Thanks for nothing! (November 2023 scapegoat blame thread)
14Ok, I normally try to avoid gushing in these things, but I want to start off by saying @Cerridwyn really knocked October out of the park, so a big thanks for both playing along and making it a good one.
With that out of the way, it looks like we may be back to our standard level of interactivity as we kick off November. Nominated, voted, and handed the title without a peep, we have @Mehgrl taking us deeper into the Fall.
I’m sure there’s some holiday coming up this month for you all to gobble up, and bring back the blame, but I can’t think of it right now. Probably @Mehgrl’s fault.
- 25 comments, 117 replies
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I hope I am truly goat worthy. Blame away!
@mehgrl you got one of the best months for goating.

What with the coming holiday, you can sincerely tell/suggest people; “Get stuffed!”
If you don’t feel like you should take the blame.
@lonocat @mehgrl You can also tell them to shove a tree up their… well, maybe that’s better for next month.
@lonocat @mehgrl @OldCatLady
I will wait for next month’s Festivus and the Airing of Grievances.
Until then, a toast!

/image leonardo toast
Up yours!
For @OldCatLady

@mike808 Thanks! This, please, Santa. Wow!
I’m aware that this is like 8.5 hours early, but I’ve got plans for my night so you’ll just have to blame @Mehgrl for my haste.
Unblame! Unblame! Unblame!
Back in the olden days, circa April 2018, Meh sold some really fun socks. I bought two pairs, one for me and one for my bestie.
The only time I wore mine was when I first saw my new doctor. He remarked on my fine socks, mentioning that George Bush liked to wear fun socks.
Well, after the laundry where I had washed socks, there was only one special sock! I couldn’t find the matching sock anywhere! I have a habit of pushing the socks off of my feet when I’m watching television, so I thought maybe, somehow, it had ended up in the couch. Every couple of months, I shoved my hands down the sides and back of the cushions, thinking “Maybe this time I’ll find it”. I never did.
I knew when we replaced the sofa last year, I’d never see that sock again.
I asked about Lasik surgery here earlier and it’s scheduled for a couple of weeks from today. I have a sheet on how to prepare and one of the items is comfortable shoes. Well, what could be more comfortable than fuzzy slippers, am I right?
I get birthday presents from my friend and she always includes a set of slippers. I don’t really wear slippers that often, I’m more “a wear thick socks” kinda person, which are easier to wash after I’ve walked around the yard in the morning when the grass is dewy.
And sometimes, not often, when my feet are freezing, I’ll just put the slippers over socks.
This morning, I was digging through all of the slippers I had, that were shoved into my closet. I put my hand in one of them because maybe they had socks in them.
Lo and behold, the first slipper I put my hand in HAD MY MISSING SOCK that was irreplaceable!
Over five years! It’s been over five years!
Happy camper here.
Thanks, Goat!
@lisaviolet lol. I have never even worn my meh socks. They were on the top of the dresser for years/migrated somewhere a few times. Then a cat found them and of course pissed on them… Sigh. They are in the clean laundry somewhere.
I just do two pair of sandals. Inside outside… Sometimes I step in “something” and swap pairs though
@lisaviolet tell me you saved the 1st sock and now have the pair!!!
@tinamarie1974 I did!
@lisaviolet @tinamarie1974
@lisaviolet @tinamarie1974

@unksol I’ve worn holes in my Meh socks, but my Glen socks? Just the once.
I will be wearing those on the day of my surgery.
@lisaviolet I did not look at the link originally, I just have the blandish vmp socks. Those glen socks really are something. Do you wear them with shoes where they can see the eyes/teeth? Otherwise they might just look like candy cane/Christmas
Good luck. Like I said it did hurt a lot for a day but once it’s healed it’s been very nice. Not sure on seeing the clock in the morning cause your eyes still need to focus when you wake up
@unksol Black shirt, black pants, black shoes and red and white striped socks.
Fashionista I am not.
@lisaviolet what’s the fun if they don’t see glen
@unksol @lisaviolet You need these.

@Kyeh @unksol Those would cement the fact that I am not a fashionista.

@unksol They might see the eyes…
@lisaviolet I was picturing some black flats or heels that have that concave dish around the toe. I’m sure you’ll get some looks lol
@lisaviolet @unksol Well, how about these?

@Kyeh @unksol lol…
Never open toed shoes and socks!
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @unksol Except when in Ninja mode. Tabi socks and flip-flops are made to work together.
@lisaviolet @unksol
Sheesh, awfully picky for a non-fashionista. Okay - how about these?

/giphy goat sock
@Kyeh @unksol the operative word in the “what to wear” instructions is COMFORTABLE.
I appreciate your help, but gee whiz…
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @unksol
And IMLE, none of those plastic see-through things is even remotely wearable for walking, and highly questionable for sitting or lying down.
@Kyeh @unksol @werehatrack Exactly!
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @werehatrack a little more exhibition than comfort probably?
Most likely the reason for “comfortable shoes” is that you’re gonna probably be a little blind for a day. Not gonna be on your feet much. And wearing heels/platforms etc when you won’t be able to see outside is… Probably not a good plan.
Out in the sunlight even with your eyes shut. Was bad. I can’t remember if they gave me sunglasses or not. I would bring your strongest pair just in case.
Because I’m stubborn and didn’t want to bother anyone I basically booked a hotel room in my home town, which was an hour away, checked in, got an Uber to the appointment 5 minutes away and an Uber back, then kinda layed there for a day with… Significant ibuprofen.
Could have asked my parents to take me or… Someone. But. IDK. Just seemed easier. Regardless you’ve got Brian so. I recommend just closing your eyes for a day after/keeping all the lights low/sunglasses etc. It didn’t last too long
@Kyeh @unksol @werehatrack I plan on sleeping a lot. I’ve been practicing taking naps since my first appointment.
I understand they’ll be giving me dark glasses to wear over my eyes for the first 24 hours, even when I sleep. I guess rubbing freshly lasered eyes is frowned on.
I never realized how much I rub my eyes until now.
I did buy some oversized dark sunglasses to wear when they give me the go ahead. First followup appt will be the next day.
Ibuprofen. I’ll make sure we have plenty. Thanks.
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @werehatrack for the whole no touchy thing, they actually taped some clear eyeshields over each eye you were supposed to leave on the the first 24 hours. too habitual to wipe the eye snot/junk out of the corner of your eyes, especially when you wake up. And that’s probably a very bad time to introduce bacteria…
I think the straight saline eyedrops were cleared to use/helped some but I’m sure they tell you all that junk so don’t listen to me lol. Good luck!
@Kyeh @unksol @werehatrack I was wondering how the eye protectors would stay on while sleeping. Our oldest kitty comes into the bedroom at night and snuggles against my face, her arms wrapped around my arm, my face against her back. If I get what you had, that shouldn’t be a problem.
We got the eye drops they suggested. Refresh Plus no preservatives. $22 for 100 at costco. When she demonstrated how to use them (come on, really?) I did learn something new, that you can snap the cap back down onto the plastic vial!
Thank you for sharing your experience.
A week tomorrow…
@Kyeh @lisaviolet @werehatrack
Daw… That’s so cute… I might evict her for a day though
If they don’t do the eye shield thing bet you could tape the shades down but when you are used to glasses… It’s not much to get under them out of habit but it’s only a day or two
@lisaviolet are you still selling catnip? I think your store page is broke?
Anyway. Because of the multiplication mistakes/go live chaos back in 2022 I’d just given it to the first few guys/been keeping it in the freezer in a mason jar as the special stuff. Held up really well. Would make your Christmas gifts
Took out a few pinches straight out of the freezer on a plate and just walked through the house. Without dropping any

I thought they were ignoring me till I turned back around and nope straight out of the freezer.
Rubbed it in my hands and put it in the microwave at really low heat to warm it up a tiny bit/release the oils and sprinkled it a bit an they dispursed a little tripping balls lol.
Was hard to get them all in one pic so some are missing but damn lol.
@unksol Before he retired, our vet used to call it “black tar catnip”. That always made me laugh.
They even called here once asking if I could bring some over, they’d run out.
What a cute little turkey goat!
Unblame - smiling from ear to ear right now.
Lasik on Friday was a success. Things are still settling in (down?), full wonderfulness might take three months.
But yesterday I could see the television and the clock and and and…without glasses.
This morning I am at the computer, typing away and watching the words come up on the monitor and I’M NOT WEARING GLASSES! I am so surprised at this. I was expecting to wear readers.
To channel my inner Deadpool “I feel just like a little girl!”
@lisaviolet that is fantastic!!!
@lisaviolet congrats!!!
@lisaviolet So glad to hear it! So no pain, it sounds like?
@Kyeh They burned on day one. Ever get jalapeno juice in your eye? Like that, it took a few hours until it wasn’t bad.
@lisaviolet Ouch. Only for one day, though - that’s impressive.
@Kyeh @lisaviolet glad it worked out. That first day was guaranteed to be a b*tch but. Once you push through you should be good to go if there are no complications.
They were slicing your eyeballs after all

/giphy i can see the light
Unblame-sorry to have been silent for so long about our cruise. With it three times changed and where we were going changed (for our 50th wedding anniversay) (originally Hawaii and finally a Canadian cruise from Quebec to Fort Lauderdale-with stops in Halifax, Rhode Island, Maine, NY and Boston) we had low expectations about it and almost wanted to get it over with.
That all changed through a set of circumstances out of our control and a little luck when we were offered an upgrade from a mini suite to a penthouse suite (for extra money of course). Spoiled us for any other cruise we might ever take. Cabin twice as big as regular cabin, bathroom had a tub with a jacuzzi and shower, complementary bar set up on first day, fresh fruit, hors d’oeuvres delivered to our cabin each day at 4, free laundry, bedding changed each day, free use of certain areas of spa. But the thing that really made it special was the separate part of the dining room for suite guests-no waiting, always table for two, special menu items, addressed us by name, and maitre’d came over to our table each time we ate there and asked us how we were and if we needed anything. Had to give the 10 service people in that area and maitre’d an extra tip for the great and attentive service we got.
Looking for another cruise during black friday sales to give us the same amenities that we got on this cruise.
@Felton10 I am so happy it worked out for you and the Mrs! Happy anniversary
@Felton10 Wow! That sounds phenomenal, lucky you! I hope you get to do many more times!
@Felton10 So glad you the Mrs had a great cruise. That sounds like the Haven section of Norwegian Cruise Line. Which looks awesome but I only seem to sail steerage.
@ironcheftoni Like I said it only spoiled us for future cruises. Just booked another cruise in a mini suite to get the same eating perks as we had on this cruise. The same penthouse suite would have cost us 150% more. We were really lucky to get it to see how the other half lives.
/giphy happy cruise

@ironcheftoni Couple of pics of our cabin and the bathroom.
@Felton10 nice! What ship was this?
@Felton10 @ironcheftoni never been on a cruise, so I dont have a point of reference, but that looks amazing.
@ironcheftoni caribbean princess 20 years old
… looks like showers are your theme this month.
Been crazy busy trying to get my shit together to re-locate Mom (91) to my sister’s in KC. Packing stuff, having a going away party, sorting out financial stuff, driving to the airport etc, plus the usual crap like working in the ER, going to see George Thorogood in concert etc.
Friday we (SWMBO and I) were showering in the master bedroom shower and when I turned it off – it didn’t… turn off that is. Had a drip at the rate of about a half gallon every 15 minutes, so a right steady stream. Turned off the water to the house on the way out to the concert (GT, see above) and left it off until Saturday AM, when I turned it back on to shower/refill toilet tanks/make coffee. Got Mom’s party done, then had to leave for work right after, so no plumbing work gonna happen at that time. Today we got up, took showers/filled toilet tanks etc etc and then I turned off the water and took off the diverter for the 2 shower heads and put a threaded cap on to stop the leak. Turned the water on and it held up so that was great.
SWMBO drove Mom and Sis to ATL to fly to KC and I drove to Montgomery to pick up our Penske rental to bring up some of Mom’s stuff to the new house. Drove my car to the MGM airport and left it to retrieve when we fly back to town on Saturday, then took a LYFT the 20 miles back to the rental truck, which I then drove back to our house, had a sandwich and then drove the truck to work at the ER while the missus went to go tutor a student a couple of towns over.
Hopefully I can get the shower looked at week after next when we get back and it will be some piece of thrash in the valve or a simple cartridge replacement. Meanwhile we can shower (one at a time) in the guest bath.
TL:DR shower problems suck!

/giphy broken shower
@chienfou lol at we can only “shower one at a time”
Blame. Back in early July, I finally got a formal diagnosis of ADHD. This was an achievement that was two years in the making, or 69 years, if you want to be technical; your choice. The biggest reason it took so long to actually seek help is my inherent reluctance to admit that anything was wrong. (This is a recurring theme for me.) And getting the diagnosis is a complicated process; ADHD can now only be diagnosed by a psychologist, who pretty much can’t do much of anything to address it effectively because psychologists have no prescribing privileges. So once I had that diagnosis, it had to be handed off to a psychiatrist. I’d been consulting one of those for several months before getting the referral for the ADHD testing, during which time we had tried several non-controlled-substance meds in off-label uses in an effort to make a difference - and they didn’t. (i’d first tried to run the psychiatric-diagnostic-and-shot-in-the-dark-treatment maze with the clinic where my PCP practices, and that debacle is why I ended up with the current psych folks in a completely different place. Over a year’s time completely wasted.)
Anyway, two days after the psychologist’s evaluation finally came back, I had fairly major surgery from which I have not yet fully recovered. (Functionally, yes; completely, no.) Because of the surgery and the after-effects, I didn’t get the next appointment set with my psychiatric provider until last month, and the earliest appointment they had was this month. Joy! I foolishly thought that I could look forward to finally getting the meds that might make a difference.
Oh, fuck no.
Before they can prescribe the “good stuff”, all of which are Controlled Substances, I need an EKG. Should be simple, right? Stop by someplace that does them, get the test done, forward it to the psychiatrist, all set, right? Not on your life. An EKG costs a ridiculous amount if it’s not done as a result of a doctor’s order from a physician that my insurance company covers. And the layers of bureaucracy blocking me from communicating with my PCP are absolutely impenetrable. There is no fucking direct channel for me to get in touch with “my doctor” to make this simple request. I’ve used The Official Method That The Clinic Provides, and all I’ve had in response is silence. (Not even crickets; those have gone dormant with the chilly weather.)
Now, there are two ADHD-specific non-Controlled-Substance meds that might be effective, but the problem with those is that my insurance doesn’t cover them, and they each run about $400 a month, which I can’t afford. All of the Good Stuff ones are covered, but I can’t get those without the EKG. Getting an EKG without taking out a title loan on two of my cars requires my PCP’s help, and I can’t even talk to her to ask to order it.
I fucking hate the US Medical Services Monetization Industry.
@werehatrack YES!! that is the new abnormal. It used to be sooo different. Given that you gave your age I know that you can remember a better system of Healthcare. It’s not the doc’s fault. The fault lies in the bottomline,the CEO’s, CFO,s shareholders etc and most importantly the damn insurance companies.Can’t they use the EKG of when you had surgery? Most of the good meds for ADHD have been recreationally abused, so that adds a whole other level of bureaucracy.
@werehatrack I would post a goat giphy but this is truly epic BS. Sorry this is happening to you.
@werehatrack I’m going to take a moment to write a proper response later. Maybe in a private post. But for now, I will say I have a brain that works way too fast. I’m a Mensa member. I’m an Intertel member, I qualified for the triple 9’ers. Unfortunately, my fast-working brain came with a handbag filled with undeniable ADHD and a splash of OCD. I grew up in the 70s/80s when people really didn’t understand it. So, I had to work out a lot of things myself. I’ve figured out my strengths and weaknesses. I kind-of-sort-of can manage them. They seem to be manageable since I also have a very strong stubbornness gene. I think that pushed me through a lot.
I’d like to hear more about this journey you’re on… I’ve often thought about talking to a doctor about my brain, but that stubborn thing sits in the way. Thankfully my daughter got all the good parts of my brain, but none of the flaws.
And this is how I type a short message. I use all the words.
@werehatrack Way back in the early 80’s went to a back to school night in October, our son’s first grade teacher told us he wouldn’t graduate 1st grade. WTF. Quickly hired a resource person to come in and evaluate him and he then went into a the special ed program in our county school system.
He was on Ritalin for a time which really helped and when he went to college found a program for which provided him with both psy and tutor help each week-he graduated in 4 years with a degree in computer science and now is a tech person for a large defense contractor making over 100k a year.
I was told that ADHD came from the father’s side and I took a test which I got 7 out of 10 which showed I definitely had ADHD also. Even worse it listed the professions that I definitely should not go into and accounting was at the top of the list due to the organization required. A little late for that one but as anyone who ever saw my office and desk with piles of papers everywhere knew that what I had read about the lack of organization was correct.
@mehgirl, whisper me your address and your reward for being goat this month are those Cleveland Cityscape wall things you wanted. Please, I want them out of my house. I’ll even cover postage.
@ironcheftoni I will soon after I deal with my latest hellscape.
@ironcheftoni @mehgrl When I head to Cleveland you can have my two too (unbelievably the other one found a local home 1000 miles away). They are still new in unopened box.
Thanks everyone for allowing me the privilege of being a blame goat. I respectfully pass on this honor to next month’s goat. May the goat be with you.
/giphy blame goat

@mehgrl Thanks for showing up as a goat, and not being a ghost goat!
/giphy goat christmas

Blame… My shower Wednesday morning was luke warm. I thought bad timing on the water heater cycle. Wednesday night tepid doing dishes. Check water heater. No pilot light. Relight. Won’t stay lit.
Thermocouple is fine/can hit 33mV. No go. Can’t get the same gas control valve on a 20 year old water heater that has no issues. No compatible parts listed. Potential valves ordered.
Also get to build deploy an override for a backout at 2AM and clean up. Not my week… I could use a hot shower… Oh right
Unblame… I think the “backout” which is technically another override build. Is working/nothing’s broke. So. I’ll take it. Unless something processes wrong
@unksol FWIW my wife took a 20 minute shower yesterday. Hot water all the time. And then, for some reason, my kitchen overhead light now offers streaming free water even without asking. Blocking off my weekend calendar. Meh.
@capnjb ouch. I will take cold shower/no shower over find the busted pipe/leak. Although costs may vary
I do have a burst pipe to hunt above the garage some day but I shut the water off too it long ago.
@unksol I think it’s just an old seal around the drain that has deteriorated. At least that’s what I’m hoping. I’ll get some good caulk this weekend and cross my fingers
@capnjb yea but other stuff. There’s some slighy discolored drywall in the kitchen/side room that I think came from the upstairs bathroom. Not 100% sure but it’s textured so would have to do ceiling work to make it go away. Blah. Hopefully just a drip for you
@unksol I might just buy 19 dehumidifiers the next time Meh offers them
Is your textured ceiling ‘builder’s grade white’ if so Lowe’s has a spray paint can that’s built like a whipped cream cannister and shoots white paint straight up. I had to use it when my ice machine broke and ‘updated’ my basement ceiling color. 
@capnjb I’ve seen those. It’s not actually that bad just can see a few splotches. There’s a tape seem too and a nail pop so probably needs sanded down/done right. Lots of other bigger issues so I don’t stress about it.
Unblame/blame…? I got the “used” gas valve today. It boot is broken and it’s basically trash because the energy cut off is open. Which is a one time failure. If they knew what they were selling they would have checked that.
But I also went and got a new thermocouple this morning… Which for some reason works even though the old one tested to 33mv works so… Guess got to do some returns but I’ll take the hot shower
Unblame, Had a garage sale on Saturday. Sold a lot of stuff. Gave away stuff too. In the free box was about 20 Casery phone rings, 8 cigarette lighter charger things and 2 mac book cases. All got taken except 4 phone rings. Some craft paint got sold too during half price hour. Many people enjoyed IRK bags in which to carry their purchases home.
However, despite all that unblame, there is one blame… Despite having a huge free box, someone decided that other things needed to be free. I had a shoplifter. Who da fuq shoplifts at a garage sale? They swiped a fancy can opener that I only had marked $2. The only reason I know it was stolen was that they left the box and instructions.
I hope they never figure out how to use it.
@ironcheftoni I’ve had shoplifters at garage sales too. Around here a van full of adults and kids show up. One adult tries to distract you and have you turn your back to the sale asking questions. The rest (including kids) steal stuff and stuff it in the van.

/giphy bad garage sale
@ironcheftoni @Kidsandliz Well, you gotta start training them sometime. They’re not likely to get that in school.
As I’ve become less religious, I’ve also become a lot more convinced of people’s (in general) basic depravity, given half a chance. Animals have more respect for each other.
Tell that to the birds that raise brood parasites…
Fascinating! Even passwords!
Ergo, I amend my above comment:
Animals have more respect for each other of their same species.
Whereas many humans seem content to palm their offspring off on other humans, as in daycare, schools, team sports, summer camps, etc., just dumping them off and are in no hurry to return to pick them up nor to act in any voluntary capacity at such activities (as PTA members, coaches, referees, counselors, etc.). And then there are those who just disappear entirely from their children’s lives, maybe until the state hunts them down for child support.
I also didn’t mention those who enable their children to disappear on their own with tablets, phones, game consoles, bedroom TVs, …
Maybe that’s why the younger generation seems much more ignorant at the same age than the ones previous several decades ago, IMO. They are missing out on those first 5 or 6 years of learning from their parents. I know I knew a lot before I was enrolled in first grade, and I didn’t get much of that from the TV shows of the 50’s.
@chienfou Let me be clear that I said “many humans”, not all, not most, not necessarily even a simple majority.
And I acknowledge that many parents don’t have a choice in how much time they can devote to their kids, due to responsibilities in earning their livings.
@chienfou Case in point about lack of respect for same species:
Same “human” (?) species.
BLAME - propane just ran out on the grill while reheating the smoked turkey. We’re supposed to eat in about 2hrs…
Moving it to the inside oven with its fresh brother with a jury rigged stand made from steam table pans so they can both fit … we’ll make it work, but you’re trying my patience, goat!
@ybmuG Have you checked for self-service propane exchange locations in your area? My Sams Club has one outside their door.)
Good luck. (Maybe raw turkeys were part of a paleo diet at some point?)
@phendrick i haven’t but good to know. I should check just for the next time the goat let’s me down.
We’re back on track in the oven. Up to 102
@ybmuG Hope dinner ended up OK in the end.
@Kidsandliz it did, thanks! Both turkeys ended up being done at the same time (yay planning!), though an hour late, due to overcrowding. Thankfully, no one was cranky about it.

/giphy turducken
@mehgrl @ybmuG I’m not sure what about that giphy bothers me, but something does…
@mehgrl @phendrick @ybmuG Just the fact that it’s a twerkey vid is enough, IMO.
Blame. CVS seems systemically incapable of getting its own act together on its loyalty program(s), its website, its app, and its in-store coordination of phone numbers to the loyalty card number(s) for the various disparate programs that each has what appears to be its very own identifier for each participant. I have groused at them about this in the past, and today their system managed to screw up again, so I composed Yet Another Rant for the Feedback form that they tossed in front of me when they were supposed to be providing me with information about a prescription that they were allegedly filling. I have seldom encountered a more marketing-infested happy-clappy interface with a WORSE back end behind it. (And my doctors hate it, too, because it obsessively wants them to renew scripts that were marked NO REFILLS, which is just fecking idiotic.)

/giphy CVS sucks
@werehatrack I feel your pain! My work has CVS for their prescriptions and every time I had to use it, I would get angry. They refilled so many prescriptions that I had told them NOT to autofill that the last time I just never even bothered to pick it up or call them…Thankfully (at least so far) we’re on Kroger this year and it’s been a lot better, though I’ve heard from some people that have had issues.
/giphy hot shower

Blame, I somehow missed day one of the meh-a-thon
@tinamarie1974 Almost everything is still available; those fruit jerkys sold out; I’m not sure what else. I didn’t find anything to buy all day yesterday, and then they got me with the first of today’s items, the color-changing stars.


@tinamarie1974 Oh no!. How long a run got wrecked?
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974
OH - missed clicking, you mean? Sorry!
@Kidsandliz no, not what I meant at all. Said I missed day one. I realize stuff is stil up and available (thank goodness), but if this wasn’t a 2 day sale I would have missed it completely.
As far as button clicks, no idea. I gave up years ago trying to maintain a streak.
@Kyeh nope, see below to K&L
@tinamarie1974 Oh, okay! Good!

@Kyeh and for the record I got that topper as well!!!
@tinamarie1974 Yay! I can’t resist color-changing lights.

/giphy meh
The goat isn’t the one I blame for this.
The personal psychiatric situation has gone swamp-ooze. After another phone call to the most recent psychiatrist, we concluded that there was little point in my getting the EKG that would have enabled a script for the drugs that are controlled substances, because she was unable to prescribe those without an in-person visit, and they are no longer doing those. Their entire practice is now being done via virtual visits. So now I need to find a different psychiatrist, which pretty much means starting over yet again.
I am -> <- this close to just saying the hell with getting help. I have lived with ADHD, untreated, for almost 70 years, and although I am frustrated by the effects on a multiple-times-daily basis, I am just not sure that the investment of my emotional capital that is likely going to be required will be worth it. Nevertheless, after starting to run down the list of psychiatrists my insurance company covers, and finding no one that would see me before the end of February, I have placed a request with my current thorn-in-the-side clinic. We shall see what they have to say. I suspect it will be “Sure, we can give you an appointment in late March, what time of day would you like?” I will probably let them set the appointment. I will probably end up cancelling it, for any number of reasons.
My utter loathing for the medical services monetization industry just keeps growing. (Their lobbying is a large part of what created the Student Loan Indentured Serf Program, BTW. The stated rationale was “All these new doctors will make so much that they can pay off the loans in no time, and our shortage of qualified people will be over (and we can slash their pay because they’ll be competing for the few jobs we will actually want to fill).” Of course, the reality is that only the parenthetical part has come to pass, and the kids know it, and many have abandoned the idea of going to college at all as a result.)
@werehatrack Hope you are up to being wished a Happy Thanksgiving. And, FWIW, IMHO, you seem to be functioning better than the average human being I encounter, so maybe there’s some solace in that.
@phendrick The psychologist I saw for the ADHD evaluation made the comment that I had clearly been leveraging the rest of my abilities to minimize the damage from the ADHD, and also touched on my scores on the IQ portion. I explained just how tiring and taxing it was to try to keep all of the balls in the air, and how much more distressing it was every time I failed because I dropped one; I knew I should be able to do all of it, and yet I kept on coming up short where it seemed like other people didn’t. Now I know why. And fuck if I’m allowed to fix it. I begin to understand why the denial of access to help is one of the many causes of the suicide rate. (Quadruply so, or more, for the trans kids who have long been left undiagnosed or anti-treated, and are now being actively denied access to help.)
@phendrick @werehatrack My wife and I also grew up without any diagnosis until last year, the same week we officialized ADHD for our 2nd child. (our 1st got it a couple years earlier)
Anyway, point is I unknowingly grew up with autism (but allegedly not ADHD…). If anyone else knew enough to suspect anything, they never said so to me or my parents. I was blessed with being able to breeze through school (until college).
Much like you said:
That’s basically been my life experience—I’m able to sneak by “okay”, by brute force or whatever. At least until a couple years ago when I started buckling under the load (mostly an employment situation I didn’t realize was so bad until I got out of it). Now I feel broken and [mostly] useless.
Where was I headed? Oh yeah, no one should need to be content with just “getting by.” I have complete sympathy for anyone who is not allowed to benefit from medication that could benefit them.
(Although isn’t there an ADHD drug shortage right now? I don’t know how wide-spread that is, whether it’s regional, or even if it’s all meds or only certain ones. No idea if it would affect you. Our household has gone unmedicated so far, in part because we want to make sure we’ve cleared other things up before muddying the waters again.)
@mehgirl this is my first blame on meh. WHY don’t I get emails about meh-rathons? I used to get them, or is that not a thing anymore. That is all, but I still have 13 days left.
@growyoungagain Blame accepted. No wait, unblame since I don’t get them either. You don’t want any of this crap anyway, right?
/giphy sorry goat


/image Right on
@growyoungagain @mehgrl go to your account to see if you are signed upfor emails. If you aren’t click the box. If you are unclick it, wait a day, reclick it and see if that fixes it (seems to me that was a suggestion way back when when I had this problem). Or contact support. I once had this happen years ago and support fixed it.
@Kidsandliz thanks I’ll try that.
blame - and mega blame. I was trying for 365 days of Meh-hood.
@carlharkins Truly crushing. Blame accepted.
/giphy goat sad

Blame --> self. I could not not figure out why a puddle of water was under the sink after washing a bunch of dishes. I thought I was just clumsy and spilled something. I opened the cabinet under the sink and a gush of water came pouring out. It seems I have a corroded leaky pipe (I think?) No idea how long water has been quietly leaking and sitting on the bottom of the cabinet. Happy Thanksgiving to me.
/giphy fml

@mehgrl Oh, no!

@mehgrl Yikes!! And you only have yourself to blame too which makes it so much worse. I here by give you my unofficial permission to blame last month’s goat for that!
@mehgrl So upon closer inspection it appears to be a cracked pipe under the kitchen sink. How the hell does that even happen??!! Any home repair experts in the Meh-verse with some advice? Can I fix this myself? I have pics if it helps. Help a
@mehgrl Well a jury rig until you can fix it right likely would be in a marine store as we put crap on boat hulls while they are in the water (and put it on on the in the water side) to fix leaks. I’d guess there is waterproof tape plumbing out there too you could wrap around it as a temporary fix. Or you could fix it like my cousin. His under the kitchen sink pipe rusted through (owns the house) years ago. He put a bucket there. He still empties the bucket in the garden and has never fixed it. Works for him although I must admit that would work as a long term fix for me.
@mehgrl For a one-day fix with stuff you probably have on hand, tighy wrapped duct tape and a pan or bucket to catch drips. Then a YouTube tutorial vid for instructions on what to do tomorrow when the stores are open. Locally, Home Depot and Lowe’s both usually have the stuff, or Ace Hardware or an actual plumbing supply store. It’s not rocket surgery (though there is some overlap).
@mehgrl @werehatrack just some practical advice - it’s best if you can remove the broken part before you go so you can take it with you to be sure you get an exact replacement. It also gives you the opportunity to assess if more needs to be replaced before you go. Last time i had a cracked trap, both the waste pipe (into the real) and tailpiece (down from the sink) disintegrated. And no, i didn’t remove the trap first. I think it ended up a 3-tripper…
And if you have an actual hardware store vs big box, I’d go there. They’ll more likely have sometime who can help and actually know what they’re doing. Parts and pics in hand and an intention to do it yourself will go a long way.
@mehgrl @werehatrack @ybmuG And should seem obvious, but be sure to determine if the water leak is coming from a supply pipe or a drain pipe (you didn’t say). If supply, turn the water supply off first, before removing or even moving any pipe. This can hopefully be done at the inlet valve from the wall under the sink. If not, you’ll need to turn the water off for the whole house, usually at the meter. Might need a big wrench or special tool for that. If from a drain pipe, you are OK as long as you are not actively running water into the sink.
If you have to turn water off for the house, you might want to run and save several gallons first (drinking, cooking, flushing, …).
Keep buckets and towels handy.
Murphy’s Law Corollary: Shit happens most often when stores you need are closed, and usually for extended times. Most of my household or vehicle issues seem to happen on Friday evenings!
@mehgrl @werehatrack @ybmuG
For a floor that has been wet for a while, you might want to be proactive against mold.
Douse and scrub liberally with household ammonia, alcohol (not the drinking kind, but Everclear can make do in a pinch), or vinegar. The smell won’t be great for a while, but a lot better than a mold problem. Watch out for flames when using alcohol of any kind.
@mehgrl if you wanted to throw some pics up, sounds like it’s just the drain pipe/trap. Usually you can just get a full kit in a bag for like $10 and very easy to thread on/off by hand. Most likely the trap since that’s the only place water sits.
A supply pipe crack you would have seen way sooner cause it’s under pressure.
@mehgrl also if you have a garbage disposal… When this happened to me the internal base plate of a 20 year old garbage disposal gave out and it was leaking from the bottom/contributing to the trap clogging since it didn’t grind… A garbages disposal is an easy DIY too, they just clamp/screw off/on. Less than $100 if you needed a new one. I just got the of mine. just need to identify the problem
@mehgrl Thanks for all the helpful advice. Still waiting on a plumber to find some availability and come out to fix it. Don’t think I will attempt to fix myself due to corrosion.
@mehgrl looks mostly like hard water build up so it’s probably been leaking for a while. Since it’s on the drain pipe side any time you were running water the water column on the sink side has to be as high as the the drain outlet to push water out. So it’s going to leak probably slowly while running. But when you turn it off that last ~inch above the crack that should sit there would slowly leak out. Plus the other inch of water from the other side to hit equilibrium.
Technically just that one pipe needs replaced. But id probably just do PVC from the wall pipe to the sink. They are easier. Shouldn’t really need a plumber if you have a handy friend and are having trouble getting someone available.
Anything above the outlet of the p-trap can be slip fittings with makes them real easy. Nothing wrong with calling a plumber though. If you needed to use the sink in the meantime I’d just put a big bowl under it and empty as needed

@mehgrl Still trying to figure if it is a blame or unblame
I was expecting a box of disappointment and nope, it made me giggle. Unblame. I was expecting more expensive and again nope. Unblame again.
Maybe blame me that I haven’t gotten organized for fancy pictures and a proper post. 
@speediedelivery I am glad I could meet your level of disappointment.

/giphy happy goat
Blame. What the heck did meh do on the homepage today to create BLUE turkeys??? Does this mean you have killed them to eat tomorrow and that is why they are blue?

@Kidsandliz Maybe someone forgot to thaw them?

/giphy blue turkey
@mehgrl Your fault the bot doesn’t know what the color blue is.