Sorry I was late to the party...

chienfou went on a bit of a rant said

OK, first off thanks for bestowing the horror honor of the April goatdom on me. I will do my best to live up to your expectations… provided they are low enough.
It is my intention to try to get on this site at least once daily during the coming 30 days, provided all the COVID 19 crap doesn’t totally blow up and take up all my time, (free and paid).
So without further ado…
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Nah… Bring it on, Mothers!

(the above was originally posted in the blame thread for 4/20 but I wanted to be sure it didn’t get lost in the chatter, so here it is again, redundantly, once more,)

My ‘Platform’ will consist of primarily (hopefully) daily posts with either:
Questions about/for the meh community
Bad jokes (either bad humor or bad taste… YMMV)
Double entendres,
COVID 19 /SARS-CoV-2 info, comments, questions
all served with a healthy dose of snark/sarcasm/ and pithy wit.
oh… and pot references because… 4/20 after all.

(those of you who have read my stuff in the past will surely recognize a pattern here)

So, for today:
Do you think the proper term is/should be :

Til tomorrow,
XXOOXX Chienfou