I’m in a “side with the zombies” kind of mood, but my plan has always been, get on a boat and head to the nearest island with arable land and a fresh water source. Kill all tge zombies that are there. Of course, that’s a long, long way from here on foot. I’m a lot less likely to die by zombie than from exposure on the journey.
Rob the nearest general store. Get as many supplies as possible and then head to the least populated area I can find. Attempt to build a bunker. Lay low
I plan to become a zombie.
I’m the next Evil Overlord.
I’ll be zombie poop by the end of the week.
Honestly, I don’t know. Sometimes I think it would be better to commit suicide… But sometimes your will to survive trumps all rational thoughts.
What’s the chance of there actually being a cure? Or all the zombies dying off? Or the animals and bugs not all turning into zombies as well?
Then there’s that slim possibility that I imitate zombies and blend in, just to be murdered by someone that really thinks I’m a zombie.
Sorry Bill Murray.

@narfcake Just remember: You don’t need to run faster than the zombies, you only need to run faster than your family…
Steal my neighbor’s riding lawnmower.
Stock up in meh branded condoms.
@ELUNO how will you repopulate the earth then?
@RiotDemon They are meh branded. I doubt they will work well…
I think I’d be up for a little sailing…
Are the zombies of St.Thomas natives even slower & more laid back?
I’m in a “side with the zombies” kind of mood, but my plan has always been, get on a boat and head to the nearest island with arable land and a fresh water source. Kill all tge zombies that are there. Of course, that’s a long, long way from here on foot. I’m a lot less likely to die by zombie than from exposure on the journey.
Presuming that he isn’t zombified, I think it would be time to catch a ride on Elon Musk’s moving van to Mars.

/giphy move to Mars
@2many2no This is not the Mars you’re looking for.
@2many2no Probably a good thing you didn’t giphy ‘Musk’
Zombie Don’t Surf
Zombies Kant Danz
I will stowaway on your ship. By the way stock cat food and cat litter. I’m bringing my cats.
@Kidsandliz I love cats but I am allergic
@CaptAmehrican I’ll confine them to a cabin. Steal a ship with nice cabins.
Rob the nearest general store. Get as many supplies as possible and then head to the least populated area I can find. Attempt to build a bunker. Lay low
Actually, I’m fine right here at home & can hold out for quite a long time…
I’ll feed them today’s deal, they should be dead in 3 … 4 days tops
Always bring a knife to a zombie fight. Preferably a Machette, Falcion or even a great sword.
I plan to go down fighting
/giphy zombie

I am getting a strange feeling of dejavu about this thread… but…
I would store all the ladders I can find and become the king of the world with my zombie evading ladder cache.