@RiotDemon I know. In what universe do you spray glue on your hair and think that will end well? Further evidence of the stupidity of some of humanity. Sheesh.
@callow@mbersiam she might have just cause out of a lack of any better idea but you can’t trust TMZ. Supposedly it’d been like a month before she posted it on the net. People get desperate. Supposedly it got her a plastic surgeon to fix it and she donated the crowd fund money I think? I still don’t think I needed to have dozens of stories about it but whatever
It’s not just “news”. It’s now the Gorilla Glue Challenge. /smh
Louisiana: Hold my beer.
A Louisiana man who thought “Gorilla Glue Girl” Tessica Brown was “lying” ended up in the emergency room himself after he applied the powerful adhesive to his lip.
Len Martin, 37, said he tried out the Gorilla Glue challenge for himself after Brown to prove that it was “not as serious as she was trying to make it,” news station WKBN reported.
@blaineg@RiotDemon what is wrong with people. I never cease to be amazed.
I was a product of the 80’s and I am guilty of shellacing my hair with some serious Aqua Net (purple can for those that remember) to get just the right height on my bangs. That said, I never thought. “Hhuummm I bet GLUE would be way better to hold my hair in place?!?!?!” WTAF.
@blaineg@RiotDemon@tinamarie1974 The stuff she ran out of had a picture of a gorilla on it. I bet she didn’t think about suing until a bunch of lawyers contacted her. She did set up a GoFundMe but says she’s donating the proceeds since a doctor fixed it for free.
I get that people do stupid stuff, we all do stupid stuff. I just don’t get why they post it on social media. GET OFF MY LAWN.
Umm, yes it is washable, but soap & water won’t likely wash out the rubber adhesive (at least in the US; I think there is a latex-based rubber cement in the UK). Probably need a stronger solvent like acetone, mineral spirits, or heptane (Bestine, Powerfuel).
@blaineg@compunaut@Limewater@RiotDemon@tinamarie1974 I don’t think using mineral spirits counts as washable. And cured latex won’t dissolve in water. This lady had the gorilla glue removed with acetone and some sort of adhesive remover.
You can just about clean cured rubber cement with friction. It doesn’t bind that strongly to human skin or hair, or finished surfaces. At least, that’s my experience.
@blaineg@Limewater@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974 I thought I read that the UK rubber cement will ‘dissolve’ in a dilute ammonia/water mix.
Anyway, cured rubber cement is meh adhesive, so it’s physically possible to pull bits off without much trouble, but if you’ve covered your hair it’s going to take a LONG time.
@blaineg@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974 If her normal product was Got2bGlued with a picture of a gorilla on it, maybe it’s that company that should be sued, since they are the ones imitating Gorilla Glue’s established trademark.
But when I try to find that product, there are no photos of it with a gorilla that I find. There is another product moco de gorila with a gorilla on it though.
So probably nothing close enough to trademark infringement. There are 2 competing hair products, one with a gorilla, one named glue. So “maybe” there is room for confusion, but gorilla glue predates both I believe.
@blaineg@Kyeh@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974 yeah, and it’s also not the “glue” brand she supposedly usually uses. I can see someone putting together a logic line that the 2 brands together could mean someone sees “gorilla glue” and thinks it’s also a hair product. Not that it’s reasonable logic, but that’s what they would try to build a lawsuit on.
If it was just on the hair yea cut it off. I think the issues was she glued her hair to her head. Which complicates growing it out. If it is glued to your skin and you glued your skin in place. Stupid? Probably. Why it happened might be more nuanced.
@blaineg@kevinrs@Kyeh@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974@unksol So there’s another warning that they have to put on the label now. They might as well add do not use for eye drops, nasal decongestant, mouthwash or antacid to try and head off any relatives of the next darwin award candidate looking to profit from their stupidity.
@blaineg@kevinrs@kuoh@Kyeh@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974 she by definition used it on her skin… There’s no indication she was really going to sue and it would have been tossed out… The “challenge” thing is a larger concern in general. That’s full on verifiable idiotcy
@blaineg@kuoh@Kyeh@RiotDemon@sammydog01@tinamarie1974@unksol I’m going to guess that the immediate problems are things like lack of sleep. It’s probably hard to sleep with a helmet of hardened hair bonded to your scalp. Apparently acetone only softened it a little, but it was still gummed up and hard to do anything with, then it hardened back up. Eventually it would loosen from the scalp, taking a layer of dead skin cells with it, unless it’s bound so tightly that the hair can’t grow, causing ingrown hair across the whole scalp, and possible infection. I would think an ER would generally not see it as an emergency unless you get to that infection situation. Treatment preinfection is probably soften it up as much as possible and shave the hair and glue off a little at a time.
@RiotDemon Yep! He said the epoxy resin worked wonderfully, all the hold they’d ever wished for. And then the dawning realization that was completely impervious. Nothing would touch it, so they had to wait until their hair grew out, and then cut up under the “hair-glass” shell to get free.
This whole thing is just so ridiculous.
@RiotDemon I know. In what universe do you spray glue on your hair and think that will end well? Further evidence of the stupidity of some of humanity. Sheesh.
You have to feal bad for her as a human being. Even though it’s her own fault and it’s hard to imagine anyone being that stupid.
I definitely did not need to know about this or have her plastered all over my news feed. Moron makes news is unnecessary in general.
@unksol I felt bad for her until she said she would sue them.
@callow @unksol Me too until she posted it on the internet.
@callow She didn’t say she would sue them, that was TMZ embellishing for their “story”
@mbersiam Thank you! I swore I heard the words from her mouth but can’t find it. Maybe because I read it while listening to the video?
@callow @mbersiam she might have just cause out of a lack of any better idea but you can’t trust TMZ. Supposedly it’d been like a month before she posted it on the net. People get desperate. Supposedly it got her a plastic surgeon to fix it and she donated the crowd fund money I think? I still don’t think I needed to have dozens of stories about it but whatever
It’s not just “news”. It’s now the Gorilla Glue Challenge. /smh
Louisiana: Hold my beer.
NYPost.com link
@mike808 Somewhere, a Florida man is pissed he was not first trying this.
@mike808 @Oldelvis No. Florida man is pissed that he did it first but his junk is still glued to the tree and nobody has found him yet.
@mike808 God I thought you were mostly kidding about the “challenge” cause the sheer stupidity of putting it on his lips.
It’s a thing now. Wtf is wrong with these mentally deranged attention seakers?
@unksol I knoe. It’s like the attention seakers drive around on salted tiers in the snow.
@mike808 Sorry. Auto correct let that through. I knoe, I knoe why would it? I clearly meant sneaker. Not seaker
@blaineg OMG
@blaineg @tinamarie1974 I saw this listed as a hair tie earlier.
@blaineg @RiotDemon what is wrong with people. I never cease to be amazed.
I was a product of the 80’s and I am guilty of shellacing my hair with some serious Aqua Net (purple can for those that remember) to get just the right height on my bangs. That said, I never thought. “Hhuummm I bet GLUE would be way better to hold my hair in place?!?!?!” WTAF.
@blaineg @tinamarie1974 punks have been using elmer’s school glue for decades.
Her normal hairspray was Got2bGlued.
Maybe this was the confusion?
But to try and sue gorilla… No.
Especially because it was adhesive, found at a hardware store.
@blaineg @RiotDemon for mohawks??
@blaineg @tinamarie1974 yep.
/image tall mohawk

/image liberty spikes
@blaineg @RiotDemon I always wondered how they held those up!
@blaineg @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 The stuff she ran out of had a picture of a gorilla on it. I bet she didn’t think about suing until a bunch of lawyers contacted her. She did set up a GoFundMe but says she’s donating the proceeds since a doctor fixed it for free.
I get that people do stupid stuff, we all do stupid stuff. I just don’t get why they post it on social media. GET OFF MY LAWN.
@blaineg @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
You expect social media to become a venue for postings and interactions by persons of maturity and judgment?
Seems not to get likely to happen soon.
@blaineg @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 The guy I knew in high school with a tall, spiked mohawk told me he used rubber cement.
@blaineg @Limewater @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Putting glue in your hair is one thing but that poor lady glued her hair to her head.
@blaineg @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Of course. School glue and rubber cement both have markings on their labels that indicate that they are washable.
@blaineg @Limewater @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Cured rubber cement is washable?
@blaineg @Limewater @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Umm, yes it is washable, but soap & water won’t likely wash out the rubber adhesive (at least in the US; I think there is a latex-based rubber cement in the UK). Probably need a stronger solvent like acetone, mineral spirits, or heptane (Bestine, Powerfuel).
@blaineg @compunaut @Limewater @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 I don’t think using mineral spirits counts as washable. And cured latex won’t dissolve in water. This lady had the gorilla glue removed with acetone and some sort of adhesive remover.
@blaineg @compunaut @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
You can just about clean cured rubber cement with friction. It doesn’t bind that strongly to human skin or hair, or finished surfaces. At least, that’s my experience.
@blaineg @Limewater @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 I thought I read that the UK rubber cement will ‘dissolve’ in a dilute ammonia/water mix.
Anyway, cured rubber cement is meh adhesive, so it’s physically possible to pull bits off without much trouble, but if you’ve covered your hair it’s going to take a LONG time.
@blaineg @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 If her normal product was Got2bGlued with a picture of a gorilla on it, maybe it’s that company that should be sued, since they are the ones imitating Gorilla Glue’s established trademark.
But when I try to find that product, there are no photos of it with a gorilla that I find. There is another product moco de gorila with a gorilla on it though.
So probably nothing close enough to trademark infringement. There are 2 competing hair products, one with a gorilla, one named glue. So “maybe” there is room for confusion, but gorilla glue predates both I believe.
@blaineg @kevinrs @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
Looks pretty different.
@blaineg @Kyeh @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 yeah, and it’s also not the “glue” brand she supposedly usually uses. I can see someone putting together a logic line that the 2 brands together could mean someone sees “gorilla glue” and thinks it’s also a hair product. Not that it’s reasonable logic, but that’s what they would try to build a lawsuit on.
@blaineg @kevinrs @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
I’m sure you’re right.
@blaineg @kevinrs @Kyeh @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 And then there’s this person:
@blaineg @kevinrs @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 Geez. It’s hair so it’s going to grow out, anyway - it’s not like it would really impede her life, just look gross - but it’s her own damn fault.
@blaineg @kevinrs @Kyeh @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
If it was just on the hair yea cut it off. I think the issues was she glued her hair to her head. Which complicates growing it out. If it is glued to your skin and you glued your skin in place. Stupid? Probably. Why it happened might be more nuanced.
Why it’s “news” is another problem
@blaineg @kevinrs @Kyeh @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @unksol So there’s another warning that they have to put on the label now. They might as well add do not use for eye drops, nasal decongestant, mouthwash or antacid to try and head off any relatives of the next darwin award candidate looking to profit from their stupidity.
@blaineg @kevinrs @kuoh @Kyeh @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 she by definition used it on her skin… There’s no indication she was really going to sue and it would have been tossed out… The “challenge” thing is a larger concern in general. That’s full on verifiable idiotcy
@blaineg @kuoh @Kyeh @RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 @unksol I’m going to guess that the immediate problems are things like lack of sleep. It’s probably hard to sleep with a helmet of hardened hair bonded to your scalp. Apparently acetone only softened it a little, but it was still gummed up and hard to do anything with, then it hardened back up. Eventually it would loosen from the scalp, taking a layer of dead skin cells with it, unless it’s bound so tightly that the hair can’t grow, causing ingrown hair across the whole scalp, and possible infection. I would think an ER would generally not see it as an emergency unless you get to that infection situation. Treatment preinfection is probably soften it up as much as possible and shave the hair and glue off a little at a time.
A guy told me when he was young and stupid, the pompadour hair style was all the rage, but getting it to stay up and in place was challenging.
Then inspiration struck: he and his buddies worked at fiberglass boat building shop. You can probably see where this train wreck is headed…
@blaineg nooooooo.
@RiotDemon Yep! He said the epoxy resin worked wonderfully, all the hold they’d ever wished for. And then the dawning realization that was completely impervious. Nothing would touch it, so they had to wait until their hair grew out, and then cut up under the “hair-glass” shell to get free.
@blaineg @RiotDemon
I have a mental image of the Big Boy restaurant mascot:

@blaineg @Kyeh @RiotDemon

/image something about mary hair gel

BuT that’s washable… Though you could use "Gorilla GOO ".