Two truths and a lie (Staff edition) Answers.
9I thought I'd make a separate thread for the answers so those who wanted to guess still without spoilers could carry on.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, go back to this thread and come back when you're done.
I posted what all the votes were as of 11AM CST this morning, those will probably change once you all find out what the answers are. ;)
- 13 comments, 37 replies
- Comment
@Chadp's were:
I was captain of my high school golf team. (15 votes)
I'm allergic to oysters. (25 votes)
I hate fireworks. (21 votes)
@Chadp is not allergic to oysters.

@MEHcus's were:
I was once told that I would be dead within the hour by a doctor. (16 votes)
My shoe size went with my age until I was 15. (28 votes)
I am adopted. (17 votes)
@MEHcus wasn't adopted, but he does have big feet!

@MEHcus don't leave us hanging DID YOU DIE?!
@chellemonkey yes. but then someone called his name 3 times and he came back.
(if i had @medz-level skills, i would have totally put @MEHcus' face on that gif)

@medz now THAT's what Willis was talkin' bout!
@chellemonkey Only for a few minutes, but they brought me back
@medz Your talents know no ends
@Dave's were:
I have three tattoos: two are Star Wars-themed and one that's @matthew's former band's logo. (30 votes)
I wrote and published a punk zine called Shoddy Goods with @jasontoon. (5 votes)
I hitchhiked across the US for half a year. (18 votes)
@Dave may be a serial killer, but he does not have tattoos.

That would be a sweet tattoo, though
@galmaegi's were:
I have an imaginary dog. (14 votes)
I applied for the reality show called 90-day fiancé on TLC but didn't hear back. (19 votes)
I failed my driving test three times before I got the license. (18 votes)
@galmaegi was not a 90-day fiancé but her driving skills have improved since her move to TX.

@moose's were:
I went to the same junior high and/or high school that some of The Fray went to. (10 votes)
I went to the same junior high and/or high school that Hurricane Chris went to. (19 votes)
I went to the same junior high and/or high school that Baby Jessica went to. (13 votes)
@moose did in fact not go to the same junior high and/or high school that Hurricane Chris went to.

@hollboll I know this because Hurricane Chris is unfortunately from my hometown, while @moose is not. I'd be far prouder to claim @moose, to be honest.
@djslack What are you talking about, we had a discussion about me going to college in Ratchet City!
@Moose Right. Went to college here, but not from here. I guess I meant born and raised. I didn't want to be all stalkery and go into all that. But I'm proud that you've lived here for a time (or some would day you've done time here) just the same!
OTOH when a Youtube video of Hurricane Chris performing his hit "Halle Berry" in front of the state legislature makes 49 other states shake their heads at us, I'm not proud at all.
@Baybay11 Is that you, Hurricane Chris? Or DJ Hollyhood Bay Bay himself, out searching the Internet for deals and snark? If not, and it's merely lucky coincidence relevant to this matter, FYI you have a name that's famous(ish) around these parts.
@Katylava's were:
I learned HTML at Job Corps. (17 votes)
I first started using the internet so I could read Earth 2 fan fiction. (19 votes)
I dress my dogs in people clothes. (14 votes)
@Katylava does dress her cats in people clothes, but not her dogs.

Nice try @froodyfrog.
@hollboll (@dave @katylava)
I just realized my mistake yesterday. I didn't realize it specified "dog". I thought it said "pet" for some reason.
Whoops, not supposed to be aimed at @dave , was targeting @ChadP
(I blame @thismyusername)
I'm really surprised so many people didn't think my truths were true. Why? I thought it would be easy to spot the lie, because I did specify "dogs"... figured that would be telling.

@Kylethephotoguy's were:
One of my favorite old TV shows is Red Dwarf. (4 votes)
I had six wisdom teeth pulled as a teen. (22 votes)
I am good at impersonating Elvis. (24 votes)
@Kylethephotoguy's Elvis impression could probably use some work.

@hollboll SHOW US THE TEETH!!!
@chellemonkey I think you meant to tag @kylethephoto guy there. I don't have his wisdom teeth. ;)
@jasontoon's were:
Honeymooned with his wife in Havana, Cuba. (17 votes)
Was once arrested for shoplifting. (18 votes)
Played trombone in his 7th grade band. (15 votes).
The truth is, @jasontoon never got caught stealing.

When he wants something, he don't want to pay for it
@dstanley's were:
I am a world traveler. Have been to almost every country in the world. (24 votes)
I was attacked by a Moray eel while diving in St Croix. (7 votes)
I was a survivor of a 1994 airplane crash in NC. (14 votes).
As it turns out, @Dstanley is quite the traveller, but he has not yet survived a plane crash.

Implying that he's died in plane crashes?
@hollboll ok but how many countries is "almost all"
@Lotsofgoats I have not been to Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and A few in African,
@shawn's were:
In high school, I was the musical director of an award winning a cappella group. (16 votes)
I've scored 2 hole-in-ones playing golf. (23 votes)
My grandfather held several patents about manufacturing jewelry cases. (4 votes)
@shawn, in fact, lied about his golf game.

@hollboll's were:
I have been to more countries than states. (7 votes)
I contracted and survived the Swine Flu. (18 votes)
I married my pre-school sweetheart. (19 votes)
I have been to 13 states and 12 countries. So close. :)

I did indeed marry my pre-school sweetheart. I'm the one on the left.
@hollboll d'aww, such cuteness for hollboll and @dalek.
Story time!
Truth: I married my pre-school sweetheart.
This one I didn't find out until about a year after @dalek and I started dating. We were up visiting his mom in Canada, and I shared a story of how I cut all my hair off in pre-school because I was being a brat. She remembered that story and remembered me and said all the other pre-school moms were worried that I was acting out because of other (non-existing) issues at home. Because of that she tried to arrange more playdates with me and @dalek.
I lived in the same town as @dalek for a few years as a kid before moving around from grades 2-10 before coming back to the same town and meeting @dalek the summer before senior year. Been together ever since.
@harrison's were:
In 6th grade, I won the local spelling bee. (17 votes)
In 6th grade, I won the local geography bee. (21 votes)
In 6th grade, I got attacked by a swarm of bees. (11 votes)
Despite @harrison's obvious preference for bees, they never attacked him.

@hollboll I love that bees gif. It's from Conan, right?
@jqubed yep!
@jqubed it is my favorite gif of all the gifs
I only got 4 right, we need more stories!
Best gifs ever, @hollboll. Also very fun game.
@KDemo If my count is right, I got 8. Agree, this was a fun game! Thanks @hollboll!
@hollboll, can I take the make-up test?
@KDemo 6 right here.
@hollboll @KDemo is correct. Stories, please. They can be comments. I have to admit, you've delivered the answers with style and mad respect for that. But we must have stories too.
@joelmw I can really only share my own stories, but feel free to tag who you want stories from! :)
@hollboll I agree; that's on them. I want them all. Get yer lazy asses out here, Mediocre staff. Seriously, it's not like you've got real work to do. ;-)
@joelmw you have to ask questions and tag the person in order to get stories out of them
@djslack We tied. Thanks for this @hollboll- it was awesome!
@katylava meh. That's work. And work is what I come here to avoid. ;-) Maybe later though. I mean, that's what I'm always saying; I guess it works here too.