@RiotDemon If she is happy to do a task I didn’t even know was a thing, I’m not gonna complain. Plus, by all indications, she doesn’t mind if things get a little steamy.
@RiotDemon If you were to refer to picture 9, you will discover the source of her bliss. The vacuum detaches to convert to a magic wand with the brush clitoral stimulator attachment. Genital, I mean gentle suction combined with subtle vibration distributed by the soft bristle is what surely is responsible for her euphoric grin.
Warranty puts me off. Only 90 days, and you have to send entire unit to them and include $20 for return shipping. Sounds like they don’t have much faith in their refurbs to me.
I have this, and I paid full price. I this product. I have 2 dogs and ran a dirt race track for the last couple of years…so I know all about dirty floor.
Time to give away my old vacuum/steamer ( appalling-cantankerous-toad) I am team shark from my expensive shark coffee machine to steamer and a few in-between.
meh uses the shittiest slowest shipping I have ever witnessed in the modern shipping era. (yes I made that up) It will essentially be less than 2 hours from my house for an entire week. A week. Expected to see the expected delivery date move up from Friday as that seemed ridiculous, however, just got a notice it was moved. To Saturday. Da fuq. Again a week. I didn’t know Fedex had such a slow level of service…somehow Meh has brought back 80’s shipping.
@TurtleTamer So, just to follow-up, Meh did get back to me Tuesday last week and told me to go through Shark warranty service. The Shark guy on the phone was straightforward, and after a couple simple tests I had, of course, tried already, he said they’d replace it. No shipping cost for me either way, so that was nice.
Now, the guy at Shark said they’d ship as soon as the tracking said we’d shipped it, but that turned out to not be true. The actually received it last Friday, but did not ship the replacement until yesterday (Tuesday), a week later than when the guy on the phone said they’d ship.
So, customer service has been completely meh, but I guess I should have expected that. Hopefully the replacement (due to get here this Saturday) works, and stays working.
Received mine Thursday and while it appears all parts are present, I can’t for the life of me get the handle to set into the base so I can insert the fastening screw…
Either the stem is longer than it should be or the port is too shallow. Whichever it is, the line on the handle that should be flush with the base (when fully inserted) sticks out a full 1/2 inch. I feel like there should be something obvious to adjust but neither the instructions nor Shark support could help.
Also waiting on Meh.com support to follow up on this since contacting them Thurs, I’d really like to start using the thing I purchased…!
@troy Thanks but that was literally the first step I completed. Pretty sure that’s even in the instructions.
The problem I’m experiencing is once the screw is removed the holes on the stem don’t align with the base and thus I can’t thread the screw as I said above.
Still no email resopnse from meh.com support to address this either.
@iheartbaio I had the same problem. The handle hole was drilled 1/2" off. Call the 1-800 number on the instruction manual. Say you bought online within the last week. They’ll ship you a replacement handle free within 7 days. (or so they say) ((Or redrill the hole yourself))
@iheartbaio Update - just got my replacement handle in the mail today. (To replace the one with the hole drilled incorrectly in Step 1) Shark support came through!
@gsusfreak@iheartbaio Kinda shitty that they have been getting back to people who make forum threads to complain faster than those who don’t (I’m assuming faster at least since @hollboll has verified that person was responded to) but there’s an alternate solution on this thread:
I had the same problem. The handle hole was drilled 1/2" off. Call the 1-800 number on the instruction manual. Say you bought online within the last week. They’ll ship you a replacement handle free within 7 days. (or so they say) ((Or redrill the hole yourself))
Thanks for hanging in there, everyone! We were getting a few details sorted out with our supplier, but we just heard back with a resolution. If you have reached out to us, you should be hearing back today!
I am the Mediocre guy that deals with SharkNinja in acquiring those brands to sell to our customers. My sincere apologies for the problems some of you are having with your steamers. Having just spent most of this past Thursday with my SharkNinja rep, I can assure you that we and SharkNinja will take care of the dozen or so customers that received their units that had issues. My rep asked that we send a list of issues directly to him so he can escalate, which we did yesterday. I’ll follow up with him and @galmaegi & @hollboll Monday a.m. and we’ll keep y’all posted. Thanks for your patience.
@studerc no need to be worried. I forget what issue you are having with your unit, but Shark should be shipping parts out to all who need them and we’ll be replacing the 5 or 6 units that were DOA or DSAA ( Dead Soon After Arrival).
Just got around to opening mine to set it up…something is rattling around the main unit (in an area I can’t see). It’s like a rain stick! It sounds like a free floating screw or two are in there. Guess I will be getting ahold of shark this week Edit: just saw others being asked to contact meh support, I will do that
@SkyyPunk sorry for the delayed response. The rattling you hear is the water pick-up hose inside the water tank. You should be able to look in either of the the water tank windows and see it moving around in there. Put some water in there and it shouldn’t rattle.
@Jdub Sorry for being unclear - I thought about mentioning that in the original post, but it is not the pickup hose. For example, turning the unit over, you can hear stuff on the inside tumble its way down well after the pickup hose stopped moving in that windowed area
Quick update, Shark is replacing it. They are OOS of this model currently, so she said it might take 4-6 weeks, and also that I might get a slightly better model back if it doesn’t come in stock Other than the potentially long delay, very happy with how Shark handled it
I’m still sitting on a unit I can’t use and have had a struggle getting proper support from meh.com’s customer service regarding it.
Each communication is only after I’ve sent a follow up email to inquire further, and all I’m given is a vague explanation that Shark or Ninja CS will email me with my options soon (two weeks on and no contact from said CS).
My problem as I’ve mentioned before is the screw hole on the handle sits about .5" higher than the hole on the base when inserted.
I’m fairly certain I won’t be purchasing from meh.com again with the lack of proper support on a out-of-the-gate defective unit. Which stinks because I’ve had friends talk positively about the site.
The floor was shiny, while I used it. Then it dried and the floor looked exactly the same as before. Kind of worthless and not worth the hassle of uncrushing the box, taking the machine apart to fit it back in the box, and doing whatever was required to ship it back for a refund. Waste of money for our wood floors.
What’s in the Box?
1x Steamer
1x Washable All-Purpose Rectangle Steam Pocket Pad
1x Direct Steam Nozzle
1x Garment Steamer
1x Garment Steamer Bonnet
1x Refill Cup
Your floors are disgusting and so are you
It’s like a transformer
Clean your filthy shower you slob
Price Comparison
$98.27 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 Day Shark
Estimated Delivery
Monday, May 9 - Wednesday, May 11
Clean up time.
Hot deal tonight
I had a steam cleaner in my Amazon cart for the longest time.
Well, have. I still need one, I think. Guess I’ll sleep on it.
@heartbleed Atta go! Don’t rush important decisions like this.
@Jonas4321 update: slept on it. Jumped the shark. Wait, no, that’s not right.
@heartbleed <grin>
Meh likes the model number.
I would like the model’s number.
@Mehsturbator she looks way too fucking happy to be steaming the curtains and the shower.
I’d be worried.
@RiotDemon If she is happy to do a task I didn’t even know was a thing, I’m not gonna complain. Plus, by all indications, she doesn’t mind if things get a little steamy.
@RiotDemon If you were to refer to picture 9, you will discover the source of her bliss. The vacuum detaches to convert to a magic wand with the brush clitoral stimulator attachment. Genital, I mean gentle suction combined with subtle vibration distributed by the soft bristle is what surely is responsible for her euphoric grin.
Will this help with Sharknados?
She has lavender curtains.
May need one of these. Every time I utter the phrase “president Trump” I vomit like Triumph.
I like that there’s a purple option

Back again to vouch for Shark appliances. I’m in two deep (navigator vacuum and a different steam mop from Meh). Good shark bang for the bucks.
@vanslaterco How do you clean the white pad on these things when they get dirty? Do you pop it in the washing machine?
@ILikeMeh Ya, I just wash it in the machine by their instructions. They don’t come out perfectly clean but they still do the trick.
@vanslaterco +1 on the previous-meh-steam mop recommendation.
meh’s offerings in the past week have been too boring to even press the meh button
“Time to Shark things up!” - a sweet catchphrase I just thought of. Feel free to use it next time. It’ll move lots of product.
/buy --qty 1 --color purple
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 5 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
Steamy deal up in here

/giphy poor-uninviting-boar
/buy --qty 1 – color white
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 5 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy – qty 1 --color white
@Yoda_Daenerys Sorry, this deal contains 5 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
/buy --qty 1 --color white
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: unstructured-smooth-barracuda
/image unstructured smooth barracuda

@mediocrebot purple<>lavender, really?
@Yoda_Daenerys Interesting that you bought a Shark and your order number is a barracuda.
@heartny i hope they don’t get mixed up on the shipping, i don’t even have a fish tank
@Yoda_Daenerys this confirmation image scares me. His hands and face do not match at all.
These are great. They’ll clean anything! They’ll even clean up the mess your Cleveland Steamer leaves behind!
this will not waffle.
They should have had Queen Victoria pushing the mop if they really wanted to make this a “steampunk” ad.
Old school Meh.
Can I make a good tea with this?
Maybe this’ll finally give me the steamy showers I desire.

/giphy owlish-sudden-ivy
Dang it i let my stinky old polti capsule coupon code expire. This would have been perfect.
Also two questions … Does this support Bluetooth and do people really give a dang what color their electric mop is?
It’s a mop. I do not want to use a mop. Ever.
If that mop could make me half as happy as the woman in the photos, I’d order ten of them!
Now that’s a great deal, I have one, it works great and I paid more a while back.
Does it have a port to dock my phone? I didn’t see any pictures of the knives, where do they go?
Warranty puts me off. Only 90 days, and you have to send entire unit to them and include $20 for return shipping. Sounds like they don’t have much faith in their refurbs to me.
Motorcycle cleaning? Hope this works for that.
No more making my wife scrub the floors with a rag. Now she can use this. She is so lucky.
I wish I knew someone who has dirt floors.
Will this arrive in time for Valentine’s Day? Judging from the woman in the photos, this looks like a great V-Day gift!
I’m sure she’ll love it, and love you for thinking of her.
Does this take disposable mops (e.g. swiffer) - please advise, no alternative facts please.
@internaut It takes the washable covers (steam pocket pads).
I have this, and I paid full price. I
this product. I have 2 dogs and ran a dirt race track for the last couple of years…so I know all about dirty floor.
/buy --qty 1 --color lavender
@ahacksaw It worked! Your order number is: sour-blissful-cup
/image sour blissful cup

/buy --qty 1 --color white
@MrMark Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members. Become a VMP.@mediocrebot
Your loss
Time to give away my old vacuum/steamer ( appalling-cantankerous-toad) I am team shark from my expensive shark coffee machine to steamer and a few in-between.
I appreciate the wide choice of colors so I can coordinate with the other cleaning supplies collecting dust in my broom closet.
Man, they really go above and beyond with their refurbishing. I wonder if they used another Shark Steamer to fullllllllllllly wash it.

meh uses the shittiest slowest shipping I have ever witnessed in the modern shipping era. (yes I made that up) It will essentially be less than 2 hours from my house for an entire week. A week. Expected to see the expected delivery date move up from Friday as that seemed ridiculous, however, just got a notice it was moved. To Saturday. Da fuq. Again a week. I didn’t know Fedex had such a slow level of service…somehow Meh has brought back 80’s shipping.
MISSING CRITICAL PARTS…not happy …let’s see how they handle my service request!
Which missing parts should I be looking for when mine arrives maybe Saturday or in a few months, who knows?
Just received mine and the clip won’t engage so that the steamer will attach to dock. Do I have to contact shark now?
**emerges from the shadows.
Of course i make my first purchase and its a lemon that keeps shutting itself down and refuses to produce steam or the hopes and dreams i had desired.
Hopefully Meh CS will come to the rescue as im not very keen on that $20 handling fee.
I’ve ordered several items from meh, but this is my first lemon. I sent them a message, and I’m sure they’ll get back to me tomorrow.
Uh oh. Thankfully mine worked without a hitch! (Although the water filler had a slight crack, but it doesn’t leak so far.
And meh did not reply to me yesterday. Very disappointing; now I’m sure I won’t hear anything until Monday.
@TurtleTamer So, just to follow-up, Meh did get back to me Tuesday last week and told me to go through Shark warranty service. The Shark guy on the phone was straightforward, and after a couple simple tests I had, of course, tried already, he said they’d replace it. No shipping cost for me either way, so that was nice.
Now, the guy at Shark said they’d ship as soon as the tracking said we’d shipped it, but that turned out to not be true. The actually received it last Friday, but did not ship the replacement until yesterday (Tuesday), a week later than when the guy on the phone said they’d ship.
So, customer service has been completely meh, but I guess I should have expected that. Hopefully the replacement (due to get here this Saturday) works, and stays working.
Received mine Thursday and while it appears all parts are present, I can’t for the life of me get the handle to set into the base so I can insert the fastening screw…
Either the stem is longer than it should be or the port is too shallow. Whichever it is, the line on the handle that should be flush with the base (when fully inserted) sticks out a full 1/2 inch. I feel like there should be something obvious to adjust but neither the instructions nor Shark support could help.
Also waiting on Meh.com support to follow up on this since contacting them Thurs, I’d really like to start using the thing I purchased…!
@iheartbaio Same here. Can’t get the handle in at all.
@mitchb13 Ha, I can’t decide if that makes me feel better or worse.
@mitchb13 @iheartbaio The fastening screw should already be inserted. Unscrew the screw all the way, insert handle, then screw it back in
Hey, its @troy. Hi @troy
/giphy creepy wave

@troy Thanks but that was literally the first step I completed. Pretty sure that’s even in the instructions.
The problem I’m experiencing is once the screw is removed the holes on the stem don’t align with the base and thus I can’t thread the screw as I said above.
Still no email resopnse from meh.com support to address this either.
@iheartbaio I had the same problem. The handle hole was drilled 1/2" off. Call the 1-800 number on the instruction manual. Say you bought online within the last week. They’ll ship you a replacement handle free within 7 days. (or so they say) ((Or redrill the hole yourself))
@iheartbaio Update - just got my replacement handle in the mail today. (To replace the one with the hole drilled incorrectly in Step 1) Shark support came through!
has anyone gotten a response from support for the defective units? i sent a request thursday, and still no word
@gsusfreak Same here, nothing yet.
@gsusfreak @iheartbaio Kinda shitty that they have been getting back to people who make forum threads to complain faster than those who don’t (I’m assuming faster at least since @hollboll has verified that person was responded to) but there’s an alternate solution on this thread:
I know I’ve been gone a while, Meh. But what the shit? It’s been a week…like a fucking week without a response from CS.
Don’t get me wrong, I have no doubt that things are busy and such, but a week?!
Maybe there’s a larger issue at hand? Perhaps @snapster will have an answer.
@studerc Sorry for the delays. I replied to you just now. Let me know if you haven’t got it yet!
@galmaegi! Thanks for the email back. Im glad things got sorted out.
Now the wait for Shark CS begins!
Hope all is well at Meh!
Thanks! Hope you’re doing well, @studerc!
Thanks for hanging in there, everyone! We were getting a few details sorted out with our supplier, but we just heard back with a resolution. If you have reached out to us, you should be hearing back today!
/giphy Purple celebration

I am the Mediocre guy that deals with SharkNinja in acquiring those brands to sell to our customers. My sincere apologies for the problems some of you are having with your steamers. Having just spent most of this past Thursday with my SharkNinja rep, I can assure you that we and SharkNinja will take care of the dozen or so customers that received their units that had issues. My rep asked that we send a list of issues directly to him so he can escalate, which we did yesterday. I’ll follow up with him and @galmaegi & @hollboll Monday a.m. and we’ll keep y’all posted. Thanks for your patience.
@Jdub so are you saying i should open mine soon-ish?
TI;DR what probs es myou seekish?
@Jdub Uh oh, I just opened the second one I ordered as a gift, but it seems it won’t produce steam…
@ELUNO Sorry to hear. If you haven’t contacted our Customer Service yet, please do so. https://meh.com/support
@Jdub hey any news thus far from Shark? @galmaegi mentioned that Id be hearing from Shark and I havent heard anything.
Just trying to determine if i should be worried?
@studerc no need to be worried. I forget what issue you are having with your unit, but Shark should be shipping parts out to all who need them and we’ll be replacing the 5 or 6 units that were DOA or DSAA ( Dead Soon After Arrival).
@Yoda_Daenerys just opened @jdub
Well, mine worked for two weeks before it stopped making steam. Just a dribble of hot water comes out.
@dlewczyk Sorry to hear. As I mentioned to Eluno above, If you haven’t contacted our Customer Service yet, please do so. https://meh.com/support
Just got around to opening mine to set it up…something is rattling around the main unit (in an area I can’t see). It’s like a rain stick! It sounds like a free floating screw or two are in there. Guess I will be getting ahold of shark this week
Edit: just saw others being asked to contact meh support, I will do that
@SkyyPunk sorry for the delayed response. The rattling you hear is the water pick-up hose inside the water tank. You should be able to look in either of the the water tank windows and see it moving around in there. Put some water in there and it shouldn’t rattle.
@Jdub Sorry for being unclear - I thought about mentioning that in the original post, but it is not the pickup hose. For example, turning the unit over, you can hear stuff on the inside tumble its way down well after the pickup hose stopped moving in that windowed area
Quick update, Shark is replacing it. They are OOS of this model currently, so she said it might take 4-6 weeks, and also that I might get a slightly better model back if it doesn’t come in stock
Other than the potentially long delay, very happy with how Shark handled it
I’m still sitting on a unit I can’t use and have had a struggle getting proper support from meh.com’s customer service regarding it.
Each communication is only after I’ve sent a follow up email to inquire further, and all I’m given is a vague explanation that Shark or Ninja CS will email me with my options soon (two weeks on and no contact from said CS).
My problem as I’ve mentioned before is the screw hole on the handle sits about .5" higher than the hole on the base when inserted.
I’m fairly certain I won’t be purchasing from meh.com again with the lack of proper support on a out-of-the-gate defective unit. Which stinks because I’ve had friends talk positively about the site.
All around a miserable experience.
finally opened mine, no heat, no steam, only lights. i did a ‘i need help with this purchase’ from the order page.
opened mine and missing mop head and mop pad… not sure how great of a steam mop this can be without those parts.
Works like a charm. My boyfriend stole it from me. He’s in love with it’s magic.
The floor was shiny, while I used it. Then it dried and the floor looked exactly the same as before. Kind of worthless and not worth the hassle of uncrushing the box, taking the machine apart to fit it back in the box, and doing whatever was required to ship it back for a refund. Waste of money for our wood floors.