Today while at the filling station (with the fuel nozzle in my hand), I grabbed the rear license plate on my brand new rental car, expecting to find the fuel fill underneath it.
@mikibell They had pretty much had disappeared in the 80’s, I believe the rear fuel fill was there on a couple of GM cars as late as 1995 though (Buick Regal?), but my memory isn’t what it used to be . . .
I know it was there on the Corvette in the 90’s . . .
Anyway, last car I owned that had a rear fill was in maybe '86 or '87.
don’t worry man. today i tried to use the turn signal lever to try to change the radio station. hit the right and left turn signals a couple times before i figured out what i was doing. probably confused the shit out of the person behind me.
@stephanieg@DrWorm There are only four synonyms in the thesaurus for a ‘gas station’ . . . ‘filling station’ isn’t at all antiquated, it is an example of language geography. Travel abroad and say ‘gas station’ and people will absolutely think you’re needing a gaseous substance (such as air), not gasoline. In 90% of the world, one uses ‘filling station’ or ‘petrol station’. Gas station is a US thing. Not an old thing.
Commonly used slang for a filling station: fuelling station, garage (South Africa and United Kingdom), gasbar (Canada), gas station (United States and Canada), petrol pump or petrol bunk (India), petrol garage, petrol station (Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and United Kingdom), service station (Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom), a services (United Kingdom), or servo (Australia).
@stephanieg I’m neither butt hurt nor do I feel insulted. Connotation and the Internet is a universal problem, hence emoji (and I don’t always remember to use them).
It’s all good! I should have been more conscious / cognizant of how I may have come across in my reply. if you could hear it the way I did in my head you’d understand.
Plus if I was all butt hurt, so what? 1) I’ll get the fuck over it and 2) I am all old and shit - no escaping it!
@stephanieg uncle Pavlov is sometimes just blunt and most all other times he’s just smoking one — he’s cool - just takes maybe a bit of knowing how to voice his posts in your head
@stephanieg my favorite bar used to be called red’s filling station. It was in an old gas station and still had the old pumps and shit. The only other regulars were old men, but it was fun trading stories with them and the drinks were strong and cheap. The owners sold it, last time I was there it was covered in plasma tv’s and my old fashioned was brought to me with sour mix in it.
that’s alright, I was with my mom @ the pharmacy back in…05/06?..she started to date her check with the right date, but 1985…
couple years before that, she was driving my car, and went to put it in gear, and nearly ripped the wiper stalk off the right side of the column. (it was a console shift, her car was column shift)
I pressed the start button on the washer a good five times before calling my boyfriend into the room and announcing that our new apartment had a busted washer. He asked how sure I was a couple times before pointing out I was repeatedly trying to turn on the dryer next to it.
In my defense I’m largely sleep deprived these days and the move was a bitch. There have been so many of these moments lately. And we’re only in this place for maybe 6 months before we try to buy and then yay…move again.
@KittySprinkles As more gadgets come into my house, I have resorted to a ‘how to’ cheat sheet. It started with a spreadsheet linking to the online manuals & websites. Then a multipage list of logins, passwords, when changed, and when various subscription sites renewed, and what account they were autopaid from. Then a ‘first of month’ to-do list, including but not limited to backups. I’m going to integrate it into a calendar and have Alexa keep track, and remind me. I still make shopping lists on paper, though.
Since the move, Ezra’s been on his own to get ready for school three days of the week. The boyfriend is here, but getting himself ready. And being fifteen, he’s more than able. I get off work at 7 am and he’s supposed to be at school by 7:22. He’s a sophomore, halfway through this year damn near.
Well, it’s been a struggle. He’s been getting up a bit late and having to really rush. Thankfully we live two blocks from the school. I text him every morning to make sure he’s up, and half the time he isn’t. I finally snapped on him and read him the riot act about being responsible, setting more alarms, and how it’s unacceptable that he’s been getting to school at 7:30 every day, late.
He told me school doesn’t start until 7:35. We’ve been making him leave at 7:15 every day for a year and a half because we saw something on their site before he started high school about the bell being at 7:22. Yeah, that was a start time for something else. He has been walking to school in about four minutes and just sitting around. For a year and a half. Mom. Fail. Hahaha.
@KittySprinkles I read the part where you said: “The boyfriend is here, but getting himself ready. And being fifteen, he’s more than able.” Then I read through the rest with the odd idea that you had a 15-year-old boyfriend. Then I got to the end and realized that it was actually your SON who is 15. (It’s actually a bit more entertaining the way I read it.)
@KittySprinkles my son does both these: not tell me for months he does something I told him to do but the school doesn’t care, and sleeping through alarms. Come on kid, can you argue about stuff like useless extra work but not argue about important things like getting up on your own? But no, I get the opposite.
/giphy roll eyes
Hand making about thirty HOLIday/CHRISTmas/WINter cards. I use Beacon 3-in-1 glue, because it doesn’t warp the paper. It works best when it’s warm, so I stick it in my waistband to warm it up.
I couldn’t find it yesterday. I looked all over, swearing that I couldn’t find it, asking my husband could he see it from his vantage point. No luck.
Better than this…
Well don’t keep us in suspense, was it there?
Wow…how long has it been since that was standard?
@mikibell They had pretty much had disappeared in the 80’s, I believe the rear fuel fill was there on a couple of GM cars as late as 1995 though (Buick Regal?), but my memory isn’t what it used to be . . .
I know it was there on the Corvette in the 90’s . . .
Anyway, last car I owned that had a rear fill was in maybe '86 or '87.
me thinks your owned car has dents in it from the din0saurs
@Yoda_Daenerys I pedal it with my feet.
Was the last owned one a Rust-mobile?
@f00l technically, the last vehicle titled in my name was a Toyota Highlander (Hybrid) for use at the office which I never drove.
@Pavlov Hey! We have one of those (2008); probably the nicest vehicle I’ve ever had.
Just had a vision of the fuel pump dashboard icon with the little hose going into the back of the car. Snorted.
don’t worry man. today i tried to use the turn signal lever to try to change the radio station. hit the right and left turn signals a couple times before i figured out what i was doing. probably confused the shit out of the person behind me.
@carl669 You’ve frightened me.
/giphy lampoon vacation gas pump

/youtube lampoon gas pump
“Filling station.” Heh
@stephanieg I thought that referring to it as a “filling station” was the senior moment.
@stephanieg @DrWorm There are only four synonyms in the thesaurus for a ‘gas station’ . . . ‘filling station’ isn’t at all antiquated, it is an example of language geography. Travel abroad and say ‘gas station’ and people will absolutely think you’re needing a gaseous substance (such as air), not gasoline. In 90% of the world, one uses ‘filling station’ or ‘petrol station’. Gas station is a US thing. Not an old thing.
Commonly used slang for a filling station: fuelling station, garage (South Africa and United Kingdom), gasbar (Canada), gas station (United States and Canada), petrol pump or petrol bunk (India), petrol garage, petrol station (Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa and United Kingdom), service station (Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom), a services (United Kingdom), or servo (Australia).
@Pavlov I didn’t intend to hurt your feelings. I just thought it was cute and it made me laugh. My apologies if I insulted you.
@stephanieg I’m neither butt hurt nor do I feel insulted. Connotation and the Internet is a universal problem, hence emoji (and I don’t always remember to use them).
It’s all good! I should have been more conscious / cognizant of how I may have come across in my reply. if you could hear it the way I did in my head you’d understand.
Plus if I was all butt hurt, so what? 1) I’ll get the fuck over it and 2) I am all old and shit - no escaping it!
@stephanieg uncle Pavlov is sometimes just blunt and most all other times he’s just smoking one — he’s cool - just takes maybe a bit of knowing how to voice his posts in your head
@mehtherfucker I’ll work on it.
@stephanieg my favorite bar used to be called red’s filling station. It was in an old gas station and still had the old pumps and shit. The only other regulars were old men, but it was fun trading stories with them and the drinks were strong and cheap. The owners sold it, last time I was there it was covered in plasma tv’s and my old fashioned was brought to me with sour mix in it.
I try to use the car key remote to unlock the door to the house occasionally. Never works.
@transplant I can relate. I was trying to change the channel on my TV and speed dialed my brother on the cell phone.
@transplant It COULD work if you buy the right lock.

Nothing like letting schema take over. One day while solving a problem, the body kept trying too swipe the elevator button instead of the card reader.
IE’s a good thing the body wasn’t trying to fill a 56 or 57 chevy.
Was the rental a convertible? That’s where I find the gas cap on mine

/image 1972 black cutlass convertible
that’s alright, I was with my mom @ the pharmacy back in…05/06?..she started to date her check with the right date, but 1985…
couple years before that, she was driving my car, and went to put it in gear, and nearly ripped the wiper stalk off the right side of the column. (it was a console shift, her car was column shift)
A few months ago, I reached up with my foot to put the brights on…
@daveinwarsh Hey, like in my mom’s Corvair! Good Times!
I pressed the start button on the washer a good five times before calling my boyfriend into the room and announcing that our new apartment had a busted washer. He asked how sure I was a couple times before pointing out I was repeatedly trying to turn on the dryer next to it.
In my defense I’m largely sleep deprived these days and the move was a bitch. There have been so many of these moments lately. And we’re only in this place for maybe 6 months before we try to buy and then yay…move again.
@KittySprinkles As more gadgets come into my house, I have resorted to a ‘how to’ cheat sheet. It started with a spreadsheet linking to the online manuals & websites. Then a multipage list of logins, passwords, when changed, and when various subscription sites renewed, and what account they were autopaid from. Then a ‘first of month’ to-do list, including but not limited to backups. I’m going to integrate it into a calendar and have Alexa keep track, and remind me. I still make shopping lists on paper, though.
So, I think I win.
Since the move, Ezra’s been on his own to get ready for school three days of the week. The boyfriend is here, but getting himself ready. And being fifteen, he’s more than able. I get off work at 7 am and he’s supposed to be at school by 7:22. He’s a sophomore, halfway through this year damn near.
Well, it’s been a struggle. He’s been getting up a bit late and having to really rush. Thankfully we live two blocks from the school. I text him every morning to make sure he’s up, and half the time he isn’t. I finally snapped on him and read him the riot act about being responsible, setting more alarms, and how it’s unacceptable that he’s been getting to school at 7:30 every day, late.
He told me school doesn’t start until 7:35. We’ve been making him leave at 7:15 every day for a year and a half because we saw something on their site before he started high school about the bell being at 7:22. Yeah, that was a start time for something else. He has been walking to school in about four minutes and just sitting around. For a year and a half. Mom. Fail. Hahaha.
@KittySprinkles I read the part where you said: “The boyfriend is here, but getting himself ready. And being fifteen, he’s more than able.” Then I read through the rest with the odd idea that you had a 15-year-old boyfriend. Then I got to the end and realized that it was actually your SON who is 15. (It’s actually a bit more entertaining the way I read it.)
@rockblossom Hahahaha eek.
@KittySprinkles my son does both these: not tell me for months he does something I told him to do but the school doesn’t care, and sleeping through alarms. Come on kid, can you argue about stuff like useless extra work but not argue about important things like getting up on your own? But no, I get the opposite.

/giphy roll eyes
Reminds me of me when I was younger.
@PlacidPenguin That doesn’t look like a penguin…
Hand making about thirty HOLIday/CHRISTmas/WINter cards. I use Beacon 3-in-1 glue, because it doesn’t warp the paper. It works best when it’s warm, so I stick it in my waistband to warm it up.
I couldn’t find it yesterday. I looked all over, swearing that I couldn’t find it, asking my husband could he see it from his vantage point. No luck.
It was in my pants. That I was wearing.
Good times.
@lisaviolet I think it was America’s funniest videos just the other day that had a kid who thought he had lost the baseball cap that was on his head…
And I’ve lost prescription glasses that I was wearing on my face while I looked thru them to look for them.
Those glasses are such assholes.
@f00l I did that once too LOL