@pakopako As long as the one you get isn’t a dud, yes. I suspect that the low capacity relative to many of the others has limited the demand for this one. That, and the fact that the only 12V out port is a lighter socket, many of which are notorious for being fickle about the kinds of plugs they will play well with.
211WH LFP battery and built in MPPT controller, hmm, ok, this thing has some potential. 10 pounds just sounded awfully heavy for that amount of capacity so I thought maybe it was lead acid.
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The Shelby Cobra was a giant money pit. Are these any better?
@pakopako As long as the one you get isn’t a dud, yes. I suspect that the low capacity relative to many of the others has limited the demand for this one. That, and the fact that the only 12V out port is a lighter socket, many of which are notorious for being fickle about the kinds of plugs they will play well with.
211WH LFP battery and built in MPPT controller, hmm, ok, this thing has some potential. 10 pounds just sounded awfully heavy for that amount of capacity so I thought maybe it was lead acid.