SideDeal IRK refunds completed yet?
0Just checked mine and the order is still pending like many others, but, I’m not seeing the price adjustment yet either and they’ve been completed by now in the previous IRK refund offers. Yes, I purchased $50+ on SD (before tax and shipping).
Anyone else still waiting or am I special?
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/showme person desperate to get a refund at customer service counter
@mediocrebot frusy indeed!
@mediocrebot ewww…the eyes and fingers.
@gogrrl @mediocrebot Never look at the fingers.
@capnjb @gogrrl @mediocrebot Never look at the fingers!
I think mine posted the reversal on the 15th
@PHRoG I just checked on your account and made sure the refund was processing. You should see it in the next 48 hours.
@ExtraMedium thanks!!
You rock, as usual.
/giphy badass

/showme mine posted a day before St. Patrick’s day. And some corned beef.
Candy corned beef!
Not quite the dish I made, but I can forgive and forget

@capnjb Now THAT looks good.
I saw the refund on my credit card the other day… was just checking the statement, so I did not note the actual date the transaction hit.
I got mine already, processed over the weekend, the IRK hasn’t shipped yet but, that is okay i didn’t pay for it at this point.