Tom Brady, political genius
9Here ya go, @mfladd. I couldn't give two shits about Deflategate. This says all I need to know about your boy.
But, yeah, I'll still take those points.
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Tomorrow the Bills are gonna push Brady around. Don't you love it when he does "The Buttcracker?"
@Teripie don't count your chickens before they have hatched.
@mfladd I wonder what the hatch rate for chickens are now a days. Hopefully better than sea monkeys.
@MrMark Hey! the second batch of seamonkeys should still be alive if @denboy didn't consume them. As far as chickens I should probably know this answer as I live in Perdue Country. I have already picked up a live chicken that fell off the truck at a 4-way intersection (in a suit and tie) that people were driving over (you know what I mean). I picked it up, finished my work day and drove it 40 min. back to my local humane society and left them with a donation to find it a home. Hopefully, they didn't eat it.
@mfladd kinda weird that the chicken was wearing a suit and tie. Almost weirder if the intersection was. ;-)
@derpandabar lol...what? he was on the way to a funeral...his.
Oh Lord, while I am steadfast in my Brady love you have put a small damper on it with this one. But I will separate church and state here. Church being on the field. That is all I care about. But damn you to hell @joelmw for showing me this.
But I do have to start a thread so I can keep track of the haters. They are like fleas on a dog and I am having a hard time remembering them all.
@mfladd Well, "darn you to heck" right back at ya.
@joelmw I love how Scott Adams said that his editor didn't want him to seem like a Satan worshiper and told him to take out the devil... So he came up with a replacement
@cocoaguy I love me some Phil, Prince of Insufficient Light. :-)
Go Bills !


@mfladd I can't believe you didn't call me every name in the book for this one. Did it go too far? :l
@jaremelz Ha! not at all. Just busy deflating all the haters here!
@mfladd Yeah, you guys know something about deflating over there, don't you?
I mean I guess it makes sense, they're both demonstratively anti-regulation

p.s. Giants Suck
@Lotsofgoats Ok, that is funny! :) You get a star (grudgingly).
@thismyusername Just watched it tonight an loved it. Because I am sooo going to Tom Brady this thing! :)
(shameless plug, but relevant)

I think I can, I think I can :)
@mfladd Lulz. I'm not proud.
Go Bills !

@mfladd Go Bills
@ceagee I love your Buffalo tenacity!
@mfladd you are now a fan ?
@ceagee Don't push it! I just appreciate anyone who stands up for their team. (even the Bills) But let's talk tomorrow.
But if the Pats do lose to the Bills tomorrow - it's @Sohmageek's fault! :)
@mfladd Well it is definitely @sohmageek's fault then. His and the Buffalo defense who kept drawing ridiculous penalties and worse. crap. Curse you goat. I wanted the Bills to win.
@ceagee @mfladd go pats! I get free coffee tomorrow morning! Thank you. Remind me to send balls that are inflated to 99.98% to them ;)
@joelmw Brady's excited about this person b/c of a putting green ? Got news for you @tombrady ( who knows ? maybe he's member ) There already is one. Put in by Eisenhower. Dolt. Maybe we should send him an "I like Ike" button.
Curse you @sohmageek for Brady winning today !!
@ceagee Soooooooooo Shall we talk about 466 throwing yards and 3 touchdowns? No? ;)~

@ceagee awwww. :)
@mfladd I went and found a gif just for you
@ceagee go pats! I get coffee tomorrow
@sohmageek you're getting all of us coffee?
@nadroj Yay! @sohmageek, I'll be nice and take just a drip with cream and sugar. But I'll expect you to get it here while it's still hot!
@mfladd Let's see, 59 attempts for 38 completions that equal 466 yards and 3 touchdowns.

I think my QB is a wee bit better, 27 attempts, 21 completions for 369 yards and 3 touchdowns and 2 two extra points.
Wonder who has the higher QB rating today?
@Teripie my QB broke his collar bone. :(
But, of course, not before he had a stellar game.
Now I need to find a new one. And A new TE -- he broke his wrist. And 4 assorted WR and RBs that are out.
You aren't American if you dont like Patriots!
@xEBRONx - Thanks for proving your head still has plenty of air in it.
@xEBRONx Yeah! Nothing more American than cheating!
@KDemo @xEBRONx But not as much air as it should have per Patriots' specs
@xEBRONx You think you're the first person to call me un-American? ;-p
Hell, I was un-American before some of y'all were born.