What's your favorite movie?
9You know, that one that you could watch 500 times and not get tired of? That one that you know all of the dialogue to and could recite at any given moment? That one that you quote all the time and people don't really "get it" because they're not in the know? That one where you watch it with the closed captioning on because you really just have to know every single word in the script? (Ok, I'll admit, that last one makes me look odd).
I'll go first. Mine is Pulp Fiction.
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Too many to list but I'll try to stick to the ones i've watched more than 10 times.
Firefly/Serenity (Firefly is a tv series i know, but combined with Serenity and I pretty much watch it all as one long movie)
Tron/Tron Legacy
War Games
Code Hunter
Fast and Furious
Wow now that I see this in writing, I should really move beyond the power-nerd and driving genre.
Edit: and closed captioning is always on for me. Along with the volume being too loud. My wife doesn't get it.
@jestermx6 I approve of your movie selection, especially since you have the original Tron and Serenity up there.
Dumb and Dumber. I quote this movie in my everyday life on almost a daily basis. There are others, but this stands above the rest.
@JonT Big gulps, huh? Welp, see ya later.
@JonT I've read that that scene wasn't in the script and Carrey ad-libbed that line. Regardless of whether that is true or not, that's one of the most common lines I use from the movie. So good.
Toss up between Brazil and Rushmore. The difference being that if I watched Brazil 500 times I'm quite sure I'd kill myself.
Also Brazil. 2nd place would be Spirited Away.

@Starblind I don't get Brazil...but YES!!! to Spirited Away...Rest in Hiatus Studio Ghibli
Every time I say "okay, then" this is why.

Mind ya don't cut yaself Mordecai!
Ray! You take that diaper off your head and put it back onto your sister!
Do these balloons blow up into funny shapes? No, not unless you think circular is funny.
Now you might not know it to look at her, but she's a hellcat. T-I-G-E-R.
i have 5 favorite movies:
Stand By Me
Blackhawk Down
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
@carl669 unable to count?
@tightwad what do you mean? i count 5: 1) stand by me, 2) blackhawk down, 5) monty python
@carl669 Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.
@carl669 Good work here as a fellow Grail fan!
@carl669 Three, sir.
@parodymandotcom is genius.
@phatmass You wouldn't believe how many years I've been waiting for someone to realize that.
Man I had to watch Brazil for my Internet Cultures class back in college. I get it (I think) but definitely not my favorite. As for mine, there's too many to name, but Outlaw Josey Wales would definitely be in the top 3, if not number 1. I could watch that over and over and over.
@Moose Al most any Clint western plus Dirty Harry makes the top 50. You feeling Lucky Punk?!?
In no particular order:
Dumb and Dumber
Fletch Lives
Top Secret
Secondhand Lions
Corvette Summer
@tightwad It's all ball bearings nowadays!
@jsh139 So many quotables..."All I need is a computer...and a 10 year old kid to teach me how to use it"

You're a daisy if you do!
I'm your huckleberry!
Currently? Django Unchained. Will change over time.
No single favorite, but movies I like, have seen countless times, and can quote from endlessly:
The Princess Bride
Spies Like Us
Real Genius
Most of the 80's Brat Pack movies
@Mavyn I want to take The Breakfast Club out and drown it in the well for making Ally Sheedy's character desirable only after she got the glamorous makeover. It has been almost 30 years since I saw that movie and it still makes my blood boil when I think about it.
@SSteve Yeah...but it is painfully true to life for that reason. Girls who don't dress/style/makeup right aren't 'pretty'. Yes, it is stupid and hurtful, but it's also true.
@Mavyn It's a shitty truth, but a truth nonetheless. Damn society!
@bluedyn Look at it this way: There was no redemption for Anthony Michael Hall. He was beyond repair. As a girl geek, that was a bigger statement than not having the right look.
@Mavyn So are we advocating makeup and curling irons for dudes? I think we agree, but I'm not exactly sure how.
@SSteve Even as a kid I was way more attracted to her than Molly Ringwald.
@SSteve I, too, thought she looked hotter before the makeover.
@bluedyn If they want them, sure.
@Mavyn I like to think that this has changed a lot between 1985 and now. These days, girls who don't buy in to the right dress/style/makeup have an entire culture that embraces their decision. Let's just call it Revenge of the Nerds.
@SSteve I hope so. Very, very much, I hope so.
I would like to say that these are not my favorite movies but I could watch them every single day and not tire of them.
Not Another Teen Movie
South Park: Bigger, Loner and Uncut
Team America: World Police
The Exorcist
Yes, I am very mature for my age ;)
@conandlibrarian Yes, Team America is brilliant. I think my wife and I watched it three times the week we got it and we never do that. Watching the "making of" feature made it even better because of how all the designers and effects people were so excited to do a movie that had no CGI.
@conandlibrarian We went to Christmas eve mass in the gym of the Catholic school. They had banners that said Team America all around. Nobody told them? I was singing America F yeah in my head the whole time.
Princess Bride
Blues Brothers
Reign Over Me
Midnight Run
I hate Illinois Nazis.
@Bingo I torture my wife with Midnight Run annually
@Bingo yep. Blues Brothers. thumbs up
Empire Strikes Back or Guardians of the Galaxy
The Godfather Trilogy. I would watch that 500 times.
Back in 1997, I saw 2001 for the 150th time and decided it was time to stop counting. Honestly, I'd rather watch that than most movies made since the '80s.
Anything with Arnold plus Sylvester Stallone in Cobra, Judge Dredd and John Carpenter's Escape from NY
@DrCrankn Bet you can't wait for the Expendables 3 through 17
Well having kids around my feet most of the time has changed this list quite a bit. But here goes, Wreck It Ralph, Chicken Little, Wall E, Toy Story and Aladin don't make me want to jump off a bridge.
When I have some adult time and I'm not passed out on the couch, Goodfellas, The Godfather trilogy, Love Actually, Fight Club, American History X, Jackass: The Movie, the original Star Wars trilogy, Indiana Jones: Raiders and the Last Crusade, Hangover, Wedding Crashers, Talladega Nights, Jaws, Shawshank Redemption, Reservoir Dogs, Full Metal Jacket and The Big Lebowski.
Young Frankenstein!
@ofrory Damn you eyes! Too late, Sir.
@ofrory Do you want to go for a roll in ze hay? Roll! Roll! Roll in ze hay!
Quotable king is definitely The Princess Bride
Most rewatchable?
1 - Secondhand Lions
2 - The 13th Warrior (somewhat despite Antonio Banderas rather 'breathy' dialog...)
3 - The Hogfather
There are a lot of other great movies but I only want to see them again occasionally. These I watch every time they're on air or the DVD happens to come into view.
@duodec Stars for The Hogfather. I haven't watched that nearly enough.
@duodec 13th Warrior is awesome. Totally underrated.
Memento, Shaun of the Dead, Paul are high on my list. I'm having a slow brain moment right now, because I specifically remember saying "that's my favorite movie" to someone yesterday, but I can't remember the movie. I think I hurt my mind grapes.
Toss up between The Princess Bride and The Good the Bad and The Ugly. Pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum I know, but I could watch either of them in a heartbeat.
Raiders of the Lost Ark, which I properly call "Raiders of the Lost Ark," not "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark"
@matthew Indiana Jones was in that movie? I thought it was some punk named Indie.
The Hunt for Red October
Heartbreak Ridge
@pooflady +1 on the Goonies
@pooflady Aww Goonies. My second email address ever was Goonie1EyedWilly@aol.com.
"One ping only, please." Love that movie!!!
Top of the top? Back to the Future. Easily.
Same for me.
Hmm, tough question. Possibly Phantom of the Paradise.
Probably the best of our time:

Close 2nd:
@medz You may be joking, but they're on TV all the time, and I find myself sitting through them over and over.
@bluedyn mostly joking. Wife thinks they're my favorites for the same reason you mention. Also The Fifth Element.
@medz If I had to pick one movie to watch for the rest of my life, it might be The Fifth Element.
@marklog Multipass!
@marklog Groundhog Day is rerun generously. It's time well spent. Don't drive angry.
In the awesomely odd suspense category, here are some classics.
@denboy star for The City of Lost Children.
I wish this was rerun more often than it is

@bluedyn finally saw Dark City. Great mind bender, good pick.
Uh... hello? What's wrong with you guys that NO ONE has mentioned Clerks? Losing faith over here.
@LumpsRGood In a row?
@LumpsRGood ah, the snowball...
@curtise Did he just say 'making fuck'?
Pulp Fiction is definitely the movie that I've seen the most, I used to just put it on in the background while I did other things so I've seen it probably at least 75 times.
Léon: The Professional holds a special place in my heart, and if you haven't watched it I highly recommend it. The uncut international version has a few scenes that really change the tone and fills in some gaps, so seek that version out if you can.
Stand By Me, Goonies, The Sandlot, Super 8 - I'm a sucker for adolescent coming of age friendship movies.
Inglorious Basterds and Django were great, I love all things Tarantino.
Of course all of the classics - Indiana Jones, Star Wars, Princess Bride, Ferris Bueller, etc.
@JonT Since you love Tarantino I have to ask, are you a Roger Avary fan as well? Killing Zoe, Rules of Attraction.
@jsh139 Can't say I am, I haven't seen either of those and thought True Romance was just ok. Are those the 2 you recommend?
@JonT Yes. Those two are very good. Killing Zoe is a close second to Pulp Fiction in my book.
@JonT Did you get the present I mailed you?
@jsh139 I did! It was not too stalkerish and I was very happy to get it. I haven't had a chance to watch it yet, but I'll let you know when I do. Thanks so much!!
@JonT No problem! Just wanted to be sure that it found you. I'll be curious to know your thoughts on it. I re-watched it the other day and it was not as spectactular as I had remembered, but still a good watch nonetheless.
Quite a mish-mosh of favorites:
The Hunt for Red October
Princess Diaries
The Devil Wears Prada
Corvette Summer
Legally Blonde
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Regarding Henry
How to Marry a Millionaire
The Boondock Saints
Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Most of the rest is already listed.
@Thumperchick Dolly > Whitney
The Sandlot, of course!
@JonT @Thumperchick My FAVORITE part of the movie.
@DaveInSoCal I had a lovely Saturday afternoon napping to this and its sequels.
@bluedyn They have a permanent spot in my DVR. :)
@DaveInSoCal I keep The Electric Horseman permanently in my DVR. It's like the comfort food of movies. So much Willie Nelson . . .
300, without a doubt. I could quote that movie to the ground.
@janetv I forgot that on my list. It is an awesome movie to watch.
All of you suckers just gave up the answers to your security questions. Social engineering to the rescue!
Next topic, what's your mother's maiden name? I bet she has a funny one.
@TaRDy My mother's maiden name is Tinkle, fist name Ivana
@conandlibrarian and what was the name of your first pet?
@TaRDy Dog's name is Santos L. Halper. Wow, I can't belive I have shared all of this personal information with you.
@conandlibrarian the good news is that I can now manage your finances for you!
The Big Lebowski
@Bingo Why are we snatching Lebowski? Can't we just pee on his rug?
@KDemo It goes to eleven.
Dumb and Dumber
I don't have any static favorites, but the movies I rewatch the most are:
The Great Race
Strange Days
Persuasion (1995)
Fifth Element
Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Brotherhood of the Wolf
Oh, and I nearly forgot Robocop and Gremlins 2, duh!
Ok. I'll try.
I'm a film snob and film buff, and I tend to geek out on technique, but I also appreciate entertainment so I don't dislike much. In terms of technique and getting actors to do amazing things, Tarantino and Scorsese are my favorite directions. Their movies are what make up my top lists. But, here is a list anyway:
Pulp Fiction
Reservoir Dogs
Chasing Amy
Django Unchained
Wolf of Wall Street
Ghostbusters 2 (yup. i love it.)
Muppets Take Manhattan
The Avengers
so many more.
Blade Runner
Dune was good (even though nothing can live up to the books) but Children of Dune has to be mentioned too.
Blazing Saddles. Really, any Mel Books movie.
@LadyLeela Ooohhh forgot that one. Good choice (Young Frankenstein too which was mentioned earlier)
ITT: Name your one favorite movie. Proceeds to list ten movies.
I will stop everything and watch Coming to America every time it is on TV
@smilingjack Whatever youuuuu like.
@smilingjack Your Royal P***s is clean your Highness.
@smilingjack What does 'dumb fuck' mean?
Above the Rim. Streetball movie featuring: TUPAC. Leon. Marlon Wayans. Duane Martin. And BERNIE MAC. The urban Hoosiers..However, I could be swayed by the fact that this may be the best hip hop movie soundtrack of all time, and back in 1994, I wore out this tape in my Walkman.
I'm very mood dependent when it comes to a favorite film.
So I won't bore you w/ a long list and the corresponding mood. (Besides, my mood might change what mood goes w/ what movie or vice versa}
You are just going to have to pick your own favorite movie for your own mood.
You have moods too , right ?
Does anyone else love Beetle Juice?
I donno why but it's purely just because of Winona Ryder
@feline If that was on TV, I would most likely watch it.
@phatmass I was totally crushing on a young Lori Loughlin.
@Cinoclav BRO. You don't even know.
@phatmass I never even rode BMX, but I would've killed to be Cru. Sigh...
I like these movies i born in 2005 and am g 4 but im seriously g 3
Teen beach movie
Easy A
Lady and the triumph
Cat in the boots
13 goin to 30
So undercover
Wild wild west
The lone ranger
Big hero 6
The starving games
MIB men in black
White chicks
The hunger games
Pitch perfect
Nymph (is a 2014 mermaid movie but is a horror)
Amor (in philipines its a horror movie)
The conjuring
Talk back and your dead (a philipine movie)
Scary movie ( all)
Final destination (All parts)
Walking with dinosaurs
Free birds
Saving mr. Banks
Ender's game
The walking dead
Mocking jay
Pitch perfect 2
The duff
Dont be afraid in the dark
The possesion
Trophy wife
Jurassic park all parts
Speckles the tarbosaurus (1st favorite dino movie)
I should shut up now i dunt know some of my favorite movies this is awesome watch it...!
I have so many favorite movies it's impossible to even name one per genre. Most quotable ones are The Princess Bride and Aliens. Most rewatchable ones are Aliens and, for some odd reason, Deep Blue Sea. I like to run that one when I am working on art. I have encountered a couple of other artists that say the same thing. Something about the music, the pacing, the colors and lighting are just conducive to the creative mind-frame. Plus Thomas Jane is pretty easy on the eyes and ears. Pacific Rim and About Time were my favorite movies for 2013. The Avengers and Beasts of the Southern Wild were my two favorite movies for 2012. Right now Captain America: Winter Soldier and Interstellar are holding my 2014 slots, but there are some strong contenders to come, not the least of which is Hobbit Battle of Five Armies.
if we are going for shear numbers of re-watches, and script memorization, it has to be the classic "Holy Trilogy"
From before George Lucas became a Dirty Word.
the days Before anyone had ever heard of Jar-Jar Binks, and Darth Vader was a bad ass, not a whiny Little Bitch, who wants his Mommy.( and I actually LIKED the Prequals)
I watched the Originals WAYYY to many times in HS.
When watching the special editions in the theater in 97, I was Pretty Much reciting the Movies from my seat.