Shrdlu's Wine Discussions
15Mostly, over on Wine dot Woot, I just read. I don’t post much (even less than here), and I’ve been very inactive since they started forcing people who wanted to buy wine to log in through Amazon. As most everyone knows, Wine dot Woot is having its last, final swan song December 31, 2017. I realized that there were wines that i will never see again, if I don’t buy them now, so I gave in. I made a separate account so that I could log in from Amazon (and no, I’m not interested in sharing what the name of it is), and I’ve purchased a few offerings (most notably the recent Wellingtons, and the Twisted Oak Mystery Library). I’m still awaiting shipping notifications for anything I’ve purchased, and I really don’t have much patience. I’m not good at waiting. To while away the time, and because I know there’s a few regulars from there, over here, I thought I’d ask some random questions.
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The penultimate question: Who is “EdwardNygma” and why does he keep posting the random images on this thread? Here’s his latest:
It’s the announcement for Wine.Woot ending, and it started at about the fifth page in (November 15, or 16, or maybe 17). No one ever comments, or replies. It’s almost as though they’re invisible to everyone but me…
(The beginning of the thread is here:
@Shrdlu Mehbe folks just don’t reply to non sequitur bull-hockey?
@therealjrn EdwardNygma is The Riddler in the TV series Gotham. I don’t know who or what he thinks he is on
@therealjrn I don’t think they’re complete non sequiturs, I think he is just finding a bunch of ways to say the fat lady is about to sing. Once or twice was cute, now it’s just getting old.
@InFrom Since I can’t get wine shipments, I haven’t been reading the threads. It’ll all be over soon. I know I’m still mourning the loss of deals.woot but at the end, some jackhole posting BS would have irritated me too.
A few days ago, it became more apparent just what EdwardNygma was (and is) doing. His images are a countdown for the days left until the witching hour on 12/31/2017. Today’s image is played by Olivia Wilde (her role on House). Well done, I have to admit. Pity that it wasn’t more apparent from the beginning, but so it goes.
quality posts: 0 Private Messages
The FedEx delivery fellows and I are on a first name basis, and they have even learned to wait until I raise the garage door, rather than hauling yet another box (or in some cases, boxes) up the steps to the door.
It stays downstairs in any case; it might as well start out there. I have enough Zinfandel to start considering it as gifts, thanks to Peter Wellington. My usual motto is that there can’t be too much wine, but I could be wrong…just this once.
ETA: Whoa, that was a surprise. I expected it to be just a link, but it’s the image. Please note that clicking on the “Permalink” in the upper corner will still take you to the post, and the conversation.
I know that @corrado is on meh, and @winedavid39. It seems like @infrom is in both places as well. Sure, there’s a bunch of people on Meh that have visited over there, but (in this case) I’m more interested in people active on wine.woot and on the meh forum as well.
Who have I missed? I can’t believe there’s only three.
@Shrdlu used to be.
I don’t want to volunteer people’s names who may prefer to lurk, but I do have a suggestion, and that is to start a thread over there, and invite people to participate in this thread here. Though perhaps you’ve already thought of that and don’t want to, for inscrutable reasons of your own.
/giphy inscrutable
@InFrom Very apt. Hard to tell what he’s thinking.
@InFrom Go right ahead and post, if you’d like. You are more likely to gain traction than I. I’m more interested in who is here already, and incredibly sad to know all that history will vanish, in the way that Deals did, and I will probably just lose interest in Woot entirely.
I hope that they find some way to keep it around. It’s like a little city, with environs mostly virtual rather than physical, and I don’t want it to vanish into the aether.
Unless something’s changed, you aren’t allowed to mention meh over there.
@Pantheist lol, bull crappy! Who said that?
@therealjrn I haven’t posted on woot in a long time, but I definitely have had posts removed for mentioning meh. Ask @del
@Pantheist I guess I’ve been lucky then. It’s not like it comes up all the time, but I’m fairly certain myself and others have mentioned without any punitive results.
I used to be very active at wine.woot. Even more with my credit card than my posts, but I’d definitely chime in over there. It really is a pity what they’ve done to woot in general, but the end of the wine.woot community will probably be the last straw for me. RIP woot.
@Del, what is the state of possibly having the wine.woot forums readable and searchable after the end of the year? The is so much good info there. I hate to see it lost.
I didn’t buy much there, as I only drink a little. And not recently, as I have so much unopened.
Tho I might have to yield. So little time…
When I did, I just always logged in with Amazon account, which is unrelated to my woot account.
Has anyone - esp WineDavid - remarked somewhere on a possible replacement site?
Some sort of “aggregation/shopping-cart-pass-thru-deals/winery-direct-sales site” where a community could gather, and a few know-nothings (me) might be welcome?
Does the core of the Wine.Woot community intend to migrate anywhere in particular?
For those who want to read prior discussions here, see:
(@snapster’s remarks in the RIP 2017 topic)
@f00l I used to buy a lot more too. Before my daughter came I’d buy packs of wine, store them under my desk, and share them at Friday drinks at work. Now I have no money for it.
@f00l someone could try reaching out to to get it crawled for the way back machine
I imagine that will happen.
But have you tried using’s interface with a forum site?
Re Deals.Woot: a bunch of stuff is missing from the final backup, tho possibly contained in one done on another date.
And searching etc = hard or non-functional. If you are looking for something you know exists, you may not find it.
It’s there, seemingly, more as a theoretical resource than as a user-friendly one.
(I am a fan of and have setup a recurring donation for them.)
PS how would’s archiving work (or not work) with a forum site that does infinite scrolling instead if pagination for older topics?
(Like this one)
Since the older topics don’t appear/load in the browser until a user scrolls down to them, I don’t know if the archiving sw at will correct for that, or will capture only a little, the presently visible contents.
@f00l not a clue
/image i miss the old woot
I still check it, almost every day. Mostly buy shirts anymore, but I’ve always thought the forums/community were the tops.
Now I feel like a mehtizen, I would be lost a bit without this. It’s kind of like my facebook, but of course without the bullshit.
@2many2no I prefer Meh to Woot on the basic conversational level. There are so many different discussions going on, and you can pick and choose on which to join in. I’ve never really warmed to the Forums on Woot. It’s too hard to follow a particular conversation, and I have also never, EVER trusted the PM system there.
I liked Deals dot Woot, but it long ago lost the attraction it had in the early days. It just got overwhelmed with spammers, there towards the end, and I don’t miss that part of it at all. I have to say that Meh seems to have a handle on that, although it would be nice it there was the equivalent of the Tattle button, so as to report the evildoer right away.
I like it here. People put up with me. :-}
@Shrdlu It took you long enough to come over to Meh. We missed you.
@Barney I just checked. I’ve been here more than two years. Dang, that’s a long time.
@Shrdlu Yeah, but it took you two years to get over here, slowpoke.
@Barney @Shrdlu was just afraid to face the wrath of my sporadic teasing!
@Raider Yeah, I’m beginning to figure out that she’s a wimp – all bark and toothless bite.
@Barney @Raider I believe this qualifies as elder abuse. No need to break my heart. sniff
I’m still trying to decide whether I want to pick up either Pinot Noir currently in Woot Plus. They’ll be there for a while, after all, and Oregon (home of truly excellent Pinot Noirs) is awfully close, and happy to supply them. The main offering today is a red blend, which would ordinarily interest me, except that part of it is Cabernet Franc (at 15%), and I really dislike it. Even at 1%, it spoils a wine (for me).
@Shrdlu I you.
It took you long enough to develop a full vocabulary, slowpoke.
/giphy slowpoke
I recommend whatever the best Wine.Woot offers between now and The Final End Of Wine.Woot Time as a form of comfort and compensation for such terrible abuse from the Unthinking And Cruel Occasionally Purple Crowds.
/giphy "Wine Time"
/giphy "indigo meanie"
Just a thought …
@f00l loves indigo …
And could the very face of true innocence ever be mean?
@f00l True innocence, huh? You scare me.
How could I scare anyone, I ask you?
I am the sweetest creature in the planet, surely!
@f00l Don’t call me Shirley.
Ok, @Shirdley.
Or @Headley
/giphy Headley Blazing Saddles
Or @sherbert
/image “grape sherbet”
@f00l Man-o-man. I’ve been avoiding carbs this past month…that sherbet looks goooooood!
Can I help you?
@Shirdley You didn’t happen to bring any grape sherbet did you?
No, but I could show you a picture of a guy named Herbert S eating grapes.
Can you @Lamarr?
@InFrom said:
Your stated purpose may feel intrusive on the remaining community there and Woot itself. I think we should view the purpose of such a thread as a rosetta stone identity mapper/confirmation. There’s not much to gain spoofing someone’s Woot forum name here, but it’s worth pointing out that Mediocre can’t control for it.
@snapster I have to agree with your statement. I grabbed a couple of names of people who are visibly active in both places, but left most of them out. I’m very sad to see Wine dot Woot vanishing, and vaguely hopeful that they’ll keep the forums around, at least for a while.
…Spoofing identities… Now there’s something I hadn’t even thought of.
I don’t think that I meant this thread to be a meeting place; it’s just a place where I’ve been thinking about what to throw my money away on, and hopefully to not get too carried away with it all. There are a lot of things that will come up over there that I need to resist, but there won’t be more Peter Wellington wines (for example), and I still haven’t decided whether Wine David’s offerings will be things I want to participate in (although I did sign up for the mailing list).
"Why did you want to climb Mount Everest?"
with the retort
"Because it’s there"
So why would someone spoof a Wine.Woot UID over here?
I fear I know the answer.
Unfortunately I gave up booze in general when I started the Wahls protocol. I still miss WOOT! though.
I was never particularly active in the forum, only to ask a question here or there about the wine. I think that’s what really made wine dot woot stand out - partly the community and knowledge (tasting notes, etc.) generally contained within, but largely that the vintners would come and discuss things as well. It was the only section of woot that I (believe I) ever spent money at, and I really don’t know of anything comparable. Real shame to see it go, I may have to put in a final order or two…
For those that are interested, and may not be aware, there’s a Woot Off going on in wine.woot right now. Currently, it’s “Gruet Sparkling Mixed 12-Pack Case; 90 Points” which is not for me (I don’t drink sparkling wines). Please go buy some, so that it’ll move on to the next item.
If you’ve been holding your breath, hoping for another Wellington Mystery Box to be offered, because you missed it on December 1, it’s up again. Probably not for long, though, because it’s Wellington. I had to buy another one (my first one will be here tomorrow). It’s bittersweet; My house will be filled with excellent wines, but Wine.Woot will be gone. It’ll take at least a year to drink it all, maybe even longer.
Tomorrow evening, I’m going to try that White Port from Wellington. I’ll probably regret not getting more.
Gah. Was too busy today to check.
And too tired.
@f00l Wellington’s Chardonnay is up right now, if you care.
I’ve got the Chardonnay. I think.
I wanted the port.
Poor me.
: (
I’ll just go feel all pitiful for a while.
What exactly are you implying there, Goat?
@therealjrn I crap you not, I recently saw a personalized plate that read “GERITOL”. Don’t know if they owned stock or what.
I told myself I’d go in for a final purchase if I happened to see any WineSmith pop up. Noticed that and the Pedroncelli six-pack at the same time, so I guess I’m getting myself lots of wine for Christmas.
@brhfl Just in case you weren’t sure, the Two Jakes is also Winesmith (and I bought two of them, which means eight are headed my way). The St Laurent is also highly recommended (I may have only bought one, which contains three). I bought one Pedroncelli, also (I’d have bought more if I could have just had Merlot and the Cab Sauvignon, but I have enough Zinfandel).
/image wine
@Shrdlu Thanks for the heads-up! I did notice the Two Jakes but with a maxed-out order of the Pinot, an order of the Faux Chablis, and the Pedroncelli on top of it, I was already going a bit overboard…