Thanksgoating - Day Twenty Seven. 1 + 1
15Today I am thankful for educators.
My wife had a very successful career in marketing. She gave that up to become a full-time mom when my daughter was born. When kiddo started school, my Jenny volunteered as much as she could. She really enjoyed it. Eventually, if the school needed a substitute for a para educator, they would call her to see if she could help. She eventually became a paid employee and loved it. When my daughter moved to a different school, her old principal reached out and let my wife know that a nearby elementary school needed a pre-K para. My wife has been there full time for four years. The kids are nuts, but the team she works with is amazing. She loves being a part of it. And being married to me has really been instrumental with being able to deal with 4-year-olds.
Those who teach are mission driven. It’s a calling. Just amazing people.
/giphy clap
When my daughter started school, we really hit the lottery with the teachers she landed with. We still keep in touch with her K-2 teachers. Amazing people. They loved her so much and put her on such a great path. I am unbelievably indebted to these wonderful teachers. My kid loves to learn because of their efforts.
So, thank you to all who have set your path to change the path of others. You have likely changed the world in ways that you will never know. Thank you.