6There’s an old tattoo thread floating around.
I figured it’s time for an update!
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There’s an old tattoo thread floating around.
I figured it’s time for an update!
It’s been roughly ten years since my last tattoo. I’ve wanted a bunch, but they are expensive. I’ve been saving my pennies and waiting for the right opportunity. I was at work and one day a lady came in with a beautiful tattoo on her shoulder and I said to her, “Please tell me you got this done locally.” I had been looking for a new artist that would fit with the kind of style I like. I’ve been following his art online for several years now and I finally decided which tattoo I would get to break my hiatus.
As many of you know, I have had a lot of loss this year, which included my cats. Over a month ago I went to the shop for a consultation and it was the easiest conversation I’ve ever had about a tattoo with an artist. I made an appointment, came back a few days later to look at what he had drawn and I almost cried on the spot. A few days later and I got the outline done. It was the longest 3+ weeks to wait, but yesterday, I got the color.
I’m no longer the lady with the dragon tattoo, now I’m the lady with the space cats.
Zoomer gets to zoom along in his space ship and Orion gets to do a space walk.
@RiotDemon that’s a beautiful piece of work - I love when people get non-aggressive tattos. There’s a woman in a local store that has her favorite flowers in various places.
@stolicat thank you.
@RiotDemon I’ll show you my dragon tattoo, if you’ll show me yours…
Lovely kitty tattoo and again, sorry for your losses- what a beautiful tribute tattoo…
I feel you re: finding and keeping tattoo artists- and I’m ALWAYS looking out for my next tattoo artist- something that has been necessary because all the tattoo artists I have used have retired or left the local area shortly after I got worked on by them.
…and I do shower regularly- I even use soap sometimes…
@PhysAssist thank you.
Here’s the post where I discuss my dragon tattoo and the photo is below:
@RiotDemon Gorgeous
I also have a space cat tattoo. Space Cat Tattoo Club!
@trilliongrams thank you!
Fun club to be in.
Mr. Roarke’s Tattoo:

@rockblossom What are Tattoo’s favorite M&Ms?
The plain! The plain!
@macromeh @rockblossom
Nice one. Short and sweet.
@macromeh @mike808 @rockblossom

/giphy rimshot
No tattoos, other than possibly the “permanent” eyeliner I got about 6 years ago which faded within a year.
I’m of an age in which as a kid tattoos were seen as strictly the domain of sailors and bikers. Plus my religious upbringing strongly discouraged any thoughts of getting inked until well into adulthood (and losing my faith).
I’m open to getting a tattoo but it really has to be something special and meaningful. Had I gotten one when I turned 18, I might’ve ended up with the Whitesnake logo on my arm… That wouldn’t have aged well.
Hubby calls me his “fallen angel” and while a cool custom design could be made, it still seems like something you’d decide to get after browsing the wall of a tattoo parlor for 5 minutes.
Had a dream a while back about getting a huge and detailed tattoo of a blue dragon in the style of Anne Stokes. The dragon’s head resting on my right shoulder, most of its body stretched diagonally across my back with its wings folded back. Its tail would begin over my left hip with the tip of the tail wrapping around my left breast.
I shudder at the amount of time, money, and pain involved to do that. Though I once told an acquaintance about my idea. He had his own tattoo gun and begged to do it for me, but given that his own tattoos looked like something you’d get in San Quentin, I firmly declined his offer.
Anyway, still a blank canvas, but those are my tattoo stories (so far).
@ciabelle sounds like that would be a hell of a tattoo, but yes, insanely expensive. I wish they didn’t cost so much. I’d have so many more.
@RiotDemon I don’t begrudge the cost. It’s literally commissioning your own artwork. Your very personal and awesome tattoo took many hours to design and apply by a very talented artist, who deserves to be fairly compensated for their talent and time.
You could have probably found an artist willing to work for less, but the results may not have turned out the way you wanted them, or even been so bad as to possibly appear in one of those clickbaity “50 cringeworthy tattoo fails” articles.
To do my “dream” tattoo would easily run well into the thousands of dollars, and that simply isn’t within my budget. I only have so many years left on this earth, and am definitely not the type to appear in public half naked, so it wouldn’t be seen by many people aside from me, my husband, my doctor, and perhaps a few massage therapists.
Such a shame though, that would have been the perfect tat to for me to get some 30+ years ago, but the cost would have been even more prohibitive at that stage in my life, and I’d probably have just gotten the Whitesnake tattoo and called it a day anyway.
@ciabelle I guess I could of phrased that better. I wish my budget would allow more tattoos. I totally believe that they deserve every penny.
I’ve always been impressed with tattoos. Haven’t visualized one that I want to wear for the rest of my life. Came close, once.
Maybe a;
@JnKL it took me a while to break the ice for my first one. Now the stigma around tattoos have changed quite a bit so maybe it would of been easier for me if it happened now instead of 12+ years ago.
Sometimes you just know what is right.
@JnKL @RiotDemon If I ever get a tattoo, the very first one is going to be a semi-colon. I might do that some time.
If i were 40 years younger, i would have bracers ala the book of Kells
alas I am not 40 years younger
/image book of Kells

@Cerridwyn Neither am I younger, but for my next zero birthday, I want to get one. Book of Kells is definitely a contender.
@Cerridwyn Age is [mostly] a state of mind.

…amd if you don’t mind- it don’t matter.
My first tattoo [see above] is a braided biceps band bracketing a celtic creation cross.
/image celtic creation cross
@PhysAssist it’s also a state of skin
@Cerridwyn @PhysAssist v nice!
Most of the ink I have had is from leaking pens…
@chienfou LOL
Got this on my right shoulder (minus the pink bar and text)
Also have the Air Guitar World Championships logo on my left forearm
I have a little tattoo work done.
@rpg714 nice!
I have one I forget about, it’s on my back. I catch a glimpse of it when I’m getting into the shower if the mirror on the medicine cabinet is angled just so.
Honestly never “got” it when it comes to tattoos. Some are freaking beautiful & some are just weird. I question what some of the artwork, especially the elaborate works, will look like when the person gets old…
On a side-note, I actually had a person show up for a job interview who had in 1.5" letters “FUCKHEAD” tattooed across his forehead. He didn’t get the job…
@tohar1 Well clearly that was stupid move to put that on his forehead. Does make one wonder what the heck he was thinking… did he get it while drunk, on a dare, as a brainless teen…? For whatever reason he has it it shows poor judgement. If he wanted that on his forehead a temporary tattoo would have been the way to go.
I know there are many employers who require that people be able to cover up their tattoos at work and so the better part of wisdom would be to tattoo yourself in places that won’t show while wearing both summer and winter work clothing.
@Kidsandliz Does make one wonder what the heck he was thinking… did he get it while drunk, on a dare, as a brainless teen…
I’m guessing a combination of all the above. The guy was 23 years old & it was not a new tattoo. He was applying for a job where he would be dealing with our customers on a regular basis & I’m not sorry that I told him he’d better do some thinking about the display & how it absolutely will affect his future.
@Kidsandliz @tohar1
Maybe he could change it to “PUCKHEAD” and add a hockey stick or PAC-MAN or something.
I’ve got a couple, both of my own design. The one on my chest I’m proud of, just kind of wish it was more visible. Huge thanks to Nate Beavers for perfectly translating my idea to a beautiful tattoo.

@norrisjc Amazing! That’s gorgeous detail work.
Nope, my skin is too pretty. Also not a fan of permanence. No kids or marriage either. Life is pretty awesome.
I’m the cliche: I got one tattoo and now I want a million. My first tattoo “means something” because I thought it should. But now I see that’s silly: your tattoo doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s YOUR body, decorate it (or don’t) how you want.
My next tattoo is inspired by They Might Be Giants. Then I’m getting one to honor my mother. Then a Lord of the Rings tat. My two siblings and I want to get a group tat at some point.
@trilliongrams they’re like potato chips.
/showme The most amazing arm tattoo ever
@mediocrebot I mean…it’s ok I guess.
@dave necroposter!
/showme an arm tattoo of meh mascot troll Irk
@mediocrebot yeah, that ain’t going to get me any free IRKs.
My firsst time under the needle was in the bedroom of a guy about 20 years older than me who just got out of prison and was most likely drunk. He filled in parts of the tat that were supposed to be empty. (Don’t worry, nothing other than a tattoo happened and I did not get any sort of diseases thankfully). I was also 18.
I kept it hidden for about 3 years before I was found out by my mom and she paid for a cover up for my birthday. - which was the 2nd time under the needle. It’s now a religious symbol. Cover ups are no joke though - I say tattooing over scar tissue is the most painful tattoo I’ve got. It was done by a good professional and is as good of a tattoo that could be made from that mess.
My third tattoo was also done by an amateur but was at a shop. I wanted it pretty small and the guy (my cousin’s husband at the time) wanted to use my pratically-blank-canvas to really show his work. It wasn’t great. The line work is blown out and the shading sucks. Luckily I don’t ever have to see it (on my back), so I’ll probably leave it as-is.
Finally, my last and smallest tattoo you all get to see every “athon” on my pasty ankle of a broken flask in purple. Eventually i want to get it covered up with my “family tattoo” I have an idea of what I want but have not been saving money or looking for an artist yet. I’ll stay on the ink-for-irk train for a while I think.
It’s interesting - my view of my tattoos has shifted over the years. Even since I posted in the original thread about them.
My relationships with my parents have changed a lot over the years and this impacts how I feel about my tattoos. I see them now as more of a historical artifact than a celebration. I don’t regret them at all. I just don’t have the same reverence for them that I used to.
I’m sure the piece I just got done for @puppycat will also change for me over the years.
/showme tattoo no regerts
@blaineg Much nicer than I expected.