
@2many2no @llangley Boone’s Farm…sigh…now that brings back some memories
Irk on one side, a turd on the other.
Simple Meh script logo and Poop Emoji below it.
IRK behind bars, in jail.
irk crying, kinda like this
irk snickering, kinda like this
@mick MUTTLEY! Memories of Saturday Morning cartoons…
Something like this?
The new name is great.
Irk getting a tattoo of Glenn on his butt… or arm…
Irk holding his nose, holding a bag at arm’s length. It should also have stink lines, but I didn’t draw them.
Irk on his hands and knees, tears running down his face, one fist pointing to the sky with a talk bubble saying WHY??? And a bag with the same picture in front of him.
Capt Picard face palming with Meh logo
the classic tongue on a frozen pole image (perhaps a Meh pole)
How about irk waking up in bed next Glen (or some other instantly regrettable decision, maybe a vacuum or another poor purchase). You can throw in some sticks of butter since butter makes everything better. Facepalm and irk saying “not again”
@cjbeckemeyer bacon, bacon makes everything better
@cjbeckemeyer Maybe waking up next to a baby arm.
@frd1963 actually you could change it up every so often, insert your favorite actor/object/politician… All are regrettable choices
a horse’s backside
Whichever idea wins, it should be printed upside-down.
Meh lost doodads
A rear view of Irk sitting on a log playing a banjo and looking up at a meh logo.
In big letters METH with the T scribbled out.
Big IRK lettering with a tiny Irk peeking around the I.
A return shipping label. With no return address.
When I think of the word “instant” I think of instant oatmeal (and camping), so I’m thinking of the image of a halfway torn open packet marked with IRK with the contents being dumped into a large MEH mug. Maybe some steam coming up and maybe a spoon.
A Styrofoam cup like the cup noodles with the lid up and Instant Regret on the front of the up. Maybe even a little irk sitting on the edge holding the fork or chopsticks.
Kiss it. Just a big elegant meh logo, with much smaller “Instant Regret Kit” text beneath it. I think a new pin-back badge and an unintelligible assembly directions sheet for each outing would not be bad, but why gild the lily.
I would say Irk dropping his ice cream
“Insta-Regret, when it needs to be fast, but not very good.”
Wasn’t this a slogan somewhere?
Irk getting inked with varying bad tattoos: Misspellings, tats in unadvisable locations (i.e. the ol’ lightening bolt on the man member), detailed face of Cher…make the tat design. For example, this week it could be a Lebron tat in a Cavs uni.
Irk marrying my soon to be ex-wife? That’s some long-term big time regret there.
Oh, had another idea - the Meh face, but with a single tear dripping down its face, above a simple-fonted Instant Regret Kit. Irk’s face would work too, but personally, I think it’s better as a subtler pun rather than “Yeah, it spells out IRK! You know! This guy!”
On one side of the bag is printed the Meh logo and in the bottom corner Irk is doing his Irk thing, normal and happy like.
On the other side is printed with stacked words “Instant Regret Kit”, the capitalized letters distinguished in some way, and in the corner Irk is straight up lying on the floor, perhaps in a pool of his own tears, perhaps dead.
Irk tearing up a pile of cash and throwing it into the air. Indicating a complete waste of money.
irk greedily taking money from a hand .
I like the “Meh"shershmit”
A person holding a burning $5 bill in one hand, a lighter in the other, and a look of regret or mourning on their face.
Keep it simple with Irk’s image in the middle with “Meh” on top and “Irk” below (or vice versa on the words).
Someone NOT pressing the buy it button.
Don’t put Irk ON the bag, put him on the INSIDE of the bag, staring up from the bottom of the bag.
If you somehow empty the bag (Yea, I know, the bag ships empty. Work with me here.) without experiencing pangs of regret or disappointment, being confronted by Irk should do the job.
Have IRK written in pieces (broken and sketchy) and say something like IRK your 1/2 ass steal (picture of 1/2 a donkey looking tired and exhausted) is now pumped (picture of a ripped, muscled-up donkey) to be a complete dumb ass steal when you get two for Tuesday.
From (tlmg@twc.com)
Have a shark with blueteeth (representing Bluetooth) with a knife eating the meh mascot.
@ruthwik1 or eating cash
IRK standing facing straight while pointing and laughing at us.
Keep it simple. A big question mark with Irk in the dot. Put a big hat on him.
How about Irk set up like the old Uncle Sam poster, Irk wants you! And in small letters, Meh whatever, or something like that.
An image of the green button after meh purchase that says “discuss my rad purchase”
IRK looking into his bag, empty wallet in his hand, a small tear forming in one eye, doing his best impression of a homer simpson DOH!
Ahem. To whom it Meh concern:
I suggested “Infinitely Regretful Kontent (IRK)” at 3am on Monday (go ahead and check, I’ll wait). While not an exact match for your admittedly much cooler final name, it is as best as I can tell the closest match of those submitted and quite possibly the inspiration needed for your decision. I’m not asking to be a chosen “winner” since having this as a tag line would be redundantly stupid, but can I get some recognition? A Fuku bag would be just dreamy!
@djsteve Wow, I instantly regret that. Well, not instantly, I guess this is a bit of delayed regret. But in any case, you’re definitely now on the list for a Fuko!
For others, here’s his entry.
(In my defense, when looking through the results, I searched for “regret” from the answers but missed yours because you had a space after the R to help identify the acronym.)
@djsteve Dang, I have the best one for this too… Irk looking into a white paper bag rather regretfully… The logo on his bag is an image of the same thing… repeats indefinitely like Irk regret bag-ception.
How about some blatant copyright infringement of the Amazon smile logo? Just turn the smile into a disappointing frown. Once the Amazon lawyers contact you, you should also have instant regret. It’s doubly regrettable.
An image of a keyboard with the ctrl button and z button missing.
Pick several images of famous events of instant regret. Can be updated. Most recent: pic of Arkansas players missing routine foul ball to win 2018 college world series
Image of computer curse arrow clicking send button
“Hopes and dreams aren’t made of these” in some fancy font. Like comic sans.
How about a scattered assortment of the Meh Smileys
IRK stabbing a goat along with the username/email of the current scapegoat so we can immediately complain.
/giphy dead goat
Second entry:
Just litter the whole thing in Captcha
IRK staring, clearly disheveled and hungover, at the TV on November 9th, 2016.
The face of Irk with a Mike Tyson face tattoo, framed by a toilet seat, from inside the toilet.
A stylized Michelobe Ultra Gold bottle.
Or a Packard Bell Computer case.
I can’t see it NOT being Irk.
@ACraigL that’s pretty creative! i like it…
Yay! Thanks @ChadP!
@ACraigL And then the other thing they can do (for each fuko) is include, in a few bags, an irk plush toy or irk key chain or something.
@ChadP The order showed up in my history today! Woo!
@ACraigL This is the only one I can see.
@TheMeerkat Thanks!
one side of the bag says “Christmas presents” with Irk wearing a santa hat, on the other side it says “Trash”, and has a picture of Irk dropping a bag in a trash can…
Image of IRK just after he sent a drunk text (ideally misspelled) to his ex, possibly Fuko, saying how much he/she misses him/her/it.
Whatever the design, make sure the bag/container comes pre-worn-out with a hole in it.
Greek columns in the background that spell out IRK.
Irk is in the foreground center, wearing philosopher’s robes looking sad but thoughtful. Below him in dictionary font is written:
regret \ ri-ˈgret \ - sorrow aroused by circumstances beyond one’s control or power to repair.
This, but with Irk and booze.
@medz He can even have a different little glass for each Drinking Terrible’s drink splayed out around him
Regret of not getting is as bad if not worse than regret of getting sometimes. So bag needs to have a captcha screen asking to click on the “store fronts” but only have IRK faces, candy corn, speaker dock, knives, etc showing with no “store front” pictures to click on to prove you are not a robot. This because MEH insists we are robots and it is hard to prove otherwise when trying to purchase. Most seem to have regret whether they are able to buy or not be able to buy!
May contain zero or more of the following:
@frd1963 I like it.
Contents are regrettable.
Glenn and Irk having a conversation:
Glenn: Only 2 things in life are certain…
Irk: Sadness and Regret?
Glenn: I was going to say Death and Taxes, but now I regret even bringing it up.
Irk paying respects to a gravestone that has a (five? I forget how much exactly they are sometimes)-dollar bill inscribed onto it.
Because that money is dead and gone, and shall be missed over what will come.
Irk saying “You may want to lower your expectations before looking inside. Now go even lower.”
Brad Pitt’s Tyler Durden handing Ed Norton a gift bag and saying “Get ready to hit rock bottom.”
Just the text in all caps to indicate shouting “I REGRET NOTHING!”
Irk standing and looking back over his shoulder slightly wide eyed and drawn so it looks like he is urinating…in front of an electric fence. Show his pants being blown off
Two panels. First panel: Meh staffers jubilantly deciding to have a contest to rename fuko. Second panel: Meh staffers endlessly reading suggestions for rebranding.
Single Tear Irk
Quirky Irk…Like pretending to be a mime.
An egret…
How about an image of Irk twerking. It shows the excitement that meh sold their extras, and we can all be disappointed at seeing a troll twerk
just a giant ‘:/’ face, it perfectly simulates both the feeling of missing the box and getting it only to find junk
/image rhea skeleton
Get IRK’d
What about Irk opening a box of chocolates, but it’s things like fidget spinners and candy corn and chocolate all mixed up?
The bags should all have depictions (or descriptions) of first world problems on the outside, like not having enough room in your sports car to haul groceries, getting a sliver, or the WiFi going down. In comparison to all of these annoyances, the IRK would look like a blessing in comparison.
Create a new sticker to slap on boxes as they ship: Have a picture of Irk, lounging on a bed, one arm thrown across the empty pillow, the other holding a cigarette.
Very “Instant Regret”…
Easy! Just have Irk pulling down the collar of his shirt revealing a “NO REGERTS” tattoo.
barney on top of a mountain of baby arms
Irk standing in kitchen, making breakfast, with my robe on.
This, but better, and more face palming
The bag should have a picture of Ohio on it and a sign on it saying “Welcome to Cincinnati”
Alternative suggestion:
Irk handing over a deed with the word “meh” on it to someone wearing an “Anazom” shirt. (Word deliberately misspelled)
Third suggestion. Irk’s head peeking out from a mountain of Candy Corn under which he has been buried.
@OnionSoup Irk eating his way out of a mountain of Candy Corn
Irk staring at a giant turd with his hands in the air: the ex VMP membership turd to be exact, in disbelief that he let it expire.
Irk holding his shoes walking away from a one-night-stand as the sun comes up behind him.
F5 Button with caption below “This IRKs me” or “SOLD OUT”.
A burning dollar bill
A 2-D box (square or rectangle) made of outline-drawn junk (banana peel, broken TV, 3 legged chair, toaster with a spring sticking out, meh face, baby arm, etc.) maybe with simple color fill in each. Inside, the words Instant Regret Kit, each on its own line, aligned on the left. Probably don’t want a font with too many curves, but perhaps one with decayed text? As on option, somewhere to the right of the words, either in or out of the box, Irk doing a facepalm like in the You Were Wrong video. Meh.com on the top or bottom – I think it could work either way.
IRK running away from a burning box of crap, with the caption
“Something went terribly wrong”
In Japanese, “This dingaling was really convinced they were going to get a flatscreen TV for $5”.
So, I was thinking, maybe to let people know in advance how much they will regret it, that you tie together a biohazard sign, Mr Yuk, and Irk, something like this except maybe toy with the colors a bit to make it a 1 or 2 color print:
Rainbows and Unicorns. Glitter and a fairy princess.
Underneath, a pink kitten saying, “Just when you thought your day couldn’t get any better!”
Glen as a full snake, coiled and holding a bag in front of him with his tail (like the snake in the picture, but with a bag, not an apple). Irk has been stuffed into the bag- you can tell because some part(s) of him are sticking out. The baby arm lies behind him, maybe gripping a knife.
A pig with lipstick, polishing a turd.
Irk wearing an IRK bag over his head, featuring the logo of Irk wearing an IRK bag over his head in infinite recursion.
Honestly, you all use creepy baby doll parts enough… why not just photoshop a zipper on the back of a baby doll?
A trojan horse.
Like this but with Irk faces and as a bag.
I feel like the design and name were already chosen.
Design image metadata will say created in 2017 or something.
![enter image description here][1]
Thank You!
(Meh IRK face)
Very much Regret again Son.
Irk sitting on a bag with the caption ‘This will probably bother you more than it should’.
A bag covered in tears. Printed tears fine as well!
What about if it was Irk in the middle of the bag half melted into a mass of candy corn that covers the bottom half of the bag. Along with a thought bubble coming from Irk that says “IRK”. Or even “IRK?!” Better yet it says “Here’s your IRK!”
Obviously, the bag should bother more than it should, so it should be purple, but an annoying shade of purple. It will definitely necessitate Irk’s handsome face.
What if it was shaped like Irk and had a secret stash pocket on the bottom, where his butt should be? Irk’s crap could be a real thing!
Irk as Gollum.
How about a picture of the $5 Buy It button?
A flaming pile of poop.
Perhaps the newest incarnation of the bag could be reversible? On one side the Meh logo could be printed. Then on the reverse, the I.R.K. theme - be that something with the Irk logo or an amusing play on how trading our money for objects can be both pleasure and pain.
@oknekok that sounds like it’d require bags that’d be WAYYY too nice for an IRK
National Lampoons Vacation movie poster, but with Irk in place of Chevy chase. Maybe scatter some infamous fuko items around, or pile them up for Irk to stand on.
/image national Lampoons Vacation
A picture of Irk with a smirk on his face and underneath it says “You’ve just been IRKed!”
Irk’s face done up with David Bowie makeup.
One or both of the straps on at least 10% of the bags should be broken
I was thinking something along these lines
A stylized version of this image
With an cursing “IRK!” spewing from his mouth. Beneath the image this statement in Japanese “No… No you can’t get away. From hell’s heart, I stab at thee. For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.”
Sorry I don’t know how to embed the image
@lichme thanks
/wootstalker https://shirt.woot.com/offers/kirks-response
Kirk’s Response
Price: $19.00
Condition: Probably New
Ten thousand spoons, and all you need is a knife.
A $5 bill with wings
Irk getting face palmed with the baby arm.
The classic Crying Native American clip, but with Irk in the thrown pile of trash. Maybe even with a tiny Irk in the tear.
/giphy crying native american
Put Glen on the bag, for the irony that only Mehsters will get. It should be an Irk colored bag though.
Or to keep a theme going, random curse words in non-western scripts that will make the bags unusable in ethnic neighborhoods. Like Hebrew to make them completely unusable in New York, or Arabic to escalate already high tensions. Perhaps hieroglyphics, that would look cool and about 7 people in the world would be able to read it on the fly.
IRK with binoculars next to his mailbox and a MEH delivery truck pulling up labeled on the side with “You want this stuff, right?” or what ever the exact words are when you buy “What have you done?”
It should just say
I nstant
R egret
K it
down the front side
on the inside at the bottom should be Irk’s face with a speech bubble saying “You thought you were getting something good?”
IRK holding a MEH bag like he is reaching out and handing it to someone labeled “Regret Kit”
and possibly under that in smaller letters either “Refurbished”, “Batteries Not Included” or “Assembly Required”
How about a black hole sucking up tons of random stuff like knives, speaker docks, candy corn, Fidget Spinners, etc and both Irk and Glen both standing outside it with a smirk
Awesome entries, everyone!
I’m going to be looking through these and working with our illustrator over the next couple weeks. Like with the name, I suspect we’ll pick several winners and see about making a few different bag designs. Feel free to keep voting on your favorites.
I’m as good at art as I am getting fuko’s!
I din’t draw Irk, just colored him and did the rest. I took themes from the Meh site.
Here is the art work
If you REALLY wanted regrets!
A few more, even tho im not sure im allowed…
a) INSTANT REGRET KIT (in list format)
b) In “live love laugh” graphic style: Request/Receive/Regret.
(tbh contemplated risk instead of request)
THEN meh logo below
BONUS: glow in dark text with irk face: “you were warned.”
standard counselling mood faces chart, all irk faces with different emotions, middle one is regret/ragrets circled in red. or make irk expression the same for all the emotions if you want! + instant regret kit label and meh logo below
mad ape den version:
top of graphic says “instant regret kit”
pic of irk with mic
speech bubble from irk’s mouth says, “you got now sad bag”
meh.com logo below pic
I’m thinking a morning after regret kind of situation. We would need an image of a disgusted, regretful Irk laying in bed with the covers pulled up in shame and Glen laying next to him with his goofy lookin ass.
A first aid kit with irk’s face filled with razor blades, little cacti, and a fuko bag.
What’s the cutoff for this one?
Bag labeled “Instant Regret Kit” and underneath “just add water”
Simple, easy to print
@heartny Or maybe with larger initial caps to emphasis IRK.
@heartny Pretty color!
@heartny @sammydog01 I don’t care for purple
new idea:
1.graphic of a instant scratch lotto card - card is labelled "win a meh-llion! scratch and match to win’ The scratch card “foil” is mostly scratched off and reveals little graphics of candy corn, a knife, a martian watch texting “meh”, Irk, Glenn, a goat, a poop emoji, a vip member badge, etc. There are no matches.
On the lower part of the scratch card graphic is a prize box that has been scratched. It says, "Sorry, you lose! Please buy again! meh.com (logo).
vegas style sign says “welcome to [script font) instant [big letter all caps] regret [little letters on bottom row] meh.com” or “welcome to meh.com mediocre labs”. Irk’s face can be in the center of the starburst at the top of the sign.
beneath the vegas sign, it can say
“what happens at meh never stays at meh” or “what happens at meh ships to you from meh” or “what we cant sell at meh ships to you from meh”
clear plastic bag made from thick plastic.
says “we’re all about transparency. you bought this crap!” picture of Irk pointing. instant regret kit logo, meh logo.
alternative text: “there’s no hiding it.”
alternative text: “you’ve seen right through our disposal strategy”
alternative text: “let this bag be a cautionary tale”
alternative text “x-ray bag. only detects crap.”
alternative text " there’s a metaphor in here somewhere"
@alphabetress I like your ideas!
So, did I miss an announcement of what they chose? Can we still submit?
someone may have already suggested this, how about the faces of comedy and tragedy, but with irks face…