(unofficial) Mehrican Exchange #6 post clues to your interests.... if so inclined
3As requested by both @mehbee:
I am not sure if anyone has requested it, but could we have either a document, or a topic where the participants can go on and put a list of interests, hobbys, etc.? I know we can do searches and did that last time, but did not find much. I think we had a post where everyone could list some areas of interest. Just an idea!
and @moonhat
I am hoping for something like this too. I am not on here as much as many of the others and I only recognize the screen names, but don’t know much about the people etc. Is that bad? Should I not have joined?
Soooo… in your wildest (or not so wildest) dreams if people could, per their request, post here (or not - up to you), things that might give your sender clues to your interests, hobbies, addictions (umm everything sent through the mail needs to be legal in the state of the sender, state of the recipient and all other states of geography or mind that matter), quirks…or anything else that might give your recipient a clue if they are going to try to personalize your box a tiny little bit…
That being said, people should not go out and spend a bunch of money. This should not be an ever escalating event where those of us (myself included) who are going to have to scrap for the postage money, let alone if we attempt to personalize what is in the box in a small way, feel like our boxes we are sending will be inferior and disappoint. This is, after all, an exchange of mostly used junk (not trash though), white elephants, maybe some useful stuff, fun stuff, silly stuff, no doubt some stuff you will be left shaking your head and save to pass along to the next exchange…
This is meant to be a meh - and not an over the top and/or expensive - exchange. See past reveals if you have not done this before to get an idea of the RANGE of quantity and quality of what is sent. Think fukO and not fukU… Think woot bags of crap… And for that matter don’t overthink this. I already (and a handful of other people have already posted that they have too) have a box made up without anything personalized it in. I plan see if I can add a couple of things based on who I get, but other than that my box is already packed and ready to go.
Now all that being said, I would appreciate being sent a winning lottery ticket please LOL…
- 22 comments, 65 replies
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Paging @mehbee @moonhat - you folks wanted this… so here it is ready and waiting for you to start off this thread in grand style.
I like stuff. Will be reading to see if my recipients like stuff as well
@boredashell What are your hobbies? For example painting elephant toe nails? Throwing rotten tomatoes at the other baseball team when they strike out one of your players?
@Kidsandliz i clearly said stuff. That should be enough. But if you must know details. I do like to paint and play games and stuff. Sometimes play some disc golf. Got a bunch of cats, reptiles, and amphibians. They do the job when all that other stuff don’t. What about you???
@boredashell Stuff is the best!
OK @mehbee in a somewhat nutshell: I’m a country girl from Georgia, although at almost, gulp, 50, girl is a stretch. I love all animals, especially elephant, and cows and the babies of any animal. I have 7 dogs, 2 horses and a turtle. I also have 8 grandchildren, the youngest of which lives with us, along with her daddy. She’s 2 and completely sassy and sweet. Fun fact: while I have grandkids, I don’t have any children. I love baseball and the Atlanta Braves. I have a baseball card collection which I have no idea if its worth anything or nothing. My mom and I started it a long time ago and I don’t add too much to it each year anymore. I love movies and watching TV. Just about anything superhero (Marvel more than DC) or SciFi, I’m in!. Mg two favorite shows are Supernatural and The Walking Dead and I’m pretty obsessed with TWD, on FB pages go to the cons, etc. I love to read and while I will read just about anything, I mostly stick to mysteries and thrillers I guess they are called… if it has spies, black ops, Seals, Rangers anything like that, they have me at hooah! I like crossword puzzles and LOVE word finds. I love crafting, photography and traveling. I am about to start learning Spanish. I still love toys and have a very small collection of the old tin toys, and I still have toys that I p!ay with, you know for stress relief.
Once my mom visited me when I still worked in an office. I shared a cubicle with one of my best friends, she said it looked like we worked at FAO Schwartz… LOL.
OK I know this was way, way too much information but I just don’t know what might be relevant to someone.
In all honesty, I’m going to be happy with whatever I get but since I would like this much info from the person I’m making a box for…I’m starting it off with TMI.
@mehbee There are two reasons I’m not participating this time:
Woot helped with #1 by firing the writers. You helped with #2 by enjoying my crap. Expect a grand-daughter friendly box in a week or two.
@sammydog01 I’m sorry you have too much crap! I know the feeling…lol…I have a hard time in letting go of my crap though. You didn’t have to but Harper will be very excited to get a box. I’m going to video it and send it to you this time. She can be very dramatic.
/youtube I like turtles
@medz LOL, that’s funny! A character did eat a turtle on The Walking Dead, maybe that’s where that came from? Or maybe he’s just a quirky, silly kid. I like the Bad Lip Reading from TWD where Daryl talks about Anthony, his turtle. It makes me laugh hysterically, in fact most of them do.
@mehbee I think “I like turtles” is older than the walking dead?
Edit: yep, 2007
@sammydog01 You made one little girl very happy. I want to post the video but I have to try to post it from my phone. In the mean time, her are three pics, basically all the same except for her expression. Well as soon as I can figure out why they are posting sideways.
@RiotDemon Oh I didn’t even check the date, it’s still too cute. Now I have to figure out why my pics are posting sideways.
@mehbee Just upload them sideways. We can always just turn our computers (or phones or tablets) sideways. I never was able to figure out why some of my pics did the same thing as they weren’t sideways when I looked at them…If you find a solution please let me know what it is.
@mehbee omg, so cute!
@RiotDemon Thank you. She was very much in love with each of these stuffed animals but the Woot monkeys were her favorite. I’m trying to post the video of her “unboxing” now.
@sammydog01 Here is the video of Harper “unboxing” her special box. Thank you very much for thinking of her. It’s kind of long, 7 minutes and maybe it’s not as stinking cute as I think it is since I’m extremely biased but I think you’ll see how much she loves what you sent.enter link description here
@Kidsandliz I cropped them a little smaller in Picasa, not sure if that is what allowed them to post correctly or not.
@mehbee wow! @sammydog01 packed that box until it was about to burst at the seams!
@mehbee You’re welcome Harper! I’m glad she liked the critters. I made sure to send monkeys that had their tabs in so the box wouldn’t make noise at the post office. Pull them out and they should scream. The purse is a carrier for the animals. She is adorable!
@RiotDemon I used a lot of tape.
@RiotDemon Yep, it was the never-ending box!
@sammydog01 I didn’t let her in on the tab secret…lol…I figure one screaming monkey at a time is enough, plus, when one stops, she’ll be happy that she can make another start. She was happy with the purse afterwards, when she got over her monkey coma. I sure hope a monster hasn’t been created, I wonder how she is going to act the next time a box shows up at the house…:). I still laugh when I think of her saying Funnny about the moose and saying Run Away about the dino shirt…and the fact that she got excited at every single monkey that came out of that box. You really outdid yourself. I truly appreciate you making her, and my, day that way. Her dad’s too. He had just as much fun as I did watching her.
Here’s the embedded video. I hope you don’t mind that I embedded it, since you already posted a link to it in the thread. If you do, ping @thumperchick to remove it.
@f00l I don’t mind at all, thanks.
@mehbee that babydoll is just adorable!! I love the way she placed every animal carefully to avoid stacking them! Until the monkeys…they just threw her off to giggles…
way to go @sammydog01… And no interest in the t-shirts, she was too interested in her new friends!
@mikibell That’s so funny, my first thought as I watched her was how sweet she was putting each animal down…and how she got so happy each and every time she pulled out a monkey. she was(and is) just enchanted with them, the Pegasus pink horse, white unicorn and the kitty cat are her other favorites. When I read that that purse was for carrying the animals, I immediately told Harper…and that was it. She has been carrying horses, or kitties or whatever she decides on a particular day she wants in that purse. She’s also decorated my living room with the monkeys! And I promise these are the last of the pics of her for awhile!

I don’t have words for that degree delightfulness.
I think it changes all my brain chemicals just to see those pix.
@f00l That’s how I feel everyday with her!
@mehbee my mom tells me being a grandmother is the best thing that ever happened to her… enjoy it!!! You can post pics til your heart is content, imho.
@mikibell It definitely is the best thing to ever happen to me, hands down. Harper’s at that age where everything(well almost) everything she does seems to be super cute…of course I have to photodocument it.
@mehbee Keep the photos coming! She is so cute.
I am an idiot.
@f00l Now why would you say that?
Truth in advertising.
Also friends and relatives will vouch. And they will hold to that assertion under oath in court and threat of perjury.
@f00l Well I’m a geek and a goofball…but I accept and own it…ha
It’s all good.
You had me at
: ).
@f00l wish there was a love button!

@f00l YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT! In fact you’re extremely brilliant when you get on a subject that matters to you it proves that fact. However, I dare to say (and probably wrong) you seem to be an introvert like me. If I’m right- it makes me like you even more. If I’m wrong- still like you. In your words…Capiche
@f00l not an idiot but perhaps a f00l
I am sufficiently idiotic to be f00lish
I am necessarily f00lish and therefore idiotic.
/giphy circular

I love animals like @mehbee but only have 3 cats. Can’t talk my hubby into a dog, sadly. I live in the PNW, I’m an orcaholic, and I love reading, knitting, sailing, and my vw beetle. And good IPA’s at happy hour, new shoes, tropical vacations, and really colorful things. Not a fan of children, green beans, Seaworld, or anything with a smell unless it’s being pulled out of an oven.
@moonhat My IPA of choice is sweet tea
@mehbee Your a woman after my own heart! I too am a country girl (49ish
) from NY. Upstate that is. I have spent my share of time on the 24 mile island but living 80 miles north seemed to be a better place to raise my 3 biological daughters but I’ve acquired 6 girls in total. All but 1 has moved out to start their own adventures. I have 1 dog but when the little one moved back home she brought her 2. All but 2 of my 8 grandchildren are of the 4 legged variety. I think people are super cool if they know what a Tardus and think little adipose creatures are cute. I really like to cook for my crazy family. Lately I’ve been on a beauty box kick (nothing has helped as of yet) LOL. I love receiving surprises in the mail. For whomever gets me please don’t stress anything and everything will be greatly appreciated (like all of us) but I would love to hear what would make your box special if you don’t mind sharing.
@candiedisilvio1 Bowties are cool!
I knew we were kindred spirits!
@oldcatlady (ping for you to find this thread) wants people to list t-shirt sizes
@Tellatale You did not give me your email address so that I can send you your person you are sending a box to!! Please send it to me ASAP at MehricanExchange6@yahoo.com
some things about me: I am british, I live in So Cal, I work in education (history adjunct prof), I used to cycle professionally and i love being outside, I have diabetes and this is my first time doing this. I’ll be checking back to see if my matched person posts
@jestout One more thing: you eschew the Oxford comma.
Hey educated person:
Oxford comma comments, please.
/giphy comma

@djslack @f00l

/image comma comma …
I’m in New York City, so I don’t have a ton of space for stuff, but also I like stuff. So here we are.
I’m allergic to both cats and dogs, so I don’t own any. Perhaps one day I will own a rabbit, but not any time soon.
I fold origami, build Gunpla, and listen to lots of weird music. I use a tiny fidget spinner unironically for stress relief in social situations. I like NPR podcasts and the stories that come from Night Vale Presents. I play Overwatch, casually. Mostly tanks and support characters - my top four is D.Va, Orisa, Mercy, and Lucio in some order. I also play a lot of roguelikes and other indie games - Steam username kawatan should show you a lot of what I like. I’m trying to read more. I like stories with a touch of the surreal - Borges, Lem, Murakami. Sometimes I watch soccer, Bayern Munich
. I eat lots of weird things but am allergic to eggs and chicken.
I don’t really wear graphic t-shirts, but if you find something really interesting, I’m generally a women’s large. I like weird abstract designs on clothes and socks. I like things that smell like citrus and/or ginger.
I hope this is enough information!
Like your lit.
Are you in Manhattan? If so, what neighborhood?
@Kawa I just bought one of these!

@Kawa I am supposed to be playing with my fidget spinner ironically??? I do it to keep me from running my mouth when I shouldn’t and from multitasking when I should be listening…kind of like I’m commenting here when I should be listening to my team call.
@f00l I’m in Queens, but my new job will be in Midtown East!
Hope you have a blast.
Are you working at a medical complex? If so, which one? (Don’t say, if that doesn’t seem like the thing to do.)
@f00l I’m working at the corporate office of one of the major private hospital/clinic networks. I don’t think I’ll be more specific than that.
Cool. Understand.
Have migraines so can’t do smells. I’m disabled but not letting it stop me too much. Since I can no longer do want I love (law enforcement and 911) I mostly stay indoors since heat/bitter cold affects me. However, on a good day I get a chance to watch my youngest do cross country, swimming and monitor his every move since he now has a girlfriend- damn it to hell. My oldest is in the Navy and was one of the few to make E6 at such a young age. I’m an extreme introvert and hate social media. Shirt sizes depends but I usually go for large because I like very baggy clothes. If anyone saw the socks post I like quirky, but not obnoxious, patterned (or something on it that makes them special) socks (crew style). I may have been transplanted to Ohio but my heart is still southern (agree with the sweet tea comment above there’s no other kind). Love my family (have two excellent sons), a cat and a Wonderful Husband (yes, I’m a woman but I think most of you already figured that out) who has stayed with me through good and now bad times. Grew up in Virginia and my Daddy worked in D.C. so I watch Bones because they will do a shot of the downtown occasionally (love that view!) and weaning off of TWD since they killed off some damn good characters and now it’s nothing but depressing- they never seem to have an “uplifting” show they’re always negative so I’m leaning towards FTWD. Also like a lot of syfy channel and some supernatural shows and history channel with the occasional FX, FXM, A&E or USA thrown in. I suck at punctuation so I dash and parentheses a lot. I’m usually easily amused - which is why I think I keep coming back here
Anything else?
Am out of it re TV.
Oh. I get it.
That’s’ Fear The Walking Dead?
@f00l Yep you got it right…

@WTFsunshine Did you watch this season’s TWD’s finale???
@mehbee Not yet. I’m 4 shows away. 12 Monkeys put their whole season out all at once (which makes me think they might not have been renewed which is a shame) so I’m finishing that up. Thank goodness for the DVR! Is the ending good or is it another cliffhanger?
@WTFsunshine They put the whole season out on SYFY? I didn’t know that and have been waiting for them. I wonder if that’s why my DVR didn’t record it. Have to find them quick. If they didn’t get renewed that would suck, that’s an awesome show.
I have 13 emails left to send out (we have over 50 boxes going out) and will finish sending them Monday. I am too tired to finish tonight.
Cat giphy
/giphy kitty

@f00l I had a cat who’d sit in the bathroom sink, even as you filled it up with water. He’d finally jump out just as the sink was ready to overflow. I miss that sweetie. He died in Dec of 1998, the day after my father’s funeral. Really sucked. He was only 11 (complications of diabetes - vet tech killed him due to failure to read instructions about insulin dose change). I currently have two who prefer to drink from running water from the sink or tub (when I had a tub - this dump only has a shower).
I like: baseball, cats, crystals, Americana, tech toys, tea, gardening, Star Trek, flowers, Star Wars, Brit TV series, environmental protection. I read a lot, ebooks and paper. Don’t like spicy foods, NASCAR, football, gaming. I live in Florida. Shirt size 2x.
I live in North Texas, spend most of my time online because I build and manage web sites, I’m huge SciFi and Fantasy fan (Trek, Babylon 5, Stainless Steel Rat, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Wizards, etc.), both movies and books. Also an avid collector of US silver coins from prior to 1964 (Barber series, Seated Liberty series, Franklin half-dollars, Morgan & Peace dollars), and large cents from the 1800’s.
I love purple and


/image purple pina colada

/image rainstorm purple
@Barney OMG Me too! Except for the purple.
@sammydog01 The purple pina coladas is that silly @f00l’s doing.
@Barney think we could make them with blue curacao and cranberry juice… but the yellow of the pineapple might skew that…
@Barney Hey did you sign up for the exchange? I don’t have you under Barney. Oh yeah you have the account you buy things through, never mind. But you do realize whomever is sending to you will have no idea Barney is actually someone else LOL. If you’d like me to inform your sender then please inform me via mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com
I have to say I find it amazing how much we all have in common and I’m enjoying learning little tidbits about eachother. To add my t-shirt size would be xlg. They have to be baggy because of a HUGH elephant belly due to medical issues. Happy hunting to all and let the games begin
Some people have already sent boxes today and so the first boxes will be arriving Wednesday. (Don’t worry, they are just the early birds, over achievers and - my excuse which is going out of town folks - none of you are late yet LOL). I will start the reveal thread. Until they make it a broadcast you might have to hunt for it. Remember you are expected to post on that.
I have two girls (8 & 5), so anything they like is great.
Anything else is still mediocre.
The reveal thread is here
ALL emails have been sent out with who you are sending to. If you did not get an email and think you are participating first check your spam. Then email me if you still can’t find it: mehricanexchange6@yahoo.com
Boxes have started to arrive for some people. Don’t forget there is already a reveal thread. Please post there when your box arrives even if you aren’t ready yet to post the reveal itself or pictures.
The reveal (and shipping) thread is here: