@werehatrack You can send your $8 a month to Bezos and he’ll give you “The D” for free for 6 months if you sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited (Spotify competitor that obviously works with the Alexa surveillance system).
Or, you can get “The Big D” bundle for $14 a month to get Hulu and ESPN+ with Disney+ thrown in for free if you want to think of it that way. Disney owns ESPN, and I think is an investor in Hulu with NBC, so it still ends up in shareholder’s coffers.
Or, find a friend or make one with someone with looser morals than you about paying for The D and mooch off of their subscription.
In my version, Anakin is the “crazy” she’s referring to. Padme and Anakin obviously have sex for Luke and Leia to be their kids, so …
very enjoyable. would watch another season. however, in terms of spinoffs, i would rather another solo movie so that gets the edge.
also, still annoyed/in disbelief they named baby yoda grogu. literally an infinite amount of choices and they picked one that was already being used in a currently airing show (that you know plenty of ppl working on mando had seen) on the same type of character. (alien who is a miniature/baby/cute version of existing adult alien.) adding one letter at the start of the name doesn’t do it for me.
Never seen it?
Isn’t that the car from Back to the Future?
Mando, Mando Man! I want to be, a Mando Man!
It gave us The Child, so it is amehzing
Something that I would have to pay the Holy Rodent Empire to see, so I haven’t.
@werehatrack You can send your $8 a month to Bezos and he’ll give you “The D” for free for 6 months if you sign up for Amazon Music Unlimited (Spotify competitor that obviously works with the Alexa surveillance system).
Or, you can get “The Big D” bundle for $14 a month to get Hulu and ESPN+ with Disney+ thrown in for free if you want to think of it that way. Disney owns ESPN, and I think is an investor in Hulu with NBC, so it still ends up in shareholder’s coffers.
Or, find a friend or make one with someone with looser morals than you about paying for The D and mooch off of their subscription.
Anybody remember Ewoks?
Not unless someone makes me.
@f00l @Salanth I always used gas woks. Ewoks just seemed overly complicated.
@Salanth yub, yub!
@Salanth @ybmuG Yes. They’re delicious. Cooked low and slow, they’re not gamey or tough at all.
…a fictional character in a fictional place using fictional physics with action and adventure. What more do you want?
@hchavers A fictional romance!
@hchavers @mike808 That picture perfectly encapsulates their story–Anakin, darkly brooding while Padme is just sweet and in love.
@GrandmaLyn @hchavers
@hchavers @mike808 That meme perfectly encapsulates our relationship, mike808, you, snarkily posting and me, literally f’ing crazy
@GrandmaLyn @hchavers
In my version, Anakin is the “crazy” she’s referring to. Padme and Anakin obviously have sex for Luke and Leia to be their kids, so …
@hchavers @mike808 I hate sand.
Started off great, season 2 felt gimmicky and pointless.
The exposition
Gritty while staying hopeful
@replicacobra @FightingMongoos
@FightingMongoos @mike808
A lone warrior
Traversing galactic space
Warrants some patience.
Completely off my radar, because I don’t feel like subscribing to yet another streaming service.
@dannybeans there are…other ways to watch it…
A musical instrument in the lute family featuring 8 strings in 4 pairs with a high pitched twangy sound that is often played in bluegrass bands.
Oh, and you spelled Mandolin wrong.
/giphy bumpkin
very enjoyable. would watch another season. however, in terms of spinoffs, i would rather another solo movie so that gets the edge.
also, still annoyed/in disbelief they named baby yoda grogu. literally an infinite amount of choices and they picked one that was already being used in a currently airing show (that you know plenty of ppl working on mando had seen) on the same type of character. (alien who is a miniature/baby/cute version of existing adult alien.) adding one letter at the start of the name doesn’t do it for me.
@jerk_nugget I DID NOT know that!!!
Something I’ve never seen. Sorry.
Another Disney show I will not watch
The what?
I don’t watch Star Wars stuff
@Star2236 Then you will live long and prosper.
@mike808 @Star2236 Or else.
on my list of things to watch, but since I have never successfully completed ANY series I’m not hopeful that I will ever get to it.
/giphy easily distracted
@zinimusprime May I suggest Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog? The whole thing is 3 episodes and about 40 minutes.
I’m looking forward to Old Boba vs Bossk.
The Mandalorian is:
A great dancer!