Take That You Goat! (February 2017 Blame Thread)

PlacidPenguin thought this was worth mentioning said

Right off the bat I have to say that writing this post gave me issues. When I started writing it, instead of Feb 2017, I put 2016 down. For shame @ELUNO, For Shame.

Once I got past that and I smiled and nodded in satisfaction though, I aggravated a wound which I have. It’s not as bad as it could have been, because I used ice. Unfortunately though, the ice cube didn’t last long in my mouth, so I got rid of it. I then used a small chip of ice though.

Another unblame for you is the fact that I had issues with somebody’s cordless phone.
After Googling for a while though, found a thread on Woot from 2011 which solved the issue.
So… Take an unblame I guess.

February though is an inconvenient month for me, but with you being goat, I may yet survive.