Unofficial Mehrican Exchange Ver. 7.0 {Necropost}
Welcome to the Mehrican Exchange Version 7.0 and let me start off by saying that I am sincerely sorry you all found your way here. This exchange stemmed from a small group of people on deals.woot frustrated with their inability to gain a Woot Bag of Crap. @studerc started it and ran the first 4 exchanges (so regardless of who the goat is, this is all his fault!) and @Yoda_Daenerys volunteered to run exchange #5 (labeled 4.01a V.2 if you want to search for it). @kidsandliz was coerced into running #6 and this one (#7). The basic premise of this exchange is simple:
You will have the opportunity to exchange a total of 3 boxes (typically they are medium priority mail size although you are not bound by that). Essentially how this works is that for each box you agree to send out, you will get one in return, 2 for 2, 3 for 3. It is pretty much up for whatever you want to do. Search the person you are sending to on old posts on meh, google them, whatever…(as long as it is legal). You will be the one paying for the shipping for each box you give out so it’s pretty much up to your wallet. Please review the following guidelines in ensure that each Mehrican is provided with an at least mediocre exchange experience.
Tread lightly with homemade or perishable food items. Furthermore all food items that are sent must be completely sealed. (this step was taken from the start in which multiple participants mentioned food allergies).
This does not follow the same guidelines as a Fuku/obukuro or Woot BOC in terms of quantity of items. Glance at older exchanges to get an idea of what people have sent in the past. Don’t be THAT GUY that sends a crappy box in hopes to get something decent in return. ALSO, although there is no limit on the cost of your box, we all come from different socioeconomic statuses. Be respectful of that. Some will be able to send more, others will not. All part of the game.
Please follow all posted mailing guidelines regarding sending explosives, alcohol, drugs, you know that bureaucratic BS that will get people in “trouble”.
Do not send a box of broken objects, objects that could easily be broken in transit, things that could be considered trash, etc. Nobody wants a box like that and again, it’s just a terrible move. Plus people can get hurt and stuff.
Please keep in mind and follow all of the expectations regarding the send out dates and etc. Do not sign up for more than you can actually send out in a timely manner.
IF this is your first exchange, you will only be permitted to exchange one box.
When shipping out your box, please include your username somewhere in or on the parcel. It makes it so much easier to recognize and thank someone that way!
When you get your box you need to post to the meh exchange 7.0 reveal thread. Preferably with photos. It is very disappointing for the sender if you do not do that. And I will nag you if you don’t. So if you don’t want to be nagged then just do it.
Please keep in mind, the point of this exchange is to be fun and community oriented. Don’t be THAT PERSON who goes and ruins the fun for everyone else. Likewise, keep in mind that I am human, I make mistakes and things might change along the way to create the best experience for everyone.
I set this up so that you (theoretically) don’t need to sign into google to be able to fill out the sign up form. If it refuses to let you fill it out then try signing in to google. Also let me know if that happens.
Form is located here:
SEND ME AN EMAIL AT (notice it says 6 and not 7) when you have signed up so that I know for sure I have your form. If you have any questions email me at this email address.
Enrollment: 2/3-2/11
Emails out on 2/13-15
Boxes out from 2/16-2/21 (ish)
Post to the reveal thread when you receive your box(es)
PLEASE NOTE: Please have your box(es) ready to go when you sign up (or shortly thereafter) so you can mail them in a timely manner. If some reason you will not be home when your box(es) might arrive and want them sent to arrive later, please note that on the sign up sheet so that I can include that information when I send out your information.
Thanks to @studerc, the originator of this exchange, for allowing me to plagiarize his previous efforts. If you don’t like it blame either him or the goat!
- 33 comments, 47 replies
- Comment
Just completed the sign-up and sent the email.


@PlacidPenguin @mfladd ooh this could be fun if somehow you get each other or maybe a threesome with @kittysprinkles. Odds of that though are only slightly less than winning the lottery since I let excel use its random number generator and only edit if someone gets themselves.
I thought Mehxchanges also take into account past Mehxchanges.
@PlacidPenguin I only have records from the last one and had been planning to reshuffle if need be. If you want to list people you have already had or had you I can re-shuffle for that too.
I’m assuming you also have who I sent to because they never got their original box?
Do you also have from when @Yoda_Daenerys ran it?
@PlacidPenguin The only records I have are from when I did it. I only saved who sent to whom and who screwed whom. Not sure if I saved to whom those who came to the rescue sent to. I’ll have to go look. I’ll have to make sure I save that this time around though.
Also, are you sure you want to have boxes go out all the way till June 21st?
@PlacidPenguin oops thanks for catching that. @thumperchick or @narfcake or @moose or @someone please change the date that the boxes go out to 2/16-2/21 (I accidently forgot to change the 6/21 to 2/21 Thanks!!!
@Kidsandliz And how about a topic bubble too?

@mfladd I have no control over that.
@Kidsandliz You did. When you create the thread you post, then hit edit, it gives you a box that you can change the topic bubble to whatever you want. Just an fyi, if you didn’t already know that.
@mfladd I didn’t even see that. Hey @narfcake @thumperchick and etc. Maybe edit in a topic bubble in addition to correcting the date? Pretty please? (That’s what I get for doing this when I am exhausted).
@Kidsandliz Done.
@narfcake thanks
@narfcake fitting - a cat in a box. Why am I not surprised?
I’m in!
Sounds interesting. Can you send me a link to the previous reveals so I know what I’m getting into
@llangley exchange reveal&cad=h
@llangley @djslack
And because of how #5 was named…
Wow, so many people post so much carp on these threads while waiting to get their stuff. I had to scroll halfway down to even see any freaking packages in most.
I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less from mehians.

/giphy I can’t even
I’m in, I saw the previous ones and was intrigued… crap from strangers in the mail is way better than candy from some creepy guy in a van!
@bramby2 says the guy that has clearly never got candy from a stranger.

/image know your lane
I am in and looking forward to it.
@CaptAmehrican Me too! I have way more awesome crap to share than I thought I did. I just hope that I end up with a net of less awesome crap than when I started. I have too much already.
I’m in for two or three boxes, but I’m having problems opening the Google docs sheet. May be my VPN, so I’ll try from work in a while.
Edit: yeah, was my VPN (more precisely, its DNS servers).
@baqui63 Glad you were able to figure it out as my problem solving abilities with things like this is limited. I thought I was doing well figuring out how to set it so you didn’t have to sign into google to fill out the form. LOL
@Kidsandliz It was clearly on my end (my VPN’s DNS servers have been a bit wonky the last two days).
Technical things don’t phase me and problems with them are almost always easy enough to figure out, though getting around the problems can be a PITA.
So far 12 have signed up, 1/3 who haven’t participated before. We already have one who is willing to send a box without getting something back in case someone gets screwed (thank you - we needed 2 or 3 of them last time).
hi @kidsandliz, put me on the list for sending (if needed) but not receiving. you are such a great community supporter for running this again!
/giphy community supporter

/image on the list

/youtube such a great community
/8ball running this again?
Yes definitely
@Yoda_Daenerys Make sure you fill out the form please. And thanks for offering to just send. And I am sure that this “job” will roll over to someone else in the future… At least right now I have the time and don’t mind doing it, but when the stupid cancer comes back (and it will, as the 3rd one has no cure - but a longer life span) I will likely bail at that point.
@Kidsandliz done, reluctantly, hope to hear from you soon
and in other news, 50
more clicks and the ratio is integer
i think i did it right!!
shit! did i do it right??
i can also send an extra box if you need. happy to!
@mick thanks - hope you noted that on the form
@Kidsandliz shit…
you know i didn’t put this on the form!!
i went to edit the form and it wouldn’t let me… sorry…
should i just fill out an extra form?
@mick Hmm I thought I had picked that you could edit it up until I closed it. Guess I don’t know how that works. Let me figure out what I need to click on to allow edits. I reply to you again here to let you know what is up. If you decide to act prior to me doing anything then please note in the comments to ignore your other form. PS can’t do it right this instant.
@mick I just went and checked. I have the box checked that says you can edit it after you have filled it out so I am not sure why you can’t. I guess the only solution is to fill out another one and in the comments tell me to delete the other one. Sorry about that. I have no idea how to solve that problem since I have already chosen the edit option. I did unclick, save, click it again and save but I am not sure if that will fix anything.
@Kidsandliz i think once you x out… when going back… edit is not an option anymore. just a new form. i sent a new form. with a note to disregard the first.
@mick OK. thanks.
Is there a one way option where I only send crap?
@thismyusername yes - that is one of the choices on the form
/image cat bump

19 signed up so far
In for two!
/image bump this thread

21 people in so far.
/image bumpity bumpity bumpity

22 folks signed up so far and 11 days to go. Last time we had close to 40.
Exciting! My mind is bustling with strange fermentations. What will I send! What will I receive?!
@mfladd Thanks for bumping the thread although that one is gross.
In for 1…as a newb…
25 signed up so far, 34% newbies … the rest haven’t learned their lesson and are back for more
8.5 new people signed up?
@Kidsandliz Are you setting any standard for newbs? A vetting process, or minimum activity requirements?
@PlacidPenguin rounding error (grin)
Are you participating?
@ruouttaurmind They are only allowed to do one box. Also doing two other checks but don’t want to discuss them here as they can be defeated. Email me at the exchange email and I can discuss this more.
@PlacidPenguin I haven’t signed up yet. Friday afternoon I’m planning to dig through my stuff and see how many decent boxes I can bodge up.
@ruouttaurmind There is still time… Thanks for letting me know you plan to
dumpgift somecrapstuff to others.@ruouttaurmind
If by some misfortune, you get assigned to send to me, I’d gladly take a box filled with legal United States currency in lieu of junk.
@PlacidPenguin Hey that box is going to me. I will break randomness to arrange that LOL.
I’ll make a deal.
You could have the box of legal United States currency, IF you give me the names which I want.
@PlacidPenguin I can fill a box with slips of paper with names on them surely you’d find a name in there that you’d want. Right?
The count is currently 26 with signups ending at the end of Sunday
/giphy bump

One more day to sign up. If you have been procrastinating do it now.
And yeah I just realized likely going to cross a fuko… Oh well most of us won’t get one anyway and I bet what is in these is far better than a fuko.
I’ll send the boxes out on the 14th so that they get delivered on the 16.
Assuming of course that none of them will require 3 days to ship…
@PlacidPenguin Well I hope to send out the email at the front end of when I said I’d do it… but don’t hold me to it.
Even though this was necropost brought to the top by spam… perhaps people want to do one again? If yes anyone want to run it? I wouldn’t be able to until Sept but others have also run it. If you want to and haven’t run it I’d be glad to give you info.
@Kidsandliz I can assist in running it. I think Elfster worked pretty well last time and I don’t think it’s use is restricted to just holidays.
I would love to participate in one if you guys choose to run another!
Here’s a link to the most recent one: