Why did I just get an email from Casemates about this? Didn’t this launch yesterday? I’m a kickstarter, dammit. Am I not as valued as your wine-snob regulars?
@sammydog01 I always get Casemates emails about the new wine a day later and I was kickstarter too. I guess it takes a while for email to arrive from Texas?
@Cerridwyn they have bottles and cans and on tap at the meadhouse. They have two styles a type that is closer to wine that is sold in bottles and ontap. The type sold in cans is closer to beer in alcohol levels. It really tastes like neither beer nor wine.
It comes in classic and then flavors. My favorite is project x they do during the winter that has coffee and chocolate notes . I also love the basil lemongrass and the mango companioano.
just wondered, cause brewed mead (non traditional) is very different than honey wine type mead (traditional, even if has other stuff added).
@Cerridwyn the two types are both there. I will admit I am not great at details but yes the still ead is the wine type and the cans are brewed mead beer like. I prefer the can beer like tyoe
@CaptAmehrican@Cerridwyn “Still” mead is the old school wine like stuff. Thicker, sweeter, higher alcohol. I think most in the industry call the carbonated, lighter, lower alcohol stuff “Draft” mead, even when it’s canned or bottled. Fun fact: If they carbonate it too much it gets taxed differently (waaaay more). It’s all very complicated and I’m still learning about it as the mead segment grows. A lot of new meaderies have gotten a lot of confidence from the success of hard cider.
Not sure why you might, but IF you’re ever up in the Fargo, North Dakota area, we have a great, award-winning meadery up here. It’s called Prairie Rose Meadery. For more info, check out… Prairie Rose Meadery
Here’s a current list of the different flavors of mead they offer…
(casemates-related, not mead-related)- Last weekend our boating group had a wine & cheese tasting event and the Oblivion Zinfandel I submitted, purchased on casemates, tied for first prize for red! Fun!
That sounds really good. I bet I would hate it.
Casemates can’t get to me from there.

Gotta love Oklahoma…
@jst1ofknd It’s probably just as well for me at this point.
the winery website can, but it is more expensive
@Cerridwyn Thanks for that, but I’m good
Sounds like a great deal, sigh! Just dropped mucho bucks on the car.
Hidden Legend Winery Mead
lots of fun on their website too:
@Cerridwyn Mead always makes me horny.
@Cerridwyn @Mothersnakes
Caption: Free blow jobs.
Why did I just get an email from Casemates about this? Didn’t this launch yesterday? I’m a kickstarter, dammit. Am I not as valued as your wine-snob regulars?
@sammydog01 I always get Casemates emails about the new wine a day later and I was kickstarter too. I guess it takes a while for email to arrive from Texas?
@sammydog01 no. Launched Friday
@jml326 Friday morning midnight.
I bought it, and then I pooped in their forums, lol.

/giphy run away
@ShotgunX Not what I was looking for but I’ll keave it for the dudes.
Ordered and done!
@ShotgunX I saw you!
If you want the best mead check out
Is that a more beer like mead as opposed to a honey wine?
I ask because they say ‘on tap’ and have it in cans
@Cerridwyn they have bottles and cans and on tap at the meadhouse. They have two styles a type that is closer to wine that is sold in bottles and ontap. The type sold in cans is closer to beer in alcohol levels. It really tastes like neither beer nor wine.
It comes in classic and then flavors. My favorite is project x they do during the winter that has coffee and chocolate notes . I also love the basil lemongrass and the mango companioano.
just wondered, cause brewed mead (non traditional) is very different than honey wine type mead (traditional, even if has other stuff added).
alcohol levels can vary with either style
@Cerridwyn the two types are both there. I will admit I am not great at details but yes the still ead is the wine type and the cans are brewed mead beer like. I prefer the can beer like tyoe
@CaptAmehrican @Cerridwyn “Still” mead is the old school wine like stuff. Thicker, sweeter, higher alcohol. I think most in the industry call the carbonated, lighter, lower alcohol stuff “Draft” mead, even when it’s canned or bottled. Fun fact: If they carbonate it too much it gets taxed differently (waaaay more). It’s all very complicated and I’m still learning about it as the mead segment grows. A lot of new meaderies have gotten a lot of confidence from the success of hard cider.
@CaptAmehrican @Oneroundrobb
Which is so awesomely cool.
Saw a place in long beach that is a bar/pub that does mostly mead and cider too bad it is so far away
@CaptAmehrican @Cerridwyn @Oneroundrobb Now I need to look for a can of mead to try.
I would’ve bought a six-pack, but for whatever reason this deal can’t be shipped to Tennessee. What a shame.
This could be my first casemates purchase ever…anyone got a $10 coupon?
@medz Here ya go: VMPBRIBE But I think the coupons are tied to individual accounts.
@therealjrn thanks, but “not valid”. I used mine up long ago.
@medz Me too
Mine have been long gone, succumbing to my poor impulse control.
@medz @therealjrn Speaking of poor impulse control I’m pretty excited about my unicorn floats.
@medz @sammydog01 If I sqeee’ed, I’d sqeeeee right now! I’M SO GOSH DARN EXCITED!!!

@medz @sammydog01 @therealjrn
@Cerridwyn @medz @sammydog01 You never had a unicorn growing up did you Cerridwyn? awe…
@medz @sammydog01 @therealjrn
I had more than you know
Current home state representin’
Buffalo, MO
Pumpkin Spice Mead

Bring it! Fall is here.
broken link
@Cerridwyn @mike808 Missing the “K”. Sounds yummy.
Not sure why you might, but IF you’re ever up in the Fargo, North Dakota area, we have a great, award-winning meadery up here. It’s called Prairie Rose Meadery. For more info, check out…

Prairie Rose Meadery
Here’s a current list of the different flavors of mead they offer…
Fuck.missed out.
@Epinardian Naw…you didn’t miss out. The unicorn floats are still for sale $15 a pair.

I live down the street from a meadery. Huzzah!
@brainmist Report back? With photos?
@brainmist which one?
@brainmist @CaptAmehrican We have one here too! I should stop by.
@brainmist @CaptAmehrican Yeah… Where EXACTLY do you live?
@brainmist @CaptAmehrican @medz Just screenshot google maps for us, OK?
@CaptAmehrican @medz @sammydog01 Please see attached photos and Google map location along with a silhouette of my house key ahahaha NO
(casemates-related, not mead-related)- Last weekend our boating group had a wine & cheese tasting event and the Oblivion Zinfandel I submitted, purchased on casemates, tied for first prize for red! Fun!

/giphy Winner!