Totes May Goats (May 2021 Scapegoat Blame Thread)


Let me start by recognizing @rockblossom for the thread title which I have egregiously stolen, without remorse, and now take full credit for. You’re welcome.

On to the point, we survived month four of “2020 Part 2” only to be left facing the wrath of May. Big thanks to @DoctorOW for taking things in stride through the April showers. Now, as the Doctor steps aside, it seems the time has come for @Lynnerizer to feel the weight of this mediocre responsibility. She also managed this narrow “win” for her birth month. Congrats?


Give @Lynnerizer the blame she’s earned for herself, and don’t let her off easy just because she’s one year older. We all survived a birthday in 2020, so this month is nothing to write home about.