Way to make the pregnant lady cry, meh.


We received a mysterious package from meh today.
This was inside:

Aww! Meh sent me a birthday gift? How sweet.

Is that toilet paper?

It's probably from one of the rolls we sent them...

Oh wait, does that say... Happy Birth-ing Day?

D'aww! Thanks, guys!

What was in the bag, you ask?

meh onesies! And someone cutting onions, because tears.
It'll be a while before she'll fit into them (18 month) but I'll be sure to post some super cute pics when she does.

Thank you so much @dave @snapster @MEHcus @hollboll @galmaegi @ChadP @Moose @katylava @kylethephotoguy @harrison @denboy & @Mediocrity. (I'm sure there should be others - but that's who signed the card.)

I love them. @humper loves them. They're even my favorite colors, purple (@Barney!) and blue.
You're the best!