There are things worse than not getting a Fukobukuro
28I get it, as the captchas for fukocukuro bags bug me too, as well as the ever loading green line, when trying to purchase the bag at checkout. I was hoping for something to either not look forward to, while at the same time look forward to by getting this /fukobukuro-didwecrash bag tonight. Could be worse though, as others are living in worse conditions than I am but I’ll just say it that things have been hard since Harvey hit here in Texas. My Birthday is this month but it looks like I won’t be home for birthday and maybe not Christmas either this year because of my parents current situation.
My parents home is still not repaired after Hurricane Harvey hit and flooded their home. Mom has been in a nursing /rehab facility in central Texas shortly after they were rescued in a canoe along with their dog. Mom fell again tonight ( this is 12th time since Hurricane Harvey flooded their home) and a nurse at the rehabilitation center called me a little while ago to tell me about the latest fall mom has had. Mom was in bad shape before the hurricane hit but she is even in worse shape now since their home flooded in August.
For the past 3 months, I have lived in the Central Texas area in a hotel with my dad, after their home was damaged by the floodwaters and they lost their car in the flood too. My hometown area was flooded too, so there were many nursing /rehabilitation facilities damaged by where my home is located. Thus, I can’t bring my dad back to my house to live, as he wants to stay near mom and there are no rehab facilities here ( that weren’t flooded) that have openings for my mother! Being away from home for 3 months already has meant that I haven’t worked now for months either. I did drive home with my dad for the weekend but we head back to central Texas this morning . I picked up winter clothes, as the weather is turning colder now and all I had was summer clothes with me.
So yeah not getting a fukobukurro sucks but trust me, there are things much worse than that. There are people in California and Puerto Rico whose homes were totally destroyed so there isn’t anything for them to go back too. So when I am feeling bummed about my life right now, I realize others have it worse than I do. Anyways, hang in there all you disappointed (attempted) fukoburro bag purchasers, maybe you will still get one sometime today.
- 22 comments, 53 replies
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@AttyVette Missing a fuko pales in comparison huh. Good thoughts and prayer headed on down to cross that Red river to you!
We have multiple mehmbers here that have been going through some tough times in recent months. I can’t even fully imagine everything else that is going on.
While no promises can be made, if there’s something the community here can help you out with, let us know.
njice meltdown
@FrankieEnc Why does it always have to be the Franks that are dicks?
@therealjrn well guess , and I am trying to make light of a really bad time that obviously he could care less about, he ‘frankly’ has no compassion.
@therealjrn Frank. Hot dog. Wiener. Dick…
It’s all in the same family.
Good luck to you and yours AttyVette!!!
@FrankieEnc to be fair, i only read the first sentence. peace~~~
@FrankieEnc np but next time please read someone’s entire post or not at all - or you’ll never know if you are agreeing with something you don’t agree with or vice versa— it’s all good -Have a great Christmas
I’m so sorry. I knew a lot of things still weren’t fixed for a lot of people.
I know that lots of the SE TX area plus coastal LA, some parts of CA and some parts of FL, esp the keys, still have it very tough.
I can’t even imagine what it’s like on PR and some of the other nearby islands. At least they don’t face a mainland winter.
I’m so saddened to hear that your Mom has it this tough, and that traps you and your Dad.
The way you write makes me think that at least your family has a lot of love and caring, and capacity for gratitude about the strengths of your best selves.
I know it can be very wearing to have to be your best self all the time, with little downtime, and to have no idea when things might get better.
I know that you are living each day something else:
That there are things better (by light-years) than getting a Fuko.
And one of those things is being the kind of family who can be strong for each other and get thru this somehow.
I know I will be thinking of you and yours.
@f00l thanks my friend, as I and others in the same situation, certainly appreciate it!
That certainly puts it in perspective.
Thank you.
@lisaviolet thanks for your comment —
![off Sam Houston tollway during the flooding][1]
So I saw this while driving on Sam Houston Tollway during Harvey’s flooding in Houston…this broke my heart and I did cry seeing all of this…I managed to help a family that had lost all their possessions and were brought out by boat ( mother her three children, 2 dogs and cat). I tried to get them across town to relatives but ended up having to drive the wrong way ( along with many other drivers) on ih10 fleeing water rushing over the road …it was a bad situation and I saw things I will never forget…finally was able to escape the water and got the family safely on a school bus that was picking up people to take them to shelters…so I am grateful for all of our lives and not getting a fukoburro is not a big deal in comparison.
We flooded in S LA in august 2016 and there are people still not in their homes. We understand your struggles and wish you luck in dealing with the struggles that await you and your community
@bpowers88 thanks I appreciate your kind words

I empathize and feel some of your pain. My father had a series of strokes and lies in a hospital bed being tested and prodded to determine next steps, most likely rehab facility short term and moving in with me long term. His memory and vision were severely affected, which has taken away his grumpy old man demeanor (the silver lining here) but he has forgotten so much. He keeps asking for my mom, who died 6+ years ago, so about 5 times an hour I have to tell him the how, when, where of my mother’s death to explain why she has not come to visit him. My eyes will be a perpetual red, swollen mess for the foreseeable future.
That said, I will still try for any Fukus or Fukos I am around to see here! I need some crappy hope right now…it is like my own little Santa delivery when I am lucky enough to score a Fuku/o!
@cbilyak I am so sorry — u definitely need a pick me up — praying for you and your situation —

@AttyVette I know it probably doesn’t help your situation much at all, but I feel like getting a Fukubukuro seems to bring people joy. I scored my first one today and was overjoyed, but realized others could use this joy more than me. Anyways, I will reach out to Meh and see that they ship mine to you. A little happy birthday/merry Christmas from a random stranger.
@wmbarr Is someone … uh, cutting onions right now?
@narfcake actually cutting candy corn.
@wmbarr no my friend Very kind and generous of you that’s not necessary— I appreciate your kind offer but I get joy when someone who has never gotten one gets one! God bless you and you have brought tears to my eyes literally!Your kind offer has touched my heart
I am ok as I have gotten them before and I don’t need anything but prayers. That’s all I ask for and for everyone to have a great Christmas with their loved ones as you ever know what tomorrow will bring!
@wmbarr seriously please keep your fukoburro and don’t ask Meh to send it to me…just appreciate you caring — I am serious
@AttyVette to have someone else enjoy it is the best gift I could ask for - I promise. I already reached out to customer service earlier today. Share it with your family - may it at least bring a little entertainment and at least a laugh or two. God bless! I will be sure to keep you and those around you in my prayers this Christmas season.
@wmbarr please call them back as I want you to receive it seriously —besides I am trying for vmp one later today — if i don’t get it that’s ok because it could have depressed me more lol
@AttyVette I think what you meant to say was “Thank You”
@therealjrn you are right …thank you to all who cared about me and others in the same or similar situations
So sorry to hear that. My dad had to be rescued as well (Meyerland) and came down with pneumonia as a result. My house was lucky, water came within 100 feet then went down but there were some anxious moments.
@mdrcoast so sorry to hear about your father —praying for your father but glad your home was spared. I am fortunate as my home only got water in the garage and a little in back bedroom.I feel for all the people who lost everything
Keep your head held high @AttyVette ! It will get better!
This is Pensacola FL 3 months after Hurricane Ivan hit us in 2004. Most of Escambia County and Santa Rosa County looked like this.
![FEMA Blue Roofs][1]
It took a few years but you can’t tell anymore where the flooding or structural damage was.
@JanaS I know it will get better just hate seeing people who have lost everything! Thanks for your post -very kind of you and I appreciate your words of wisdom
@AttyVette Many thoughts and prayers to you and your family. You are having to live a hard, hard “real” problem. I hope it resolves in a way that brings you some joy and peace, and you’re an even better person for having stepped up to the plate for your family.
Quite the contrast with a silly slice of a first world problem. (Though I still hate Captcha
See catpcha thread.
@mehcuda67 lol me too actually
Best of luck. . and maybe today is the day you get the fuku . . . unless it comes down to just us two for the last one. . then I hope I get it, and you get zilch.
@jrwofuga haha that’s okay by me I am good -
@jrwofuga hope you got one…I don’t know how I do so but I got one in vmp!
@jrwofuga the fukobukuro is up again
@AttyVette missed it. . . Hope you got it.
@jrwofuga aww I’m sorry…yeah I got one in vmp and they recently did another one without the captcha feature
I thought for sure it would go something like this:
There are things worse than not getting a Fukobukuro
(Open thread)
Like getting one.
(end thread)
Went a little deeper. Good luck on your situation.
@MrMark came to say this… lol
@MrMark that was funny
@RedHot fukoburo is up again
WTF!!! I hate my Internet connection
@tinamarie1974 fukobukuro is up again
@AttyVette Thank you! I seem to haveossed them all
@wmbarr hold your horses on sending me your fuckburro as I got one in VMP! Thank for your generous spirit and your kindness so please call customer service now and cancel sending your fuckburro to me… I would like, however, to send you mine though because you have such a BIG KIND heart and without a thought for yourself you thought about me…
@Thumperchick @woodhouse ^^^
@AttyVette we will not be able to change addressees or forward fukos this round. Sorry.
@Kidsandliz read above.
@Thumperchick do you think you can set it up so that next time there is a fuko or mehathon fuko where we could forward on a FUKO we manage to purchase to someone else here in meh that we want to receive it? Is this something you could check into for me as I really Ike the idea of sending a fuko I purchased to someone else…
@AttyVette It’s pretty unlikely, to be honest. Sorry.
@Thumperchick what if I say pretty please and offer to pay double shipping cost…have meh keep the 1/2 of the double shipping cost payment to offset the extra work forwarding package to another member…or charge extra 10 dollars for forwarding package elsewhere…I would do that to give it to someone who has never received one…here’s to hoping…
@AttyVette We are not able to accommodate those requests at this time.
@Thumperchick and @woodhouse please don’t send me @wmbarr ‘s Fukobukuro—instead can you direct the one I got to @wmbarr instead? I think this kind person deserves two for their selflessness and I want them to have mine too as a hugh thank you for caring…
I am sorry that your tough times continue. That has to be really hard to have all this go on for so long, and a parent in such poor health. I hope that things improve and that your parents can get some semblance of their life back together sooner rather than later (and you too for that matter).
@Kidsandliz it could be a lot worse and I know it…but I’ll admit that I never thought that I would have to live in a city almost 5 hours away from my own home, for three months now going on four months. Makes me realize though how fortunate I am though because there are many people, just like my parents, who can’t return to their own homes anytime soon and some won’t ever be able to go home. Also, there are several children living in this hotel along with their families, that lost everything they owned…it breaks my heart as these poor kids were uprooted from their friends and teachers and now living miles away from their homes attending unfamiliar schools.
I am thinking about trying to get a small gift for at least some of these children so they can have some sort of a semblance of Christmas. The hotel management team just put up a Christmas tree in the lobby this evening so I am going to go down now to see what I can do to try to help the children staying here too. I don’t want to embarrass anyone but I know how tough it is on my elderly parents so I am sure it’s devastating on the children living here too. I am going to ask them to tell me the children that will need Christmas gifts here, as they know all the other fema residents in this hotel. Wish me luck
@AttyVette How many kids do you think? I have left over fidget spinners from halloween and pulling the ones I am giving to all kids in the family 7-30. Tuesday I was going to mail them to the christmas store in Oklahoma where I used to live for the kids whose parents shop there (families get points to buy gifts for their kids - the year of my first breast cancer I was eligible to shop there for my kid who was in junior high at the time so I try to pay it back as I can) but I can pull some and send to you to give to the kids there. Ages 7+ though as the battery light things can be pushed out fairly easily and perfect choking size. Send me an email to my user name and the usual yahoo thing. Doesn’t matter to me which kids in need they go to.
@Kidsandliz I went down to ask the manager but he had already gone home for the night. I’ll go down to breakfast tomorrow and ask him about the (fema) children here. I’ve seen several children eating breakfast then walking to the street where they were picked up by a school bus. However, I know some fema hotel residents have cars so some parents might be driving their children to school each day. I’ll try to get a number and age range of the children first thing in the morning.
@AttyVette OK I will wait to mail this stuff until this afternoon (Have to mail is tomorrow so they get it in time).
@Kidsandliz hey don’t worry about it —go ahead and mail them off as you planned to. I will pick up some spinners too as that’s a great gift idea as kids seem to love them! Anyways, I appreciate your kind offer for the children in this hotel. You are wonderful my friend !
@AttyVette I teach mid day. I can go to the post office after class which will give you time to ask.
@Kidsandliz ok my friend
@AttyVette Ping ping ping - reminder. And I will need a functional address. Will be putting them in a small priority mail box.
@Kidsandliz sent you an email message at your email address just now—I have it handled on this end but thanks for your kind offer.
@AttyVette OK. I’ll go look. glad you have it covered.
![lobby of our hotel ][1]
Although I must admit that I am not in a particularly festive mood at the moment, it does make me smile remembering the reason for this season by looking at this Christmas tree in our hotel.The old saying is true…this too shall pass…so there is always things to be thankful for despite your circumstances. For example, we were moved to this hotel from another one (weeks ago) after the health department shut it down as guests came down with legionnaires disease in the other hotel. This hotel is a lot nicer than the previous one was so that’s a blessing , for example.
I know that when I go on the internet to distract myself from all the shit going on in my life, it’s an unexpected surprise to have someone tell me how terribly everyone has it. Uh, except not. You’d have to be living under a rock to not know that people are suffering and dying and struggling all over the world.
Why the shitlympics? I’d have tons of sympathy for you if this post wasn’t trying to make people feel bad for experiencing sadness or frustration at not getting something they were looking forward to. Someone’s pain doesn’t make anyone else’s pain less real. Your house was damaged? Some people have been homeless for years. Some people have parents who abused them, or parents who died when they were young. Does that make you feel better? I’m guessing not. Because everyone is entitled to feel what they feel regardless of anyone else’s life. I’m sorry you’re going through shit, but this post seems very passive aggressive. “You know what’s worse than not getting a fuku? My life. It’s so shitty. Do you feel bad yet about complaining? Good luck getting one.”
Whether you stubbed your toe or had your leg amputated, your emotions are valid, and you should not feel guilty for having those emotions. No matter what someone else says.
@HELLOALICE I feel sorry that you are apparently having a bad time in life especially right now… I will pray for you and that your life will be better than it has been. I do know that bad things happen to good people and vice versa. Also, I have had really bad things happen to me in my life before but sorry if you think I am passive aggressive in this thread as that is not my intentions in posting this thread at all. Yes I know there are many people who are homeless and people that have been and are still being abused… none of those things can I change for the entire world but I can do something for someone-we all can.
So say whatever you want about or to me…I am a big girl and I can take it— thats the point I am making as when we and that includes ME, complain about menial things, ( different people will have different ideas about what is menial I know) in the scheme of things it’s not important. I’ve seen a lot of injustices and evil things in this world but I have also seen a lot of good in people too…look around and i know you can see good is there as well as the bad. Again, praying things will get better for you and your situation whatever it might be.
@AttyVette Part of the work I do is with FEMA and I worked Harvey from the beginning until recently. I am on a first response team (NOT rescue) and end up in the middle of disaster areas right after the area is “safe” to return to. I’ve spent months in hotels and worked with thousands of people who have lost everything. Every time I go out my heart gets broken, sometimes over and over. While I’ve never been in your shoes, I’ve seen the devastation and it’s terrible.
I wish you and your family the best through this challenging time. Stick together and be willing to accept help, we all need it sometimes.
@RedHot thanks for your response on this thread and also for your compassion towards people that are in the same or similar situation as my parents are. We have been blessed by the kindness of strangers already up here. My dad was sick (he is 88 years old) and a dr.’s office here originally refused to see dad as a new patient. The dr’s office informed me that they weren’t accepting any new patients and we would have to find another dr. for dad to see. After they heard why we were up here in this area, the dr.then agreed to see dad as a patient. Furthermore, this kind dr. also told his office to write off any monies owed their office that Medicare didn’t pay on dads account.
Dad left the dr’s office to get his blood drawn at a lab and when we were visiting with people also waiting to get their blood drawn, dad mentioned how expensive the tolls were up here. One lady in the waiting room asked why we were up here and dad explained about being flooded out of their home by Hurricane Harvey and also losing their car in the flood too. This lady got her blood drawn then left the office but she returned while dad was having his blood drawn. With tears in her eyes she handed me a wad of rolled up money ( $190 ) and asked me to give it to dad and tell him she wanted to help him pay the tolls while we were here. I was stunned and thanked her but she wouldn’t let me get her address so I could send her a thank you note for her generosity. I gave my information to the lab tech but she wouldn’t tell me the woman’s contact information ( which I understood due to privacy laws) so I asked the lab tech to please pass along our thanks again for her generosity towards my father. I gave dad the money after he finished having his blood drawn and he started crying in the waiting room. I can tell you that there wasn’t a dry eye in the waiting room when dad broke down crying.
Anyways, thanks for your encouragement as we get through this difficult time. May God bless you and yours this Christmas season.
@AttyVette as I have no other way to contact you I just wanted to tell you that I did attempt to get in touch with customer service. I told them my offer still stood to send my fuko to you. I somehow bought two yesterday, and I heard that is against the rules so I told them to cancel one of them. Hopefully you get my first and only fuko so far. Please accept it. Please share it with you parents and give them a laugh (assuming the warehouse keeps it appropriate). Have a very merry Christmas and God bless!
@wmbarr they will cancel your second one but I really aporeciate your thoughtfulness and kindness. Sorry I haven’t been to my email lately as dealing with all sorts of things right now. Mom is going off the rails, so to speak, wanting to go home. We have to keep telling her the house is nowhere ready to move back into yet. Also, my dad is now sick and I am going to have to see about getting him in to see a doctor here next week (if he doesn’t start feeling better). He just wants to lay down in the hotel and is taking Tylenol as he is running fever too. Anyways, I got one of the bags so whenever I get home I’ll see what I received frommmeh. I am sure it will make me laugh and cry

@wmbarr God bless you and yours too. You are a truly kind person and I will always appreciate your kindness towards us.