"Snapsters Helping Houston"


Snapsters Helping Houston

In addition to what you already know, you should know that my daughter’s name is “Christine” (aka @christinewas) and my wife’s name is “Chrissy” (actually, she mostly goes by “Chriss”)–neither of which is “Chris” exactly (and, yeah, it is weird, but not really confusing, since I always call each of them a different name from the other; otherwise, sure, that’d be extra creepy)–and of course, if “Snapster is helping Houston”, it should be “Snapster’s helping Houston”. So imagine my confusion upon receipt of the email notification “Snapsters Helping Houston” from “Chris”. Someone who may or may not be my wife or daughter (and who the fuck are they, anyway, if not one of those two to be sending me a personal email message?) is telling me grammatically incorrectly (which neither of the two beloved women would do, let me assure you) that Snapster is helping Houston. Or maybe there are multiple Snapsters. No, there can be only one.

Anyway, yeah, just a notice from my favorite salad place. I don’t like that they call their customers “Snapsters” without acknowledgment of the one and only though. Fuckers.

That’s all. Carry on then.