Fun fact: If you have the vapors after eating a meal, it is not that meal that is to blame, but the previous day’s meal.
From a person on the internet:
Under normal circumstances, the food you eat will reach you large intestine, where the bacteria that produce flatulence reside, in 5-6 hours. If you are experiencing diarrhea, or something hastening the transit, it could be faster. That’s not to say that if you eat something, you won’t see an immediate effect. The act of eating prompts passage of food through the digestive tract so food eaten at an earlier meal might be positioned to produce gas as the result of your eating – in which case, if you experience flatulence in a very short time, it’s the previous meal, and not the current one, that is the culprit.
I discovered that Inulin, once it hits my large intestine, causes explosive flatulence that doesn’t end until it’s out of my system. Google it. That stuff is bad.
anything i haven’t eaten in 6 months. when i tried being a vegetarian it was beans. when i switched back, it was meat. when i had guacamole for the first time it was bad, but i loved avocado enough to push thru. a week later it was no problem at all.
I can vividly remember when I was a teen working in a pizza parlor that closed at 0200 on the weekends and going to White Castle to get bags full of gut bombs (10/$1 maybe) and having contests to see who could pack away the most. It was nothing to toss back 20 plus at the time…
I probably would have considered anything but pork, but lately we made chicken bao. No issues. Then we made some pork bao, I was farting the WORST farts all day long. You know it is bad when even you can’t stand your own fart. Lingering, putrid, and piercing smell. Could it have been the Chinese five spice? Maybe…but that wasn’t on the list.
For worst quantity, beans, chickpeas or cauliflower.
For worst quality, durians. Pretty much the closest thing to biochemical warfare without actually dying. Especially in enclosed spaces.
All of them
Amen sister!
@Rueki Same!
Really good sulfur smell too.
Those “healthy” stroopwafels from a while back.

/image Rip Van Wafels
@awk ya mean the “Rip One” wafels?
@awk @pmarin The Poop Wafels?
I found out I can’t process dairy very well after going to a restaurant which had free refills on chocolate milk… That was a horrible road trip.
@Zeusandhera same here, but for me the worst one was creme brulee on our honeymoon. Totally ruined the night after a nice, fancy meal.
Pretty much any food.
Little Caesars. The Hot and Ready bit is disturbing on the aft side
Texas Mex with extra cheese, that is if you can avoid the explosive diarrhea.
Falafel. But not other things made with chickpeas.
@00 Same here, I eat hummus all the time with no gaseous effects. Strange
Where’s the guy that was complaining about penis cartoons and his grandma?
Apparently for our business partner it’s the Impossible Whopper from Burger King.
Protein drinks.
Black beans in particular are just packed with power. Like an order of magnitude over their less-pigmented relatives.
Black olives. They give me the wind somethin fierce
Fun fact: If you have the vapors after eating a meal, it is not that meal that is to blame, but the previous day’s meal.
From a person on the internet:
/unblame today’s beans
/blame yesterday’s sauerkraut
what does it matter… shit happens.
Life. Life gives me gas.
I discovered that Inulin, once it hits my large intestine, causes explosive flatulence that doesn’t end until it’s out of my system. Google it. That stuff is bad.
@Fuzzalini And it’s not just you! So much of the US population has the same problem!
@Fuzzalini @Limewater Maybe it should be renamed Outulin.
anything i haven’t eaten in 6 months. when i tried being a vegetarian it was beans. when i switched back, it was meat. when i had guacamole for the first time it was bad, but i loved avocado enough to push thru. a week later it was no problem at all.
Anything cruciferous, especially broccoli.
How oddly apropos
I have a bit more gas naturally because of all the bicycle riding I do. When calories are burned they give off gas.
Anything seasoned with cumin seems to increase the amount of butt trumpeting I will do in a day.
Onions don’t give me gas but they make my existing gas smell really horrible.
Do you have a source for this claim?
@yakkoTDI Onions don’t give me gas but they make my existing gas smell really horrible.
Wouldn’t that be tear gas?
@Limewater Yes. It is called my butt.
Venison, mostly deer meat.
@budeelee19 if venison is mostly deer meat, what else constitutes it?
@njfan I mean deer meat affects me more than Moose meat or Caribou, regarding me personally, your intestinal mileage may vary.
While technically not food, white castle <fill in the blank>.
I can vividly remember when I was a teen working in a pizza parlor that closed at 0200 on the weekends and going to White Castle to get bags full of gut bombs (10/$1 maybe) and having contests to see who could pack away the most. It was nothing to toss back 20 plus at the time…
I probably would have considered anything but pork, but lately we made chicken bao. No issues. Then we made some pork bao, I was farting the WORST farts all day long. You know it is bad when even you can’t stand your own fart. Lingering, putrid, and piercing smell. Could it have been the Chinese five spice? Maybe…but that wasn’t on the list.

Cooked food
Raw food
Healthy food
Unhealthy food
The mere thought of food
so… you are aptly named then?
For worst quantity, beans, chickpeas or cauliflower.
For worst quality, durians. Pretty much the closest thing to biochemical warfare without actually dying. Especially in enclosed spaces.
Taco Bell
My salad reminded tonight that Radicchio is high on the fart producing list