@luvche21 I feel like at least fifty of those views are from me wanting to hear the song and just typing meh.com/whateverthehelliwant in my web browser. Yes, I know @Matthew would probably be fine with me downloading the song for personal, archival purposes, but there's something about getting a fresh copy every time. Like a brand new vinyl record - you know it will never sound quite as clean as that first time you play it. And yes, I understand that in today's digital age, audio degradation is no longer a going concern, but what can I say, I am a stickler for this stuff! Anyhow, I've said all I'm going to say about this particular topic. ...for tonight at least. -=C=-
@curtise Maybe the next greatest invention should be a self-degrading audio recording that gets "scratches" that can be heard as you listen to it more and more. And after 20-30 plays it becomes unplayable. OK, maybe that's a really bad idea :)
@curtise I work for an audio/video digitization program at IU, and degradation (and obsolescence) is our biggest concern right now... but I guess I'm the odd man out in the moment.
@marklog But it's no longer on there. I ripped the audio into the proper format to make it my ringtone. Only problem is that ringtones are usually limited to 30 seconds and SWTR is longer than that. So of course I also have the full mp3 in my music list.
@Pamtha@marklog@Cinoclav I made a new one. Go here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1hNWswXBlJjdlRua3F5N1ZIT3c&usp=sharing. There are two versions, one with the end trimmed and one with 10 seconds of the middle cut out (to keep it under 30 seconds). Choose the m4r version for iPhone and mp3 for other phones. The EndEdit one is probably the best one. It's hard to cut out content from the middle of a song and get it to sound right (at least for me, I'm not an audio producer).
I kept getting this song each time I tried to register to become a meh-head by logging in without google + or an amazon acct. I tried for days and days (and would get this song, my mouth fell open in awe the first time it happened...then it'd be ringing in my head for hours after) and finally succumbed to logging in with amazon... I figured it was done on purpose to force me to use an existing acct to register. Either way....I decided....meh....might as well join this mediocre shopping experiment.
Hi! Long time no talk (not that we ever really did back on that old web site... er... what was it called again? no matter.)
Anyway, now that I've gotten you attention, I have a question for you and/or your legal peoples... any objection to limited use of the Irk Terribly Wrong Song video for 404 pages at a public college in NY State? (By limited, I'm thinking only under certain conditions, say if certain IP addresses hit the system, or certain users, etc.) Unfortunately, I don't think I can extract the vertical broomstick from the powers that be to make something like this into our default 404 page, even though everyone I've shown it to, including the CIO, thinks it is great.
@baqui63 There is a really old thread where people posted all sorts of formats of that song including shortening it to, I think it was, 30 seconds since that apparently is/was the limit of phone sounds. I think we had like 3 or 4 versions people had created.
@OnionSoup Flat Stanley (typically a 4th grade project about the travels flat stanley takes and kids need to get all sorts of family and others to take a photo of flat stanley somewhere) would be another contender for that except likely waldo is better known.
Good Stuff
@luvche21 I feel like at least fifty of those views are from me wanting to hear the song and just typing meh.com/whateverthehelliwant in my web browser. Yes, I know @Matthew would probably be fine with me downloading the song for personal, archival purposes, but there's something about getting a fresh copy every time. Like a brand new vinyl record - you know it will never sound quite as clean as that first time you play it. And yes, I understand that in today's digital age, audio degradation is no longer a going concern, but what can I say, I am a stickler for this stuff!
Anyhow, I've said all I'm going to say about this particular topic. ...for tonight at least.
@curtise Maybe the next greatest invention should be a self-degrading audio recording that gets "scratches" that can be heard as you listen to it more and more. And after 20-30 plays it becomes unplayable. OK, maybe that's a really bad idea :)
@curtise I work for an audio/video digitization program at IU, and degradation (and obsolescence) is our biggest concern right now... but I guess I'm the odd man out in the moment.
So, so good. I tell people about it. No one listens to me. But I tell them anyway.
A few of us have made it our ringtone. There's a link around here somewhere....
@marklog Oh I need this -- please and thank you.
@Pamtha No problem. Just ask @shawn to allow search to penetrate into the thread rather than just the topic name and I can find it for you :)
@marklog @pamtha Turns out, the topic search worked just fine! https://meh.com/forum/topics/irk-ringtone
@marklog But it's no longer on there. I ripped the audio into the proper format to make it my ringtone. Only problem is that ringtones are usually limited to 30 seconds and SWTR is longer than that. So of course I also have the full mp3 in my music list.
@Cinoclav @marklog So I guess I need to blame @thumperchick for this?
@marklog I can make a new one. At least an iPhone compatible m4r one.
@Pamtha Just go here: http://www.youtube-mp3.org/ and you can make one yourself. :-)
@Pamtha @marklog @Cinoclav I made a new one. Go here: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1hNWswXBlJjdlRua3F5N1ZIT3c&usp=sharing. There are two versions, one with the end trimmed and one with 10 seconds of the middle cut out (to keep it under 30 seconds). Choose the m4r version for iPhone and mp3 for other phones. The EndEdit one is probably the best one. It's hard to cut out content from the middle of a song and get it to sound right (at least for me, I'm not an audio producer).
@jsh139 Nice. I've already had it for weeks, but for those that don't - buy @jsh139 a drink. Everyone should be so lucky to hear Irk calling for them!
@Pamtha Definitely my fault.
I got it today (or yesterday) for a while when I tried to go to http://meh.com/orders. It was fun because I hadn't seen it in some time.
I, too, am an OIVOIS {Occasional Intentional Viewer Of Irk's Song}.
Ain't many earworms that I welcome, but I'm at home with Something Went Terribly Wrong.
BEST. 404. EVER.
Good job folks, we added a whopping 40 views since last night :)
I have no words. Irk's song is amazing.
My 2 year old nephew will play it over and over. Annnnd so do I sometimes when I am alone. Check out the fukkubukuro sometime, it is nearly as catchy
I kept getting this song each time I tried to register to become a meh-head by logging in without google + or an amazon acct.
I tried for days and days (and would get this song, my mouth fell open in awe the first time it happened...then it'd be ringing in my head for hours after) and finally succumbed to logging in with amazon... I figured it was done on purpose to force me to use an existing acct to register. Either way....I decided....meh....might as well join this mediocre shopping experiment.
Never gets old and one of the only times I smile while receiving an error message.
I just love this. Live long and Mehrosper, Irk.
Can there please be an MP3 of this that way I can use it for my ringtone for Work :P
@Wolfpac Here's a link from a previous thread:
@snapster et al...
Hi! Long time no talk (not that we ever really did back on that old web site... er... what was it called again? no matter.)
Anyway, now that I've gotten you attention, I have a question for you and/or your legal peoples... any objection to limited use of the Irk Terribly Wrong Song video for 404 pages at a public college in NY State? (By limited, I'm thinking only under certain conditions, say if certain IP addresses hit the system, or certain users, etc.) Unfortunately, I don't think I can extract the vertical broomstick from the powers that be to make something like this into our default 404 page, even though everyone I've shown it to, including the CIO, thinks it is great.
Please and thank you.
Also, here is yet another link to the song as an MP3: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwNJJU7X2zsEWXJnajFmZ290azA/view
@baqui63 I would encourage you to file a support request here as well: https://meh.com/support
@baqui63 I think the permission you're asking for may be more in @dave's camp.
@baqui63 There is a really old thread where people posted all sorts of formats of that song including shortening it to, I think it was, 30 seconds since that apparently is/was the limit of phone sounds. I think we had like 3 or 4 versions people had created.
On my web sites I have a screen sized picture of Waldo and the message. 404 Page not Found. Waldo Found instead.
Flat Stanley (typically a 4th grade project about the travels flat stanley takes and kids need to get all sorts of family and others to take a photo of flat stanley somewhere) would be another contender for that except likely waldo is better known.