Weekend Plans?
8Hey everyone sorry haven’t stopped in much to see how you all are. Been busy with emails and everything. Just wanted to know what your plans this weekend are?
Mine consist of; Christmas shopping, Christmas carding, bit of gaming (always), laundry, grocery shopping, Christmas light viewing that sort of stuff. I’ll post some picture from anything interesting I see here for you all to see. Right now though, I’m sitting at a coffee shop enjoying a coffee and some holiday music.
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Working. Mon/Tues will be my weekend off.
@RiotDemon enjoy your Mon / Tues !!
@cardiganb thank you!
/giphy sleep
Cleaning, Christmas movies, Christmas shipping, a little art and I am sure a few cases
@cardiganb Ooh, what kind of art?
It’s cookie time! I’ll be baking.
@sammydog01 me too. Just finished the chocolate chips…
@sammydog01 I just got a how to draw pop manga book so I’ll be looking through that and maybe trying some - if it fails some zentangles and such
Getting one of my condos rent-ready. So, cleaning basically. Then maybe some painting & repairs if needed.
I foster kittens for the local animal shelter. I currently have 6 little ones, 3 with upper respiratory infections. So I’m taking care of sick baby kittens.
@ChompyGator Oh my goodness, best of luck. You are doing good work.
A worthy endeavor.
Oh shoot, Christmas cards!! Time to get busy…
work on Sat and Sun. (0645 to 1515) though I ended up leaving late both days since the ER was busy at shift change.
(That is why i am just now finding this thread…)
Taking the cats to get Santa pictures and then celebrating the solstice with my sibs.