What movie does EVERYONE in the world love but you just go ...Meh?
1So I just read the "What's your favorite movie?" thread and thought there were several that made me cringe. But in general, I just don't get why folks like (or watch more than once):
The Big Lebowski
Pulp Fiction
Dumb and Dumber
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Never saw it, never had any desire to see it.
Well, you know, that's just like your opinion man.
One million stars for you
@studerc Proves my view since I had to look this up! Good work!
I'll start the 'Frozen' haters list.
Just let it go, guys.
The Boondock Saints. Just didn't like it. Every guy I know thinks it is a masterpiece.
@conandlibrarian - It is.
@conandlibrarian first one was great. Second not so much
First Irk and now people's beloved favorite films? You're on quite a tear. But honestly, I don't get the big deal about those three movies either. Shh - don't tell.
@bluedyn I'm going with the negative theme this week. Next week I'll step up to meh.
@mydrivec What'll you do the week after? Gotta stay unpredictable
Honestly--and I know this makes me a monster--but most (all?) Pixar films. They're just.... whatever.
@goldenthorn do you have no soul?
@goldenthorn I never cry as a manly man but I almost shed a tear during the first 15 minutes of Up
Dances With Wolves. I was still smoking then and went out in the middle and had a cigarette. Surprise, the Indians lose.
i miss being able to flag people for spoilers.
@pooflady And they'll keep losing until they get better pitching.
@brandon GASP!
I've never actually seen Goonies
@jqubed same here. I've seen about five minutes then decided to do something else.
@Trailmix I don't know if I'd like it or not. I know a lot of people who love it, but they could be viewing it through childhood nostalgia. I've just never seen it.
You know, when I was younger I used to worry about defending the things I liked and tried really hard to get people to understand what I find so great about them.
Now I just let people have their (wrong) opinions and live their lives (devoid of the brilliance of the things I love).
@JonT you should begin trying again. Look how well it works as government policy!! All the way back to the native Americans !
@JonT I was at that point, and then moved past it to the point where I just keep what I like a secret. If you have no opinions, you can't be wrong!
@JonT I have this shirt
American Graffiti
Kind of everything since Repo Man.
Shawshank Redemption & Fight Club. Horrible.
LA Confidential - tried to watch it 3 times. fell asleep every time
Avatar - it made me want to gouge my eyes out with a hot dog and tear out my eardrums with a rusty spoon it was so bad.
@tightwad I thought most everyone agreed Twilight was horrible?
@Thumperchick You may be right...although the ardent fans just don't see how horrible is really is
@tightwad - I'm a fan of the books (don't judge me!) - but the movie was terrible. So bad that it's fun to watch and cringe.
@JonT - shrug I love terrible music, books, and movies right along with my classic literature and worthwhile endeavors.
I have never seen, nor will I ever see Titanic. I mean, talk about a spoiler.
@k3nd0 I'll never see it either, and I'm damn proud of that fact.
@k3nd0 I'm on this train. Never saw Titanic, never will. My wife knows it's off the table. And I sat through the whole 6 damn hour long A&E Pride and Prejudice with her. In return she watched 2001: A Space Odyssey, The Black Hole, and Time Bandits with me. It was a fair trade.
@k3nd0 Neither have I.
@k3nd0 I was ready to see the ship sink fairly quickly.
I've never seen, nor do I want to, The Sound of Music. Did see Avatar and it was a huge MEH.
@Teripie The Sound of Music is good. Avatar was indeed MEH
I live in Kansas and I've never seen The Wizard of Oz. Why see it, when I'm living it. (I'm still looking for a brain.)
Have never seen Gone With the Wind. Admittedly, I did read it. All but the last two pages. I like happy endings.
@pooflady I may have been cheering for Sherman to burn Atlanta by that point of the movie. Vivien Leigh was pretty hot, though.
I enjoyed the first version of Avatar....back in 1992, it was called Ferngully: The Last Rainforest
@mydrivec Oh I also liked when it was callled Pocahontas and Dances with Wolves.
I agree with @mydrivec about The Big Lebowski.
My disgust with The Breakfast Club is documented here.
Also: Lost in Translation. I was so pissed off when that movie ended. And I normally love offbeat movies with Bill Murray (aka all Wes Anderson films).