Thank you @Mikibell
42I wanted to send a shout out to our friend @Mikibell. She very kindly offered to make my niece a few Elf on the Shelf outfits. Today I opened my mailbox to find a stuffed USPS envelope waiting for me. It was packed full of the most adorable sweaters, sweater/skirt outfits and some dresses/superhero outfits. I can only imagine how excited my niece will be, as I was excited to see each and every outfit!!
@ybmuG check out this amazing WW outfit and bracelets that light up for my niece. The snaps even have the WW logo on them!!
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They’re real, and they’re spectacular!
I think my favorite is the Grinch.
That be some crazy talent, there (and a big heart! )
@ybmuG Seinfeld??
I know, I was completely overwhelmed when I opened the package. Such q sweet gesture from someone who has never even met me or my niece!!
@tinamarie1974 of course! There’s always a Seinfeld reference for any life situation.
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
After Thanksgiving, its time to bring out the aluminum pole, isn’t it?
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 I got a lotta problems with you people, and now you’re gonna hear about it!
@mike808 @ybmuG Let the airing of grievances begin!!@
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 You wanna piece of me???!!!
@tinamarie1974 @ybmuG
Serenity Now!
@mike808 @ybmuG well that escalated quickly
Those are fantastic! So detailed, just incredible. I especially love the WW one.
@Kyeh same, love the wonderwoman. The black one is cat woman. Even has a little mask and the cat ears. Spectacular
@tinamarie1974 Oh, I wondered what that one was. I hope you post a virtual fashion show for us!
Thank you for the shout out… There was no need honestly
I love kids.
The bracelets have different backing. I wasn’t sure if your niece is like my kid, very sensitive to plasticy materials. So one has felt, one has the glitter vinyl to allow the light thru. I figure you can twin with the other!! Have a very Happy Thanksgiving!
@mikibell You’re the bestest.
You are wonderful! I hope your family gives you proper appreciation.
These are so cute! You do amazing work. I’m looking for a couple things for my best friends baby for Xmas (she’s wearing 6 months clothes right now I think) would you be willing to make a couple for me if I paid you? I always love giving things that are hand made and unique.
@f00l hahaha not an iota… But I do it because it makes me happy. My kids think it is normal for mom to make stuff… They think everyone’s mom is like theirs
they love me tho!!
@Star2236 technically none of these are handmade… I use an amazingg machine to embroider… My goal is to learn digitizing in the next year or so…
Still handmade to me. You made it, with your hands
@Star2236 let me know what you are considering… I don’t do this as my day job, so I need a bit of notice

/giphy freekin-awesome
My daughters are just learning to sew. I would show them this but they’d lose their minds.

@sillyheathen I would happily barter elf sweaters if you would consider either 1. Letting me know the source of the cutting boards from your etsy shop! Omg, I need a glowforge!! Or 2. Consider doing a custom job for me? I can do cutting boards but I have not quite ascertained if the paste I use to “burn” into the board is food safe
I am doing gifts for Christmas for my inlaws with my mil’s pierogy recipe on them. I need like 8… Not for free!! Just didn’t see a custom option on your page. I ordered a snowglobe because they are just toooo cute and let’s be honest, my son’s roundtoit is square like his Dad’s! 
Also, I would do elf sweaters for your daughters without the above! If you do show them the pics, do let them know that it is an embroidery machine and that it has taken my almost 20 years of practice and I still make LOTS of mistakes!! Seam rippers are your friends!
/giphy That’s crazy

@tinamarie1974 I received a surprise package in the mail… Thank you so very much, but it was completely unnecessary! Chowhound that I am, I might have tried a few already!! Yummmyyy…

@mikibell I hope they arrived in one piece and that you enjoy them! Happy New Year
@tinamarie1974 there are a few crumbs, but mostly whole cookies. Just an fyi, the anise cookies should be bagged separately for people who don’t like licorice. Personally, I think they are delicious! Hubby is not a fan of anise, such a pity for him… heheheheheheh… my friend sent cookies for Christmas, and everything tasted of peppermint… not a fan …
@mikibell glad to hear they arrived mostly intact. Good idea on the anise cookies, never thought about it before.
Have you had them before? They are an old family recipe from Sicily
@mikibell @tinamarie1974
Haha - Tinamarie, I remember you have that weird idiosyncrasy about being unable to eat broken cookies!
@tinamarie1974 I have had similar… and they are yummy…
@Kyeh @tinamarie1974 bahahaha broken cookies mean you can count as many pieces as one, because who is going tell you you are wrong?
@Kyeh @mikibell @tinamarie1974 Always willing to take broken cookies here. Problem solved. You are welcome.
@Kidsandliz @mikibell @tinamarie1974
Because, you know, they all trickle out!
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @mikibell well I know who will take my broken cookies in the future!!!
@Kidsandliz @mikibell @tinamarie1974
All of us ?!?
@tinamarie1974 the stuffed cookie was reaally good… It was a little hard because it was still frozen after being outside in 30 degree weather
(obviously it did not deter me!) the big round cookies were ohhh so soft an hour later… Sorry my taste buds are outta whack, have had a cold for a week… I think it was peanut butter…yummyy
@mikibell the stuffed cookie with the white icing and sprinkles is called a Cuccidati, it is another VERY old family recipe. Glad you liked it. Not sure what the other “big” cookie was? There were big sugar cookies or some peanut butter oatmeal? Hhuummmm
@tinamarie1974 k… It was a sugar cookie … Must have picked up some of the peanut butter flavor from the oatmeal…
figures I like the Cuccidati, showing the fact that my former last name began and ended with a vowel