@sammydog01 not necessarily - between my partner and i we shave just about everything you could think of (though not all the time) and all of it has been done both in and out of the shower.
unless you’re like, shaving only a part of your face, then i assume one does it strictly at the sink so they can see what they were doing.
@rtjhnstn - Hot water. Shaving immediately after a hot shower is recommended for a close shave because the heat and steam opens up the pores and softens the beard. After shaving, cold water should be applied to close the pores, leaving the skin cool.
any shaving i do happens outside the shower - i just find it easier and it doesn’t waste water/all the hot water. i fill a bowl with warm water and put it in the sink (drain stopper is busted right now) to sluice the razor.
but then i take the razor into the shower with me afterwards in case while running hands over my body i find that i’ve missed a spot.
@jst1ofknd thanks - i know you can buy those, but i’m not going to as my landlord needs to simply put the stopper that came with the sink back together, as he is the one that took it apart nbd for me to use a bowl in the meantime.
Option E: Who cares?
So many people are stating never…really? I prefer to shave in the shower when possible.
I prefer to not shave…
Option N: Not absolutely Necessary, but mighty convenient.
YES - always.
What am I going to do, dry off and walk all the way over to the sink to shave my beard? Shit no.
I expect the answer has to do with what part you’re shaving.
@sammydog01 not necessarily - between my partner and i we shave just about everything you could think of (though not all the time) and all of it has been done both in and out of the shower.
unless you’re like, shaving only a part of your face, then i assume one does it strictly at the sink so they can see what they were doing.
@jerk_nugget The days of me shaving my legs in the sink are long, long over.
Why would I shave my face in the shower?
@rtjhnstn - Hot water. Shaving immediately after a hot shower is recommended for a close shave because the heat and steam opens up the pores and softens the beard. After shaving, cold water should be applied to close the pores, leaving the skin cool.
@aetris @rtjhnstn but WRT rtjhnstn’s Q, you can still shave immediately after a hot shower without being in the shower…
@jerk_nugget WRT to your S, there’s more than one way to do anything.
@aetris of course, more than one way to skin a cat and whatnot.
@aetris I agree, shave after the shower.
@jerk_nugget - or to shave a cat:
@aetris perfect i’m glad we had this talk.
I shave hunched over the toilet like a caveman.
This is where @sammydog01 's question of which body part becomes so important.
@aetris @sammydog01 Unless they prefer the all-over “caveman” look
I used to shave in the shower, and kind of prefer to, but I realized how much water I was wasting.
@enville - Get a low-flow showerhead and indulge yourself!
any shaving i do happens outside the shower - i just find it easier and it doesn’t waste water/all the hot water. i fill a bowl with warm water and put it in the sink (drain stopper is busted right now) to sluice the razor.
but then i take the razor into the shower with me afterwards in case while running hands over my body i find that i’ve missed a spot.
/google sink stopper
Amazon.com: Do it Best 431125 Do it Rubber Sink Stopper, 5-Inch …
You can get it before Christmas!
@jst1ofknd thanks - i know you can buy those, but i’m not going to as my landlord needs to simply put the stopper that came with the sink back together, as he is the one that took it apart nbd for me to use a bowl in the meantime.
Might as well shave in the shower. You can’t get out until the cold water timer lets you know you have showered long enough to get clean.