I see those Eveready Silver batteries! Y’all still have any of those left? I’m finally down to the last ones in the massive AA and AAA stashes I bought here on Meh.
EDIT: The photo shows three AAA batteries, but the product description states it requires two. I’m inclined to believe the photo first, unless it’s a photo of the wrong product.
@PooltoyWolf Maybe it’s all true: It uses three, but only two are required. (The third is optional; it just resets the scale to zero when you step off?)
No wonder these didn’t sell and ended up in the “last chance before we put these in IRK’s so our faithful & devoted suckers (um … mehmbers) can dispose of 'em” website!! How the heck are you suppose to see WHITE numbers surrounded by a WHITE pad you stand on?? Not very smart so-called “SHARPER” IMAGE!!
@hchavers Or at least more ubiquitous.
I’ve been watching some old episodes of the Candid Camera TV show from the 1960’s on a streaming channel.
It’s interesting to see the street scenes with so many slim people walking around.
I wonder if this will shatter into a thousand pieces if it gets dropped on the tile floor. Like the last one I had. Man, kids are rough on these things!
I don’t think I need this but the most useful thing I have purchased from Meh has been the Health-o-Meter Diet Tracking Digital Kitchen Scale I got in December 2015.
Tracks weight. Flat out guesses about BMI and body fat, since it lacks the capability to accurately determine (or even estimate) either of those. The algorithm is not a test. The algorithm is an arbitrary calculation from insufficient data, justified by statistics that are an accurate reflection of a given individual’s state only some of the time.
@werehatrack If you tell it your height as part of your user profile it probably can give an accurate BMI, which is the least useful thing in that list of things it claims to measure.
@Boostz69 I think you’ve just bounced off of the reason these scales are getting sold off via Meh. i’m going to guess they’ve languished in a warehouse while the tech that they were supposed to mate with has evolved, and their own linkage to that tech didn’t get updated because they didn’t sell well enough to merit the expense of the updates. Or perhaps they were never expected to still be getting sold new this late in the tech cycle. Either way, stale merch, which has been something of a Tradition here.
Sharper image died a long time ago. A lot of their stuff was crap back then. I wonder who owns the name now and is trying to get a bit more mileage out of it.
Product: Sharper Image Digital LED Bluetooth Body Scale
Model: 10157930001
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$49.99 at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Nov 13 - Wednesday, Nov 15
Weight a minute now! This is a hefty deal!
/showme bathroom scale fat shaming me
@mediocrebot Po be funny? Po no be funny Po be panda. Squadoosh.
@mediocrebot Accurate
I see those Eveready Silver batteries! Y’all still have any of those left? I’m finally down to the last ones in the massive AA and AAA stashes I bought here on Meh.
EDIT: The photo shows three AAA batteries, but the product description states it requires two. I’m inclined to believe the photo first, unless it’s a photo of the wrong product.
@PooltoyWolf Maybe it’s all true: It uses three, but only two are required. (The third is optional; it just resets the scale to zero when you step off?)
No thanks, my 10-year-old Withings wifi scale is still going strong.
What are you saying? I can’t see the numbers on the scale past my gut so I need an app? I’m so hurt I’m going to cry all the way to the fridge.
110.1 pound elephant foot? I don’t need a scale that inaccurate.
No wonder these didn’t sell and ended up in the “last chance before we put these in IRK’s so our faithful & devoted suckers (um … mehmbers) can dispose of 'em” website!! How the heck are you suppose to see WHITE numbers surrounded by a WHITE pad you stand on?? Not very smart so-called “SHARPER” IMAGE!!
/giphy total fail

This is a heavy decision. I need to weigh my options. Don’t force me. Isn’t more body fat beautiful now?

Well there is most certainly MORE OF ME to love these days!
@hchavers Or at least more ubiquitous.
I’ve been watching some old episodes of the Candid Camera TV show from the 1960’s on a streaming channel.
It’s interesting to see the street scenes with so many slim people walking around.
I’ve reached the age where I get confused easily. I’m afraid if I bought this, I’d wind up standing on my phone.
I wonder if this will shatter into a thousand pieces if it gets dropped on the tile floor. Like the last one I had. Man, kids are rough on these things!
@meow57 Mine broke when my cat swatted an anvil off the bathroom counter onto it.
I don’t think I need this but the most useful thing I have purchased from Meh has been the Health-o-Meter Diet Tracking Digital Kitchen Scale I got in December 2015.
/giphy eight years ago

I still have the scale I bought from here ages ago.
Tracks weight. Flat out guesses about BMI and body fat, since it lacks the capability to accurately determine (or even estimate) either of those. The algorithm is not a test. The algorithm is an arbitrary calculation from insufficient data, justified by statistics that are an accurate reflection of a given individual’s state only some of the time.
@werehatrack If you tell it your height as part of your user profile it probably can give an accurate BMI, which is the least useful thing in that list of things it claims to measure.
Is this one where you step on it and the app says ‘Hey, one person at a time please!’
Boycott these devices that use AAA batteries when clearly they could have used AA instead. Booo!
@kus How about CAA batteries? Why not those? Yes, yes, I know, difficult to find down here in Not Canada, but…
App is not made for my android phone Samsung S20 Ultra 5G. Google play store confirms that it is not for my phone. What’s the purpose?
@Boostz69 I think you’ve just bounced off of the reason these scales are getting sold off via Meh. i’m going to guess they’ve languished in a warehouse while the tech that they were supposed to mate with has evolved, and their own linkage to that tech didn’t get updated because they didn’t sell well enough to merit the expense of the updates. Or perhaps they were never expected to still be getting sold new this late in the tech cycle. Either way, stale merch, which has been something of a Tradition here.
@jdude727 It worked! Your order number is: wacky-wondrous-jasmine
/image wacky wondrous jasmine

Sharper image died a long time ago. A lot of their stuff was crap back then. I wonder who owns the name now and is trying to get a bit more mileage out of it.
@radi0j0hn Camelot Venture Group
The SharperImage.com website is active. There are currently no SharperImage.com store locations
Annoying that the app doesn’t work with my current android version, but in the end it still measures my weight.