@PooltoyWolf@yakkoTDI Robin Williams when he started as a stand-up comic in the San Francisco area had a routine about a common sight at the time (1980s): Japanese tourists with 35mm cameras with big lenses they wore on straps so the camera just happened to dangle near the man zone. And he joked they could grab the big lens and say Foc-us, Foc-us. Would probably be considered a racist joke now but times were different I suppose.
It might have been on a comedy album (vinyl) but couldn’t dig up the reference.
Concentrate until I fall asleep, which generally takes about 10 minutes or so. When I wake up in an hour or two, I’m usually rested enough to start over and finish the job.
I think this is the video people will be expecting:
This is technically not yak-shaving, because each step could (and should) have been completed before starting on the next problem noticed.
What’s portrayed in this video is a rather typical ADHD thing, and can become crippling if left untended.
Actual yak-shaving is where the results of each side-quest are actually “needed” for the completion of the previous task. (often those side-quests could be avoided, but at the expense of something else)
Chew gum. I figured that out a long time ago on my own but they’ve actually done studies. I have ADHD but I’m not a fan of the drugs. They make me nutty.
@blaineg if by John Williams you include movie themes, that would never work for me. It has to not have words, including instrumental versions of songs with words i know, nor something that i associate with something else, like a movie. If i hear a movie theme, i start thinking about the movie and my concentration is shot.
@blaineg@werehatrack Spotify has some as well but with the free account the ads can be jarring - kind of defeats the purpose (unless the purpose is to get people to upgrade, which I refuse to do)
Take a quarter of a Xanax that my doctor would no longer prescribe. (He had warned me before I turned 65, that there might be a problem with a prescription - I guess because they’re addictive? I started stockpiling them, a quarter of a tablet a couple of times a month or less, they’re lasting quite a while. The bottle has a date of June 2020…lol)
Anyway, it does a good job of shutting down whatever keeps me from concentrating.
I … focus.
@awk tell me you don’t have adhd without telling me you don’t have adhd
Adjust my lenses.
Nothing helps
I mostly just use autofocus, so…
Grab the front ring and turn
/image Ford Focus

Three people made my joke already, eight minutes in, but I’m saying it anyway.
I twist the lens.
Is that what you kids are calling it these days?
@yakkoTDI Hahaha!
@PooltoyWolf @yakkoTDI Robin Williams when he started as a stand-up comic in the San Francisco area had a routine about a common sight at the time (1980s): Japanese tourists with 35mm cameras with big lenses they wore on straps so the camera just happened to dangle near the man zone. And he joked they could grab the big lens and say Foc-us, Foc-us. Would probably be considered a racist joke now but times were different I suppose.
It might have been on a comedy album (vinyl) but couldn’t dig up the reference.
@tweezak Oops, video unavailable in thumbnail form.
@PooltoyWolf @tweezak Google insisting on getting their ad revenue.
But the link to their site is worth following for this song!
I don’t know what I came here to comment about.
@growyoungagain As I recall, you were about to order the product, times 3.
@phendrick is it chocolate?
/image nike

@Cerridwyn I give up, too lazy to go back and actually copy the swoosh with a just do it
@Cerridwyn So you are saying, you won’t just do it?
I turn off the computer, especially the Meh.com site.
Amphetamines - that have been prescribed to me by a doctor(yes, a doctor with a PhD)
@sicc574 As I recall, Timothy Leary had a PhD.
/youtube moody blues, timothy leary
@phendrick and he did wonderful, mind opening/expanding research too!
Concentrate until I fall asleep, which generally takes about 10 minutes or so. When I wake up in an hour or two, I’m usually rested enough to start over and finish the job.
Try to remove the distractions, then get to work.
<insert yak-shaving video here>
(no, it doesn’t really work)
I think this is the video people will be expecting:
This is technically not yak-shaving, because each step could (and should) have been completed before starting on the next problem noticed.
What’s portrayed in this video is a rather typical ADHD thing, and can become crippling if left untended.
Actual yak-shaving is where the results of each side-quest are actually “needed” for the completion of the previous task. (often those side-quests could be avoided, but at the expense of something else)
@xobzoo I do that all the time (except for the yelling). I may have ADHD?

@llangley I am not a doctor (nor do I play one on TV), so I can neither confirm nor deny your diagnosis or lack of diagnosis.
@xobzoo Just another day in the life of lisagd.
@xobzoo I’m still using it to explain “yak shaving” to normals.
@blaineg Yeah, it’s close enough for general conversation, and it’s funny.
“Funny” makes things more pleasant and memorable, so it wins most decisions.
@blaineg @xobzoo this is why I have so many unfinished projects
I use some ear plugs, helps a bit.
By “supplement” I mean “sativa”

just focus on the task…
@bayportbob Would that it were so easy.
Coffee. All roads lead to coffee.
Chew gum. I figured that out a long time ago on my own but they’ve actually done studies. I have ADHD but I’m not a fan of the drugs. They make me nutty.
Drum aggressively on my desk, or crank up some metal.
Music I like. Not necessarily classical. Unless John Williams qualifies.
@blaineg if by John Williams you include movie themes, that would never work for me. It has to not have words, including instrumental versions of songs with words i know, nor something that i associate with something else, like a movie. If i hear a movie theme, i start thinking about the movie and my concentration is shot.
@blaineg @ybmuG I’ve found some good multi-hour jazz streams on YouTube. I can’t have words while I work either, so the jazz is perfect.
@blaineg @ybmuG I find that many of the study/trance tracks on YouTube are useful, on the occasions when my ADD puts me in hyperfocus mode.
@blaineg @werehatrack Spotify has some as well but with the free account the ads can be jarring - kind of defeats the purpose (unless the purpose is to get people to upgrade, which I refuse to do)
Take a quarter of a Xanax that my doctor would no longer prescribe. (He had warned me before I turned 65, that there might be a problem with a prescription - I guess because they’re addictive? I started stockpiling them, a quarter of a tablet a couple of times a month or less, they’re lasting quite a while. The bottle has a date of June 2020…lol)
Anyway, it does a good job of shutting down whatever keeps me from concentrating.
I listen to music. Usually, pop punk/punk/grunge, but pop and classic rock have also worked for me.
I take a nap
Disassociate and procrastinate eternally
concentrate on focusing…
Or else I focus on the universal infinite scroll
I put my glasses on to focus.