Trackr Pixels
11Reckon with the Aug 15 shutoff for these it was a massive surprise IRK laying in wait. Now I have several boxes of the suckers. Managed to get two accounts logged in on devices but can’t log into them on any other devices and can’t register any new accounts. Guess as long as the devices that work stay alive and logged in the pixels are of use. Lot like a logic bomb waiting to happen.
I see the devices show up as BT devices but am wondering what I can do for an offline mode or server spoof… These were pretty neat too.
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/giphy cool


/giphy “streets ahead community”
Trackr died from the poison apple. RIP.
Had no idea they were killing these. I was mulling over finally creating an account, but not now.
@PooltoyWolf Same here.
I suppose we could always repurpose them as poker chips?
@andrewkl Which color is with $1,000?
@andrewkl @kuoh Lemme see which color I have the most of…
@andrewkl @blaineg @kuoh Teal!
@Meh, someone who isn’t me (cuz what fool would actually buy 40 of these) was wondering what your company’s take is on this?
Any chance of you guys getting the software & supporting it or maybe making it open source?
Ok, I know this news is sending shockwaves throughout the Meh community and I can only imagine the scene at Meh hq. So after an appropriate period of mourning, I believe that the entire Meh family can work to find our way out of this. Obviously we’re not finding our way out of anything w/ those Trackrs, but there must be another way! Divining rods?
@elfunkman just a heads up @meh doesn’t work for Meh.
@elfunkman @Ignorant @meh haha humourous irony
@Ignorant Thanks for the head’s up on that(darn that “@ meh” for getting all the free attention). I’m just wondering if this will reach “Toothbrush Level” or perhaps beyond?
Special Edition “Divining Rods” I believe are a way out, or at least a way for me to Trackr the areas where I should dig lots of unnecessary holes in my yard.
@elfunkman @Ignorant I can totally see some coins (a la Quip) that look just like TrackR Pixels!
@elfunkman @Ignorant @PooltoyWolf They’ll send you more TrackR Pixels that look like coins.
@callow @elfunkman @Ignorant Ha!
@callow @elfunkman @Ignorant @PooltoyWolf If you have an android phone there’s hope. Look up the SwiftFinder app. There are others that also work but this one has the best interface and full features. Should do everything the original app did. We never did find an iPhone solution for the problem but we stopped selling them back in August because of this situation. Now if some kind soul could just go through the post letting each person who responded know that the android tracker apps all work with them that would be great. If no one has done so, I’ll try to do that when I get back from my night out.
@callow @elfunkman @ExtraMedium @Ignorant @PooltoyWolf thanks for the post. Got a bunch of these in a meh grab bag. The alternate Swiftfinder app works great
@callow @elfunkman @ExtraMedium @Ignorant @PooltoyWolf a year and a half later you are the gift that keeps giving! Got a case of these in my IRK & found out support was g o n e. SwiftFinder & a new battery (just replace it, trust me) and I can find my cables when they go walkabout! Thank you!
I am actually having trouble finding any concrete info on the service discontinuation. All I see is a small blurb on the Wikipedia page that claims Apple and Android app support was dropped this year.
@PooltoyWolf It’s on this page. It’s on the Trackr page. It’s on the Wiki. I’ll get those skywriters over your house asap just to make this official.
I hadn’t heard anything about it being killed, but it looks official. There’s a banner at the top of:
“We regret to inform you that TrackR will no longer be supported on Apple or Android devices after August 15, 2021. We want to thank you for your trust and support throughout the years. We hope TrackR was the perfect resolution for finding your lost items.”
@blaineg yeah got the same msg when I emailed them too.
@LJeAYsy4LoqxEC They only specify Apple & Android. So, Windows Phone?
@blaineg wonder if they have an app for windows store
not sure what the impact is for me. I have the app on my phone, the device paired to the app… seems to still work OK. Is the issue that you can’t download/install the app any more?
@blaineg @chienfou I couldn’t even log in to my account on other devices after installing the app. Worried that if I reformat device it would be useless. There are alternative apps that allow usage again though see bottom of thread.
Well, so much for my Turkey tracking idea. I just got 6 more of them from the latest IRK bag and now I can’t use them. Guess I’ll have to find a new method for finding my Turkey eggs.¯_(ツ)_/¯
@Rueki don’t worry, it won’t be long before someone posts a bootleg/hacked app so you can still use them.
And I can use the 8 I got in my last irk
@lonocat @Rueki
yep. Looks like about 14 hours and 23 minutes in fact…
@chienfou @lonocat @Rueki indeed! Happy days that the internet provides again
@chienfou @lonocat @Rueki is there an app you can download on iPhone for them?
@chienfou @LJeAYsy4LoqxEC @lonocat @Rueki can’t find it….
There are about 30 in my “to donate” box. Should I just trash them?
@callow I too would like to know. Or, time for some oversized tiddly winks?
@callow @lehigh KayeGray’s post below has some potential!
Shame about the official app being discontinued. FYI: These could still work with some other Bluetooth tracker apps. I used SwiftFinder. Haven’t tested it too much, but all the features seem to be intact.
@KayeGray ooh will do some research on this. Thanks for the tip
@KayeGray Was able to add a pixel and locate it. The find my phone part didn’t work though. Still not bad! I’m now Looking for another app that may get the phone find working too. Great share!
@KayeGray @LJeAYsy4LoqxEC
That IS cool - I’ll have to try it. Thanks!
@KayeGray You’re talking about SwiftFinder for iOS? How’d you setup a Trackr on it? I can’t seem to find any way to pair this brand of device to the app…
@KayeGray @orphum haven’t tried on ios yet but will make a point to investigate! Using on Android 12
@LJeAYsy4LoqxEC did you happen to find any other android apps that are compatible with the TrackR? I was able to pair my TrackR up with the SwiftFinder app and it seems to work ok but pressing the button on the TrackR doesn’t ring my phone, I’m guessing that’s the Find My Phone feature you mentioned? I noticed location history doesn’t seem to work either in SwiftFinder. It just loads for like a minute and then gives an error message. “An error occurred when connecting to server to get the data. Please check your internet connection and try again later”
@WhiteKenny haven’t looked much recently alternative app wise. But yeah that is what I was referring to. Definitely not a perfect substitute. Interesting on the location history, mine loaded last I looked a few weeks ago. They sometimes need to be woken up which makes sense for low profile Bluetooth.
@WhiteKenny I will say the devices show up as BT devices so I bet it wouldn’t be impossible to do some further digging.
@KayeGray @LJeAYsy4LoqxEC @orphum Have you been able to try Swiftfinder on iOS? I just tried it and can’t get my Pixels to pair. Tried a few other Bluetooth tracking apps without luck. Wondering if there is any iOS app that will allow you to locate these things. (I personally don’t care about the phone find feature, just want to locate the Pixels)
@KayeGray @LJeAYsy4LoqxEC @mbsengineer I wasn’t able to pair them up. Mine ended up in the landfill
Well I did the best thing, I put 3 packs of them in my MEH gift exchange, Of course with a lot of other useful stuff. my box weighed almost 3 lbs.
So is THIS your falut??
So I have a lot of these. Any solution to Apple iPhone. I tried Swift Finder and couldn’t get them to pair.
@philip964 Same.
Why would meh ship these, even in IRKs, if they are non-functional? The junk we don’t want should at least have some value to someone and not just be immediate trash. Recycle this shit.
@joeygambino If you have an Android phone, they aren’t entirely nonfunctional; they will work with the Swiftfinder app.
@werehatrack They should not have been shipped.
@joeygambino @werehatrack
I like my useless trackrs tyvm… someday I hope to tile a room with them!
/giphy Lebowski just your opinion man

yep, THAT is why they sent them to YOU. If you regret getting them they have fulfilled their (stated) mission.
And yes… you can still use these.
@joeygambino @PHRoG @werehatrack Tile a room? I can contribute that that. I have a bunch of boxes of them and loose ones.