thanks to the latest IRK, i have become a Meh Fashionista


the IRK we just received had contents identical to @remo28, missing poncho buttons included, so posting it felt redundant. instead, my wonderful, gorgeous, brilliant, diabolical supervillain of a girlfriend had an incredible realisation: Meh already gave us the tools we needed to make our own buttons.

poncho with "buttons"

fun fact 1: this is the most utility TrackR Pixels have ever served.

here she is, modelling her hard work:

poncho with "buttons"
poncho with "buttons"
poncho with "buttons"
poncho with "buttons"

fun fact 2: it’s still better without the Pixels. i’m sorry, TrackR; we’ll find a use for them one day.

poncho without "buttons"

then i realised: i already have so much Meh/Irk swag that i could totally make a look out of this! also, my girlfriend isn’t a Meh user and very much stopped wanting to be photographed for a joke she’s not in on at this point.

a mistake
an even bigger mistake

all i need now are Meh pants, socks, and shoes, and i can officially step outside with my all-Meh-all-the-time look, whereupon—assuming a fair and just world—someone will finally look at me and humanely euthanise me, for, clearly, i am suffering immeasurably.