@Shawn, can I make a request?
3My dear friend @Shawn, I have a favor to ask of you. Is there anyway we can have the option to permalink to a particular comment within a thread? It is something that I really love at other sites, and can see myself using it here.
If you grant this request, I @ConAndLibrarian promise to do the following:
I will post a GIF in a thread in the next 7 days.
I will hit the Meh button
I will consider purchasing something here at meh.com or morningsave.com
I will be your bestest friend
- 7 comments, 86 replies
- Comment
You already have this ability. Right-click the timestamp and the link shall be yours.
this post’s permalink is: https://meh.com/forum/topics/shawn-can-i-make-a-request#58e50e7f890f970bb0013d97
@snapster I had no idea! This shows how little I know about things. Thanks for showing me this!!
Does this count as his request being granted and therefore becoming subject to the stipulations he laid out?
@snapster You know, as long as I have your attention…
Why isn’t there a link to Morningsave.com at the top of the page, anywhere? Is it there, and I just don’t see it? I’ve been vaguely curious about the changes that were made, and wanted to go look (even though I loathe the idea of popups, and of noisy videos). I actually am a compulsive shopper, of sorts, but you aren’t making it easy.
BTW, I watched that video of a bazillion annoying women telling me I should go to morningsave dot com, and realized that they’re all on shows I never, ever watch. The only morning shows I have on are “The Price is Right” (because it reminds me of watching it with my daddy, in long ago times), and I only watch that while I’m eating breakfast (my days start late).
There’s more, but that’s a start.
If he knew that this was already possible, he
probablywouldn’t have done such things.As such, since the premise was a mistaken one, I would say that the promises don’t count.
@Shrdlu I agree and brought the same thing up earlier this week. I think we agreed on how it will be implemented but I’d better confirm and see about timing.
@MrMark I THINK I can fulfill all of the promises made, with the exception of being @Shawn’s bestest friend. He has to be willing to accept my undying devotion and allegiance.
@snapster I admit that part of my comment was just so that I could have an easy link to click to go look at it. Here’s my first, heartfelt comment:
Are you sure you’re trying to make me buy something, or are you just trying to make me frustrated? When I move the mouse over an item, the item changes to something else! Bleagh. Not very nice. I expect, when I put the mouse on top of an item, that it will have more information about the item. Look how the “Extra’s Pop-Up Shop” works; when I mouse over the bag, it tells me Carlos Santana Bucket Tour Bag for $29 (which honestly makes me want to click on it to see more). The whole thing has the arrow that lets me see the rest of the items.
Why, oh why, are the other things not like that?
Second comment: You should watch the grammar. For example:
“They are available in a variety of colors that are easy to pair with everything and is made with durable, high-quality vegan leather.”
I wish there were more photos. I’m NOT going to click on the video. It’s too early, and I haven’t had enough coffee (and I cut everything else I said, because it was VERY unkind).
@Shrdlu that’s interesting. I think I agree there but had never noticed they shift again right when you hover. The desired action is someone should click into the event and not try to shop from the home page.
In fact an associated problem is that we’ve already had to deprecate a feature on the top event where clicking an item now doesn’t actually take you into that item but instead into the event page. This was us bowing to the the need to funnel folks to an “event” selection that increases recognition of other items in the event they’d seen on TV.
If we enhance the hover-function of the lower events, we spread that UI disappointment down there too. One would expect to click items and go to item details and yet we’re stuck not offering that by design.
@snapster Okay, I’m a bit confused. I like the first one, where I can see what they have. $29 is a steal for that bag… I do NOT like having what I hovered over change into something else. It doesn’t make me want to go to the page, and that, after all, is the point. Please note, I’m trying to be helpful here. I love shopping. I’m good at it.
Back to the issue. Are you saying that you’ll fix the item changing in the other boxes? I can’t always tell, from the picture, what something is, and if you take it away, instead of telling me, it’s just mean. BTW, I’ve also learned to be VERY careful about not letting the mouse come anywhere near those idiot videos (because there’s no sound as long as I stay away from them). I just hate people yelling at me, and those women are all the yelling type.
I really prefer the top box, with the arrows, where I can see all the stuff. :-{
If I buy something, is it just through Morningsave, where I get to limit the exposure of my personal information and financial details to just one place, or is it to anyone that I buy from? This is a serious question, since I see things I might want. I would also like to know whether I can buy multiple things from the different boxes (there’s one that ends in EIGHTEEN HOURS, so I really need to know the answers).
Please and thank you.
@Shrdlu Going to use my 2c to agree with you on the skittish image situation. I get that the link is to an ‘event’ and not a product, but the whole thing is still very off-putting.
On the topic of ‘events’, these on MorningSave seem small enough that this hasn’t been an issue yet, but I’ll just point out something for @snapster et al that infuriates me on other ‘event’-based commerce sites, and that is when I’m drawn into the ‘event’ based on the product image in the link, and then that product is buried or was guaranteed to be the item that sold out first, etc. I definitely do not keep shopping when that happens.
My other turn-offs on MorningSave are (of course) the autoplay video, and the box that turns my vertical scrolling into horizontal scrolling. It may seem petty, but there’s a lot of ecommerce out there, and these are UX decisions that make me abandon sites immediately.
Who watches daytime TV?
Who watches TV?
Can you get the Khaleesi or some of the WalkingDead to get MorningSaved?
Prepare for Walking Dead English.
Surely there are more design tweaks to be found out there in the great universe of UX?
@Shrdlu @brhfl If you are using a browser that supports extensions, you can disable autoplay:
For Firefox: Disable HTML5 Autoplay
or Autoplay Toggle
For Chrome: Disable HTML5 Autoplay
This likely won’t work on a phone or a tablet though.
Nothing autoplays on Chrome of FF using either IOS or Android for me? Maybe I found a setting somewhere.
If stuff autoplayed on my phone, I would leave the site and never return. Only dedicated video sites I like get a bye.
@f00l I think on Chrome for Android you can access the Autoplay toggle at Settings>Site Settings>Media>Autoplay.
I use the blockers because there are some sites I visit somewhat regularly that autoplay crap. (ESPN.com I’m looking at you.)
Yeah that setting is prob what I did.
On laptops I do that with extensions.
I am puzzled that any commercial site does autoplay, given how much people hate it.
ESPN prob thinks they can get away with it, cause sports.
@2many2no The account drop-down on ESPN has a Video Settings option where you can turn off auto-play.
If we’re going to request things from @shawn…
There should ought tobe a Mediocre dropdown with the links to labs and morning save and any other stuff mediocre. On all the other sites too.
@cranky1950 Might as well just put everything on one domain then. They’re trying to make it seem like this is still a “deal a day” site. Leaving out the links to all their other content is the only thing keeping the illusion going.
@medz Only if you insist on trying to find a way to look at it from a negative perspective. A dropdown in the forums does not impact the deal sites, it does give lazy forum members the option of not setting bookmarks for everything yet still easily navigating to the other sites. Just put a flask widget up top, no one who doesn’t know be able to tell.
@cranky1950 ask… and granted…
/giphy and so it begins
@mikibell That’s just wonderful!
@cranky1950 i take credit for it…but @shawn and team did all the heavy lifting
I admit to not liking the MorningSave site enough to simply not visit it without a Fuko incentive. It’s been a while, so I forget what last set me off, but MorningSave just doesn’t “act” the way I want a site to act, and I found it to be so annoying in the past that it’s not worth to me to go there unless I hear some sort of interesting news about it.
Video autoplay is fundamentally disgusting to me. I don’t know anyone - not a single person - who doesn’t hate it.
And the third party privacy aspect is a pretty big deal that needs obvious large-type every-time-you-purchase clarification.
Don’t mean to trash the effort. Happy that you all have new stuff going on, hope the biz succeeds with lots of new ideas, hope MorningSave improves.
@f00l not sure how this appeared in a topic about forum permalinks, but sounds like you should just stay here on meh.com where you’re comfortable
/image safe space sign
@f00l Fuck MorningSave, but what do you mean about third party privacy?
@f00l I have actually bought more things from Morningsave from than from here recently. I like it.
And the first jackass whose says “of course you have bought more, they offer more products to choose from”
I will gut you like a fish.
Since the way you phrased that implies you’ll get @f00l:
Of course you have bought more, they offer more products to choose from.
Re third party privacy:
If MorningSave and Checkout and other Mediocre subsidiaries are partnering with other sites, businesses, or merchants, and we make purchases, who sees, and who does not see our billing and account info? I realize that whoever does the shipping has to see info of course.
I would prefer my billing info stay private with Mediocre Labs and its subsidiaries. And I would prefer that the privacy of billing info question is answered in non-fine print every time a buyer completes a transaction.
@shrdlu mentioned this question earlier in the thread, here:
What is the current answer to the privacy of the billing info? Is Mediocre acting like Amazon Payments or something? Or is the billing info passed thru to various partners?
I stay on Meh because I like it. I spend little time at MorningSave because I am not crazy about it. I wouldn’t mind liking it better tho.
I mentioned my thoughts about MorningSave because this topic had already wandered thoroughly in that direction.
As for being comfortable: did not mean to give offense. I realize my “comfort” is not your concern. Apologies for any inappropriate thoughts expressed above.
I understand you are troubled. I really really do.
Just this once, I’ll gut you later. This once.
Feel better?
/giphy gut
Oops. Wrote my reply above before I read the rest of the thread.
My bad.
@f00l no problem - I didn’t mean to imply frustration. I just wanted to be clear on my not caring about the demographic mismatch of many folks here to the daytime tv viewers currently served there. I am in the same boat.
@mfladd Do you need a knife for that?
When it’s time for me to gut @mfladd, I’ll drop by the Mediocre warehouse in the way o the Eastern Shore and pick our something special for him.
If MorningSave is serving its intended demographic happily, then more power to y’all.
I didn’t realize that the daytime TV market’s prefs for site design would be so different than those of people I know.
I still wouldn’t mind liking that site better someday. : )
In the meantime I’ll wander over there once in a while, armed with browser extensions, now that the privacy thing is clear.
PS. It’s possible I might have used a flashlight to buy something or other from you once sometime before dawn under the freeway.
Used to go to First Saturdays way back when. Always loaded w coffee and the leftover intoxicants of the previous evening. Good times.
@f00l the conflict in design choices isn’t the preference of a demographic, it is the conversion of a demographic. Specifically, getting 10,000 people who just watched an event unfold on TV to find and shop that same curated event on our site. This conflicts with how everyone wants a store to look/act when they stroll in to browse. It is a known imperfect compromise that leans towards the function generating 95% of the revenue.
Revenue is good. ; $)
@snapster No worries on the site design. I got used to it, and it has stuff I will actually give you money for (as you have seen). I’m not really in the demographic for the screaming women talk shows, but it doesn’t mean I don’t like approximately the same things. I need new choices, though. I think I already bought all the things I’d need (for certain values of “need”) from the current offerings. Maybe.
I like it. I don’t want you to switch an item if my mouse is hovering, but other than that, I’m content. I have disposable income, and have been known to purchase a vacuum because it was purple. Best decision EVER; I loved my shark so much I bought a new one for the upstairs last year.
BTW, just in case anyone is confused, I have upstairs and downstairs things because the number one cause of many downturns in old farts is broken bones, and I don’t carry anything that will cause me to take a tumble.
Shrdlu loves Morningsave. :-}
Mediocre doubtless loves intact bones in Old Farts.
@shawn and @snapster Okay, once more, with feeling. I’m about to give you $2 per month just in case I get proper answers to the important question I asked. Is my information (financial and otherwise) available only to the shady folks and Mediocre Labs and its various subsidiaries, including Checkout dot Org, or is my purchasing items from, say, “Extra” or “Steals on the Real” (for examples), give them access to my email and my financial information?
It’s a deal breaker (and potentially a heart-breaker, too). Respondez Vous, sil vous plais.
Also, couldn’t I just give you the money for a year, instead of once a month? Once a month is so annoying.
@Shrdlu @snapster @shawn
I was under the impression that any purchase made on MorningSave stays with MorningSave (and/or Checkout.org, and A Mediocre Company).
@PlacidPenguin But this isn’t on Morningsave in quite the same way, and I want to see it said, by @shawn or by @snapster.
ETA: Besides, there are hats, and I love hats.
/giphy tin foil hat
/youtube weird al foil
@Shrdlu I feel like I’m missing a nuance of this question or an ambiguous statement that was made by us. Like maybe this even has something to do with what @f00l was saying about a disclaimer being needed?
No personal information is shared with a publisher or promoter of any Mediocre site, including MorningSave or future Checkout.org sites. Publisher/Promoters are only aware of aggregate amounts of revenue over varying lengths of time or a single event grouping. Shipping companies, credit card companies and possibly other direct-need-to-know service providers might see some data in the flow of a transaction but nothing beyond what convention would dictate necessary. Primarily that’s FedEx and Stripe. Google analytics sees various web data and their ad servers collect all the usual garbage.
@snapster So, can I just give you sixty bucks, and be good for a year? I just gave you your two dollars (and am now going shopping), but I would find it more pleasant to be billed once a year instead.
I love shopping. :-}
@Shrdlu You can give me $60 and morningsave can bill me your $2 a month for a year. Might wanna double check your math. I think its time for that afternoon cup of coffee.
@Raider Yeah, oops. I was still back on the idea of $5 per month, instead of $2. Thanks for the suggestion of coffee. I think it was all the excitement of buying something I hadn’t seen before that cleared my brain.
I’d still be happy to pay once a year, but I suppose that’d be confusing (not being sarcastic, being understanding about managing recurring charges).
Just provide me with your bank account number, and I’ll see to the $60 for you. I swear it’ll stay a secret; just you, and me, and anyone else reading the thread.
Words instead of numbers to track orders is good, btw.
@Shrdlu Sure thing! Checking or Savings account? I have also heard that sometimes wire transfers require SSN’s, will you require that as well? This is like Christmas in April! The last time I was this excited is when that Prince asked me to help him out by holding his funds, and that worked out perfectly! I anxiously await your reply!!!
@RiotDemon Awesome vid! Gotta love Al.
@Raider I am happy to just use the Savings account, on the expectation that there is more money there than the checking account. Social security number is fine, too. Don’t make me look up the routing number, please; tell me the name of the bank.
@Shrdlu hats were $3 on 4/1…mine are already on their way!!
minus vmp 10% discount … 2.70!
@mikibell Mine too, with a shipping weight of two pounds for one. That’s a lot of sun hat.
@Shrdlu It’s been a return to the life of a poor student for me, pretty sure I owe the bank money for keeping my name on an account! The seemingly random things one does when they rabbit holes a bit too deep into a “what if I took that other path” and finds themself in a grad school classroom less then 24 hours later.
@Raider Okay, I leave your money in the bank, then. For now.
Grad student in what, if you don’t mind saying?
@Raider Just don’t forget you will have to be saying to yourself on occasion (sometimes on many occasions - trust me on this one), "There are good reasons why I started this. The fact that I can’t think of any of them right now is not a good enough to
drop outbuy anything on meh.@Shrdlu Be afraid, be very afraid. I am going to destroy a generation (or 3) and make the world a horrible place! Somehow I backdoored into education. So poor will be where I remain. It was an odd trail of dots that led to here, including a major disappointment when political headline grabbing killed a business acquisition that may have been a perfect fit for me. Somehow reflecting on what elements I unexpectedly was disappointed would not occur then led to this. A very odd path, but its a path I am enjoying…and you know I’m odd so it fits!
@Kidsandliz thanks for the kind words! Thru my required observation in classrooms somehow I get reminded, in a good way, each time I’m in there why I decided to go into it. No, I am not naive and expect that my presence will somehow change the world for the better, but I am able to find joy in the small things that happen. Like this week when a special needs student who, unknown to me at the time, has interaction issues happened to be sitting near me during my lunch break. The student shook my hand in thanks after I shared a bit of my lunch with them. I was unaware of the significance until their teacher sought me out later in the day and couldn’t wait to tell me how significant it actually was and I was able to see the look on their face and hear some backstory. Not a world changing event and one I really had nothing to do with, but seeing the satisfied look on the teachers face will stick with me. I look forward to these little things that go unnoticed, yet somehow matter. Education Grad degrees are, I believe, the most common grad degree so no parade expected…just need to put in some time and do the classwork to get it completed.
@Raider Thank you! This is an unexpected gift, and it fills me with joy.
I hope that when you get the Master’s that you’ll then go off and teach, because there aren’t enough of those who care about the little heads they’re supposedly filling. I have cousins who are now retired, who were teachers, and I love them for it. Live long. Do good.
Sounds like the students of this world might have gotten a WIN when you made this decision.
: )
For some reason, I had never before today realized how good his singing voice is. He could totally handle a Broadway musical role, if he ever wanted to.
With all the Mediocre sites starting with “m”, I have to press (at least) two keys for the URL autocomplete to work. It’s exhausting. Please change all the site names to start with a unique letter.
@walarney or… put it all on one domain with navigation tabs at the top…
@medz @walarney
They could just make another site which has links to the different sites.
@snapster, can you please sell
extra hi-energy “digital” fingers for typing autocomplete url’s, so that @walarney’s energy levels stay topped up?
@walarney This is my favorite first-world problem today.
/giphy first-world problem
@2many2no What is the escape velocity of a taco?
@2many2no First step is finding a taco that will orbit a man. Second step is sell it to me.
@snapster I don’t think you’ve reached the size required to have your own orbit. Need many more tacos.
Someone will sell you that taco, you know.
I thought you might have to cross 360. But no!
411 N. Akard St.
Dallas, Texas — 75201
It seems that unlike Amon Carter, Salsa Limon is willing to do biz in Dallas.
Other locations
Food Truck locations
(you want this)
@Shawn Jumping on the bandwagon…
Is there a way to lock threads after a set number of days with no activity?
@speediedelivery Why?
I agree with @Barney. I’ve always thought the taboo on necroposting was weird in internet forums - if a topic is relevant, it’s relevant, and having redundant topics just for the sake of letting the old one die seems… dumb. But more to the point… I don’t think it’s ever been a problem here? Threads rarely come back, and when they do it’s usually either a product thread which can be important to bring information on a repeat sale to light, or to get warranty stuff sorted out; or it’s a classic thread that’s just fun to see again. On the extremely rare occasion that a thread resurfaces that genuinely isn’t interesting in any way… it drops out of sight pretty quickly.
@brhfl Wow, I said all that? Gee, I’m smarter than I thought.
@Barney I didn’t mean to put words in your mouth, just that I agreed with the sentiment.
@brhfl No, I’m serious, you said it better than I ever could.
@brhfl @Barney I was thinking of the spammers who bring a old post back to the top. The thread about studerc’s upcoming baby was what I was thinking about when I posted. I agree it does not happen often now but maybe more with growth coming in the expansion. Our secret corner of the internet might get found especially with the links to the forums. I really like those links but will it bring fun newbies or riffraff?
@speediedelivery Ahh, I see what you mean. However, the riffraff is already here; I think it’s too late to ban him. I’ve kinda gotten used to @mfladd.
@Barney @mfladd is welcome to stay. I like him, too. He usually makes me smile when I read here.
Yeah, you did. Yeah, perhaps you are.
The spammers jumping on necro threads seems more rare to me than the spammers jumping on current threads. They’d still find us.
And think of this:
If you locked necro threads, I couldn’t have, in Oct 2016, resurrected this thread from July 2015:
in order to promote the greatness of Alec Baldwin’s performance as his new franchise character:
and then been able to come here to this current topic and self-promote my own amazing and terrific and unspeakably great post therein today.
So locking down those older threads would totally cramp my rad stylin’.
/giphy trump baldwin
/giphy "rad style"
@speediedelivery Gee, I hope @mfladd doesn’t read what you said. There will be no living with him.
@f00l Aww…