(unofficial) Mehrican Exchange #6 post clues to your interests.... if so inclined

Kidsandliz went on a bit of a rant said

As requested by both @mehbee:

I am not sure if anyone has requested it, but could we have either a document, or a topic where the participants can go on and put a list of interests, hobbys, etc.? I know we can do searches and did that last time, but did not find much. I think we had a post where everyone could list some areas of interest. Just an idea!

and @moonhat

I am hoping for something like this too. I am not on here as much as many of the others and I only recognize the screen names, but don’t know much about the people etc. Is that bad? Should I not have joined?

Soooo… in your wildest (or not so wildest) dreams if people could, per their request, post here (or not - up to you), things that might give your sender clues to your interests, hobbies, addictions (umm everything sent through the mail needs to be legal in the state of the sender, state of the recipient and all other states of geography or mind that matter), quirks…or anything else that might give your recipient a clue if they are going to try to personalize your box a tiny little bit…

That being said, people should not go out and spend a bunch of money. This should not be an ever escalating event where those of us (myself included) who are going to have to scrap for the postage money, let alone if we attempt to personalize what is in the box in a small way, feel like our boxes we are sending will be inferior and disappoint. This is, after all, an exchange of mostly used junk (not trash though), white elephants, maybe some useful stuff, fun stuff, silly stuff, no doubt some stuff you will be left shaking your head and save to pass along to the next exchange…

This is meant to be a meh - and not an over the top and/or expensive - exchange. See past reveals if you have not done this before to get an idea of the RANGE of quantity and quality of what is sent. Think fukO and not fukU… Think woot bags of crap… And for that matter don’t overthink this. I already (and a handful of other people have already posted that they have too) have a box made up without anything personalized it in. I plan see if I can add a couple of things based on who I get, but other than that my box is already packed and ready to go.

Now all that being said, I would appreciate being sent a winning lottery ticket please LOL…