Six years ago Woot was assimilated into Amazon...
/giphy body snatchers
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/giphy body snatchers
sad day that…
@chienfou Very Sad Day.
@tommet Very very sad day
/giphy sad

@chienfou the borg…

/giphy sob
/giphy borg assimilate

Remember this?
@twalker1 Funny that it took woot another 6 years to top that video in views.
@Kevin That video was featured on Fox Business and linked in lots of places that didn’t normally talk about Woot at all. I don’t think any of us were surprised it was at the top of the heap for so long.
edit: I even remember texting Matthew that it was playing in the airport as I was headed home the next day.
@slydon The Airhog video was at the top for a long time. The Amazon video didn’t surpass it until recently.
@twalker1 @matthew I always thought the “amazon” “pajamas on” rhyme was one of the more brilliantly hilarious things ever done in a Woot Video. Or any video for that matter.
Love it. It is so Human
There’s a great line in this 3-years-later article:
One other thing I wonder - how much of the staff that made the move from St. Louis to Seattle is still with Woot? The only two I can think of is Scott (@slydon) and Joel. On the other hand, I think @dave and @shawn has since made the reverse trip back “home”.
@narfcake I think a few developers, too. And there’s a couple more people who are now at Amazon, but not at Woot.
@dave I think we might even have two Synapse Micro guys left, if I’m counting correctly!
@slydon Oh yeah, I guess I was thinking specifically of the St. Louis to Seattle thing, but more if it’s just “people still at Woot who were there pre-acquisition.”
Also: Hi!
@dave whazaaaaaaaa
@slydon evil evil evil. But now I enjoy that the ball is in my court and I get to figure out a new way to get you back.
I recently found this mass grave while cleaning the basement:

@hallmike I think I see you running a contest!

@hallmike I had one of every monkey ever made with pull tabs and tags still intact along with a number of cape samples that were never approved for production. We sure got a lot of traction out of those furry little guys. I actually think a good number of vendors did business with woot just because of the monkey. Funny how they’d ask for a couple extras for their “kids” and you’d find out later they didn’t have any kids! Or 1 or 2 less kids than they claimed… Oh, and flying home from a trade show, meetings, etc always turned into monkey or two = at least an adult beverage or two from the flight attendants
@hallmike for a while I bought my limit of monkeys every time they came up (except for the Christmas sock monkey because it was pricey so only got one). I never had them all. But I had enough to give three to eight monkeys to each person on the Christmas list (kids and adults) two years running, and every year since at least one monkey still gets sent along with a bottle (to keep the elder monkeys in better shape)…

/giphy Anti Monkey Butt Powder
that giphy just didn’t want to bring up a relevant image…
@hallmike I didn’t have that many, but I re-homed all my monkeys to someone on the deals.woot site. Kind of miss the little beggars, though.
@Jdub Given that I have some monkeys that have wooy! on the cape, how bad were the disapproved ones?!
@narfcake The ones that weren’t approved were basically just ugly colors and/or bad designs. When did you get wooy! monkeys? I don’t remember that happening, but I left the company in May 2012, so I’m guessing it was after that. Was it a typo that no one caught?
@magic_cave That was me. I should send them to visit with the extended family!
@Jdub They were the keychain monkeys from late 2011 (I think). Yeah, I’m guessing it was a typo.
@hallmike Mine are still up in my living room. I really have to at least cut them back to only one of each one. I have 2 of each. Years ago I sent all the rest to my nephew, who was teaching on the Marshal Islands. He said that until the batteries died, you heard monkeys screaming all night! I’m sure there are a bunch of people who were not happy with me! One little girl wrote a thank you note that said “Thank you for sending us those really annoying monkeys.”
@duodec I had to buy the christmas sock monkey on eBay to keep my collection complete.
@speediedelivery Best not to even think of it. I’m raising two poodle babies who chew everything in sight. I’d forgotten just what bitey little teeth puppies have! (And best wishes to the monkeys!)
and today woot! sent me a $10 off coupon if I spend $25
and I said … meh
@somf69 I can’t think of anything Woot! could offer that I’d use the coupon on. My last experience with one of their third-party vendors ended my interest.
@somf69 I got a coupon too but don’t know what I would use it for. They don’t have anything I’m interested in buying.
@cengland0 That’s interesting. There hasn’t been anything I’ve wanted to buy on this site for a while either. /meh
@somf69 @magic_cave @cengland0 Catshirts.
@somf69 Me, too. I did use mine on the 4gb drives. I have a bunch of pictures to copy for family. These are cheap enough to hand out. I am hoping for some really weird designs.
So sad. Then Amazon completely changed woot. I’m still confused by that.
Back in the day it took all of the mods to keep it PG13 after a woot off!
I have to admit, lots of the deleted stuff was funny. Although one time someone was posting sick stuff…I think it was autopsy pictures.
@smilingjack … link?
@no1 To something deleted 10 years ago? Well, when I meet you I’ll let you find it on my account.
Let’s hear it for @shrdlu and @cengland0 who continue to put up with sockpuppets, spammers, and an array of sex toys over on deals.woot!
@dashcloud Don’t be too quick to applaud. I think I’m pretty close to giving up. To keep the ability to downvote the storefront spammers, I’ve found that I can pick a user, and just vote up all the comments on questions they’ve asked. It gets to me, now and then, to see so many familiar faces that have just vanished.
The creatures from APNIC have also taken, of late, to downvote things posted by long time community members. It’s getting very ugly. I keep proposing solutions, and they are (of course) silently ignore.
At least, over here, I see a few familiar faces. It isn’t the same, though. Still, it’s something.
Some of us have asked for a response from Deals.Woot employees about the deterioration at Deals, and what the intended direction might be.
No reply except silence.
@f00l I bitched heartily about the proliferation of the lingerie wearing models posted by one particular poster awhile back. Surfing the deals made it embarrassing if one of my Grandgirls happened to be looking over my shoulder. My deals.woot rep went into the tanker. Clearly, deals.woot denizens loved the soft porn, smarmy pictures provided by this poster more than me bitching about them.
Seriously deals.woot? Porn available everywhere but you like the cheesecake pics?
Thus ended my relationship with deals.woot.
@f00l I think that is their answer. Silence. Eventual silence once they turn out the lights.
@shrdlu They just don’t seem to care any more. Most of the deals aren’t deals any more, just Chinese ebay-style junk merchants selling knock-offs and dollar store items.
I miss the sense of community deals had for those first few years. It was such a great group of caring, NICE people. I think about them now & then and wonder how they’re doing. Sadly, I’ve been very bad at keeping tabs on people. When I lay down to sleep all those best intentions I have for tracking people down the next day seem to melt away by morning.
@LaVikinga My, my, you woke up this morning, I notice. At least you woke me up. I’m still active over on Deals, for some random definition of active. I’d say there’s less than ten of us left, and only TWO active community member deal posters. Yeah, I said two. There’s the occasional posting from one or two others, but it’s not consistent.
It really was fun, for a time. The thing about all the Storefront Spammers (my official name for them) is that they’ve simply taken over Amazon in general. I only use Amazon now as the place I go to when I honestly NEED (as opposed to “want”) something, and cannot find it elsewhere, at any price.
I’ll also say something here that I’ve said on Deals.
Dear Jeff Bezos; you can go right to hell. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
@Shrdlu Had a dawn launch for a straight shot trip to just outside PennState. Took #1 son up to visit my Dad at the family cabin. 900 miles. Rolled in around 9 PM and the meadow looks like a rock concert. Fireflies EVERYWHERE!!
TWO deal posters? That’s it from the community? As the chicklets say, OMG! I can’t even!
I still use amazon a LOT. Bezos give me the oogies but I still want a decent deal badly enough to throw money his way.
Jeesh, I’m tired.
I just miss the old crowd. I think they’re all here now (give or take a couple), but we don’t have a cool-kids corner at Meh. At least, not one like the deals.woot community
@capguncowboy I’d tell you where the cool-kids corner is, but that would defeat the purpose of it then.
@capguncowboy Meh IS the cool-kids corner, at least that’s what I like to tell myself while I’m digging through my locker trying to find my American History notes and mooning over @snapster. He’s just so dreamy…
Fucking Hawaiians.
J/K bro.
In 4 days, on July 12, Woot is having some weird WootPrimo day that seems to correspond with Amazon’s Prime day. They claim great deals, tons of BOCs, and secret surprises.
“WootPrimo is special content, special shipping, special events, special deals, special Bags of Crap, special specialties.”
Last year’s “Prime Day” was filled with “deals” like 32 cents off a box of Kleenex. This year had better be spectacular, or they should just give it up.
@Omehgawd Don’t believe they will give up. I just read an article where more and more people are signing up for Prime and during the last Prime Day, they sold 398 items a second even with so many complaints about the quality of the deals.
@cengland0 Wow, really! Crazy.
Prime day.
So basically Prime Day is just a really bad version of November’s Black Friday, except in July? Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like Amazon’s over all deals & rock bottom prices just aren’t as stellar as they used to be. It could be I’m just expecting too much.
At least their C/S hasn’t completely tanked.
I think the Fire tablet for $33 is a pretty good deal, but I usually skip Prime Day. It’s not that spectacular.
Sad day… Just checked woot and the first post (non-wootbot) on the main woot item today was 5 HOURS after it listed… really 5 HOURS!
Oh the ignominy of it all…
@chienfou I wonder if anyone has bought it?
I found my “Founding Member of Woot” certificates (I have 2 for some reason) the other day. I about threw them out… then I said… haha, funny, maybe I’ll take a picture and throw them on for laughs. Well… half of that thought came true. The part about the picture of them did not. Sorry guys.