@salaosantiago for the first 5 seconds… But really, I think it’s worth it to just grind on through the gross and then feel like i just had a cup of coffee without leaving my desk.
Observation: Shawn is now running on a treadmill. I did not even realize there was a treadmill in this room. He is wearing a bluetooth headset in each ear and between chews of caffeinated gum he is closing deals, the origins or details of which I cannot discern.
So what you do, mix up some mai tais and drink them in the bathroom with this shower curtain behind you, right? Use the USB cables to print instructions in the other room to your SO when you need refills, the printer’s loud enough, they’ll get annoyed and see what you want eventually. Then chew some gum while you wait. When they come in, look at you on that fold out plastic lounge chair that’s sat in the garage for a year, your empty glass in hand, acting like the curtain’s a beach (bonus points for using actual sand on the bathroom floor!), they’ll get you to use a breathalyzer to prove you’re not drunk. When you blow that you are, you point at the ingredient list on the gum-Everything that ends in -itol is sugar alcohols. It’s just reading those, honey, now get me another glass, and rub some lotion on my back while you’re here, please.
@Jamileigh17 Every time I have thought about sand on the bathroom floor creating a beach like scene (which has been on multiple occasions) reality messes it all up! Apparently it just isnt realistic…still researching though…
@wyvern Given enough sand,I could do it. My bathroom has a raised marble piece on floor level at the doors(sloped for accessibility) so I think if I had enough sand, it would stay. Clean up might be annoying, but that’s what buckets and vacuums are for, right?
@Jamileigh17@wyvern It’s a long story, but back in college (early 80s) we had an unauthorized beach party at our dorm. Hauled sand up the back stairs to 4th floor common area; maybe 15x30ft & 2-3in deep (elevator was next to admin office & had to be avoided). Paper palm trees , small inflatable pool; pro sound system w/ giant monitor speakers.
Music was awesome, lots of dancing , alcohol may have been (surreptitiously) consumed. Every co-ed who showed up got leied . Party was a legendary success.
Until we did the clean up. Sand had trashed the linoleum; we had to pay to refinish the entire floor, including replacing a few tiles. Overall, though: WORTH IT.
TL;DR: Sand on the floor can really ruin the finish.
Just buy some white sand and some resin and make it a permanent part of your decor, lol. Throw in a few pretty shells, sand dollars, and/or starfish and you’re ready to relax on the “wet” sand every day without worrying about clean-up!
I will use the shower curtains (hidden by a fabric curtain, but still have multiple if the same left from a previous deal), and give the caffeinated gum to my team at work, and…don’t know about the other items, but I am sure they will be useful in some form or fashion.
I just out of that nasty gum from the last time it was ok, good timing! I feel it only keeps you awake because it taste like shit and your brain thinks you just consumed poison
@pcolachiller be honest, you wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of fishing together those rings with the curtain had they been included. It would have collected dust in the (just in case) hoard closet either way.
PSA: I bought a large quantity of the strawberry caffeinated gum a while back. The first sixty seconds of chewing tastes very tasty…HOWEVER, directly following those delightful twenty or so chews, there is a sudden and unexpected shift, where the entire world suddenly tastes like pure poison. If you’ve ever miscalculated your vacuum while ‘manually’ siphoning gasoline, you’ll know what I mean. I haven’t tried the mango flavour, I’m sure it is superb…cough…but…buyer…umm…beware…
@AllStarFame I have the mango and mixed berry. It’s not so bad where I cant put up with it, it’s just not great either. I’m working on making caffeinated deodorant, wish me luck.
One place:
“You also get Four USB cables (three of the printer kind, and a more normal USB 3.0 one).”
Another place:
“Monster 700 USB A to USB B Cable:
High Speed
Cable length: 7 ft.
0.8 Gbps
USB 2.0
Monster 900 USB A to USB B Cable:
Ultra High Speed
Cable length: 7 ft.
4.8 Gbps
USB 2.0”
So… what is it really?
I’m guessing it’s actually:
Monster 700 USB A to USB B = USB 2.0 printer kind
Monster 900 USB A to USB B = USB 3.0 printer kind
To clarify the situation, “USB B” means the printer connector, “USB A” means the regular old rectangular connector that’s always the wrong way up the first three times you try it, and “USB 3.0” is not a connector type it’s a communication type (faster); it’s not “more normal”.
And “USB C” (not present in this bundle) is the new connector type that works both way up and does new communication and power stuff.
@ravenblack I had the same question. After taking another/closer at the images, I agree with you that all four of the usb cables in this bundle are probably the “printer kind” (they certainly are in the posted images).
@ravenblack Well, I have to disagree that there’s no 3.0 connector type. There are USB 3.0/3.1 connectors with extra pins, as visible in photo 4. The A connector is compatible both ways, but the B connector will only plug into USB3 devices.
But yeah, this description is all kinds of useless.
“USB A” means the regular old rectangular connector that’s always the wrong way up the first three times you try it
My dad still doesn’t believe me when I say that. But it happens to me every damn time, and I’ve heard it from other people too, so I’m not totally weird.
… Has anyone noticed how much amazon is selling half as much of this gummy stuff for? I’m just wondering how old these (reject?) are… Can gum get old and if so what do they taste like? Should I or shouldn’t I? What the hell, Mikey is now grown and he will still eat anything.
@unkabob Gum gets old, but that takes way longer than the expiration date, and even when it does, it will for the most part be dry/hard/crumbly, and not unsafe to consume. Keep in mind that for most things, expiration dates are artificially deflated so that consumers throw out products to drop money on new, “fresh” stuff. For example, you can safely eat any commercially-produced yogurt months after the expiration date; it won’t be different at all from the day that you got it.
@ShotgunX@unkabob I can confirm 28 year old gum from a baseball packs gets dry and crumbly (also taste like cardboard), but overall is safe (did not get sick) to eat, well chew, well have break up in your mouth
You know, I really appreciate this bundle. Because usually, when you put four or five things together, there’s one or two that I want, and then it’s frustrating that I can’t buy them separately. But there’s nothing here that I wouldn’t throw in the trash if it were free, so thanks!
Wtf Meh? I wanted the mango gum the last time you were selling it, and you cancelled my order because you were out. Oh well, at least it comes with white elephant gifts this time.
This just makes me mad…
Got to the gum part and was “hell no” and hit the button
Got to the breathalyzers and was all “nope”
Got to the usb part and was “Mmmmm”
Got to the shower curtain and just got mad as I bought them last time…
What is the other end of the “More normal USB 3.0” cable?
The “Printer type” is USB 3.0 B Male plug. One might assume the “Normal 3.0” type is USB-C, but I’m not going to assume that and receive a USB 3.0 A male-male coupler happily.
Sometimes I feel Meh.com is just testing us to see how many people will PAY for crap nobody else wants. However, I also think if we don’t buy this garbage, we’ll receive it in our fukos.
I’m all out of the shitty gum, two weeks ago I gave all the neighborhood kids two pieces each just before it was time for them to go have dinner. That was pretty freaking funny. So I guess I’m in for one more shitty bundle (oh good times).
What’s in the Box?
2x Single-use breathalyzers
144x Pieces of gum
3x USB 2.0 Monster cables
1x USB 3.0 Monster cable
2x Shower Curtains
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Chewsey and doesn’t cost a bundle—don’t drink and chew mehers —oh and it’s curtains for you tonight too
Now THIS… this is what I come to Meh for.
@noel So you bought one right?
@noel yeah…its so…meh
@noel Lately I’m coming here just to click the Meh button.
I’d buy a knife bundle, only to cut these shower curtains in half
Stop. Doing. This. Bullshit.
The gum is awfully tasty.
@salaosantiago for the first 5 seconds… But really, I think it’s worth it to just grind on through the gross and then feel like i just had a cup of coffee without leaving my desk.
@benjaMEHn I should have placed more emphasis on the awful. That’s what I was suggesting, but I agree about the utility of it.
yay long live Saturday bundles
/giphy Saturday

@communist that should be a gif of mme at work at 6am after being hammered at midnight and almost clicking buy.
So what you do, mix up some mai tais and drink them in the bathroom with this shower curtain behind you, right? Use the USB cables to print instructions in the other room to your SO when you need refills, the printer’s loud enough, they’ll get annoyed and see what you want eventually. Then chew some gum while you wait. When they come in, look at you on that fold out plastic lounge chair that’s sat in the garage for a year, your empty glass in hand, acting like the curtain’s a beach (bonus points for using actual sand on the bathroom floor!), they’ll get you to use a breathalyzer to prove you’re not drunk. When you blow that you are, you point at the ingredient list on the gum-Everything that ends in -itol is sugar alcohols. It’s just reading those, honey, now get me another glass, and rub some lotion on my back while you’re here, please.
@Jamileigh17 Every time I have thought about sand on the bathroom floor creating a beach like scene (which has been on multiple occasions) reality messes it all up! Apparently it just isnt realistic…still researching though…
@wyvern Given enough sand,I could do it. My bathroom has a raised marble piece on floor level at the doors(sloped for accessibility) so I think if I had enough sand, it would stay. Clean up might be annoying, but that’s what buckets and vacuums are for, right?
@Jamileigh17 @wyvern It’s a long story, but back in college (early 80s) we had an unauthorized beach party
at our dorm. Hauled sand up the back stairs to 4th floor common area; maybe 15x30ft & 2-3in deep (elevator was next to admin office & had to be avoided). Paper palm trees
, small inflatable pool; pro sound system w/ giant monitor speakers.
, alcohol
may have been (surreptitiously) consumed. Every co-ed who showed up got leied
. Party was a legendary success.
Music was awesome, lots of dancing
Until we did the clean up. Sand had trashed the linoleum; we had to pay to refinish the entire floor, including replacing a few tiles. Overall, though: WORTH IT.
TL;DR: Sand on the floor can really ruin the finish.
@compunaut @Jamileigh17 @wyvern
Just buy some white sand and some resin and make it a permanent part of your decor, lol. Throw in a few pretty shells, sand dollars, and/or starfish and you’re ready to relax on the “wet” sand every day without worrying about clean-up!
@compunaut @wyvern That sounds AMAZING! Duly noted, tape a tarp down first!
@ChibiChula @compunaut @wyvern That could be really pretty in the right hands.
@ChibiChula @compunaut @Jamileigh17 That is a good idea…would look great if done well.
I’m at a point in my life where I oddly enough need all of these things. This has what it’s come to. Ya got me.
Bundle is not the same as a pile of trash, well at least for everyone else except Meh.
I will use the shower curtains (hidden by a fabric curtain, but still have multiple if the same left from a previous deal), and give the caffeinated gum to my team at work, and…don’t know about the other items, but I am sure they will be useful in some form or fashion.
I just out of that nasty gum from the last time it was ok, good timing! I feel it only keeps you awake because it taste like shit and your brain thinks you just consumed poison
Energetic pass
I get why they discontinued the Fukos now…so all of us who never got one will not be so disappointed about what we missed out on.
No curtain rings…I’m out!
@pcolachiller be honest, you wouldn’t have gone to the trouble of fishing together those rings with the curtain had they been included. It would have collected dust in the (just in case) hoard closet either way.
Reigns or reins?
I (surprisingly) actually have a use for the cables, and I’ve become addicted to the caffeine gum. Solid bundle.
@telepheedian That is unusually composed for someone high on caffeine
toss in the knife set & a roll of duct-tape & you got a party.
PSA: I bought a large quantity of the strawberry caffeinated gum a while back. The first sixty seconds of chewing tastes very tasty…HOWEVER, directly following those delightful twenty or so chews, there is a sudden and unexpected shift, where the entire world suddenly tastes like pure poison. If you’ve ever miscalculated your vacuum while ‘manually’ siphoning gasoline, you’ll know what I mean. I haven’t tried the mango flavour, I’m sure it is superb…cough…but…buyer…umm…beware…
@AllStarFame I have the mango and mixed berry. It’s not so bad where I cant put up with it, it’s just not great either. I’m working on making caffeinated deodorant, wish me luck.
@AllStarFame the mouth-syphoning gasoline was a wonderful analogy, kudos.
One place:
“You also get Four USB cables (three of the printer kind, and a more normal USB 3.0 one).”
Another place:
“Monster 700 USB A to USB B Cable:
High Speed
Cable length: 7 ft.
0.8 Gbps
USB 2.0
Monster 900 USB A to USB B Cable:
Ultra High Speed
Cable length: 7 ft.
4.8 Gbps
USB 2.0”
So… what is it really?
I’m guessing it’s actually:
Monster 700 USB A to USB B = USB 2.0 printer kind
Monster 900 USB A to USB B = USB 3.0 printer kind
To clarify the situation, “USB B” means the printer connector, “USB A” means the regular old rectangular connector that’s always the wrong way up the first three times you try it, and “USB 3.0” is not a connector type it’s a communication type (faster); it’s not “more normal”.
And “USB C” (not present in this bundle) is the new connector type that works both way up and does new communication and power stuff.
@ravenblack I had the same question. After taking another/closer at the images, I agree with you that all four of the usb cables in this bundle are probably the “printer kind” (they certainly are in the posted images).
@ravenblack Also, USB 2.0 is only 0.48 Gbps (and in practice is more like 0.28 Gbps). Dunno where they got the 0.8 Gbps from.
@TheFLP Maybe 0.4 each way, by the power of MONSTERness, equals 0.8.
@ravenblack Well, I have to disagree that there’s no 3.0 connector type. There are USB 3.0/3.1 connectors with extra pins, as visible in photo 4. The A connector is compatible both ways, but the B connector will only plug into USB3 devices.
But yeah, this description is all kinds of useless.
My dad still doesn’t believe me when I say that. But it happens to me every damn time, and I’ve heard it from other people too, so I’m not totally weird.
@lifftchi Oh, good catch on photo 4 - so it’s actually a USB 3.0 B connector that’s actually even less normal than a USB 2 B connector!
For when I need a shower curtain but don’t want to be seen in public buying one.
@Cadha13 That’s right when you need it to wrap the body in it
By now, I’m pretty sure the meh crew knows me as “that guy who buys all the wierd bundles of shit”.
Wine coolers? Mehthinks Mr. Bartles was dead and cold long before gluten-free USB cables were a thang, old mehn.
Get to it, Macgyver
… Has anyone noticed how much amazon is selling half as much of this gummy stuff for? I’m just wondering how old these (reject?) are… Can gum get old and if so what do they taste like? Should I or shouldn’t I? What the hell, Mikey is now grown and he will still eat anything.
@unkabob Gum gets old, but that takes way longer than the expiration date, and even when it does, it will for the most part be dry/hard/crumbly, and not unsafe to consume. Keep in mind that for most things, expiration dates are artificially deflated so that consumers throw out products to drop money on new, “fresh” stuff. For example, you can safely eat any commercially-produced yogurt months after the expiration date; it won’t be different at all from the day that you got it.
@ShotgunX @unkabob I can confirm 28 year old gum from a baseball packs gets dry and crumbly (also taste like cardboard), but overall is safe (did not get sick) to eat, well chew, well have break up in your mouth
So I personally think this would be fine.
I’m so confounded as to why I have a weird urge to buy this bundle, considering I’d use literally nothing in it.
In for two… I’m insane
You know, I really appreciate this bundle. Because usually, when you put four or five things together, there’s one or two that I want, and then it’s frustrating that I can’t buy them separately. But there’s nothing here that I wouldn’t throw in the trash if it were free, so thanks!
Coughlin’s Law: Misc. crap must be bundled together to make it seem even more craptastic…errr…attractive.
The freshman dorm bundle
Wtf Meh? I wanted the mango gum the last time you were selling it, and you cancelled my order because you were out. Oh well, at least it comes with white elephant gifts this time.
@jzmacdaddy Are you sure you didn’t want Blood Orange? I assure you, we’ve had plenty of Mango this whole time
/giphy negligent-toxic-roll

@muzztime Can’t tell if this is a spectacular success or fail on giphy’s part…
This just makes me mad…
Got to the gum part and was “hell no” and hit the button
Got to the breathalyzers and was all “nope”
Got to the usb part and was “Mmmmm”
Got to the shower curtain and just got mad as I bought them last time…
I’d buy this if there was a way to tell them to just throw away the gum and not send it to me. I know I can do it myself. But. meh
What is the other end of the “More normal USB 3.0” cable?
The “Printer type” is USB 3.0 B Male plug. One might assume the “Normal 3.0” type is USB-C, but I’m not going to assume that and receive a USB 3.0 A male-male coupler happily.
@PocketBrain Alright, I got it, top of the page post… page wasn’t loading for some reason.
I can’t, I just can’t. I think it would be better to sell an empty box
Not today Meh, not today.
I work in the restaurant biz. this is a given !!
Sometimes I feel Meh.com is just testing us to see how many people will PAY for crap nobody else wants. However, I also think if we don’t buy this garbage, we’ll receive it in our fukos.
As if I needed my coffee carbonated AND early after all this gum!
It worked!
Your order number is: carbonated-early-coffee
I’m all out of the shitty gum, two weeks ago I gave all the neighborhood kids two pieces each just before it was time for them to go have dinner. That was pretty freaking funny. So I guess I’m in for one more shitty bundle (oh good times).
@bigtom67 drugging kids is fun
Woot is clearly wrong. THIS is a a true Bag of Crap.