Shirt.Woot Derby Thread 2024 (part 3)
11@narfcake suggested a new thread, so here goes… my first time ever starting a thread I think!
Doodle derby - I had sooo many ideas and started so many designs… still debating if I should enter a 4th design, but here are the three I entered so far. Thanks so much for any votes!
- 56 comments, 139 replies
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Nice! Voted. I especially like the top one!
I need that top one to go with my candy molecule
@Kyeh @Kidsandliz @DLPanther - thanks all!!
Ghost one is my fav, voted.
(Oops! Accidentally posted in the old thread earlier. ) Halloween Derby!!
I entered 2 earlier and just entered a 3rd that took longer to finish - please vote, thanks!

@jasneko I LOVE the haunted houses!
I sure hope they print that one. Although I’m bummed that the colors never show up as bright as in the original designs.
@Kyeh Thanks! I spent a lot of time on that, hoping it gains in traction!!
Which designs haven’t been showing up as bright? I did notice it in one print recently myself… I’ll try to add some more saturation to combat that…
@jasneko Not just yours but some others I’ve gotten. It seems like Woot doesn’t use a very heavy layer of ink or something. I’ll try to find one that disappointed me and post a picture.
@jasneko @Kyeh The haunted house one if my favorite. I’ll keep an eye out for a sale- I already bought one of the $8 shirts.
@jasneko voted. I see that middle one (black cat) has the most votes right now.
Thanks all!
@Kyeh Glad it wasn’t one of mine! But with one of mine recently I did feel like it wasn’t as bright, boo.
@Kidsandliz Yup, seems the meowclipse one is doing the best so far. @sammydog01 The haunted house one took the most work by far, but I also submitted it late in the night so guess it missed the earlier votes. Share it with others if you can!
@jasneko @Kyeh @sammydog01 how do you find the $8 sale
@honeybeehives @jasneko @sammydog01 That sale is over; I don’t think they have a shirt sale today, but maybe soon?

I’m loving this entire DOODLE series, GREAT JOB!
@ACraigL Bottle of Boos is pretty great too!
@Kyeh I like it too. Such a dad joke.
@Kyeh @sammydog01 I LOVE MY PUNS
@ACraigL @sammydog01
They’re great!
Reposting here because forums are hard
Imagine the Reaper-Cushions
Bottle of Boos]1
Ugh, I’m having a morning…

@ACraigL Voted.
@Kidsandliz Yay! Thank you
FYI - $10 shirt sale today in case there was any in the past you missed (or a $19 tee), good time to get em!

Discount shows at final checkout.
My full catalog:
Games derby! I’ve entered 3, thanks for any votes

@jasneko Voted!
What a refreshing lack of Snoopy designs in the mix for once. (I love Snoopy but I’m so tired of seeing him used for an lazy easy vote.)
@Kyeh Thanks!
Yup, I understand… there have been so many lately. too.
@jasneko The “Life (is hard)” design, after being way down low, has been steadily climbing up - passing my other 2 designs, still in the hotness and only 11 votes away from the fog
No idea how this happened (I personally would prefer to wear the cats ones of course
), but if you haven’t voted yet, please do vote! 
70% off coupon if you’re fast
I bought Hallowdoodle.
@sammydog01 Missed it! But glad you caught it - was it on the front page?

PS. Yay Hallodoodle!
@jasneko @sammydog01 It’s on the Wootbusters page.
@jasneko @narfcake @sammydog01 @acraigl Thanks for that! I used it to get this for my sister’s housemate - she saw me wearing one and LOVED it; I’ve been meaning to get it for her.
THIS is where presents come from - $19.00 - Free shipping
@ACraigL @jasneko @Kyeh @narfcake Nice choice!
@ACraigL @jasneko @narfcake @sammydog01
@jasneko @Kyeh @narfcake @sammydog01 That’s a classic, lol
For those who missed yesterday’s coupon, the current offer is BOGO.
Tip: To maximize the discounts, separate the orders by price. In the past, I’d place an order for current designs ($15), one for catalog designs ($19), and one for long sleeves ($20). This way, buying a higher priced shirt means a second higher priced shirt is free as opposed to a $15 shirt if one were to order everything in one go.
@narfcake Wow! Thanks!
@narfcake Nice!
@jasneko @narfcake I debated putting two $15 shirts in my cart in case they had a $10 coupon notification today. But I have so many shirts. So I got an electric kettle instead.
@jasneko @sammydog01 I tried for the kettle too – but alas, the coupon was used up by the time I got to checkout.
As for shirts, I kind of stocked up using yesterday’s coupon. Under $6 each, they are even cheaper than what some of the thrift stores around here charge.
@jasneko @narfcake @sammydog01 Every time I browse Woot I end up totally aggravated by how hard it is to negotiate that app.
@jasneko @Kyeh @sammydog01 99% of the time, I’m on a browser tab, not the app. The only time I’ll use the app is for an appclusive deal or something.
@jasneko @narfcake @sammydog01 It always shunts me into the app. I should get rid of it.
Yay - @jasneko’s haunted houses and @ACraigL’s reaper cushions are for sale!
Paging @sammydog01
@Kyeh hey, wait, did you mean to say cushions? Are cushions back? I can’t find them if so:)
@jasneko @Kyeh The shirt says reaper cushions on it, not that they are cushions.
@jasneko The one he just had in the Halloween contest:

Forgot to post earlier, and also just submitted the 3rd one today (ack so late), but if you’d like to vote - “Not Politics” derby:
@jasneko voted
@jasneko @Kidsandliz Me too
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh Thank you!
One of my designs from the books derby is newly printed in a 5 for $29 sale - sale ends today for anyone interested!
@jasneko Oh! I didn’t catch that when I browsed through, quickly - that’s a good one!
“Chilly” derby. Here’s what I entered so far, thanks for any votes!

@jasneko Voted. The llama is so cute. I’m having a little trouble relating to it though as we head into another week of the 80s here!
@Kyeh Thanks, that’s my favorite too!
Wow 80s - which area are you located?
@jasneko Colorado! Ridiculous for October.
@Kyeh Whoa!! Eep.

@jasneko @Kyeh The llama is my favorite too. But they’re all great.
Submitted a really late one, if you’d like to vote - thanks!

@jasneko Voted. Shouldn’t that be Purrito?
@Kyeh Haha I went back and forth if I should call it that, but then I liked the Cozy Cat similar sounded better, and then saying Cozy Cat Purrito somehow sounded strange
@narfcake, I have a question about a shirt currently being sold on Woot - what does it mean? Why are there little cats inside him?
@Kyeh I have no explanation, though Google says this:

@narfcake Hah - it’s even weirder now. Thanks …
It’s kind of impressive that Google translated all of it!
Here’s a new one for the friends and family derby this week. Thanks for checking it out!!

One Mental Breakdown Later…
@ACraigL Voted, Want.
@ACraigL Love it.
@werehatrack @sammydog01 thanks!!!
Hello all, forgot to post last night - here’s mine if you’d like to vote
Thank you!
@jasneko Entered one more late one:

@jasneko Sorry I missed the post on these, they’re great. Especially the rsvp one.
@sammydog01 No worries, they were in the middle of the group anyway. Heh thanks, the RSVP one was a last minute addition.
Got some new stuff for the “Foodies” derby. Hope these get a smile out of some folks
Double Stuffed with Disappointment
Breakfast for Dinner
@ACraigL The toucan is amusing but anatomically absurd.
@werehatrack What? just because his head is on backwards? I figured we weren’t really dealing with realism in the first place
Foodies Derby! Entered 3 so far, thanks for any votes!

@jasneko It looks like your favorite meal is breakfast!
@Kyeh haha I do think it’s a good one, and one I shouldn’t forget
Wow, first place!! Thanks for voting
@ACraigL Congratulations
In case anyone wants to take advantage - $19 Shirts are $8! until Oct 25!! Pretty good sale
Sale details here Discount applies at checkout.
My catalog
@jasneko Yay! Thanks for the heads-up.
Finished one more super-late entry - was a fun one to design, please give it a vote
@jasneko That’s my favorite! I hope it gets printed as an editor’s choice.
@Kyeh Thank you! It took a while but was really fun, happy with how it turned out! It’s still in the hotness right now, hoping it gets some more votes and gets up higher
Ugly sweater designs! One of my favorite of the year. Please vote for this, I had a blast making it.
Welcome to the Naughty List
@ACraigL Ohhh, that’s hilarious. Next year’s present for my sister’s housemate, I’m thinking!
(This year she’s getting the present-pooping Christmas tree.)
@ACraigL @Kyeh I sense a new classic in the making.
@Kyeh @sammydog01 That would be wonderful. I keep trying to ruin holidays one shirt at a time.
“Sci Fi” derby, please vote! (and vote tomorrow too!)

Have one more unfinished, will see if I can finish and enter it late…
@jasneko Finished up the last one, thanks in advance for any votes!

@jasneko I really like the colors on this one.
@sammydog01 Thank you!! When I tried that blue-green color, I was like
Congrats on the daily, @acraigl!
@narfcake Thanks Narf!
@ACraigL @narfcake I would love to hear how sales go.
@narfcake @sammydog01 I would say better than typical sales this time of year? Close to 100 sold so far and west coast is just getting started. Anything over 200 is considered a good day now, so I should achieve that pretty handily.
Sorry so late but for 4 more hours - there is a $5.99 sale
I have one in there:
All $5.99 shirts here
Also please look above to check out my latest design entries in this week’s sci-fi contest and and vote in the sci-fi if you like
@jasneko I would have missed this, thanks. Sorry you didn’t have any cat shirts in there but I did pick up @ACraigL’s lovely child crafted thanksgiving shirt and his cute penguin one with something about ice holes.
@ACraigL @jasneko @sammydog01 Likewise, I didn’t even realize there was a sale! Do I need more shirts? Of course not! Did I buy some more anyway?
Without a doubt
@sammydog01 I always seem to forget to mention the random sales but I will make a mental note to do that. You’re not the only one that got a turkey this year… sold well and continues to be perennial favorite.
“Wishlist” Derby! I’ve entered 4, thanks in advance for voting
@jasneko Voted! Of course I especially love the cat ones.
@Kyeh Thank you!

@jasneko @Kyeh Btw if you (or anyone else) is interested to see, I posted a video of the process of making “All the Cats (top design)”:
One new shirt for the “cozy” derby. Yay, books!

On my way to buy more books
@ACraigL That’s an adorable cat shirt!
Top 20 shirts are $8 today and that includes @ACraigL’s Santa pooping down the chimney. It might be prime only, woot is terrible at advertising shirt sales. ( It was $8 in my cart but I couldn’t bring myself to actually buy it.)
@sammydog01 I’m not even aware of that sale, thanks.
@ACraigL @sammydog01 Not Prime specific; it’s actually open to everyone.
@ACraigL @narfcake Maybe that’s where I saw it, it’s not in an email that I could find or on the shirt page. I don’t understand their marketing.
@ACraigL @narfcake @sammydog01 I agree, they make it so difficult to find these sales.
@ACraigL @Kyeh @sammydog01 The banner shows up on desktop (or desktop mode), but not on mobile.
@ACraigL @Kyeh @narfcake
Woot: please, please, please use our app*
*banners not included
Cozy derby
I have 4, please vote!

@jasneko You’ve been prolific! I wish I had your time/commitment every week.
@ACraigL @jasneko I love the fluffy sheep.
@ACraigL Ha --some themes like this one are extra inspiring and designs come quickly
(Though only 2 this time were made specifically for this derby as I already had designs that worked). And other themes are not as inspiring - I entered 0 for the recent ugly sweater derby!
@sammydog01 aww thanks, me too haha
I want to be one of those cats in all that fluff! I’m a fan of being cozy 
@jasneko voted.
@jasneko Gotcha, and thank you.

/giphy hi

/giphy hi stranger!
For anyone interested, “Galaxy Glasses” and “Galaxy Cats” from the sci-fi derby are now in print (Also on long sleeves and hoodies for a limited time)
@jasneko Very cool!
Artist Choice derby! Please vote

If the one with the bears gets printed, I might have to get it for my vegan sister!
@jasneko @Kyeh The original ‘Odd Bear Out’ is here:
I’m thinking that was released back in early 2011?
@jasneko @narfcake I like the new one better!
@Kyeh @narfcake I don’t remember the year (2011 sounds about right?), but that is my #1 selling shirt of all time! Also the one that has been sighted in the wild the most (for me and also some friends told me), which is so fun when it happens
Current promo for selected designs is 3 for $18:
Offer good from 11/26/2024 to 11/28/2024.
@narfcake Well, THAT’S tricky:
I did see one each from @jasneko and @ACraigL in that offer.
@Kyeh Someone probably forgot to change that verbiage when posting it. Folks have been poked, and it should be changed shortly.
@narfcake So you don’t have to have 5 to get the discount on 3? That’s how I read it, but I hope you’re right! I had 3 cat shirts in my cart.
@Kyeh I have 5 in my cart right meow, but I won’t be checking out just as of yet. Yesterday’s pointless push had a coupon, so if one came later today, that’s some more money off.
@Kyeh Actually the top 2 are mine!
@narfcake Thanks for posting!
@jasneko @narfcake Oh, cool!
Nice that they’re on top now too - last night they weren’t. Does that mean they’re selling the most?!
@narfcake They DID fix it - thanks!
@Kyeh @narfcake Oh really, they weren’t on top yesterday? I didn’t think the positions changed in these sales
Maybe Narf knows?
@jasneko @Kyeh Positions definitely changed since last night. Whether it’s based on sales or click-through rates, I do not know.
@Kyeh @narfcake Oh that’s interesting… have you noticed positions changing in other sales? I’ve never noticed positions changing ever, so this is new to me!
@Kyeh @narfcake I checked and they are selling incredibly well (especially festive feline) though I dare not think the most! But wow, so surprising.
@jasneko @Kyeh TBH, I don’t know because I usually only look in the events once to figure if there are any designs I may want.
(I did pick up Festive Feline remix, to go along with the original copy on red.)
@jasneko… is this your design?
@ACraigL hey, sorry I missed this message… it’s not. It does look familiar though, like I saw something similar in a derby once.
90s derby… throwing out my designs in case you’d like to vote

For those interested, some new designs in print
Skipped the last few, but I’m back for the “K” derby. Thanks for looking!
Kitty Glitter
Karma for the Win
@ACraigL voted
@Kidsandliz Thank you!
3 designs so far in this week’s contest, will see if I finish a 4th. Thanks to all who are voting!

@jasneko Voted. Like the top cat one the best. Hope it gets printed. Let me know if is does.
@Kidsandliz Thanks, I really like that one too.
Will try to remember to let you know if it prints!
@jasneko @Kidsandliz I like that one too!
@jasneko @ACraigL How does that “Hello Cookie” one qualify for this category?!? (They didn’t even spell it Kookie.)
@jasneko @Kyeh It’s based on Hello Kitty, so I’ll allow it.
@ACraigL @jasneko Huh. It’s not obvious; I didn’t even think of that. I think it’s lame!
Voted x 3
@heartny Thank you!
For anyone interested - there is pretty good sale - 4 shirts for $28 - ends on December 14 at 12AM CT.

I have 2 designs in it
@jasneko Ooo - thanks for letting us know!
Here’s two for the LOL derby. They’re funny, right? RIGHT?
Drink About It
The People in my Neighborhood
@ACraigL Hilarious!
Nice looking graphics too.
@ACraigL @Kyeh RIGHT!
@Kyeh @sammydog01 Thanks folks!
@ACraigL Both are both funny and well- crafted, I wish I had some talent at something…
I do have a particular set of skills learned over a long career of doing lots of different things [mostly in various settings as a PA]…

/giphy Liam Neeson Taken
@ACraigL @PhysAssist
Finding and killing?
@ACraigL @Kyeh
FYI- that’s Liam Neeson acting in a movie.
It’s not me.
It’s not even close to me.
I work hard to improve lives, and [more rarely,] I have saved lives.
@ACraigL Mister Rogers one - ha!
@ACraigL @PhysAssist Well, I figured as much, but … interesting giphy to put up!
@ACraigL @Kyeh
All the others that came up were from other movies- mostly “The Marksman”. That was the only one which was him and was recognizably from Taken.
@ACraigL @PhysAssist I’ve never seen that movie.
@ACraigL @Kyeh
Me neither, but the clips had logos saying it.
Here are mine this derby, if you’d like to vote!
@jasneko I’d already seen them, and voted…
@Kyeh Thank you!
Trying to keep up and post new designs in print!
Edit: Oh and one of my recent favorites!
Got one in for the artist choice derby. Happy holidays everyone!
Cats Welcomed, People Tolerated
Entered 4 in the artist’s choice derby - thanks as always for your support!

@jasneko I get an error message on the first shirt (I tracked it down and voted).
@sammydog01 Oops! Thanks for letting me know, no idea wow. I can’t edit it now, but here is the link for anyone:
{VMod edit: link is fixed.}
Voted for all
3rd Place! Thanks to everyone that voted!!
I liked that one.
I have three designs in the “new year, new me” derby that just opened. Check 'em out and I hope everyone has a happy, happy new year!
All I Want Is Everything
Taco Toolbelt
I Love My Attitude Problem
I’ve got 3 so far this derby, thanks in advance for voting and hope you all have been having a peaceful and restful holiday season

@jasneko Thanks all who have voted so far! Just submitted one more - late! :
Voted for all
I guess you need a new thread with the start of the new year? But I came to post this!
@Kyeh Yeah, definitely, but I forgot. Next week!
It’s a best of the best derby! Remixes of our best designs. Here’s the 4 I picked, please do vote if have moment. Thanks everyone and happy new year!!!
I Need My Glasses Remix
Alderaan Nerf Herders Remix
Academy Flight School Remix
American Star Remix
@ACraigL These are terrific! But we seem to have dueling shirt threads going on right now …