@djslack@sjk3 you really expect meh to cater to likely uber unhealthy lifestyles that requires you to need several more X’s? Think of it as a little karma returning from jamming up the regular sized people next to yall on airplanes.
@blainechapa it took you two weeks to judge my health and come up with a fat insult?
Yeah, I’m fat. I don’t expect meh to cater to shit. They do what they want. But what they usually do is offer a 3X shirt. One time they even offered a 4X, and in the skinny sized shirt blanks they use, that was even better. So I took the opportunity to let them know my preferences as a customer. They can “cater to” them, or they can print them out and burn them during the next full moon in a ceremonial sacrifice to Irk in hopes of increased sales. It’s up to them. (They went back to offering a 3X, so I guess they catered.)
Since you were so kind as to let me know that I’m fat, I’ll share what I’ve discovered about you in this exchange. You’re apparently an asshole, and not a timely one at that. When the ocean levels rise, you are hereby prohibited from using me or any of us other fat fucks to help your judgy ass stay afloat.
@blainechapa@djslack Ha. I forgot this comment. Well said, @djslack. My comment below now feels a little redundant, but @blainechapa apparently needs it, because he feels the need to scroll through and pass judgment on everyone who exceeds his standards. What a small and insignificant person they must be.
@joelmw@wishlish this isn’t Bigger N Tall or Wide Lane Bryant people. If these shirts are no where close to fitting, there are much more pressing matters that need to be worked out
@blainechapa@wishlish I’m 6’7". Even when I’m I’m at my trimmest (and I’m not grotesquely overweight even now; I have a little bit of a belly), a 2X isn’t going to cut it. And I tend to like a shirt that extends below my belt and enables me to reach without feeling like I might expose myself.
And it’s none of your goddamned business if anyone here is a little pudgy.
So, @blainechapa, I think the “much more pressing matter that needs to be worked out” is that you’re an ignorant, presumptive fucking asshole.
Well, so I got one and I’m happy with that, because it reminds me of the original VMP shirt. But that makes me wonder, why is VMP still worth it several years after becoming a member? There hasn’t been anything exclusive in a while and I order less than 12 times per year. Is there any other reason to keep VMP anymore?
Damn, I just looked up my VMP history and realized I’ve spent exactly $250 over the years. No regrets, but I think I did my part to support this experiment.
Also almost forgot:
/giphy rainy-nostalgic-seahorse
@JT954@tizio I got socks and cardboard phone holders. That stuffs worth at least a couple hundred dollars, right? Oh, and let’s not forget, free shipping on shit I shouldn’t be buying and my wife reminds me every time a package arrives.
@JT954@tizio you had to buy the stealth V shirt it wasn’t free. I think I bought two when they were selling good shit before I quit vmp. I was over optimistic about losing weight at the time.
If you really really really really want one and can convince me… But I don’t remember what size def xl or XXL and I never read my PM’s… Err whispers. But I might notice some day
@unksol you can write in to support and they’ll take away the pile of shit. There was a whole controversial thread about it when it came out. We lost some mehmbers because of it. So they said you can remove it if you want.
@JT954@tizio@unksol I have a shelf full of shirts that are slightly too small and just ordered another one. I’m over optimistic too. Maybe this winter…
@unksol - first off, when you say XXL - how true are these things to size? Because I got a red Meh t-shirt marked XXL one time and it was scarcely an XL, which is good because I’m a US medium these days.
FWIW, I used to be a US XL and dropped six pants sizes by doing fasts 2-3 times per week. It’s the easiest diet I ever did, you just don’t eat from sundown day 1 to sunup day 3. You spend a lot of day 2 thinking about all the stuff you’ll eat day 3, but I never binged any more on day 3 than I did sometimes anyway, and after a while I got on top of the binging.
@RedOak@seraphimcaduto Brother was a chemist… danger in the basement when he was a kid. He forgot aluminum was a catalyst and Boom! Red phosphorus in his eyes and blew out the furnace pilot light. Another incident involved accidentally mixing something that broke the ceramic crucible and small boom. Cut his hand.
Those were the days when the chemistry sets they sold to kids you could make fire crackers (he did) and contact explosive (he did)… Likely today they are PG rated in what you can make.
@Kidsandliz@seraphimcaduto hah, sounds adventurous - a fun way to thoroughly learn chemical properties first hand!
My great grandfather used to identify chemicals by tasting them if it wasn’t already clear by smell or other means. (Impressively, he lived to a ripe old age in spite of that!)
He started a small “chemical unknowns” business that sold “qualitative” (what’s in it?) and “quantitative” (how much is in it?) unknown compounds to universities around the world for teaching chemistry students. My dad sold that business but I think it’s still around.
When I was in second grade I hand a teacher - who I still recall as one of my favorites - who brought in one of those big glass 5 gallon water bottles.
She asked everyone in the class to bring in something on their assigned day to put in the jug.
On my day - which due to my last name was near the end with a nearly full bottle - my chemist dad sent me in with a vial of baking soda and a bottle of vinegar.
Chemists will realize those two items reacted strongly, expand and foam up, causing the bottle of who knows what to overflow all over the room!
She was a bit upset initially, but to her credit, quickly realized it was a teaching moment.
… and finally, since one of my dad’s businesses was a chemical distributor, when we worked for him, we learned a lot about chemicals, especially when we broke down large containers like 55 gallon drums into sizes as small as a finger size vial.
Standouts amongst many for me:
Ammonium Dichromate - For making “mini volcanos”. It started as a cool orange granular powder. But when you poured a pile of it on the sidewalk and lit it on fire by burying a couple lit wooden matches in it, it burned from the inside, spewing up gray ash from the top until it burned out.
Silver Nitrate solution “Detectives’ tracker”. We’d carefully paint it on on object we knew a friend would touch. When they touched it, it left deep black stains on their fingers. Stains that do not wash out. You had to wait for the skin to wear off.
Sodium Metal I’d never admit we actually tried this one. “Pond Fireworks”. Apparenly it creates a scary-impressive boom reaction and mushroom cloud of water.
I never intentionally “did drugs” but even when moving 55 gallon drums of material to 5 gallon or smaller containers under proper ventilation and wearing masks, “dizziness” could result from things like acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (great liquid model maker cement BTW), toluene (model cement when plastic is dissolved in it), or a cool one, methyl salicylate (intense Wintergreen when in this quantity!).
We also made our own Sweettart candy using citric acid powder and an old manual large single pill press we found at “the lab.”
@Kidsandliz@RedOak@seraphimcaduto I don’t know if my brother’s chemistry set had much in the way of hazardous chemicals, but I think the quantities were too small to be of much interest. When we took an interest in contact explosive, we started off by picking up a half liter of concentrated nitric acid from a local distributor, no questions asked - just try that today!
I also recall harvesting the gunpowder from from a roll or two of paper caps to hand roll firecrackers - which were distinctly meh.
Iron oxide + aluminum + a strip of magnesium equals a good time. So is Nitroglycerin but that might get me banned…good time good times. I work with guys that have been around long enough to see the change from mouth pippetting to bulbs.
@Kidsandliz@RedOak@seraphimcaduto Remember The last Whole Earth Catalog? An entry I still recall was for “Pyrotechnics Monthly - see what the other seven fingered Americans are doing.”
Ah, memories. I don’t know where Glenn is now (from high school days), but I do recall an evening when we firing off bottle rockets by lighting the fuse and then tossing them high in the air - with luck, they’d fire before turning around.
I dropped one, stooped down to pick it up. I’d managed to tuck it up into Glenn’s bell-bottoms (remember those?), leaning against his safari boots (remember those?), and I was trying to get a spark from of my non-Zippo lighter (won it from A Man From the South), when Glenn looked down.
To this day, I truly don’t whether know if I would have lit that fuse or not . . .
but I do recall an evening when we firing off bottle rockets by lighting the fuse and then tossing them high in the air - with luck, they’d fire before turning around.
Haha, we drove around in a car firing them out of the sunroof. Every once and a while a lit one would end up inside the car. That would be the end for the evening.
@Kidsandliz@RedOak@rpstrong all you have to do to get magnesium burning is a spark from a fire starter/striker or set a match on top of it. I usually use it when I’m starting a camp fire; once the magnesium is burning, it will start the logs on fire. Pro tip: don’t use an iron/forge bucket, use clay. I have a buddy whose friend put a 6 foot deep hole in his garage floor making that mistake.
@seraphimcaduto The gauge of our magnesium must have been heavier - matches didn’t always work.
We had access to WWII/Korean War surplus Thermite canisters (they used it to burn thru military vehicle engine blocks to disable them from the enemy when they had to abandon them). I believe it sometimes included magnesium. Never did try it out on anything.
I recently saw a gas company crew using thermite welding to fuse a grounding wire to the buried gas line to prolong its life.
@Kidsandliz@RedOak@seraphimcaduto ??? I remember playing with a small strip - about an inch by a half by 1/16" - and it was a bitch to ignite; I remember using a propane torch to heat corner of it through white hot through ignition . . . perhaps you had it in powdered form?
And speaking of propane - I also remember an afternoon of scientific investigation involving bleach bottles, rubber tubing, the swamp behind our house, and a misguided tank of acetylene…
@Kidsandliz@RedOak@rpstrong the trick to ignite it is that magnesium is very easy to shave off pieces of it: all you have to do to light the magnesium is take a file, make some shavings with some tinder and light the shavings to light the block. Alternatively what you can do is take some steel wall and the 9 V battery put some shavings in the steel wall and that will ignite the magnesium. With that much energy it should carry over and ignite the block. You can also get your source of iron oxide from steel wool that’s been exposed water. Isn’t science fun?
OMG!!! T-shirts!!! Now I can die Meh-Happy!!! (And eff-you to those of you from 2 days ago, who doubted my meh-ness because less-than-meh crappy flashlights, hahahahah!!!) In for 2, hopefully one will fit, then I can use the other as a carwash rag!! (I love my car, so not really a diss here.) Thank you, Meh!!
ummm… Probably NSFW. I think?
Reminds me of the hand blown glass episode from a few years back that left us with /giphy porn for half a day
@DaveKnowsAll dadwise I would just like to point out your daughters have been stealing a shirt with a stealth V. And stealth nerd is probably a great improvement
Perfect timing! I’ve been at Microsoft Ignite all week, and every day rocking a (different) Meh shirt. Multiple people have asked where to get one, and I’ve pointed them at the site with the warning that the shirts only show up on occasion.
Next week I’m at O’Reilly velocity, repping even more Meh shirts. With the two I picked up tonight, I think I can make it nearly a month broadcasting my mehness.
No more 3x option means no sale here. I’ll be the first to admit I could stand to lose a few pounds, but it’s pretty disappointing to see a store that has always carried the big guy size in the past decide not to carry it anymore. I want one of these, by only if I can buy one that will actually fit me!
(i know i know 3x blanks and 4x blanks are crazy expensive(at least when i get quotes from the local tee shirt printers they want +4 and +$5 for 3x and 4x )
@communist Totally fucked! I was sooooooooo excited when I saw the shirts for sale but then went to order only to find another website to add to my big/tall prejudice list.
A Flask shirt - Yay! But my last NextLevel meh shirt was a polyester blend which I loved! Not sure what to do with the sizing for this shirt. Also wish I had a slim fit choice like shirt.wOOt.
@mfladd Ok, went with the L since my other next level was. Being all cotton I am sure I can shrink it down if need be. Next can we have the flask shirt in different colors? I know - bitch, bitch, bitch!
@RiotDemon Unfortunately, the AA shirt sizing means nothing to me. Is it larger, smaller then the blend? I think I will be ok either way. But I loved those blend shirts - even if most others didn’t - they fit me really nice. I really wish they would stick with one brand/blend for ordering consistency here.
I was just painting the nursery yesterday thinking, “Won’t it be great when mediocritee.com gets up & running? Then I can start buying shirts for this baby too… although it will probably be a teenager by then…”
At least this will keep stringing my addiction along until I can get some clever & cool designs. In for 3 (this husband is really getting in the way of me ordering all 3 shirts for myself. Crap, this kid’s going to make it even worse).
I just had to throw out my first broken beaker shirt a few weeks ago. I had tears in my eyes it was the most comfortable shirt ever. I hope this one will be as soft. I bought 3 shirts one for everyone in the family. So happy and filled with joy to show my Meh.com pride.
/ Support - Do you have a size that measures at least 23 inches across at the belly? The last time I ordered one of the shirts, it appeared to of been made by American Apparel, I ordered the XL, my normal size for T-shirts, but it was way too small.
Thank you for not being ‘sold out’. I fell asleep before placing an order. Awoke, figured I was s.o.l., but nope! Just ordered three in the sizes I sought. The last Fuku T-shirt with an empty Fuku bag (so kewl), the Women’s Medium seems like an X-Sm/petite and the Lg fits as a form-fitting Medium. So, based upon my only other shirts
from meh, I’m gonna’ try their Women’s XL. Can always shrink-to-fit as needed. Or, enjoy the baggy freedom, forget about wearing pants if I’m swimming in it. Meh. It will be just fine. Did any toothbrush orders get fulfilled? I’ll check on the tracking. The Lovesac order arrived FAST, four days; was told the boxes stacked on the porch were taller than my son-in-law; he opened the front door, shouted “Grandma!”, shut the door.
I’ve always been on that “the original meh shirt design was the best” bandwagon, glad to see it back! And the flask is possibly even better for someone who does chemistry. I knew there was some reason I let meh take VMP money every month still even though my TomTom heart rate tracking watch died and you still haven’t offered a good replacement… HINT HINT
Wanted to buy but need at least a 3x and prefer a 4x. 38DD in a too small shirt might be appreciated by some but that’s not the kind of “appreciation” I appreciate. I’d appreciate if meh appreciated their robust clients. Capiche??
You got men’s sizes… and you have juniors… what about women’s? And I mean real women sizing, not what the industry passes off as women’s, which is really juniors.
Meh, I have a question shirt related question. Not including Irk, who are the human models for the shirts?
Are they meh employees? Are they family members? Are they just paid models? Or, are they photoshopped?
I am just curious.
@mediocrebot@ticklescratch This picture reminds me of my “Art or Not Wall”. Based around a paired print my partner picked up at a holiday market, I’ve put up things that may or may not be considered art surrounding it, all of which have some meaning to me.
While the shirt isn’t my cup of cocoa, I love the write up. My shirts go through that exact cycle…sometimes accelerated if my wife isn’t fond of the design.
@RiotDemon I guess I’m old school. Much prefer a substantial cotton tshirt that feels more like cotton than polyester. Almost no non-natural fiber clothing in my closet or dresser.
What’s in the Box?
1x Shirt
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, July 28th - Monday, August 3rd
/giphy exemplary-tart-prawn

/giphy happy dance

@PHRoG oh crap
@PHRoG @reclaimercube
Now can of one you miracle workers get me some goddamn gray hairs?
@PHRoG @TheFLP I’m a young whippersnapper also…
/giphy dysfunctional-surprised-roof

@reclaimercube @TheFLP actually…yes, yes I can! I do my kiddos hair and we just did silver/gray 2 weeks ago!
/giphy supreme-whipped-yeti

@TheFLP have a child they will come in fast
Oh, so that’s why …
Y’know what, I can wait.
Finally! My old one is not doing so good

/giphy testy-savory-skeleton
its been years of asking for a flask reprint.
/giphy odious-methodical-wrench

I love the larger sizes, thanks for that…but I need a v or scoop neck…sssoooooo close!!
@tinamarie1974 I was just thinking the exact same thing
Gah! I’m too big for these. The flask shirt I’ve wanted, still out of reach.
/at least I’ve got beef jerky
@djslack Ditto, since the shirts are sized for emaciated hipsters. Need a few more X’s to fit comfortably.
@djslack @sjk3 you really expect meh to cater to likely uber unhealthy lifestyles that requires you to need several more X’s? Think of it as a little karma returning from jamming up the regular sized people next to yall on airplanes.
@blainechapa it took you two weeks to judge my health and come up with a fat insult?
Yeah, I’m fat. I don’t expect meh to cater to shit. They do what they want. But what they usually do is offer a 3X shirt. One time they even offered a 4X, and in the skinny sized shirt blanks they use, that was even better. So I took the opportunity to let them know my preferences as a customer. They can “cater to” them, or they can print them out and burn them during the next full moon in a ceremonial sacrifice to Irk in hopes of increased sales. It’s up to them. (They went back to offering a 3X, so I guess they catered.)
Since you were so kind as to let me know that I’m fat, I’ll share what I’ve discovered about you in this exchange. You’re apparently an asshole, and not a timely one at that. When the ocean levels rise, you are hereby prohibited from using me or any of us other fat fucks to help your judgy ass stay afloat.
/giphy kindly fuck off

@blainechapa @djslack Ha. I forgot this comment. Well said, @djslack. My comment below now feels a little redundant, but @blainechapa apparently needs it, because he feels the need to scroll through and pass judgment on everyone who exceeds his standards. What a small and insignificant person they must be.
/image Procrustes

This will really show the pet hair. In for one!

/image cat hair, don’t care
/image dog hair, don’t care
Finally something useful!

/image prickly-grubby-titanium
@mfladd. Did you see the flask???
@tinamarie1974 Ahhhhh! I just did! But why only black?
No matter - I am still getting one. Just checking about sizing on this thread. With my luck it will sell out before I get back to the main page.
@mfladd well good luck, They look pretty cool! I just wish they had a different collar for us girls
Got one already. And enough shirts… I need pants for next Meh brand. I’ll have my money ready. money. M O N E Y
@lilsrm123 Sweat pants and hoodies!
@lilsrm123 We need Meh undies.
Hey wait, aren’t you suppose to pay US to advertise your stuff?
@Mehrocco_Mole At least these don’t have the “meh.com” at the bottom of the shirt.
Tall dark and handsome! You sly dog.
What the fuck happened to 3XL?
/giphy angry

@joelmw yeah! Some of us need a 3x!
@wishlish I’d actually prefer 3XLT or 2XLT, but 3XL at the very least. Why do you hate the big people, meh?
/giphy yesh

@wishlish I believe the term is “fat fuck”. I’m a fat fuck. I might be interested in a comfortable meh shirt. Got to keep that fuck counter going.
@joelmw @wishlish this isn’t Bigger N Tall or Wide Lane Bryant people. If these shirts are no where close to fitting, there are much more pressing matters that need to be worked out
@blainechapa what are you? The Anti Fat People Police?
@blainechapa @wishlish I’m 6’7". Even when I’m I’m at my trimmest (and I’m not grotesquely overweight even now; I have a little bit of a belly), a 2X isn’t going to cut it. And I tend to like a shirt that extends below my belt and enables me to reach without feeling like I might expose myself.
And it’s none of your goddamned business if anyone here is a little pudgy.
So, @blainechapa, I think the “much more pressing matter that needs to be worked out” is that you’re an ignorant, presumptive fucking asshole.
The solution I propose is that you fuck off.

Have a nice day now.
/giphy fuck off

Well, so I got one and I’m happy with that, because it reminds me of the original VMP shirt. But that makes me wonder, why is VMP still worth it several years after becoming a member? There hasn’t been anything exclusive in a while and I order less than 12 times per year. Is there any other reason to keep VMP anymore?
/giphy dolla-dolla-bills

@tizio 10% off at mediocre + free shipping? Access to the slash commands? The joy of giving @snapster $60/year?
@tizio because of the sweet badge! Oh, right, Kickstarter badge… Well, you know, the… Um…
@tizio And by keep VMP anymore, I assume you mean from the member perspective, right?
@Kyser_Soze Yep. Holy crap tho, I just looked at the VMP page and realized they don’t actually sell new VMPs anymore: https://mediocre.com/vmp
@tizio That and the shirts were originally $5.
@snapster @yeppers slash commands?
@tizio Wait wait wait. There’s a VMP shirt?! All I ever got was socks.
@JT954 @tizio i got NUTTIN
click here for the link if the above is blank for you like it is for me
@ponagathos or “free”.
Damn, I just looked up my VMP history and realized I’ve spent exactly $250 over the years. No regrets, but I think I did my part to support this experiment.
Also almost forgot:

/giphy rainy-nostalgic-seahorse
@JT954 @tizio I got socks and cardboard phone holders. That stuffs worth at least a couple hundred dollars, right? Oh, and let’s not forget, free shipping on shit I shouldn’t be buying and my wife reminds me every time a package arrives.
@tizio because if you quit you’re a pile of shit. Quite literally. I was once a V. They stopped selling things worth buying once a month. now I’m shit
@JT954 @tizio you had to buy the stealth V shirt it wasn’t free. I think I bought two when they were selling good shit before I quit vmp. I was over optimistic about losing weight at the time.
If you really really really really want one and can convince me… But I don’t remember what size def xl or XXL and I never read my PM’s… Err whispers. But I might notice some day
@JT954 @tizio and I apologise. I have only one XXL and I will continue deluding myself I’ll fit in it. The spare xl was a faces of meh. My bad
@unksol you can write in to support and they’ll take away the pile of shit. There was a whole controversial thread about it when it came out. We lost some mehmbers because of it. So they said you can remove it if you want.
@JT954 @tizio @unksol I have a shelf full of shirts that are slightly too small and just ordered another one. I’m over optimistic too. Maybe this winter…
@unksol - first off, when you say XXL - how true are these things to size? Because I got a red Meh t-shirt marked XXL one time and it was scarcely an XL, which is good because I’m a US medium these days.
FWIW, I used to be a US XL and dropped six pants sizes by doing fasts 2-3 times per week. It’s the easiest diet I ever did, you just don’t eat from sundown day 1 to sunup day 3. You spend a lot of day 2 thinking about all the stuff you’ll eat day 3, but I never binged any more on day 3 than I did sometimes anyway, and after a while I got on top of the binging.
@unksol Oh wow, that’s no bueno. Fortunately, I have a Kickstarter badge to hide my newly found non-VMP-shame.
@tizio go over to casemates and buy wine.
@JT954 @thismyusername
WTF? I never saw any offers for a VMP shirt.
How can I order one/some?
Yep, user badge checks out.
@mike808 I believe it was the day zero shirt.
Some showed up in a random tshirt sale a few months ago, I believe.
@mike808 @RiotDemon I bought mine 12/8/2015. They were sold on Mediocre.com for a buck and only to VMPs. Maybe tomorrow they’ll sell a time machine?
@mike808 @RiotDemon day zero was a Meh shirt in Kickstarter green with Kickstarter logo on hem.

@mike808 they will re-print some as soon as they ship my goat trophy, so any time now!
I bought one of each. I’m so happy!
/giphy humble-jellied-stitch

Only goes to 2XL! Yeah u have just made a very large enemy!
shirtless enemy.

/giphy jabba-shirtless-guy
RIP 3x options, you are missed
/image agonizing flatulent deer

/giphy agonizing flatulent deer
Poor deer ate something that gave it terrible gas, I guess.
/giphy ubiquitous-standing-samurai

Hell yes!

/giphy jiggly-grassy-playground
Yaas! Husband and I are in for a flask each. Thanks for selling flasks on my birthday!
/giphy excited


/giphy Happy Birthday!
@PurplePawprints woohoo!

/giphy Happy birthday!
@PurplePawprints HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

@sammydog01 @RiotDemon @heartny Thank you!
/image Happy birthday, @PurplePawprints!

Bah, no fatties…
@Gumby I mean do you really want to see some fatties? You could just Google. Or do you want a fatties of meh callendar
I have shirts. I have a black meh shirt with a black logo on it. You should sell volcano jalapeno beef jerky, I don’t have any of that.
@fuzzmanmatt and also

/giphy whiny-magic-month
Uhm, hi.
@fuzzmanmatt boo to you. They sold jerky. I was overpriced gar-bage
/giphy phony-grisly-puck

/giphy electrical-silly-pineapple

Description says 1x shirt. That is misleading, and almost lost you a sale. Looks like that is the only size. Glad it wasnt. Bought 2
I’m a little bit terrified of this one, but …
/giphy premium-low-lace

I love the Flask design, but I didn’t know if I should buy L (too small?) or XL (too big?).
So I bought both.
/giphy puffy-dead-skin

@JT954 Me too!
@JT954 @sammydog01 Do these shirts normally run small? I got a large since that’s my usual. Hope I can wear it!
@JT954 @tnhillbillygal I’m not sure anymore- they change brands around.
@JT954 @sammydog01 @tnhillbillygal the last next level shirt I got from meh, the pixel meh, the sizing ran similar to AA.
/giphy vulgar-robust-pest

My new work shirt (I’m a chemist, the other chemists will be so jealous)
@seraphimcaduto Me too! Well, ex-chemist.
@seraphimcaduto damn you - was going to pass but we have chemist blood in our family and you had to plant the idea!
My father, my grandfather, my great grandfather… and next, perhaps our daughter.
@RedOak @seraphimcaduto Brother was a chemist… danger in the basement when he was a kid. He forgot aluminum was a catalyst and Boom! Red phosphorus in his eyes and blew out the furnace pilot light. Another incident involved accidentally mixing something that broke the ceramic crucible and small boom. Cut his hand.
Those were the days when the chemistry sets they sold to kids you could make fire crackers (he did) and contact explosive (he did)… Likely today they are PG rated in what you can make.
@Kidsandliz @seraphimcaduto hah, sounds adventurous - a fun way to thoroughly learn chemical properties first hand!
My great grandfather used to identify chemicals by tasting them if it wasn’t already clear by smell or other means. (Impressively, he lived to a ripe old age in spite of that!)
He started a small “chemical unknowns” business that sold “qualitative” (what’s in it?) and “quantitative” (how much is in it?) unknown compounds to universities around the world for teaching chemistry students. My dad sold that business but I think it’s still around.
@Kidsandliz @seraphimcaduto
When I was in second grade I hand a teacher - who I still recall as one of my favorites - who brought in one of those big glass 5 gallon water bottles.
She asked everyone in the class to bring in something on their assigned day to put in the jug.
On my day - which due to my last name was near the end with a nearly full bottle - my chemist dad sent me in with a vial of baking soda and a bottle of vinegar.
Chemists will realize those two items reacted strongly, expand and foam up, causing the bottle of who knows what to overflow all over the room!
She was a bit upset initially, but to her credit, quickly realized it was a teaching moment.
@Kidsandliz @seraphimcaduto
… and finally, since one of my dad’s businesses was a chemical distributor, when we worked for him, we learned a lot about chemicals, especially when we broke down large containers like 55 gallon drums into sizes as small as a finger size vial.
Standouts amongst many for me:
Ammonium Dichromate - For making “mini volcanos”. It started as a cool orange granular powder. But when you poured a pile of it on the sidewalk and lit it on fire by burying a couple lit wooden matches in it, it burned from the inside, spewing up gray ash from the top until it burned out.
Silver Nitrate solution “Detectives’ tracker”. We’d carefully paint it on on object we knew a friend would touch. When they touched it, it left deep black stains on their fingers. Stains that do not wash out. You had to wait for the skin to wear off.
Sodium Metal I’d never admit we actually tried this one. “Pond Fireworks”. Apparenly it creates a scary-impressive boom reaction and mushroom cloud of water.
I never intentionally “did drugs” but even when moving 55 gallon drums of material to 5 gallon or smaller containers under proper ventilation and wearing masks, “dizziness” could result from things like acetone, methyl ethyl ketone (great liquid model maker cement BTW), toluene (model cement when plastic is dissolved in it), or a cool one, methyl salicylate (intense Wintergreen when in this quantity!).
We also made our own Sweettart candy using citric acid powder and an old manual large single pill press we found at “the lab.”
Got one for daughter, might be a chemist, thanks.
Even better that one was free due to #2 of 3 VMPBRIBE codes.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @seraphimcaduto I don’t know if my brother’s chemistry set had much in the way of hazardous chemicals, but I think the quantities were too small to be of much interest. When we took an interest in contact explosive, we started off by picking up a half liter of concentrated nitric acid from a local distributor, no questions asked - just try that today!
I also recall harvesting the gunpowder from from a roll or two of paper caps to hand roll firecrackers - which were distinctly meh.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @rpstrong
Iron oxide + aluminum + a strip of magnesium equals a good time. So is Nitroglycerin but that might get me banned…good time good times. I work with guys that have been around long enough to see the change from mouth pippetting to bulbs.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @seraphimcaduto Remember The last Whole Earth Catalog? An entry I still recall was for “Pyrotechnics Monthly - see what the other seven fingered Americans are doing.”
Ah, memories. I don’t know where Glenn is now (from high school days), but I do recall an evening when we firing off bottle rockets by lighting the fuse and then tossing them high in the air - with luck, they’d fire before turning around.
I dropped one, stooped down to pick it up. I’d managed to tuck it up into Glenn’s bell-bottoms (remember those?), leaning against his safari boots (remember those?), and I was trying to get a spark from of my non-Zippo lighter (won it from A Man From the South), when Glenn looked down.
To this day, I truly don’t whether know if I would have lit that fuse or not . . .
@Kidsandliz @rpstrong @seraphimcaduto
Haha, we drove around in a car firing them out of the sunroof. Every once and a while a lit one would end up inside the car. That would be the end for the evening.
@Kidsandliz @rpstrong @seraphimcaduto
Made intense light but hard to get it burning. We’d get another chemical burning hot enough and then dunk the end of the roll in it.
We got a hold of some old movie theater projector magnesium rods but I don’t recall getting one of those going.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @rpstrong all you have to do to get magnesium burning is a spark from a fire starter/striker or set a match on top of it. I usually use it when I’m starting a camp fire; once the magnesium is burning, it will start the logs on fire. Pro tip: don’t use an iron/forge bucket, use clay. I have a buddy whose friend put a 6 foot deep hole in his garage floor making that mistake.
@seraphimcaduto The gauge of our magnesium must have been heavier - matches didn’t always work.
We had access to WWII/Korean War surplus Thermite canisters (they used it to burn thru military vehicle engine blocks to disable them from the enemy when they had to abandon them). I believe it sometimes included magnesium. Never did try it out on anything.
I recently saw a gas company crew using thermite welding to fuse a grounding wire to the buried gas line to prolong its life.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @seraphimcaduto ??? I remember playing with a small strip - about an inch by a half by 1/16" - and it was a bitch to ignite; I remember using a propane torch to heat corner of it through white hot through ignition . . . perhaps you had it in powdered form?
And speaking of propane - I also remember an afternoon of scientific investigation involving bleach bottles, rubber tubing, the swamp behind our house, and a misguided tank of acetylene…
Ah, the days of a misspent youth.
@Kidsandliz @RedOak @rpstrong the trick to ignite it is that magnesium is very easy to shave off pieces of it: all you have to do to light the magnesium is take a file, make some shavings with some tinder and light the shavings to light the block. Alternatively what you can do is take some steel wall and the 9 V battery put some shavings in the steel wall and that will ignite the magnesium. With that much energy it should carry over and ignite the block. You can also get your source of iron oxide from steel wool that’s been exposed water. Isn’t science fun?
Are these the same sizes as all previous shirts? I normally wear Large but have been buying XL for these I thought…
@TaRDy https://www.nextlevelapparel.com/sizing-specification
No clue which model number they are using… hey @Thumperchick or @narfcake or @moose or anyone what model are the shirts?
@TaRDy I bought both just in case.
@TaRDy @thismyusername
If it’s the same next level they used for the neon pixel meh shirt, the sizing was similar to the AA shirts.
@TaRDy @thismyusername 3600NL (mens) and 3900NL (womens)
@Moose @thismyusername can we get a laymen’s sizing “normal sizes” or “similar to AA sizes”
@Moose @TaRDy @thismyusername looked at the pixel meh thread. It doesn’t say the model number… Is it the same blank?
@RiotDemon @TaRDy @thismyusername yep
@TaRDy Basically, AA sizing. My easy source of info is from the other catshirt site I buy too many shirts from.

/image TeeTurtle men’s sizing chart
/image TeeTurtle ultra slim sizing chart

/giphy testy-eligible-ant

At this rate we’ll have Irk plushies by the end of the week.
100% cotton? Meh
100% Cotton= NOPE
In for a flask

/giphy coherent-festering-watch
mystical-needless-top. Perfect.
OMG!!! T-shirts!!! Now I can die Meh-Happy!!! (And eff-you to those of you from 2 days ago, who doubted my meh-ness because less-than-meh crappy flashlights, hahahahah!!!) In for 2, hopefully one will fit, then I can use the other as a carwash rag!! (I love my car, so not really a diss here.) Thank you, Meh!!
Flasking it. Good chance to use my VMP coupon.

/image unnatural-intense-coal
/giphy unnatural-intense-coal
@cinoclav wait…VMP coupon? Where do I find that
@TaRDy Casemates Kickstarter
/giphy wrecked-totally-thread

Just came by to see if meh was still here and T-SHIRTS!!! Keep it alive baby.
Black on black is my favorite. In for three.
Don’t need another black t-shirt.
Meh for me.
/image odd-vivacious-finch

did i do that right? that was the first google image of my order-words
@spacemart it worked…but, much easier to use slash command. Just type /giphy or /image and type the long-order-name after it.
Ex: /giphy long-order-name
@PHRoG @spacemart Slash commands are for image pussies!
Good job! Keep doing it yourself
@mfladd but it’s so much easier!

/giphy lazy
Well I wasn’t mentioned directly in the write up, but I felt it sort of described me. I’m happy.
Where’s the 3x?

/giphy naked-fat-bastard
@Sutures -1 not naked. Not fat. Suppose she could be a bastard. But I wouldn’t assume just cause she’s stripping for the news
@Sutures @unksol

/giphy gothic-zany-gelato

/giphy gigantic-topical-scrooge

Damnit! This is clearly in no way the oak pallet of Martian watches I keep demanding!
And yet… The bitterness.
The obscurity…
The black shirtness…
Damnit, meh!
/giphy middle-grassy-leather

/giphy disgusted-tricky-tomato

In for 2. One to wear and one to forget about in a box in my garage like most of the stuff I get from Meh.
How about a meh face doormat?
/giphy big-external-cucumber

@compunaut Interesting cucumber
@narfcake @Thumperchick
ummm… Probably NSFW. I think?
Reminds me of the hand blown glass episode from a few years back that left us with /giphy porn for half a day
@compunaut How did you get Groucho Marx’s home movie?
/giphy astute-courageous-muscle

ermahgerd yaaaaaaaayyyy!!!
/giphy ashamed-tragic-operation

strangely, my teenage daughters are always stealing my only stealth meh shirt…they swear it’s the most comfortable one I own…so I’m in for three.
@DaveKnowsAll dadwise I would just like to point out your daughters have been stealing a shirt with a stealth V. And stealth nerd is probably a great improvement
Also you are their size??
@DaveKnowsAll @unksol My second ever purchase here was an almost blank shirt which looks identical to the stealth Meh. So he probably does have one.
/giphy useless-absorbing-mist

Perfect timing! I’ve been at Microsoft Ignite all week, and every day rocking a (different) Meh shirt. Multiple people have asked where to get one, and I’ve pointed them at the site with the warning that the shirts only show up on occasion.
Next week I’m at O’Reilly velocity, repping even more Meh shirts. With the two I picked up tonight, I think I can make it nearly a month broadcasting my mehness.
/giphy drab-ambidextrous-cilantro

There are no cats on this shirt. Don’t let them wear us down. First toothbrushes. Then jerky. Then shirts. They are weakening.
Demand shirts.meh.
But nothing else. We all know how that went last time. Gratitous Fuck.
I fucking called it
/giphy I told you so

@PooltoyWolf shhh, they can’t know that we know!!!
@PHRoG Time to start clamoring for pooltoys again!!
Meh. If you sold bigger sizes, I’d be a bigger billboard for you.
No more 3x option means no sale here. I’ll be the first to admit I could stand to lose a few pounds, but it’s pretty disappointing to see a store that has always carried the big guy size in the past decide not to carry it anymore. I want one of these, by only if I can buy one that will actually fit me!
Next up . . . Sansas! Right?
2xl? maxx?
no luck for us fat pucks?
(i know i know 3x blanks and 4x blanks are crazy expensive(at least when i get quotes from the local tee shirt printers they want +4 and +$5 for 3x and 4x )
@communist Totally fucked! I was sooooooooo excited when I saw the shirts for sale but then went to order only to find another website to add to my big/tall prejudice list.
@communist @sicc574 yeah. Usually there is a 3xl version. They just hate us…
I would have said in for one flask t-shirt but I don’t wear black t-shirts…
Finally a flask shirt!

/giphy exciting-vain-scorpion
/giphy unmoving-mostly-rule

I’m a sucker for brand merch.
/giphy sinister-parasitic-chili

Woah, giphy got dark
A Flask shirt - Yay! But my last NextLevel meh shirt was a polyester blend which I loved! Not sure what to do with the sizing for this shirt. Also wish I had a slim fit choice like shirt.wOOt.
@mfladd Ok, went with the L since my other next level was. Being all cotton I am sure I can shrink it down if need be. Next can we have the flask shirt in different colors? I know - bitch, bitch, bitch!

@mfladd the sizing is different from the blend, I believe. This sizing is similar to AA.
@RiotDemon Unfortunately, the AA shirt sizing means nothing to me. Is it larger, smaller then the blend? I think I will be ok either way. But I loved those blend shirts - even if most others didn’t - they fit me really nice. I really wish they would stick with one brand/blend for ordering consistency here.
@mfladd I think people were complaining that the blend was smaller, but I don’t think there was a size chart for that one either.
These are slim fit shirts. I go up one size from most other t-shirts you find in a store.
/giphy transient-distrustful-government

I was just painting the nursery yesterday thinking, “Won’t it be great when mediocritee.com gets up & running? Then I can start buying shirts for this baby too… although it will probably be a teenager by then…”
At least this will keep stringing my addiction along until I can get some clever & cool designs. In for 3 (this husband is really getting in the way of me ordering all 3 shirts for myself. Crap, this kid’s going to make it even worse).
I just had to throw out my first broken beaker shirt a few weeks ago. I had tears in my eyes it was the most comfortable shirt ever. I hope this one will be as soft. I bought 3 shirts one for everyone in the family. So happy and filled with joy to show my Meh.com pride.
@dino2269 I bought a meh shirt printed on this next level blank before. Super soft. Maybe even softer than my original flask.
I want this shirt, but I want it white-on-white.
@MntlWard I want it in plaid on plaid.
@MntlWard @parodymandotcom I’m thinking argyle on argyle
/giphy jokey-subdued-orange

/giphy muddled-animated-vanilla

And I didn’t know I wanted one.

/giphy gauche-cloying-peanut
/ Support - Do you have a size that measures at least 23 inches across at the belly? The last time I ordered one of the shirts, it appeared to of been made by American Apparel, I ordered the XL, my normal size for T-shirts, but it was way too small.
@ckcarlton was it the tri blend or the cotton?
@ckcarlton FYI. It was the all cotton version. Not the triblend.
What stupid item are you sheep going to demand next?
@gatesboy23 baaaaa baa baaaaa ba.
protip: when you sell clothing, please include an image of the corresponding size chart(s).
(i did read the thread about sizes.)
Ok Meh,
I’ve decided we your supreme overlords need to point something out.
Thank you for not being ‘sold out’. I fell asleep before placing an order. Awoke, figured I was s.o.l., but nope! Just ordered three in the sizes I sought. The last Fuku T-shirt with an empty Fuku bag (so kewl), the Women’s Medium seems like an X-Sm/petite and the Lg fits as a form-fitting Medium. So, based upon my only other shirts
from meh, I’m gonna’ try their Women’s XL. Can always shrink-to-fit as needed. Or, enjoy the baggy freedom, forget about wearing pants if I’m swimming in it. Meh. It will be just fine. Did any toothbrush orders get fulfilled? I’ll check on the tracking. The Lovesac order arrived FAST, four days; was told the boxes stacked on the porch were taller than my son-in-law; he opened the front door, shouted “Grandma!”, shut the door.
Making the assumption these Next Level shirts fit like the pixel shirts. In for one flask!
/giphy useless-touchy-club

/giphy obviously-lacking-cat


/giphy jerky-trusting-ham
so what was all that tshirt talk earlier this week? did meh hint on tshirts elsewhere or some such that i have missed?
@username Read the write-up for these:
@narfcake thx. i think i got it, after toothbrushes someone was asking for t-shirts.
I’ve always been on that “the original meh shirt design was the best” bandwagon, glad to see it back! And the flask is possibly even better for someone who does chemistry. I knew there was some reason I let meh take VMP money every month still even though my TomTom heart rate tracking watch died and you still haven’t offered a good replacement… HINT HINT
Will it really take about a month to come?
@edyafree wait. What?
That doesn’t give our daughter much time to outcool her classmates in her Chem class before it ends.
Dear Sirs or Mehdams,
Three is not enough. I require more.
(This is my favorite meh shirt design, and I’ve already worn out my two from the last time these were on sale)
@zippyus 2nd and 3rd Meh accounts…
Wanted to buy but need at least a 3x and prefer a 4x. 38DD in a too small shirt might be appreciated by some but that’s not the kind of “appreciation” I appreciate. I’d appreciate if meh appreciated their robust clients. Capiche??
@Milyvan1 Not feeling appreciated by meh.
@Milyvan1 I totally agree. When my husband says “oh, that’ll look good on you”, I know it’ll be too tight.
Please sell bigger sizes Meh
/8ball oh masterful 8ball do I have an issue?
Outlook good

/8ball Did Meh need a new design?
My sources say no
8ball will I buy more?!?

/giphy eazy-running-ink
@candiedisilvio1 i might have more, might take a similar photo one day
@username I think we need help but then again…mehbe not
@candiedisilvio1 from what I could find in my closet, I counted 12.
could use white, yellow and green to complete this rainbow. paging @snapster @dave and whoever
@dave @snapster @username /giphy bow
Now that’s what I’d call a collection
At last.

/giphy truthful-nippy-crayon
/giphy burgeoning-flimsy-religion

/giphy abstracted-meticuluous-hamster

/giphy addicted-fresh-sack

/giphy guiltless-aged-shape

You got men’s sizes… and you have juniors… what about women’s? And I mean real women sizing, not what the industry passes off as women’s, which is really juniors.
/giphy hopeful-forceful-business

VMP members should be getting these for $5.
Meh, I have a question shirt related question. Not including Irk, who are the human models for the shirts?

Are they meh employees? Are they family members? Are they just paid models? Or, are they photoshopped?
I am just curious.
Now I am too! Let us know. I could be a model. No one would buy what I modeled, but that’s beside the point.
@mfladd I’m pretty sure they’re photoshopped models.
@RiotDemon I am tending to think so also. It’s a little sad for some strange reason.
@mfladd why?
@RiotDemon I’m not sure. Strangely, I would just like it to be so. I dunno.
@mfladd does someone need a hug?
/giphy open arms

/giphy painstaking-translucent-smoke

/buy --design “flask” --size “men’s small”
@ticklescratch It worked! Your order number is: sticky-rebellious-paper
/image sticky rebellious paper

@mediocrebot @ticklescratch This picture reminds me of my “Art or Not Wall”. Based around a paired print my partner picked up at a holiday market, I’ve put up things that may or may not be considered art surrounding it, all of which have some meaning to me.
@Kawa @mediocrebot Thank you for sharing, and you’re welcome for the 1000th ‘liked’ comment!
While the shirt isn’t my cup of cocoa, I love the write up. My shirts go through that exact cycle…sometimes accelerated if my wife isn’t fond of the design.
/giphy festering-glamorous-silk

@An_Onion Why do I see a lot of female butts in that gif? Is this like a shrink ink blot thing? I evidently watch too much porn.
@mfladd that might indicate a problem, yeah.
I’ll admit that the ‘stealth’ was a turn off; I want a clearly visible broken flask!
But still no talls? And while 3XL is too big the extra length would have made it usable where a 2XL regular is too short.
So, meh.

Damn you, me. Me forgot to place this order.
Blame it on the GoaT…
@jst1ofknd blame it on the go-go-go-go-go goatcahol
It’s been a week and my order for this shirt is still showing as processing. Should I be worried?
@lordbowen no.
@lordbowen @RiotDemon They probably need to print them.
@lordbowen @RiotDemon @sammydog01 10:23 AM today: "Your meh.com order of Stealth Meh or Stealth Mediocre Shirt has shipped"
They arrived today.
Ordered two Flasks, but got one of each. (Opened ticket with C.S. easily via the link on the order confirmation or the shipped confirmation.)
Not a fan of the Saran Wrap-thin fabric. Didn’t want shear & clingy. And these run every bit as small as the old American Apparel shirts.
@RedOak I love the thinness of these shirts. I have an older next level that’s probably 4+ years old. Still looks brand new. So comfy.
@RiotDemon So do I. I miss the tri-blend though. Ordered the large, fits about the same as tri-blend. Should be even a better fit after a wash.
@RiotDemon I guess I’m old school. Much prefer a substantial cotton tshirt that feels more like cotton than polyester. Almost no non-natural fiber clothing in my closet or dresser.
/define shear
/image shear t-shirt

There’s a sheerly veiled grammar nazi in every crowd.
@RedOak Not grammar; just spelling
@compunaut so you’d prefer to be labeled a spelling or word use nazi.
You must be fun at parties.
@RedOak after switching to soft cotton t-shirts, I dislike regular ones. I find myself rarely wearing my thicker cotton shirts.
it’s been 2 weeks and it still says procesing…
@pogi707 Mine were delivered- you might want to check with customer service.