The Merry Month of Meh-mas-Day 2 Cyber Monday Edition
7So I originally wrote a post for today last night and stupid me I closed the browser window after giving myself a high five for completing a paper.
Yeah so while my micro history with a little book written in 1934 titled Hitler’s Wonderland and the Zeig Heil as it’s base is complete and I think pretty good my post is gone. I blame myself.
In any case it’s Cyber Monday. Woot is having a woot off and Meh is selling Legacy Boxes? Hmm isn’t Legacy box just an over priced Millennial that you send your old stuff to have digitized? Pretty much any Millennial can convert most media to a digital file perhaps not well (see @kidsandliz post about creating fake doctors notes for teachers)
/giphy stupid millennial
Anyway I digress. Today is day two of my Goathood and it this goes anything like Xi’s rule of China I should own Meh or at least be an entry level employee by mid week.
Back to cyber Monday. What is everyone buying? Anything? I just ordered some Copepods of and some fish on a delayed shipment from So the fish tank
So it’s a 75 gallon bow front with a 55 gallon sump. My water is currently in two large Brute containers with some love rock cycling. What fish should I put in? The kids want a Nemo and a Dory and it is a Christmas gift for them. If only I could find a fish safe Meh Logo to put in the tank.
Anyway happy Monday the yard Christmas crap is already starting to go up.
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Whatever you put in there make sure they aren’t going to fight or eat each other. My kid had chosen male beta fish because they were pretty. You can only have one male in there. I didn’t know that and the pet store people didn’t tell me. We then had dead beta fish.
First we got feeder gold fish. They need 5 gallons each. Oops. Had them in a 6 gallon tank. They are incredibly social though, hang in groups and interact with you. One of my cats would hang out by the tank watching them (cat TV for sure only better) and they’d swim over to that side and watch him. Those things live 20 years or longer, get huge and are smart fish. They die young - like when 2 or 3 years old - if in a tank too small. So we gave them away to someone who had a huge tank.
Then we got male beta fish (she thought they were pretty - they were cheap which was my criteria) making sure 6 gallons was enough for 3 of them. What we weren’t told is that you can only have one male. So they killed each other and we only had one left. They ignored the world outside of the fish tank.
So then fortunately for me she lost interest in fish and I gave away everything to a family with two young kids, warning them about more male betas and gold fish requirements.
The cats loved having fish and found them captivating, spending hours watching them and batting at the tank. While I think fish tanks are cool and actually liked watching them myself (well at least the gold fish), I think they were more work than the cats. I am back to just having cats.
@Kidsandliz I put 5 (cheap, Wal-mart) 1 inch goldfish in my outside pond (around 100 gallons maybe) last year. So far three have survived (now about 6-7 inches long) and , more importantly I now have about 10 baby goldfish in there that are about the size of the ones I started with. WhooHoo!
The really cool part is that those are all different colors, some gold, some mottled gold/black, some mostly black and one cream (albino?) one. I will let them stay in over the winter, then next spring I plan to clean out and re-plant all the vegetation and then see how many of the babies I want to keep for myself, then give the rest away to others that I know with outdoor ponds…
@chienfou Cool!! Someone dumped, years and years ago a bunch of gold fish in Shaker Lakes near where I used to live (we had a great childhood riding our bikes there, playing in the stream, canoeing on that lake). They grew HUGE - like around a foot long - and, like you saw with yours, were different colors. As a kid I definitely did not believe my dad when he told me they were goldfish.
@Kidsandliz yeah, I want to clear out some of the ‘extras’ since goldfish will pretty much grow to fit the size of the container. I think these will get about 8 inches or so if I keep the pond from getting overcrowded. So far, none of the local herons etc have visited, so that’s a plus as well.
@Kidsandliz So would you say you were beta testing your aquarium?
I haven’t any plans to buy anything…we’ll see if something strikes me as a good deal anywhere today.
Meh safe logo -
Buy a fish safe
sharpiepaint and paint the ugliest rock you have with the meh logo. Or a fish castle or something else that the kids won’t get pissed that you painted meh on it.Cheater ways to do this if you can’t/don’t want to do it freehand:
Method one: Blow the meh logo up as big as you need it, print on regular paper, scribble on the back of the paper with a pencil (since carbon paper is mostly long gone), place it where you want it on a lighter colored rock (so you can see the pencil marks), trace over the meh., the pencil should transfer to the rock. Paint.
Method two: blow up meh logo to size you want on your computer, print on card stock . Cut out the letters (yeah I know the middle of the “e” will vanish - as goat that is your fault) and now you have a stencil to use. If you don’t want to draw on the rock by hand using the stencil, instead draw on that blue paint tape, cut out again (yes it is a pain since one side is sticky so put that on plastic or glass before you cut so it stays put while you cut with a razor, put on rock, cover rest of rock with that blue tape. Spray paint. Let dry. Remove tape.
Not recommended method: give one of the fish a meh tattoo - although doing that might get you a free irk for life (well life of the fish anyway).
Just bought 4 boxes of K-cup coffee pods from Office Depot that will essentially be free once I get the value back in rewards. I have plans for a large purchase later this month, so I am just “pre-paying” on that purchase in order to get the roughly 100 free cups. They are doing the same (100% back in rewards) with Duracell batteries, so I also bought some of those too.
I tried to buy some unicorn bandaids from Woot but they sold out in my cart.

/giphy bummer
@chienfou I know!
Finally got paid from my latest client so I’m
buyingpaying bills.@ybmuG That was my first project this morning also. I usually get on-line on the 1st or 2nd of each month to schedule all the month’s payments-- about 8-9 depending on the month. Most everything washes thru my AmEx or VISA cards, but some things (like the city bill and electric company) charge extra for CC use so I schedule a bill pay from my bank. It’s nice to know they are all done and I have a pretty good handle on my expected cash flow once they are all scheduled.
I don’t like to use automatic bill pay since if there is ever a problem with the amount they pay out it’s hard to recover the $$. I have had errors in my billings from time to time so I’m pretty careful about that.
@chienfou Yeah, it’s that balance of having things done automagically and being in control. I think I’m going to pull back to more on the control end of the spectrum.
@ybmuG ,
@chienfou @ybmuG My bank has some utilities set for ebilling, so those are simple to pay/schedule.
Others, mainly the credit cards because they have no interest in you paying on time, have to be setup with autopay minimum balance to not miss a date and get a late payment fee on top of interest.
Then theres the odd ones I have to remember to pay that don’t have ebilling or autopay (or at least my bank cant get it hooked up) - like Kohls, Lowes, & Target. I think some do it on purpose in that if you opt for “paperless billing”, they won’t let you setup ebilling with your bank because youre “already” on ebilling.
And then there’s the whole “enter your bank’s login/password info” utter stupidity to setup electronic billing. Really? Provide some merchant/vendor/supplier/utility my login credentials to my bank? Really?
WTF were those boomer programmers
thinkingsmoking when they thunk up these terrible security ideas on how this stuff should work?@mike808 @ybmuG actually, I use my bank’s “bill pay” feature to pay the ones that don’t do a direct transfer since it saves me a stamp. I can schedule when I want the check sent so i can do it with all the rest of my bills. All my credit cards have due dates in the 1st half of the month so i can easily schedule payments in the first couple of days of the month to payout on the due date when it hits. Money stays in my account till the last minute that way.
Call me paranoid, but it makes me nervous to give a company that kind of access to my funds.
@chienfou Agreed. I use the bill pay feature too. The bank will mail a check to anyone else. What doesn’t happen is bill presentment. Only a few utilities do that.
I bought some stupid looking Xmas tree ornaments from from some sucky e-tailer.
/giphy brick and mortar