Dear meh, please give the desperate parents and facetious millenials of meh fidget spinners
21Hello all,
As you may know because you have children, know someone who has one, or have seen someone with these obnoxious but extremely fun to use fidget spinners.
They look like this:
Now, if you’re a parent or a normal human being, you have absolutely noticed the growing presence of this toy among today’s population. You might be wondering: Why would anyone want this?
The answer is simple, “it’s cool, and really freaking fun.”
They also (supposedly) help you focus in class, during tests, at work, or just help you keep awake. They also (allegedly) help break habits.
There’s multiple ways to do this guys, you could 3D Print them and stick in bearings, or buy in bulk the ones cheaply made in China, or you could even get some cool meh rendition made and sell them off for 10 bucks a pop. The point is, we want them, your kid wants them because his friend has them and he thinks that he’s behind the curve, and you might actually enjoy them if you get your hands on one.
So please, help the mehn and womehn of meh by helping yourselves.
and give us fidget spinners.
/giphy fidget spinner
- 52 comments, 171 replies
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/giphy fidget spinning

@legendornothing At one time I really thought there was hope for you. Now I’m not too sure.
He’s improving in some ways.
@PlacidPenguin thanks
There is always hope.
@f00l chills

/giphy long time no see
@legendornothing here’s a deal for them at $1
There are related deals under the product specs which seem to be more spinners at decent prices.
The world is literally drowning in these things & you can get them from China for less than 1$ each.
HOWEVER…I would buy one if it was Meh branded. Probably not for $10 though.
@awk link?
@medz On eBay, do a search sorted by price and only “buy it now”…example:
(For more see the “new arrivals” box on that page)
@awk They are listed as “EDC” – does that mean anything besides “every day carry”? I thought that only applied to guns and knives (and blue-tooth speaker docks".
@awk The listing you linked for sub $1, when you actually select a color, they’re closer to $5 each. Just an FYI. I’m sure there are other listings at that price, though.
@Bogie Sneaky bastards… it’s US$0.72 for the caps. I guess they haven’t gotten THAT cheap yet.
They are definitely $0.99 over at AliExpress though:
@awk No, no, no. You don’t have to buy from me. I’m not the cheapest, nor the best. I’m just… Meh… oh yeah, that’s taken already… I’m just…Pleh…
I have only seen them mentioned on woot on april 1 and here. I have no interest in one, but I still think I’m a normal human being.
My friend has one. It was fun to play with until I dropped it.
And helping focus is utter bullshit if the idea is that you focus on anything other than the toy. You’re trying to make sure you’re holding on to it and keep it spinning and the like and it’s probably really damn distracting for other people if you’re in lecture or something playing with one. They’re a fun toy for a little while, but they’re awful for what they’re really intended for. Just learn a pencil spinning trick and you’ll be fine, and save a lot of money.
Also, are there other facetious millennials here besides me? I thought I might have been the only one.
@Mehsturbator I think it’s bullshit too, and they get to mark up the price because it’s a “concentration” tool. Anyone who believes that is a sheep. That’s why I used allegedly, I just really like to fucking play with it.
so MUCH goddamn fun
@Mehsturbator also that facetious millenial is me
not sure who else

/image facetious millenials
It’s a wonderful world.
@Mehsturbator eye nefer new thaght’s hough it wast spelt, mesa alweys thot et wass feces
@Andrew_B - I’m not even touching this one from Yoda
…Tag! You’re It! 
/giphy spinner



@daveinwarsh Good lord. Look at the ice after she’s done! I’d hate hit that patch unexpectedly.
/giphy fidget

@f00l A friend in college now works at a place with a 3D printer. She designed a phone case with a bunch of gears that acts a lot like this ring, and fidgets with it all the time. It’s great.
@Kawa Hope she has patented it, including use, and then starts to sell them or license it to a company. Sounds like a fun case.
@Kawa And when she can’t sell them tell her to unload them all with Meh
Saw these for sale online the other day: three for $9.99 with free shipping. They seem rather silly. Not sure I’d get one even if it was at the dollar store. Maybe as a cat toy.
I must be honest. I came here expecting something ludicrous, but you have put together a cogent request for something you’d like and made said request in a pleasant tone. Good job!
I’m also with awk… The internet is rife with these and I have zero want, but slap Meh’s name on it and I’m probably in.✓&term=Fidget
Cheap copies of the fidget project I backed are everywhere, but I don’t think the project has shipped yet.
I love mine, I play with it constantly.

not sure why the picture is on its side
Nice trick you do there: with dark themes, a fidget spinner, and making gravity work sideways.
@f00l I aim to please
@ConAndLibrarian said:
/image cosmos

These are helpful when my autistic nephew gets overwrought. I ordered a couple from China, and when he gets in a state we’ll sit together playing “spinners”. It’s very effective.
@ruouttaurmind was just reading that yesterday. hadn’t considered this but it makes perfect sense. my ex’s brother who spent all day every day polishing rocks by hand would probably love something like this.
@jerk_nugget This is what they were originally designed for, and patented in the mid-90s. That patent just expired, right when the Fidget Cube original kickstarter happened, autism/neurodiversity awareness became A Thing, and the fancy metal spinners started being marketed as executive level desk toys - thus the current fad explosion.
is it to be so careless about spelling millennial?
[hypocrisy alert: all my millennial images and jokes and completely shallow and cheap]
[hypocrisy alert: I fuck spelling up all the time]
/giphy hypocrisy

uh oh
not a useful giphy and i ran out of edit time
@f00l more like ‘anatomy of a hipster’ but still entertaining. and yeah, GIRLS is pretty spot on for defining & laughing at what college was like for most of us white girls. sad it’s over.
@f00l holy crap I’m stupid
We are all pretty much stupid. Some of us are cis-stupid.
PS there are a lot of words I have to look up. And there are a lot of bad autocorrects and erroneous spellings and bad edits I forget to check and fix.
@f00l I am Grout!
Awesome movie tie-in for GotG #2 opening in about 14 hours here on the East coast.
@f00l Hmm… Damn. I identify with much of the millennial female. I now must question my existence.
@connorbush me t00
Not sure what’s wrong with sharing tastes with millennial females. Also not sure how many traits attributed to this particular group are at all exclusive to the group or should be, if they are.
I say, “Identify away, as long as it’s fun.”

/giphy fuck your aesthetic
My aesthetic has a headache.
Perhaps check back later?
/giphy aesthetic headache

A relative who is quitting smoking likes the box one. I don’t know if he has the spin one.
@speediedelivery The box is really soothing. I love the lightswitch-style side, though mine’s clicky, which is annoying when around others.
@Kawa I have a retractable ball point pen, that I click obsessively, which is unfortunately an example of a kind of onomatopoeia, because it also clicks loudly and drives peeps nuts at meetings, but since I have to have it to take notes, they can;t really do much about it.
TLDR: I can drive my co-werkers nuts when the admin pukes make me come in early to go to stoopid mtgs. has them for a couple of bucks shipped. Some sellers claim expedited shipping on them. My 9 year old has the cube and loves it – he’s been asking for a spinner, so I suppose it’s time to order him one
Went to a flea market and almost every vendor had a section spinners for about $4. All of them were busy with people trying and buying them.
I have a cheap box, a few of the cheap spinners, one less-cheap spinner (mostly plastic, but with brass balls at the ends of each wing), and a not-cheap all metal spinner. (Zentri all black, for the curious. $26 with a code I found on Reddit.) I carry the box and one of the cheap spinners in my commuting bag, keep the fancy spinner at work, and the less-cheap spinner at home.
I’ve never been completely formally diagnosed with autism, but I’ve been in therapy regularly in the last three years, and all of my therapists in my adult life have asked if I’ve researched the spectrum, so yeah, probably somewhere in that weird neurodiverse space that would be called “autistic” if I was under the age of 18.
In college and grad school, I used to play turn-based video games or fold origami cranes in the back of the classroom, stopping to take notes. This worked for me and was only minimally distracting.
I can’t get away with that at work now, especially at meetings. It’s also not really possible to play games while walking (and while I /can/ fold cranes and walk, I prefer not to). So the fidget toys have been helpful for me to not go full panic mode while stuck in a meeting, or to self soothe while on long walks.
I really prefer the fancier spinners due to their weight. I’m hoping to pick up another all-metal one soon, probably Syner-EDC’s tumbled aluminum one. But I’d probably walk around with a $1 Meh purple plastic one. I’d /definitely/ walk around with a $5 Meh purple Torqbar clone or cube.
@Kawa Purple?
Did somebody say purple?
@PlacidPenguin I give up.
No points for it being on fire?
@PlacidPenguin Nope.
They started confiscating spinners at my kid’s middle school. It may make the kid using it concentrate better (or not) but it drives everyone else batshit.
Now the people who confiscate them are using them?
@sammydog01 you can get silent ones but most people are bad at that sort of thing
@legendornothing To be fair, super silent ones are actually pretty pricey, especially if you also want yours to spin fast. (You can lubricate the ball bearings, but it makes the spin so much less satisfying that most people don’t bother). This is a big part of why I upgraded my work one (where things can be legitimately distracting to others).
As a parent who succumbed to the rubber wristband fad from few years back, this one seems less likely to haunt me for years to come. I still find those goddamned bracelets in the house on occasion. Once they lose this thing, it’s gone for good.
That said, I’d totally buy 3 of the meh-branded ones if it became a thing.
Just last night, I had one kid begging me to get on Amazon to buy one. And had the nerve to complain about Prime two-day shipping. Kids these days… lol
Seems like the perfect gift for meh to send to the VMP’s.
I think @Bogie is custom making these.
@Thumperchick i am making these! I’ve been selling them to friends and co-workers. I actually just set up an etsy shop yesterday! When I get home I can link them. I’ve done WAY too much research on bearing quality vs cost to provide the best spin for your $$. The cheap chinese ones are simply horrible quality and make loud noises. Mine spin ~45 seconds brand new and make 0 noise. The one I use spins for about 1:20 with each flick. I would be halpy to work out a deal to make Meh folks some. Honestly the most expensive part for me is shipping.
@Bogie Tag me, please
Okay, gang. Home and some more details for you on spinners that you probably never wanted to know. I’ve been 3D printing and selling fidget spinners for ~2 months now & have a total of 26 sale. All sales have been done via word of mouth cash deals with friends & Co-workers.
So, the story:
I print out stupid little trinkets and bring them into work and have them sitting on my desk. You know, silly trinkets that are actually pretty neat. A co-worker asked if I knew about spinners and asked if I could make their kid one since Amazon/Ebay were going to take 3-4 weeks in shipping. so I printed one out, bought some bearings via Amazon Prime, and 2 days later I had some spinners. Thus started my micro-business venture.
Since then, I’ve spent far more than my profits on find the cheapest way to make these while improving quality and spin time. In the end, I believe I’ve found the best mix of materials to provide damn near the best spin time you can buy while still remaining close to market value.
The issue here is Price Vs Quality. No one talks about what they use for the center bearings because no one wants to give away their secrets which means you’ll never know the quality of the spinner until you get it.
It costs ~$2 per Yellow Jacket Bearing which I’ve found to be the best bang for your buck in bearings. My total cost to make is $6. So a $10 spinner provides a 33% profit. Not to great. If I buy a lower quality center bearing, to say, $1, like the Bones Reds (Which are not too shabby but not as good as yellow jackets) my cost drops to $5 and my profit jumps to 50%, which is more appealing. This is the issue with all people selling spinners. And the problem is the skate shops are catching on and bearing costs have almost doubled since I started selling these 2 months ago. This is ignoring the profits that Etsy/Ebay/etc. take out to help process your orders!
That was a whole lot of info on why I never really tried to start a business of selling these. The profit margines aren’t great, and customers don’t understand that cost really does matter in the relation to that Cost vs Quality.
So, with that said, here’s my etsy shop with a whopping 375 views and 0 sales.
I currently have on hand enough bearings to make 30 sales. I can get more in stock in ~2-5 days meaning I can ramp up production in a matter of a week.
Per your request: @speediedelivery, @thumperchick, @legendornothing
Oh, if you’re okay with working outside of etsy (to reduce my expense ie increase my profits) please feel free to tag me, and we can work out something outside of etsy with Paypal.
The pictures in my listing are current color options and are stock on hand which are built. Here’s my non-assembled stock on hand, though:
@speediedelivery Done, though I don’t know if I did it right.
@Bogie You better buy purple for @barney (and a few others) LOL
@Bogie Would something like this be good for my mom? She has “busy” hands. She often picks, picks, picks at things, such as the stuffed dog I bought her (I’ve had to have it repaired twice now). Maybe she could play with something like this and it would keep her interest, at least for a while?
@Bogie Yep, done right, thank you!
I will do some figuring and get back to you. Better here or etsy? I do not mind sending direct to you if that matters for contact info. I also have a woot account so I can pm there.
@speediedelivery email works: Bogie21 at gmail dot com.
Regarding purple. I have purple filament, but I haven’t been able to get it printed out all that great. I’ll spend some time when I have it to try to get some quality spinners printed in purple.
@Barney It’s possible but I’m not an expert by any means
. For me, I play with thing while on conference calls and wind up breaking pens, calculators, stabbing things with push pins, etc. These keep my hands busy and more focused on the call. One of my co-worker uses one in each hand. He is starting to get arthritis and these keep his hands and fingers moving so they don’t stiffen up. He’s pretty happy with them.
@Bogie But, can yours accomplish what these can? I.e., can they help you:
Quitting somking
Remitting hyperactivity
Resistting dysphoric?
(that’s what it said!) [oh fudge; can’t get a working link here]
Only 7.99 at that tanga place; and guaranteed aluminum alloy bearings!
@phendrick and then it did work, and couldn’t edit out nonworking comment after too much time
@Bogie hey, what if you printed the bearing plugs with the meh. logo scratched into them
@phendrick I’m pretty sure it can remit hypersomethingmedicalactivity and resisting dysprandomletterslkajdfhoric too. I got my medical training from random snippets from Reddit and skimming through the home page of webMD, so I’m essentially a Doctor. /s
On a more serious note, one of my customers uses it to help break their fingernail chewing habit. From what I understand that’s an even harder habit to break then smoking!
@Bogie I’m in for 2 depending on price, more if they’re the better bearing and we can deal privately- Paypal and email are fine w/ me.
@Bogie This is kind of true- F-nails are not quite so addictive, but then you can hide ciggys so they’re hard to grab on impulse, not so with the f-nails.
What eventually worked for me was substituting sugarless gum, and for years keeping a pair [why is is that plural?] of nail clippers in my pocket, on my desk, in my car, etc, so that if a snag or rough edge happened, I could clip it immediately like, so as to avoid the mouth parts cure for it.
My dead departed Auld Sod [Irish] GrandF [I’m his namesake] imparted this wisdom to me, and since I got no progeny, feel free to steal and sell it to yours as original.
Thomas Patrick [kroutname]- my Irish GrandF was my dad’s stepdad.
@Thumperchick @bogie Is either happily sending you royalty checks or cursing you right now.
@phendrick My eyes do not agree with the colors printed on that Tanga page.
Note to Tanga shoppers…ebates currently offers 3% discount.
TopCashback is offering 5%…
@PlacidPenguin I am not a current member. Do you want to send a referal link?
Do you have a Woot account?
@PlacidPenguin current last comment on the fidget block in home
@Bogie What design are you using? My son has been making these since last October and has made and sold or given away around 200 of them. The design you are using looks familiar but then they all do. He has made 5 custom designs and also uses some more public designs…but reselling those is a bit of a grey area as they aren’t meant for profit sales so he prefers to push his own designs for that.
We found the same results regarding bearings although we don’t purchase $2 ones…most people care more for custom colors than spin time. Best spin time has been with Dark Wolf bearings (over 2 minutes on a regular spinner)
@tightwad I’ve not broken into the 3D design realm other than minor editing. The model I print is the following: modified slightly to make it a bit easier to pop in the bearings and print the bottom overhang a bit easier. The licensing on that file allows for sale/distribution as long as credit of the original file is given to the originator: 2ROBOTGUY
I could clean out the lubrication in the Yellow Jackets & Bones Reds to get about a 1:30 spin, but you lose the smoothness of the spin. Personally I prefer the smooth spin over the spin time, and the two above are the best I’ve come across so far.
I’ll definitely have to buy a pack of Dark Wolf and test them out! With the 2m spin time, where they ceramics or steel?
Thanks for the suggestion!
@Bogie Thats how my son started…these were a couple of the more popular models his friends liked: and and this one is popular with the kids (and got them banned at the middle school)
He has posted one he designed and the caps we designed as well:
The Dark Wolf are steel. We tried ceramic but didn’t see a marked difference.
The one thing I still don’t get, and can’t find ANYWHERE online, is what the devil ‘EDC’ stands for. I’m guessing it’s not extended day care, and I’m pretty certain there’s no connection to the electronic music festival/concert…so, what is it, Mehtizens?
@PooltoyWolf “Everyday carry” - the stuff you always have on you. Usually connotes a particular kind of dudebro-ism, because this can include guns, knives, and excessively fancy notebooks.
@Kawa I suspected that could have been it, but wasn’t so sure, as I’ve only ever heard it used in that context to refer to weapons, like guns and knives. Thanks!
@PooltoyWolf Or bug-out bags, etc, for the DD-prepper crowd.
$1.97/free shipping. 14 day delivery time from China. Spin time is avg 38 seconds. Center bearing is ceramic, counterweight bearings are steel.
@ruouttaurmind I pulled up China’s website, but couldn’t find these for sale…
@medz Sorry, I neglected to link the source:
@Kawa Did you say you have set of brass balls? Aren’t you really cold in the winter? Hope you got the socks from yesterday.
@Bogie I would take a black, a red and the color btwn. the black and brown and the color btwn. the silver and blue and a silver and green - but don’t want to sign up for etsy to try to contact you. So, basically, one black, one red, one green, one silver, one whatever is btwn. black and brown and one whatever is btwn. the silver and blue for a total of six and totally fine with PayPal. Damn near confused myself. Not too thrilled to give out my own email since it’s basically my name. Created it way before people (other than me) got so smart with hacking and the likes. Obviously, give dibs to the ones who were here first for what you have in stock. I’m patient and cutting in line is just plain rude and I won’t change my mind - no take backs.
@WTFsunshine You can email Bogie with information in this post and not share it on the forum if that helps.
@djslack Thanks
@WTFsunshine If you’re concerned about e-mailing me, we can always work through the etsy link posted above. Linking here for ease of use:
@WTFsunshine, @Bogie is a good guy. You can trust him with your email.
@Barney Thanks for the Backing! Oh, and speaking of purple, working on settings now!
@WTFsunshine Some of us use a free email place to use for this type of thing instead of the one you use for family or business.
@Bogie Etsy-mail message sent, thanks!
[Actually anyone with an answer] I also have a ?- if all the spinning is done by holding the center pieces, why not just have inertly weighted poles instead of bearings?
Does the fact that they are bearing help them spin in some way? The physicks of that premise somehow escapes me.
The 3 outside bearings are counterweights, but can also be held and the fidget spun between your fingers. However, I think this is less common habit, and most makers continue to use bearings as counterweight for simplicity and appearance.
A suggestion to @Bogie: consider modding your design to eliminate the large bearings, and replace them with 12mm steel ball bearings pressed into a friction fit snap joint. This should reduce your production cost by a dollar or two without affecting the central spinner functionality.
@PhysAssist, these are common designs which have eliminated the outer bearings:
Where’d you find these?
@f00l They are all over eBay for less than $8
@ruouttaurmind I’ve got designs to use nuts instead of bearings though I don’t sell them. Spinners run on centripetal force, so the more outer weight you have, the better/longer the spin. The outer bearings I use I shop via weight, not necessarily expense.
I don’t use ball bearings because to get the weight, they become too large and hit your skin when trying to spin, essentially making the spinner useless. Skate bearings are nice and flat, and work well.
My main goal is quality. I want to ensure I have the right bearings, not necessarily the cheapest. If I went cheap, I could make these for ~$3 each. Instead I invest double that to get you , the customer, a better product for your price.
As I had mentioned in my first two posts, these are complicated because the general public may not necessarily understand why one is more expensive than the other. If you just want a spinner, honestly just buy the cheapo Chinese ones. They work the same as every other one out there.
Why me over the $2 one? Everything here is just marketing, so understand that.
First, I’m an just a dude like everyone else. So you’re supporting local vs corporate.
I’m an american, so if you like the idea of supporting the local economy over sending your money to China, then go with me (or anyone else on Etsy that makes their own. Be careful, some people are just re-selling the $1 Chinese ones). I buy all my materials from American companies (Though where the products are manufactured is a bit different). Could I reduce my costs for bulk buying from China? Absolutely… it would save me easily $1 per spinner if not more, but I’m not supporting local, which matters to me.
Also, the 3D Print thing is a buzz word. Some people like to say they have products 3D printed. Honestly I think it’s pretty bad ass, and a lot of other people do to.
In the end, this is a hobby for me. I’m not going to make millions selling these. So whether I sell 20 or 2000, I’m happy.
@ruouttaurmind I purchased a $2 China one because global commerce and the free market rules! I plan on pitting it against @Bogie’s allegedly superior spinner. I will report back here with my findings.
@medz It’s likely @Bogie’s uses a better quality center bearing, which will likely be quieter and spin a bit longer.
Since the Chinese ones I linked are an injection molded thermoplastic body and caps, the plastics will be smoother and glossier (and possibly a bit stronger?).
I understand all this. I suggested 12mm steel bearings based on weight/size. Similar weight to the sk8 bearings, while maintaining a size that’s still user friendly. Saving $ on counterbalance bearings, one could then choose to redistribute that cost savings into more precise center bearings, thereby increasing product quality.
But… just talking out my backside. I thoroughly understand this is your baby. Forgive me, my engineering background sometimes doesn’t know when to shut the eff up.
@ruouttaurmind I’m not discounting your engineering at all. I appreciate the advice… Maybe I need to take another look at them.
@ruouttaurmind Thanks, that’s what I thought as well.
I also like the design in the GIF above with the sliding counterweight ball bearings,
@f00l I came across a version of the 3 bar aluminum spinners for $2.36 on Wednesday (though apparently the sale is over and now they’re up to $4).
I ordered the silver one, just for curiosity sake since the price was modest.
@djslack,@Barney,@Bogie I don’t mind giving you my email but I don’t know how to do it and make it private. @speediedelivery Any decent ones you can advise without them using/following my every move. I use DuckDuckGo and have my internet set to private but some places (Google) still bypass the privacy. If you can advise how to make it private I’m all for it but I saw Bogies email up there so I got worried but now I feel like an ass because Bogie is the one selling them. Right? Let’s just say I’m slow and electronically challenged. Thank you all for helping and it means a lot that you back Bogie.
@legendornothing, you just had to bring these up.
I just bought several from Ebay and am in the process of buy a bunch from @Bogie via Etsy.
@Bogie, I sent you a note thru Etsy. I wanna add to the order. Thanks.
@f00l I kinda want one of the high quality milled stainless steel fancy pants ones, but can’t really justify the $50+ fare. Have you splurged on any of the “less budget friendly” designs?
The most expensive one I’ll get will be one of @Bogie’s.
If I want a nice one, they will likely be at a far more reasonable price point in a few months. I can see how much I play with them between then and now.
@f00l @Bogie
I was given a $20 one. It stops spinning fully after about 90 seconds.
I dunno how long the “decent” ones spin for though.
@PlacidPenguin Out of curiosity, how are you holding the spinner? Horizontal or vertical? Or are you setting it on a desk? Mine spin fresh out of the box with a flick of my ring finger for 35-45 seconds vertically. If I whack at it with my off hand, I’ll get ~60 seconds.
@Bogie They come with a box?!
Horizontal. Between my thumb and index.
Just did it with my second to last finger, got over a minute. If I do it with other hand, I get longer.
Of course though, when you gave times, are you including any movement?
@PlacidPenguin This “premium” model claims 3 minutes.
@medz no, sorry. The bsingular bearing just out of the box and placed into the spinner. I’m not fancy enough for that type of production.

/giphy let down
Free $20 spinner with ~90 seconds spin > $75 spinner with lights and 180 second spins.
@Bogie How heavy are your spinners?
@Thumperchick 1 spinner is 1.8oz
Got another spinner from this company (for free of course).
Horrible build quality with regards to the 3 outer ball bearing holders (with one being at a tilt).
It’s quiet, but horrible build quality.
Meanwhile, my first one has developed 2 small cracks by one ball bearing holder, with one crack on each side of the spinner.
never heard of this and i work with a lot of geeks and a lot of parents. regional?
@meh maybe?
Article about the original inventor. She couldn’t afford to renew her patent so makes nothing off of this craze. She has started a kickstarter for another idea
And a different story with other information
Her kickstarter
@Kidsandliz oh rip
@legendornothing Sad isn’t it. I feel sorry for her especially since she is struggling financially.
@Kidsandliz that sucks really hard
wish she could get at least a premium of a couple cents off all those sales that happen
@Kidsandliz If you look at her patent it isn’t for anything close to the Fidget Spinners…more like a top you spin on your finger. No bearings, cone shaped design in the middle etc. I wouldn’t call her the “inventor”
@tightwad I had not looked at her patent. Did she patent the idea of spinners held in fingers? She might have done use or something. I was just going by what other articles said.
@Kidsandliz Her patent has images that look kind of like a UFO…or an inverted top. There is no bearing or similarity in the shape. I don’t think her patent would have been enforceable as the design difference is too great.
@tightwad Since there are now so many different makers of them I wonder if anyone has a patent.
@Kidsandliz I would doubt it…and China doesn’t care anyway so it would only affect those who respect the IP of others…basically it would stop @Bogie and my son and others from selling them.
They are pricier than spinners, but I got in on the Fidget Cube kickstarter. I bought 3 - gave away 2 and kept 1. I love it - it’s been a neat toy to fiddle with - better even than the “druid bell” I’ve had in my purse for 20 years.
@Bogie If you want some other ideas go to Groupon and search under “goods”. I typed in fidget cube and it brought up a crap ton of different gadgets but look for the one labeled Matel hand tri spinner fidget stress anxiety toy. Most of them I believe are made out of metal but they have approx. 5 different styles of spinners there and a discription of what each one does, has and costs but in the fine print it says it is a store or person who sells through them and in the fine print they charge for S&H. So instead of getting up to a certain price through groupon to have F.S. you have to make that purchase right there and then and you can’t group them together for one single shipping fee, you have to pay the fee each time depending on which one(s) you are ordering even though they will all probably be sent in one box. Didn’t know if this would help or not w/ some ideas/options. I looked because a nephew is turning 4 and his autism is getting worse and he lost the cube that he had. I’m still sending you an email but I didn’t want you to get/feel swamped with all the interest in this thread.
@WTFsunshine Take your time. I don’t want you to feel pressured into having to buy something specifically from me. I’m a no-pressure sales guy who’d rather you be happy with your purchase, no matter who you get it from.

/image buy now!
@RiotDemon I like the two pictured in the top video thumb. Particularly the gears.
Got my bogie spinner today. Getting about 40 seconds spin time. Probably need to work on my technique.
@medz Sweet. Which color did you get? Pic?

Metallic silver and Black caps.
I’m pleased with how solid the plastic feels. I was thinking the 3D-printed body would be more of a soft plastic, but it seems pretty hard and sturdy. (I haven’t dropped it or tried to break it yet)
@ruouttaurmind @bogie … I got mine too… they are soooooo quiet!! I don’t know anything about the spin time, but I am happy! The kids are happy.
@medz Don’t drop them, they will break due to the stress that press fitting the bearing puts on the plastic.
@tightwad I modified the file I use to put a little less stress on the friction fitting. Worst case scenario is the bearing shifts, which you can just press back into place. If it gets too lose, a little dab of super glue will set it into place.
The biggest risk when dropping is breaking the finger pads.
@Bogie @tightwad great now I’ll have to do a drop test between the bogie special and the $2 one when it gets here from the Orient. I should start a youtube channel and get rich.
@Bogie We found quite a bit of variation in the actual size of the 608 bearings…we use a deadblow hammer to insert them…too loose and kids lose them. As we have ~12 different styles of bearings (for the custom colors) we have to account for them all. I just noticed the spinner I have been EDCing for a couple months is splitting. What infill % do you use? We use 30% for the spinners and 100% for the caps. @Medz the China ones are not 3D printed, they are mass produceds via injection molding and then painted (sometimes only one side). I probably won’t be as brittle as the plastic is of a different variety and not layed etc.
@tightwad I messed with a bunch of different infill % and infill type. Caps are 100% infill. For the frames, ultimately I’ve found that the strongest is Honeycomb (but my printers had issues with plastic globbing on the nozzle), so I’ve been using the standard 45 degree box infill. % wise, I’ve found the most sturdy is actually 20%. It allows for enough flex to cram in those larger bearings, while still not splitting/breaking. I’ve dropped mine from my desk onto plastic cpu chair pad, from tables onto tile floor, off tables at restaurants and have yet to have issues (not that I recommend this type of abuse to anyone!).
I have had my first spinner I printed in 20% as an EDC since January and it’s still just as beautiful as the day I made it. Though I’ve replaced the finger pads as my moods change
I print everything in PLA as it’s easier and more consistant.
Injection Molding is most often ABS (From what I’ve read), which is stronger and a little more flexible than PLA. This means it can handle the shock of being dropped better than PLA.
@Bogie I do love getting my geek on…
We found when going low on infill that sometimes you could see the pattern, especially on lighter colors or glow in the dark filament, might try changing the pattern if we can, we use CURA. We use PLA or PETG…we have ABS but haven’t tried it yet.
@tightwad Honestly I like being able to see the infill patterns. But, I know not everyone is like me. For the glow, I just increased the bottom layer to 5, and top layer to 5 (instead of 3). I use 2 shells (outer layers, 0.8 I think is the Cura setting).
I have some PETG floating around, but honestly I’ve been buying Inland PLA ($14/1kg). It’s cheap, but I have it dialed in and get good results.
@Bogie I will have to re-check our top/bottom layer settings. We use the same 2 shells settings.
The PETG was to make cookie cutters and a trumpet mouthpiece…we mostly use Inland PLA as well because it’s easy to get and works. I like the Hatchbox also but pricier and not available locally.
@tightwad Hatchbox is like butter. Love the stuff. A year ago it was very easy to come by on Amazon. Now, if you see it available, buy it right then otherwise you might not get it. They started selling it through Walmart online (A little easier to get), but I hesitate supporting Walmart…
I got my Bogie spinners.
I wuv my Bogie spinners.

I went into Think Geek today, and on the door it said “We do not have any fidget spinners they will be back in stock later in May”.
I went directly to the checkout desk and asked if they had any fidget spinners… at least I was amused.
@Bogie Unrelated to the topic, may I ask what printer you’re using? I can’t help to notice the results you’re producing in the pictured items is exceptional. I have a FlashForge Creator Pro (high-end MakerBot clone) and even running Sailfish I can’t seem to dial in the kind of precision it appears you’re producing. Curious what your configuration is.
@ruouttaurmind hello fellow 3D printer owner!!! I started with a monoprice maker select v2.0. After learning how they work, I printed the parts and built my own printer from scratch. I built a D-bot. The schematics are on thingiverse. I use Simplify3d and spent way to much time tuning both printers.
@Bogie I’m pretty impressed, particularly considering it’s homebrew. Well done.
There are so many variables. Everything from hardware, firmware, slicer, even variations in filament from color to color. You’ve definitely done your homework fine tuning!
@ruouttaurmind You also have to take into consideration the print environment. If you have a lot of mixed air temperatures (Heat running during the winter, A/C running during the summer, to even just walking past and creating that breeze) can effect the print as well.
I owe a lot of the information I gained to the
I’m not super familiar with the Creator Pro, but print out a benchy (, take pictures from every angle and send them to me. I’ll see if I can help. (If you’re interested)
@Bogie The Creator Pro is housed in an enclosure with a heated print bed, so theoretically environmental variables are minimal. I’m pretty sure my challenges are related to slicer settings, firmware settings, and impatience.
I appreciate your offer. I’ll dust off the FFCP and take you up on it!
@ruouttaurmind Slicer settings I’ve got down pretty good. Now, depending on the slicer you use, I might be able to tell you what settings to tweek, though I might not be able to tell you where in the slicer software to make the changes. I haven’t used Cura in a long long time. Simplify3d is so nice.
I have never been part of the forefront of a trend before…it was amazing to watch as it started with my son making his own and taking it to a church party. Kids immediately wanted one and he sold the one he made for $10. He re-invested his $10 and made some more. By Christmas he had over 100 sold, in 12 different colors, and was barely able to keep up…all from a 3D printer he got in October for his birthday. We designed our own center caps to make dropping them less likely and he designed his own spinners when he couldn’t find a design he liked.
Now that China is making them for $2 it’s harder to explain, like @Bogie has to, that there is a difference in the quality. Sales have dropped off as expected and he has mostly moved on because…squirrel
I saw one of these in the wild recently. It was pretty distracting because the guy was holding it up around his head when I was trying to talk to him.

@medz yep. Pretty much. Haha
Bought 10 from wish at like 1.85 each they’re for my son’s birthday party I figured they’re going to go to kids so they might as well not get the expensive ones
ok fine. @Bogie - how do you prefer I order these from you? through Etsy? or should i just hurl rolls of pennies at you directly?
@carl669 shoot me an email (bogie21 at gmail dot com) and I’ll go through the process with you. You make me feel like I’m guilting you into something
@Bogie done!
@carl669 AHHHH, run away!!! Oh, wait, you went with the e-mail option over hurling pennies! My cube-mate thanks you.
Click me cause I can’t be embeded.
@thismyusername This is ransomware, right? You can’t catch me that easily.
@sammydog01 naw but you do bring up a good point… I found the youtube source which will embed
@thismyusername hmm cat toy
edit - just saw the gif down lower. LOL
Got my spinner from Bogie. It looks nice, smooth spin and it’s quiet. Nice job, Bogie.
@medz I just got a glow in the dark spinner at Five Below for $5, half the price of Woot and no shipping. Alas, the were sold out of the flashy ones.
First time I’m hearing about them.
Turns out they have a location 6 miles from my house.
very large gif version link
@thismyusername I could watch this for hours.
These are the fidget spinners Meh will have soon. Combination fidget spinner, LED light, and Bluetooth speaker. It’s just begging to be sold here.
Here, to save clicks:
Got a couple of these on eBay. I guess I caught the seller in what appeared to be a pricing error? $5.99 each, plus buy 1, get 1 at 50% off. $9 for 2 with free shipping (currently priced at $10 each). There were even little zippered cases included.
They are nothing less than an amazing piece of precision machinery. Nearly 90 seconds of spin time with a flick of the middle finger, over 3 minutes when placed on my desk and spun with a firm push of the index finger. So smooth and quiet it’s incredible. Very heavy though. If it gets away from me while spinning it spells disaster for a finger or toe.
@ruouttaurmind Pretty!
@sammydog01 Dunno about all that, but the light green rings glow in the dark.
I finally got my $2 China spinner yesterday. I was going to pit it against Bogie’s to see which won was better in various categories (spin time, spin quality: smooth/sound, weight, build, price, etc…), but it’s really no contest. The China spinner only won the price category. I can only get like 10-15 second spins with this piece.
@medz I was at the 99 Cent Only store today and they’ve got spinners hanging at every checkout line. For a buck I figured I’d grab one. Wouldn’t you know it? It spins really, really well. Nearly as smooth as the brass one I mention above.
Let your google-fu loose on images. The types and shapes are almost amazing
@Bogie how can we compete with a Bluetooth speaker light up spinner?
@tightwad Oh man. I don’t know! I thought about looking into seeing if I could make some in pewter, but it sounds like I’d just burn myself.
The biggest thing we have going for us is the center bearing. I tried out the Dark Wolf bearings. They spin extremely well, but they’re loud. I went back to my Yellow Jacket bearings. Smooth, quiet, reliable, just almost $2 each.
If they don’t care about quality (It is Meh after all
) I don’t think there’s any way we can compete.
(I wonder how the spin effects the sound, if at all)
@Bogie Have you measured the RPMs of your spinners? I saw this article: on a person who measured the speed of some of them, and learned there’s a lot of videos of ultra-fast spinners. Maybe a market you want to expand into?
Not that anyone probably cares anymore, but I cut my Spinner prices down a ton today. Dumping my inventory to try to recoup some of my material cost and getting outta the game.
@Bogie How much are they? It pops up in Swedish kroner and I don’t want to do math.
@sammydog01 Where is you IP? Their page must be making assumptions on Conversion based off location. $5.50 for the normal plastic ones. $6.00 for the premium plastic ones. I give a break down of my costs and such in the description to explain where the cost comes from.
@Bogie If you have a bunch made already, take 'em to some sort of local crafts sale and make kids pay like $6 for them.
@medz The market in my area is just so totally flooded that I couldn’t sell them for $6.
Health/Supplement store? yup
Clothing Store? Why Not!
Candy Store? Check
Furniture Store? What else are they going to do while sitting on their new couch!
Trying not to take too much of a loss while getting some money back for supplies. I have a little over 1,000 608zz, 25 good Yellow Jacket bearings (Center ones) and probably 50-60 frames printed out in various colors along with a box full of finger pads. In other words, I can fully assemble 25, then probably trash/recycle the rest.
@Bogie It’s probably because I’m in Sweden. I’ll order one when I get home if you still have any.
@Bogie I love my new spinner! Thanks for the extra bits! It’s nothing like the crappy LED ones. I may order another one if you still have them in stock.
@sammydog01 I glad you like it. Two more are packed up and will get dropped off when I leave work today. You caught me at a good time because I leave for Mexico tomorrow through Sunday
@Bogie - I’m interested. Sent you a message in Etsy.
@KDemo No, he’s my spinner dealer. Get your own.
@sammydog01 - But my dealer doesn’t sell spinners!
(Unless you count stuff that makes my head spin).
@KDemo Don’t mess with my @bogie, bitch.

/giphy catfight
@sammydog01 - Pretty sure Bogie the Renaissance Man will stand up for me.
@sammydog01 - Do you need a fidget spinner or two to reign in your fidgetity?
@KDemo I love that photo. We went to the Renaissance Fair last weekend. A lot of people dressed up. It was pirate weekend, so of course someone wore this:

I couldn’t find the exact costume (gray with wings) which makes me think it was hand crafted for the guy (gal?) who was wearing it in the 85 degree heat.
@sammydog01 - Renaissance punk rainbow Pegasus?
Okaaaay . . .
@sammydog01 Renaibow Dash?