Warm Fuzzies!
11My favorite thing from my 8 yr old pup is that when he gets super lovey, the fur on his head stands up and he looks like a fluffy puppy all over again. It melts my heart every time.
What cute or oddball thing do your pets do that give you the warm fuzzies?
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When my kitteh puts her paw on my hand.
“Nice, human. You get touches.”
When Mr Whiskers meowers loudly before he barfs on the kitchen floor. Thanks kitteh.
@therealjrn INCOMING!
@therealjrn My cat yodels if she’s gonna throw up.
@therealjrn that’s very polite of him to give you a warning
I wish I had a pet. However, at home my mom’s dog Bella when I’m sitting in the chair she’ll wedge herself into the chair between my leg and the arm cushion.
I love the way my dog expects me to read his mind for what he wants by looking up at me with his big puppy-dog eyes.
@rtjhnstn There are typically three questions: Pets? Food? Pee?
@Targaryen He rings bell for the last unless it is 4:30am.
@rtjhnstn oh my gosh that face. Talk about sweet!
My other pup likes to do what we call the “puppy shark” and lie on his back while swishing back and forth making happy puppy noises.
My cat stares at me while I eat. It’s so cute that she thinks I’m going to give her any of my food
sometimes he gives me this look.
@carl669 who is this black puddle of adorableness?
@moonhat that would be Dexter the jail dog. who also enjoys sleeping with his head under the bed frame
@carl669 haha, my dog does this. Sometimes I wonder if she’d be happier with a crate to sleep in.
@RiotDemon actually, he used to have a crate. but he would never sleep in it during the day.
@carl669 @RiotDemon what a goofball!! I love it.
Sam waits for me to fall asleep then he comes over to cuddle. Some times I act like I am asleep to see how long it takes him to make his way over lol
/giphy warm fuzzies

i don’t know. when my cat (who has a dead brother) comes up to me and wants love. i kinda feel obligated, even if i’m not in the mood. i kinda feel cats just expect that of us.
/giphy cat expectations

/youtube cat rubbing all over
/image cat ready to pounce

Last night, my cat and dog were at the side of the bed staring at me. The 80lb dog is mad jealous the cat gets to sleep on the bed. The cat jumps up and I give the doggie a few consultation pets before I tuck my arm under the blankie. She roots her nose under the blanket and finds my hand, so her head is entirely covered and I’m petting her under the covers as I nod off.
@medz you need to let the dog on the bed tooooo!!
@moonhat we did for awhile after adopting her to bond with her, but she is too big!
This is when a Michael Scott bench-at-the-foot-of-the-bed might be helpful.
Not for you, for the big precious furkid.
@medz @moonhat Get a bigger bed…
@afurball Not a terrible idea, but this bedroom is smaller than our last. We already have too much furniture in it. Last night I dangled my arm off the side of the bed and she slept next to me on the floor for awhile.
Freyja will come running/galloping towards me when I call her name. She’s my tiny fuzzy shadow and follows me everywhere–I love her to the moon and back.
When our Roux gets excited she will wag her tail so hard that it wags her whole butt, or sometimes her chest, and occasionally it even wags all the way to her head. Her nickname is Wigglebutt.
Oh, boy. So many pets, so many warm fuzzies. Kiko (cat) always runs into the bathroom when I’m in there and throws herself at my feet, tummy presented for rubbing. Frankie (cat) has to be cuddled up against me when I am in bed. Every so often, he reaches up and pats my face very gently with his paw. Maia (cat) haaates cuddling, but as soon as she thinks I’m asleep, she snuggles up next to me in bed. Mouse (cat) hangs out in the shower with me when I have the water turned down to soap up and scrub. Domino (dog) makes that crazy bared teeth face when he’s all happy to see me- he looks ridiculously cute. Peanut (dog) just gives me these pitiful adoring looks that make my heart melt. My ducks (um, ducks.) will come running back to get me if I walk too slow when it’s time for them to go back to their house.
Our kitten Kiki will latch on to my sock as I walk by and then have me drag her along through the house. She detaches once we get where she wanted. Also, when I am cooking she will sit up on her hind legs next to my feet and wait for me to let her sample the night’s selection.