This Wasn’t Our Worst Idea
2Yesterday we asked for volunteers to be featured on the site as part of an upcoming member Q&A. We’ve got some obvious contenders in the mix, but it’s not too late to put your thumb on the scale!
Go drop some stars on anyone who seems particularly compelling. Stars have to count for something, right?
Here’s the link:
Unsolicited public nominations also welcome.
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What about staff? Are you auto nominated
What are some of the worst ideas…. Inquiring minds need to know
I shall immediately go and vote for everyone else. Thank you for the heads up.
@werehatrack this is how you lose an eighth grade election for class president you know
@jouest I had no trouble losing every form of popularity contest known in the eighth grade, whether I participated or not.
@werehatrack ah yes adding one to everyone for a net gain of zero
@DLPanther …except for me, where it’s a net deficit of one vs. the rest.
@jouest @werehatrack Oh, that reminds me of a story I haven’t thought about in years!
Near the end of 9th grade they divided the class in half (alphabetically) and each group was required to produce one candidate for each sophomore class leadership position.
I don’t remember who else was nominated from my group, but I ended up winning the vice-president nomination. I thought it was no big deal, because surely the nominee from the other group would care to win, right?
It turned out that one of my good friends won the nomination in the other group, on basically the same assumptions. We ended up running joke campaigns because neither of us really wanted to win. I think my friend was handing out PEZ to buy votes, and I was promising “no new taxes.”
Sadly I won, but it turned out okay in the end. The rest of the class leadership decided I was disqualified by not being a “real” sophomore. They told me as much, and then didn’t invite me to any of the meetings.
I was happy with that result.
@DLPanther @werehatrack
Or you could add to your self star count. Just sayin’