Shout out to the Meh community for being awesome (Oh, and I'm doing a give away!)
22Hey gang! I just wanted to throw a post out there thanking you guys for helping jump start my little home business. I had been selling my crack… err 3D printed fidget spinners on a small scale locally since March. Due to this community, it’s grown and I think I can now call it a small business.
First of all, a huge thank you to @thumperchick for first reading my facbook feed, then telling you all of my cool products.
Second, a shout out to those that placed orders. You put up with me while I worked through shipping/packaging issues. Delays when I ran out of inventory. And lets face it, trusting a random guy on the Internet with your name/address.
Also a special shout out to the two of you with major shipping issues (Missing pieces or missing order). I fixed one of your orders (And included special goodies!), the other will be replaced early next week (I’m sorry it’s taken so long for me to get to this!).
Finally, I streamlined everything and got my financial books in order. In case you’re interested, I’ve invested a little under $1000 to date (Excluding the purchase of the 3D printers as I will never recoup that cost) on this little venture. As of today I’m am very close to breaking even and maybe even make a little profit soon. Yay!
I didn’t start this venture thinking I would actually make money yet I’m so close to it I can taste it. So instead of rolling in the pennies I may soon earn, I want to do a give-away for the community that kicked my butt into gear and keep myself in the red!
What will I win? I’ll send one (1) spinner to each of three (3) winners in the colors of their choice at no cost.
How do I Enter? Reply to or post in this thread. That’s it. That’s all you have to do. At 11am CST on 5/22/17 I will cut off entries.
Some details. Only 1 entry per person no matter how many times you reply/post. Buying spinners will not increase your chances of winning.
How will the winners be selected? I will painstakingly add your meh user name to an excel sheet. I will then add random numbers to each user ( =RAND() ) and use google’s random number generator to select 3 winners. I will announce the winners and give you a way to contact me.
Anyway, thank you all for being awesome!
(I really hope this is allowed. I didn’t check with anyone before posting this… If Meh says this isn’t allowed and deletes it, I will have to void this give away.)
- 67 comments, 37 replies
- Comment
Based on what I’ve heard from some mehmbers, your spinners are nice quality.
YAY 3D printers!!!
As far as I’m concerned, giving stuff away to our community works for me. I reserve the right to change my mind down the road and/or with anyone else trying this. (Thanks for not overly spamming us with your product.)
Also, I guess this means I’m entered?
@dave for the next fuku how about the purple yellow spinner with the word meh in the center.
/giphy spin


/giphy spin spin spin
I know I’m only entered once. I just wanted more giphies.
Great spinners btw. Love mine.
/giphy spin spin spin spin spin

Hey, @Bogie! Nice to see you around the forum!
I don’t really need a fidget spinner or anything . . .

But my cat might?
/giphy spinner

@Ignorant I have a red one of those…the kid stole it!
@Ignorant where can i get that
@DaveInSoCal make your own
/youtube diy folding fidget cube
@DaveInSoCal I can 3D print them, but they don’t turn out all that great. Mikibell has the first one I’ve 3d printed. I’ve got 2 more that have less issues in the prints, but they’re complicated with living joints.
/giphy sit and spin

@bogie spinners are sweet! Considering one for myself! Need to get a round toit ordering 2 more!
/giphy spin right round

Any meh user who does not pick purple should be disqualified
/giphy spinning purple

I’m happy for you Bogie! I’m not a real active person in the meh community. I stop in at midnight and usually post something I regret, and hit up a few other places. I’ve been a member of 4chan, (the “good” boards), for a hundred years and I used to randomly stop in and give passes away to strangers. A little cash flow problem caused me to stop that. I know meh has a really active community, and the other places I stop in at have really active communities. They miss me when I don’t stop in, sniff. haha. A misfit like me. The internet’s been pretty good to me.
I’ll promote your… hey? Where’s your link? oh, I gotta go find your link…
Way to go @Bogie! Starting your own business is scary. I wish you the best of luck.
I like free stuff as much as the next guy, but more importantly, I’d like to have a chance to check out your seemingly impressive FDM parts.
@ruouttaurmind I sorta intentionally left it out because I didn’t want to sound like I was promoting myself. There’s a post somewhere around here on Meh. If you dig through it, you might find the comment that started all of this.
@Bogie Yup, I was in the middle of that thread.
Good luck

Having one of these will make me hip again right? Only one way to find out!
@lichme Hip with the 4 to 10 year old set LOL
Proud of you and interested in seeing one
Congratulations on getting things spinning with your new bizhobby! I meant to order from the other thread, but need one of those round tuits mikibell mentioned when I get back home.
Congratulations on getting things spinning with your new bizhobby! I meant to order from the other thread, but need one of those round tuits mikibell mentioned when I get back home.
Congrats! We need spinners with Meh. logos. Preferably purple.
Spinner! Wheeee!
did someone say free?
/youtube free to decide
Congrats on the business. I have to admit, I am jealous, I would love to do something like this.
/youtube PewDiePie fidget spinner
Good luck to you!
@RiotDemon now that is disgusting LOL
@Kidsandliz it is? I thought the video was funny.
@RiotDemon well it can be funny and disgusting at the same time (grin)
That’s pretty cool of you.
What’s the record for the longest spin on one of your spinners?
/giphy spin doctors

@DaveInSoCal I’ve spent time finding the best quality spin, not the longest. So brand new you will get about 45 seconds. As you use it, it will break in the bearing and spin around 1:30 if not longer. But, it’s a smooth spin with very little noise.
If you want spin time, I recommend buying a full metal spinner. They will always spin longer because they are more heavy than plastic ones.
/giphy cat spin

/giphy winner winner

@darkdragon Yay for having other people pay for your toys!
Is this the right place for this?
yay spinning spinners!
My cat thinks I should have a toy, too.
Threeee deeeeee preeeeentor…

If I win, may I have mine in purple with purple accents please?
Thank you for offering a contest.
This is awesome!!!
I bought one for a guy (not from you, this was before you showed up) in the office and now I want one
@looseneck might as well buy one for me. where’s that link? he’s too modest.
@wew No way - I’m done buying stuff for other people - I’m trying to buy myself a house! There’s a link above in a comment to the thread that started this.
/image buy your own

@looseneck I’m just a poor boy from a poor family.
I took my son’s. I guess it would be nice to give him one back. Actually school banned them so I got it from him. But… it’s summer so what the heck. Thanks for the opportunity.
/image post

Congrats and best wishes! Where is your website?
I’m in!
@Bogie, this is a link to your shop on Etsy, right? Pls confirm.
If I linked it right, and it’s ok with TPTB, perhaps @Thumperchick could add the link to the original post?
@Bogie, do you also have an instagram or Pinterest page or something that shows your work, and can be a public link?
@f00l that’s the correct link. I don’t have instagram or Pinterest. I could set something up if you guys would like. I’ve never used either of them before
If you’re considering taking custom orders in Etsy, a Pinterest account of similar will give people some idea of what you can do.
If you want to promo this on Facebook (personal or biz account?), doesn’t FB own instagram or something?
@f00l I set up an Instagram account just because of you:
@Bogie Cool lion!
3d printer eh? one of my partner’s friends 3D printed me a dinosaur. if i win perhaps instead of a spinner you could print me this:

I’m glad to hear things are going well for you, and yay spinners! I prefer my spinners a little smaller than the standard size but nevertheless.
@Kawa If you win, I can work with @tightwad to see if he’s okay with me printing and sending you the one his son designed which is a bit smaller. (
@Bogie @Kawa Go for it
Awesome and congratulations. By entering I’m possibly ending my marriage as she gets her fill of fidget spinners as a middle school teacher. Having one at home may put her over that edge. But what the heck, they do look interesting.
Love me a spinner! Am I entered? Hey where can I get a meh t-shirt???
@Bogie Sounds like business is going good! I will email you later, it has been a busy week.
I’m intrigued.
@show_the_maw Don’t you have baby diapers to change?
@mikibell of course I do but baby is sleeping and I don’t dare wake it
@show_the_maw so jealous…and not…all at the same time…
Congrats on getting in on the latest craze!
Glad to help connect mehtizens in need of fidget toys with a mehtrepenuer!
I’m glad your business is taking off! Best of luck with it
They look great best of luck.
I always respect it when a thing maker makes a thing. Way to make a thing.
I would like to enter
I want one!

/giphy spinners
Yeah @thumperchick! I think I’ve seen a few giveaways on here so you should be good.
Awesome. Thank you and good luck!
@bogie I hope I win but even if I don’t, if I wanted to buy one, and also share your product info on my Facebook page, what is your Facebook page link? I think spinners are awesome for adults and kids. I was in a meeting and I tend to have to be moving something at all times so I was clicking my pen. My friend had a spinner and basically begged me to borrow it. I did, no more pen clicking = friend(multiple actually)happy and I had fun being occupied so = me happy!!!
@mehbee feel free to email me at:
bogie21 at gmail dot com
and I can run through the process and pricing with you. I don’t have a Facebook page for my shop, though I do have an etsy page which others have posted around this thread.
@Bogie That"ll work just fine. I’ll email you later today
@bogie I don’t need one, but I wanted to say congratulations on your new venture! 'Merica!
Maybe I’ll become special
Bumping this (Shame on me) for more visibility. 2 1/2 hours until entry ends.
I wanted to be included in this giveaway, if only because I want to compare his printer results to ours…My wife would say I have enough spinners already (we make 10 different models…).
With China now in the mix selling these for $2 our business has dropped off substantially…which is fine because my son has ADD and was pretty much bored with it. He still makes them for friends but stopped promoting them.
@tightwad I can send you a couple frames if you want
@tightwad I’d love to get one of those smaller ones, as mentioned before - that smaller one with the cutouts (the white one in your pic) looks intriguing. Got a link to your store?
@Kawa Those are both my Son’s designs, along with the Mega one on the same row. He doesn’t have a store front, mostly word of mouth locally. The one with the slots in doesn’t print 100% perfectly due to the dimensions
Okay, the entry time has passed, and the winners have been randomly selected. Congrats to:
@Zebra, @tbyrd66, and @show_the_maw.
Please shoot me an e-mail with your Meh username and a secret word or phrase. Then reply to this post with that word or phrase so I can verify you are who you say you are. My e-mail is:
Bogie21 at Gmail dot com
From there I’ll get your color choices, send you pictures to make sure your happy. If it looks good, I’ll need your address and I’ll get it in the mail ASAP.
Thanks again everyone!
@Bogie Yay!!! I’m super excited to win! My password is: All that glitters is not gold
I’ve heard from @Zebra and @show_the_maw. Your boxes were dropped off at USPS yesterday afternoon. They were shipped USPS First Class Mail so you will get it in 2-5 days. I included an extra set of finger pads. They are in the bubble wrap.
@tbyrd66, still haven’t heard from you!
I am the Penguin thank you so much
@tbyrd66 But are you placid?
I am placid as a tea kettle.
A quick update. I am officially net positive! In the black, baby. As of right this very second of this post, I have made $5.85.
/giphy celebrate in money

Now for the advertisement/promo:
E-mail me at Bogie21 at Gmail dot Com. Tell me you’re from Meh and work with me through email and I’ll sell you spinners at $9 each.
I finally got around to opening my package and this thing is pretty cool! I’ll be honest in this isn’t something I would have sought out and bought for myself but now I have one there’s a high chance I’ll be picking up some more for gifts. Thanks!