Sign in with Facebook


We mentioned a while back that we’re dropping support for Amazon and Google signin options. Later this week you’ll only be able to sign in with your email/username and password or through Facebook.

I already sign in with my email address (or username) and password. What do I do?

Nothing changes for you. You continue to sign in as you did before.

I already sign in with Facebook. Does anything change for me?

Nope, not really.

The next time you sign in through Facebook you’ll be asked if you’d like to receive “your public profile and email address”. You’ve previously approved this through (the parent company running so there should be no problems clicking the big, blue “continue” button. You’ll only see this prompt once.

Don’t worry. This doesn’t allow us to post anything to your Facebook account.

I used to sign in with Amazon or Google. What should I do?

The next time you sign in you can quickly create a new password by clicking the “forgot password” link and entering your email address. Takes just a few seconds.