The love goat (February 2025 goat nominations)
4February, the month of love. Also the when a groundhog determines the length of winter and when we determine how superb an owl really is.
It also means that @PhysAssist’s month of goatdom is coming to a close, and it’s time for a new goat of the month – so nominate away!
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I’m surprised the background image isn’t showing because it’s spectacularly lovely and fitting:
Please release me, let me go…
/youtube Please release me…
@PhysAssist but you have done such a good job!!!
@PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 can we nominate them again?
@pakopako @PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 In the past, the community didn’t rule that prior goats are ineligible. However, the consensus was that such would only happen if there were no new/viable candidates.
(All along, the goats have been the community’s choice. If a day comes in which there would be no goat at all, then that’s that too. Over the years, we’ve moved from just blaming to also unblaming too, from scapegoating to sharegoating.)
Thanks to your perfidy…


Hey @narfcake , who hasn’t been a scapegoat yet?
@Wollyhop Any mehmber who isn’t on this list:
Speaking of which …
@narfcake @Wollyhop
I think the technical term for this would be"
“hoist with his own petard”
@narfcake @Wollyhop can’t believe it was 4.5 years ago now that I was to blame for everything. Time flies when you’re no longer to.blame.
@narfcake @OnionSoup @Wollyhop
I hope to know that sweet feeling soon!
Ok. So… officially throwing @Wollyhop
under the busname in the hat.
Welcome future ruminant.
As the current goat, I second that [e]motion…
@chienfou @PhysAssist If I do get scapegoated, I will send you all a pic so you can make and burn effigies of me.
@chienfou @PhysAssist I will also cast a vote for @Wollyhop if only to divert attention away from implied suggestions regarding my candidacy from @ybmuG and @Kyeh in the old Kelly Clarkson thread.
@chienfou @ItalianScallion @PhysAssist @Wollyhop @ybmuG Heh, I’d forgotten about that - thanks for the reminder.
@chienfou Well, he practically volunteered, although he’s being all coy about it …
@chienfou @Kyeh I assure you that I did not volunteer. You know, it’s the old: if nominated, I will not run; if elected I will not serve, blah, blah, blah.
@chienfou @ItalianScallion No, I meant Wallyhop. Although the more you protest and demur, the more it makes you a viable candidate.
@chienfou @Kyeh Oh, and “goat” means Greatest Of All Time, like Tom Brady, right?
@chienfou @ItalianScallion
Some people choose to look at it that way …
@chienfou @ItalianScallion @Kyeh @Wollyhop @ybmuG
Second the [e]motion for @ItalianScallion as well!
@chienfou @ItalianScallion @Kyeh
The not very bright ones?
Given @ItalianScallion’s transparent reminding me of a threat I had forgotten, I think that earns an official nomination
@ybmuG See above.
@ItalianScallion we’ve had ghost goats before. Doesn’t mean you can’t be blamed. There’s no requirement to accept either the nomination or the election.
@ItalianScallion @ybmuG I posted a death certificated signed with meh forgery signatures and still got elected. Back in them ol’ days failure to accept and perform was seriously frowned upon. Of course if you do that you will be blamed anyway.
@ybmuG Seriously though, should I be elected it would be unethical and I would not be a true Mehtriot if I were to refuse to serve the Mehtizenry. I’m sure @Wollyhop would agree.
@ItalianScallion @Wollyhop @ybmuG
If you were to be elected, the only thing that would be unethical would be failing to comply with the wishes of the majority’s vote…
I vote for @ItalianScallion .
(Anything to get them away from me…)
@Wollyhop Hey, that’s my tactic!
@ItalianScallion DIBS
@ItalianScallion @Wollyhop
sorry… you voted in the wrong precinct.
@chienfou And don’t tell me, let me guess… by the time @Wollyhop and I get to the correct precinct, the polls will be closed. Voter suppression!!
@chienfou @ItalianScallion @Wollyhop
This is the way…
@chienfou @ItalianScallion @PhysAssist @Wollyhop Starring/voting for all of the candidates is also the correct way to do this, right?
Hell if I know- previous to this month, I stayed completely away from the topic trying to avoid being drawn in and chosen.
That worked reasonably well until @tinamarie dragged my name into it.
@narfcake @PhysAssist @tinamarie

Good advice, @PhysAssist. Very good advice. In fact, it’s awesome advice.
/showme Davy Crockett with popsockets and sprockets
@mediocrebot Awesome hat on Davy!
@ItalianScallion @PhysAssist
Which you followed. Right?
@Kidsandliz @PhysAssist I should have. Hindsight is 20/20.
@ItalianScallion @Kidsandliz
Life is best understood backwards, but has to be lived forwards…
That said, it looks like you have dodged another bullet [besides the lymphoma]…
/showme Sonny Crockett singing “I Got You Babe”
You see this abuse of @mediocrebot? This is what you can look forward to if you elect me @italianscallion as the February goat. Comments for which you will never get back the five seconds of your life that it took you to read them. Tidbits and insights into a life that you have absolutely no interest in. The complaining of a poor sport over getting crap in IRKs. This is what you’re in for… OR you can vote for an upstanding, fine example of what a Mehtizen and a goat should be: @Wollyhop. I rest my case… or my IRK bag.
@ItalianScallion sounds like you REALLY want to be goated. Dont worry if not the shortest month of the year, maybe next month!!!
@tinamarie1974 I’m desperate. What seemed like it could be fun is now crushing me with the thought of the responsibility, the karma I would be obligated to absorb, and the unwanted attention. Did I say I’m desperate? Don’t forget: @Wollyhop for goat!!
@ItalianScallion @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop
/showme someone who wants the job but is denying it
@ItalianScallion @Kidsandliz @Wollyhop someone doth protest too much
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop @PhysAssist And if I don’t protest, you’ll say I’m being quiet because I wanted this. I can’t win. Is it too late to blame the January goat?
@ItalianScallion @PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop I don’t know if it’s too late or not. Is the February goat been anointed yet? Of course you can always do that and then they can re-blame for blaming the wrong goat.
@ItalianScallion @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop
Yup- I’m done accepting blame as of q
12 MN everywhere. :-p
@ItalianScallion @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop
Why don’t I have a dead goat avatar now?
That’s the only thing I was looking forward to…
@ItalianScallion @PhysAssist @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop I don’t think @extramedium has anointed the new goat yet which means your reign isn’t over yet. The dead goat icon will eventually come.
@ExtraMedium @ItalianScallion @Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 @Wollyhop
I’m going over to the new BLAME- thread to blame @wollyhop for the delay…
After reading and replying to @pakopako’s comment on the Breaking Baaa (January 2025 scapegoat blame thread)
namely “I’m sure someone has something nice happening somewhere,” I have given the goat situation much thought and have done a 180. I hereby accept your nomination as February goat and assure you that if elected, I will carry out the duties faithfully, so help me Irk. It’s all my fault anyway.
@ItalianScallion The good news is you’ve accepted the inevitable fate.
The “bad” news is that @Wollyhop has more votes, so you’re probably not going to be this month’s goat.
(Tagging @extramedium for needing to transfer the goating … uh, powers … too.)
@ExtraMedium @narfcake @Wollyhop And the January(-related) news keeps getting better!
@ItalianScallion @narfcake Whole month snuck up on me. I blame @Wollyhop.
@ExtraMedium @ItalianScallion @narfcake @Wollyhop
I believe you meant “snuck” up on you- FIFY.
@ExtraMedium @ItalianScallion @PhysAssist @Wollyhop
/showme whole month stuck on me
A month with 42 days. Yeah, that was January. You done good, @mediocrebot.