@melonscoop Same here.
I can add any number of smart boxes to my receiver/TV inputs that I can upgrade both the HW or the apps whenever I want. No idea if my non-android Visio will ever get any upgrades to YahooTV much less security upgrades or even the most popular apps like Netflix, Amazon Video, or YouTube, and I hacked in a Plex client.
I watch through my RoamioOTA+Stream, FireTVs and FireSticks and some HDHomeruns for DVR with Plex to stream in-house.
@MehnofLaMehncha I recommend exercising discretion on this deal.
Last year I snagged, two new SEIKI 39" 4K “dumb” TV’s for $249 (a la monitors) and the final third also new for $199 (TV for Mom to replace her nasty monument sized CRT).
They work pretty well for monitors. Primarily I’m running Windows.
However, I have nothing but problems convincing things like my MacPro 3,1 (ESXi 6) and HP Chromebox (SEABIOS) to “detect” anything higher than 800x600 until they hit a real operating system. This is only a problem in certain cases but very frustrating and hard to figure out when you don’t know before hand that the boot loader demands at least 1024x768 and quite a few HDTV’s don’t provide the right info.
Fortunately I haven’t had any product failures, but one of the 39’s as a monitor occasionally finds itself booting up “twice” when waking up from “off.” I decided the minor flaky behavior wasn’t worth figuring out how to RMA a SEIKI.
@zrona Best Buy has been having pretty good deals on their fairly highly rated Insignia TVs on their “daily deals” thing lately. Not quite as good a deal as this in terms of price per inch, but pretty close.
@zahgrim you might be able to get around that problem with an HDFURY or similar device. Not sure of it is worth it to spend the $99 on one (some cheaper clone-like devices also available), but eh, it is a potential workaround.
@elimanningface Yeah but look at the reviews for those lower star ratings. Complaints about the ‘smart’ part of the tv, problems with how it was advertised on amazon, and receiving a damaged product. The other reviews seem fine.
@elimanningface A while back, meh sold a refurbished “smart” blu-ray player that was shitty on the smart part – and reviews reflected that. As a regular blu-ray player, it was fine. Full priced ($70), that is shitty. Meh priced ($15), that is super.
These “unusable features” are a reason why Mediocre can get this stuff cheaper – and it’s why less picky individuals can buy this stuff here for a lower price than one that didn’t offer these “features” in the first place.
I kind of wish I had the extra right now for this, but we just bought slightly smaller ones right before Christmas, and school shopping is coming up. I’m going to have to pass, but I don’t want to.
I have a 60" Seiki non-smart TV, and I really like it. The picture’s really nice (the sound is terrible, though, so I added a soundbar). I’d never heard of the brand before, but I have no complaints… especially since I brought it from my brother for super cheap.
By Matt Squire on March 28, 2016
Verified Purchase
720 when advertised as 1080 has me moderately pissed off.
I’d like a $100 credit as that’s where the refurb 720 price point seems to be.
Was only 720 resolution, Good Pix, moderate sound didn’t expect much for the price but It’s OK for the guest room and more of a PITA to go through the return rigamarole than the annoyance is worth…
That was the first tempting item in a while, but hello questionable reviews. Amazon’s weren’t dealbreakers, but the ones at WalMart were pretty bad… https://www.walmart.com/reviews/product/45388256
I can deal with poor smart tv execution (I’m just plugging in a Fire stick and Apple TV) and crappy sound, but exceptionally poor reliability? I’m out.
@mehdaf I have a 48" insignia. I’m happy with the picture. Can’t say anything about the sound because I have surround sound.
Thanks, you’ve made me think twice about buying this for my mom when I know there’s other good deals out there.
Yea, I have nothing against meh, or even this brand for that matter. I bought two 39" Emerson (Funai) tv’s from meh for $150 each nearly two years ago that have been great.
It’s just interesting to see how tv prices have plummeted in the last several years. At least meh still beats the competition by selling a “smart” tv at a “dumb” tv price point and of course the shipping cost can’t be beat…
@mehdaf I’ve owned almost a dozen of those Emerson TVs. They really are pretty good, except for sucky speakers which is normal for tv’s these days I guess.
@communist I want the ability for it to hear me ask questions [that are not about babies] and have it answer, “Here’s what I found on the web for ‘babies’.”
Last year, I bought this TV from Amazon (at twice the price) to hang on the wall in a conference room at the office. Even at that price I was pretty happy with it. It does a nice job with an Apple TV and a micro-form-factor PC plugged into it for presentations. Picture is nice and bright. It’s super-light, so no worries about the wall mount holding it. For a low-budget big TV it’s a really good deal.
“It would be unseemly for us to ask you to urge them to visit us every single day because our deals are so amazing and our writing is so hilarious and we’re just irresistibly sexy.”
But…but…I’ve been doing that for months! (remember me at the next Fuku…)
In for one. Have had a 40" seiki for over a year now and no complaints. Not sure about the smart part but dont really care.
/giphy ablaze-generous-dolphin
You could, despite the framing, but on the bright side, one of the four could fail and you could tell people that the TV detected R-rated nudity and turned that quadrant off to maintain a PG rating.
/me goes to create another account but then says, “Oh, fuck it!” when he remembers that the time machine is still not working right and thus he cannot go back and add VMP to that account in time for this deal at 4:00 PM.
If you look at the product description on the product page half way down the page on amazon, it tells you it is 720p, not 1080p.
this is from the amazon page.
Product Description
Seiki 50" 720p 60Hz LED HDTV- Streaming MUSE
strange that it has in the name 1080p, but in the product description 720p
All kidding aside, apparently my grandfather was into grafting and had grafted the branches of several fruit trees onto one host. Can you imagine several types of apples, and even pears coming from the same tree?
For OTA TV, my SEIKI’s have an awesomely sensitive tuner. I live in a TV signal black hole, and my “Smart” Samsung can’t find signals even with a roof mounted antenna, but the SEIKI’s find plenty of channels. Just my 2 cents worth as a SEIKI owner, just not this particular model.
I wish I had the spare jingle laying around for one of these. My nephew (4 y/o) came to stay with us last month. Apparently I am so awesome, he decided he needed to draw me a picture…on my tv screen…with a rock.
Just noticed tonight that my 40" Sony Bravia screen is starting to come apart; plus the dead pixels, my brother reminded me of, make this the best impulse purchase of the household.
I’ve got a Seiki 40" 4k TV that I use as a monitor. It’s been in daily use for nearly two years and it’s been bullet proof so far. I can’t speak for this particular model, but I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another Seiki if I needed another TV.
Meh, your timing is impeccable. Just got a new apartment and need a new TV, but I’m pinching pennies… This gives me the excuse I need to make some sweet televisual action happen. Thanks!
I picked up a Seiki 40" tv from Wal-Mart black friday a few years back. For a little-known brand I was pretty impressed. Volume could get pretty damn loud for a flat tv. Made a great bedroom tv. This deal might be good for that too, but I cannot speak for this particular model.
I have 2 Seiki tvs, both “dumb” 32 inch 1080p models, one is about 4 years old, the other just over 2. Both have worked flawlessly and have a pretty impressive picture. The sound isn’t bad either, they have downfiring speakers that actually sound fairly good. Not afraid of this brand at all.
@jsh139 VMP memberships for sale! Step right up and get your VMP memberships, right here! Five dollars gets you a chance to nab this amazing deal! VMP memberships for sale! Step right up…
@msujp Doesn’t really help. Makes you think you have a chance to get a popular item, but in reality it just makes it harder to get one earlier in the day. (assuming you were looking earlier)
Dammit. Two days in a row where my “I’ll wait and see if this is still here in the morning” has resulted in me seeing “Deal Paused, Come back at 4PM” which means I have to actually do the research and decide for myself. Yesterday, I knew I was busy at 4:00 PM and didn’t bother but today I won’t be and thus I am compelled to do this work.
Also, as an East Coast person (though NOT a whiner) this 8:00 AM thing is just too early for my taste: on work days, I rarely get out of bed before 8:30 AM. Thus, if you West Coast Whiners need an extra vote for the 8:00 AM (5:00 AM your time) resume to be moved an hour or even two later, please let me know… I can pretend to be one of you, though I must admit that I suck at the whole whining thing.
@baqui63 We have a light fixture that had incandescent bulbs in it and it had a dimmer. 3-way switch I’d guess you’d call it because there were 2 light switches that controlled it. One of the switches had the dimmer control and if you held it, it would dim. If you tapped it, it would turn off.
Well, I swapped the bulbs for the LED ones meh just sold and to my surprise the lights were ALWAYS on. How? Even when I tapped to turn off or flipped the other switch, the light was still on, but dim. How is there still a complete circuit there and why didn’t it work that way before? Scary!
@medz The dimmer is probably a TRIAC based circuit, which doesn’t completely switch off the power. With incandescents, it’ll be too low powered to be noticable; with LEDs, it’s enough to light them up.
I was literally the guy in the write-up, looking at amazon for 50-inchers, wincing at the prices, waiting for a deal. Decided my price point, and this is way below my threshold. The timing felt like providence so I’m in! Meh is life
I have a Seiki not smart,bought it at QVC about 3years ago for $500 and this TV is study it has survived a 5year old finger prints,ice cream and vicks menthol ointment. Screen cleans with ease no streaking, also it is a slim and light weight TV, only con is the speakers are not the best, but I have min connected to a Bose System whcih works out perfect. So if you want a cheap smart TV, go for it !!
For an extra $50 plus shipping, I’ll try to buy a TV for you at 4pm. If I don’t succeed, you’ll get a refund. PM me if interested.
Don’t be a sucker and pay $5 every month for VMP that you won’t use. Use my VMP purchasing service and get VMP access to the goods without the hassle of a monthly subscription! Start being a winner. Do it today!
@MrMark nah this item is probably like $40 to ship, right? I may be able to put your shipping address on my account in advance in which case meh would ship to you and I would just need the fiddy bucks.
@medz is this like paying somebody to stand in line for you? i think that may be illegal in some states. and to think i offered this service for free to the stay at home mom complaining about the timing of the circuit breakers
Dear Meh, I think it’s super fucking cool that you put this deal on hold for VMP members. I don’t need a cheap TV right now, but I really like and appreciate the gesture, and hope you continue it in the future.
I have never clicked the Meh button until today and I did it in error. I was scrolling around the “Deal Paused” page looking for an active link that would allow me to get in a queue for purchase and found the Meh button next to the normal “buy” button was a hyperlink so I clicked it. I really did not want to criticize this deal. In fact I intend to try to get it when it becomes available again. It appears there is no way to un-meh a meh clicking, so there it is: my first one.
@NortonsArk Dude, I click the meh button every day or at least try to (so far, at 219 days straight). This has nothing to do with whether or not I buy the day’s deal.
Perhaps it is a sad thing that I buy crap that I’ve said is crap. Or maybe it is somehow heroic. Or something else… ok… it surely isn’t heroic.
A ) I’m totally broke and have no available balance/credit
B ) The person who commissioned my VMP buying service sent me bad payment info
C ) My bank card was compromised and I finally got the new one activated and forgot that I still had my old card # on my meh account
D ) I purposefully put in bad card info to test the /buy command
Frakking idj… er… people… I work with… I got distracted by an argument (really, more of a loud discussion) with someone at about 3:57 PM and didn’t notice what time it was until about 4:04 PM. At least I won the discussion.
@caddylikescake Yeah, same here in Phoenix. Have you received any word from Mediocre? Or should we start the warranty process through Seiki and hope for the best? I wonder how much it will be to ship this freaking thing…
@caddylikescake mine is also completely shot. Turned it on for the first time and it looks like a postmodern art installation from that one Portlandia sketch. Hey @meh, what’s my resolution here?
Are there any left? Ours just arrived today. We took it carefully out of the box and had started screwing the feet on before we noticed the screen looked a little strange at the bottom. Then we noticed all the cracks on the right hand side. We plugged it in, and sure enough, the picture was positively spider-webbed with cracks. It’s completely unusable. Such a buzzkill. We both had really rough days but it looked like opening up the TV would be the highlight, until it wasn’t. I’m a longtime VMP member and I’ve never had a problem with Meh, so I’m hoping we can get a replacement.
Had basically the exact same experience as Galeanthropy. Very depressing. Been a VMP member since day 1 (barring a short period where my credit card was being replaced). broken tv
Is our only recourse to contact the company and pay the shipping charges (if they’ll even accept it) and such?
Well, this pretty much sucks. Seiki says that since the TV was damaged, and not defective, the warranty is void. So either meh comes through or we’re all just out $250 bucks. COOL.
@bluecolor Wow I was way too bummed out. Apologies for the melodrama. Anyone try the fedex option? Any chance they’ll cover this? I’m kicking myself for not unboxing it at the store I picked it up at. Lesson well learned!
Looks like Meh will take care of us. I just got an email requesting an address for a return shipping label. I figured they would do the right thing. Probably alot of these will end up in the next fuku.
@grillet I doubt they’ll want to increase their shipping cost by including all these broken TV’s in the fuku. My guess is everyone will just get boxes of broken glass.
@grillet I got the same email. cue huge sigh of relief
I mean, Meh had to know there’s no way all of us could be fabricating this…I’ll bet they’ll be re-evaluating what companies they do business with in the future.
@Galeanthropy Hahahaha… ask them about dunnage. The warehouse end of their operation has had some problems with packing items in past. Meh has always been very, very responsive to customer complaints.
@Galeanthropy It was most likely the fedex ground service. Shipping companies (at the base level) aren’t equipped to handle products like these with care, and the foam protection is only suitable for movement between warehouse racks.
@bluecolor I was thinking that was the case as well, that the foam is probably fine for moving between racks or plastic wrapping a dozen together onto a pallet and transporting via semi truck. But FedEx with all their automated conveyor belts and people tossing things around like someone’s guitar at an airport? The results are not surprising.
For anyone with a broken TV who still wants to get one, check out the sale at Walmart for the 48" Hitachi for $250. You can also get a $10 gift card if you order through their app for the first time.
@dunda If you’re impatient/not wanting to risk shipping anymore, like me, there’s a 50" Westinghouse available for in-person purchase from Best Buy https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8804176358357610978/reviews?biw=1477&bih=718&q=50" tv&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.128153897,d.amc&tch=1&ech=1&psi=admYV8_6CaTRjwTHuoOgDw.1469634921901.11&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOsaeXgZTOAhXD6YMKHRQQByIQqSQIxAE&prds=rstart:40
Was excited that mine arrived, but sadly my glee was cut short. Mine too has more spiderwebs than Shelob’s lair. Support message sent to meh, awaiting reply.
@Bandrik You will be good. They will send a shipping label so all you have to do is take it to a fedex location. Just keep all the foam and pack it as you received it.
@dylanjstewart nope, it’s broken. Relatively minor, but there is a bright white stripe across the top and the bottom corner is obviously compressed under the screen
Meh got back to me this morning and I’m sending it back after I sent some pictures of the packaging (which didn’t look too bad, but apparently it was enough). While I’m waiting for them to send me a return label, I thought I’d share this wonderful family recipe for any of you to make to help cheer up.
Grandmother’s Chocolate Poundcake
3 c. sugar
1/2 c. shortening
2 sticks margarine
5 eggs
3 c. sifted plain flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. cocoa
1 1/4 c. milk
2 tsp. vanilla
Cream sugar, shortening and margarine.
Add eggs, one at a time, beat well.
In a separate bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa.
Sift together 2 or 3 times.
Alternately add milk and dry ingredients to sugar mixture.
Add vanilla. Mix well.
Bake at 325° in greased tube pan for 1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.
Immediately remove from pan; cool on rack.
@platojello CS is off on weekends, but from what it appears, I believe you’ll be shipping these back (with a prepaid label you print out) and that they’re handling these cases with FedEx as not to impose the hassles on your end.
Mine arrived intact, but I too cannot get it to connect to my WiFi… Maybe meh will offer a cheap wifi router again soon? Or maybe I should just get a Roku and be done with it?
@ciabelle I had the same issue. It does not like password protected connections. We ended up hardwiring is. Kind of defeats the purpose of WiFi, but at least our connection is secure.
@MzSooze I played with it some more and got it to work! The “easy setup” is the culprit. Go into settings and select network and enter your WiFi password there… Connected right away and was watching Netflix without problems.
Mine arrived. Looked good out of the box. Set up was easy. Picture looks good, sound is fine. Only issue is that “feet” are just an inch or so too wide to sit on my fireplace mantle. But I can mount it to wall. Of course that will happen when I get around to it. For now it is just leaning against the wall. Works fine and I’m liking it. Big improvement over the 32" TV that it replaced.
@JonCBK Note, by setup I mean I plugged my Apple TV into it. I doubt I’m going to ever bother with the “smart” aspects of this TV. TVs should not be smart when you can buy cheap and small extras that work better and are easily upgraded by companies who actually do software.
Tried casting a video off my PC to this TV (or anywhere) for the first time today. Seems to work fine – EXCEPT that I can’t figure out how to hide various status displays. It helpfully shows me the volume and zoom levels in the upper left hand corner, and provides the instructions" Press “MENU” to show/hide menu options" along the bottom of the screen.
Pressing menu shows/hides the player controls, but nothing seems to make the other stuff go away. It’s distracting and could cause screen burn in. Aside from covering those spots with electrical tape, any ideas?
What’s in the Box?
1x TV
1x Remote
Front view
Right side
Left side
Top view
Price Comparison
$429.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
1 year Seiki
Mine’s bigger.
Picture this meh – what a “sheiki” deal…
hmmm no 4k?
1 star review elsewhere online
—Is that a Seiko?

—Eees genuine Seiki!
@curtise If only it was a Sorny.
Or Samsang.
Still remember a Mad magazine joke from the '70s
Dude was lured into dept store by ad for famous name brand appliances
Got to store, they had Ben Franklin fridges, Bob Hope washers …
no bluetooth; meh
Well, that’s… different.
i heard these things killed the radio star.
@MehnofLaMehncha That bitch had it coming.
@yakkoTDI wow, that’s aggressive. guess you shouldn’t read the comments section of even meh, now.
Seiki it to me baby!
Haha love the animation!
It’s a good TV for the price, but I’m just so infatuated with Roku that the generic smart TVs now hold little sway over me.
$250 … Might be my next monitor.
@MehnofLaMehncha kind of what I’m thinking. The reviews though…
@melonscoop Same here.
I can add any number of smart boxes to my receiver/TV inputs that I can upgrade both the HW or the apps whenever I want. No idea if my non-android Visio will ever get any upgrades to YahooTV much less security upgrades or even the most popular apps like Netflix, Amazon Video, or YouTube, and I hacked in a Plex client.
I watch through my RoamioOTA+Stream, FireTVs and FireSticks and some HDHomeruns for DVR with Plex to stream in-house.
Just don’t need the TV to be smart.
@MehnofLaMehncha I recommend exercising discretion on this deal.
Last year I snagged, two new SEIKI 39" 4K “dumb” TV’s for $249 (a la monitors) and the final third also new for $199 (TV for Mom to replace her nasty monument sized CRT).
They work pretty well for monitors. Primarily I’m running Windows.
However, I have nothing but problems convincing things like my MacPro 3,1 (ESXi 6) and HP Chromebox (SEABIOS) to “detect” anything higher than 800x600 until they hit a real operating system. This is only a problem in certain cases but very frustrating and hard to figure out when you don’t know before hand that the boot loader demands at least 1024x768 and quite a few HDTV’s don’t provide the right info.
Fortunately I haven’t had any product failures, but one of the 39’s as a monitor occasionally finds itself booting up “twice” when waking up from “off.” I decided the minor flaky behavior wasn’t worth figuring out how to RMA a SEIKI.
@zrona Best Buy has been having pretty good deals on their fairly highly rated Insignia TVs on their “daily deals” thing lately. Not quite as good a deal as this in terms of price per inch, but pretty close.
@zahgrim you might be able to get around that problem with an HDFURY or similar device. Not sure of it is worth it to spend the $99 on one (some cheaper clone-like devices also available), but eh, it is a potential workaround.
Almost bit but a 3 star review is pretty difficult to attain on Amazon.
@elimanningface Yeah but look at the reviews for those lower star ratings. Complaints about the ‘smart’ part of the tv, problems with how it was advertised on amazon, and receiving a damaged product. The other reviews seem fine.
@lilpaox fair point but if the smart feature is available but is unusable why pay for an unuseable feature?
@elimanningface A while back, meh sold a refurbished “smart” blu-ray player that was shitty on the smart part – and reviews reflected that. As a regular blu-ray player, it was fine. Full priced ($70), that is shitty. Meh priced ($15), that is super.
These “unusable features” are a reason why Mediocre can get this stuff cheaper – and it’s why less picky individuals can buy this stuff here for a lower price than one that didn’t offer these “features” in the first place.
@narfcake I actually used that thing for netflix for almost a year. Worked fine until I knew better, still a decent blu-ray player.
Hmm, this amazon review says it’s advertised as 1080p but is 720p in reality. Sure it’s 1080, meh?
@mz yes we saw that too and confirmed 1080p
@mz rut rooh, that’d be a deal breaker
@snapster great!
@mz i dont trust much of what amazon says anymore after the way they fucked up woot.
I kind of wish I had the extra right now for this, but we just bought slightly smaller ones right before Christmas, and school shopping is coming up. I’m going to have to pass, but I don’t want to.
Meh! Perfect for that dorm room with an empty wall and horrible neighbors!
Seiki = Sucky
Yes? … No?
Oh alright…
I have a 60" Seiki non-smart TV, and I really like it. The picture’s really nice (the sound is terrible, though, so I added a soundbar). I’d never heard of the brand before, but I have no complaints… especially since I brought it from my brother for super cheap.
from the amazon reviews
By Matt Squire on March 28, 2016
Verified Purchase
720 when advertised as 1080 has me moderately pissed off.
I’d like a $100 credit as that’s where the refurb 720 price point seems to be.
Was only 720 resolution, Good Pix, moderate sound didn’t expect much for the price but It’s OK for the guest room and more of a PITA to go through the return rigamarole than the annoyance is worth…
any comment / confirmation? @moose @dave @shawn @mehcus @hollboll
@communist see this post
@communist Take that you commie who owns nothing!
That was the first tempting item in a while, but hello questionable reviews. Amazon’s weren’t dealbreakers, but the ones at WalMart were pretty bad… https://www.walmart.com/reviews/product/45388256
I can deal with poor smart tv execution (I’m just plugging in a Fire stick and Apple TV) and crappy sound, but exceptionally poor reliability? I’m out.
/oldGiphy I’m out
Once upon a time I would have thought $250 for a 50" 1080p tv was an unbelievable deal.
Alas, this isn’t even the first deal like this I have seen this week. Literally: http://m.spoofee.com/insignia-50in-1080p-led-hdtv/deals/892088
I like that this has the smart tv functionality though, albeit limited as it is.
The new standard price points are 40" for $150 and 50" for $250
@mehdaf Good to know.
@mehdaf I have a 48" insignia. I’m happy with the picture. Can’t say anything about the sound because I have surround sound.
Thanks, you’ve made me think twice about buying this for my mom when I know there’s other good deals out there.
Yea, I have nothing against meh, or even this brand for that matter. I bought two 39" Emerson (Funai) tv’s from meh for $150 each nearly two years ago that have been great.
It’s just interesting to see how tv prices have plummeted in the last several years. At least meh still beats the competition by selling a “smart” tv at a “dumb” tv price point and of course the shipping cost can’t be beat…
@mehdaf I’ve owned almost a dozen of those Emerson TVs. They really are pretty good, except for sucky speakers which is normal for tv’s these days I guess.
@mehdaf I bought two, also. So far, so good!
Seiki, a division of Tongfang Global!
/giphy matsumura fishworks sparkle

Make that
/giphy tamaribuchi

@zippyus lol, good memories

/giphy fishbulb
@zippyus Okay I must know. What toon is that from? Anyone know?
@Bandrik Looks like the Fairly Odd Parents style, but I don’t know for sure.
@medz @bandrik
It’s the Simpsons Mr Sparkle episode
/image Mr sparkle

@zippyus Actually I was referring to the unicorn rainbow fart, but Mr Sparkle was a great episode of Simpsons.
Good luck shipping these through the FedEx SmartPost network!
@kirbrand I’d love to see the USPS try to stuff it in my mailbox!
@kirbrand Individual packages may not exceed 70 lbs. or 130" in girth. www.fedex.com/us/smartpostguide/smartpost/smartpost_rates_zones.html
Be aware the “smart” capability is limited to Netflix, Vudu, YouTube and Pandora.
@ruouttaurmind what more do you want in a “smart” tv?. a web browser? uber?
@communist I want the ability for it to hear me ask questions [that are not about babies] and have it answer, “Here’s what I found on the web for ‘babies’.”
/giphy siri fail

@communist Amazon Video, Hulu, Rahpsody, Flickr, maybe a couple of social media apps…
@stinks I’m still trying to provoke Siri and Cortana into a cat fight.
@ruouttaurmind You missed the pillow fight last night.
@communist I want my TV to order me an uber
@Yoda_Daenerys It worked! Your order number is: gross-mandatory-skirt
/image gross-mandatory-skirt

Last year, I bought this TV from Amazon (at twice the price) to hang on the wall in a conference room at the office. Even at that price I was pretty happy with it. It does a nice job with an Apple TV and a micro-form-factor PC plugged into it for presentations. Picture is nice and bright. It’s super-light, so no worries about the wall mount holding it. For a low-budget big TV it’s a really good deal.
“It would be unseemly for us to ask you to urge them to visit us every single day because our deals are so amazing and our writing is so hilarious and we’re just irresistibly sexy.”
But…but…I’ve been doing that for months! (remember me at the next Fuku…)
In for one. Have had a 40" seiki for over a year now and no complaints. Not sure about the smart part but dont really care.

/giphy ablaze-generous-dolphin
From the reviews it looks like a pretty seiki tv… Meh
Could you get 4 and have a $1000 100" tv?
You could, despite the framing, but on the bright side, one of the four could fail and you could tell people that the TV detected R-rated nudity and turned that quadrant off to maintain a PG rating.
@zahgrim I like this idea.
/me goes to create another account but then says, “Oh, fuck it!” when he remembers that the time machine is still not working right and thus he cannot go back and add VMP to that account in time for this deal at 4:00 PM.
@jkuss A $1000 100" 4k TV!
Got my first big boy job and now I’m buyin my first big boy tv…thanks meh. Love u.
I love you so much meh…if I couldshove my love down the tubes so it came thru the wifi in ur office I would…goodnight
If you look at the product description on the product page half way down the page on amazon, it tells you it is 720p, not 1080p.
this is from the amazon page.
Product Description
Seiki 50" 720p 60Hz LED HDTV- Streaming MUSE
strange that it has in the name 1080p, but in the product description 720p
@giovanni ahh crap if this is 720p and not 1080p I might not love meh as much…this would greatly influence my buying decision, can we get a comment??
@bluecolor check this
@bluecolor so I googled it and found the specifications home depot gives it here
It is probably jusst a typo and is actually full 1080p, since most other places seem to confirm that this model is full hd
@Yoda_Daenerys thanks!!! I still want to marry the website meh.com!!!
I just ordered one and got the order number: present-kiwi-banana. An internet video search yielded this:
@misobrilliant shenanigans, shenanigans I say!!!
All kidding aside, apparently my grandfather was into grafting and had grafted the branches of several fruit trees onto one host. Can you imagine several types of apples, and even pears coming from the same tree?
For OTA TV, my SEIKI’s have an awesomely sensitive tuner. I live in a TV signal black hole, and my “Smart” Samsung can’t find signals even with a roof mounted antenna, but the SEIKI’s find plenty of channels. Just my 2 cents worth as a SEIKI owner, just not this particular model.
I have noticed that also with my two Seikis, they could get good signals that my Samsung and Vizio could not, I was impressed.
I wish I had the spare jingle laying around for one of these. My nephew (4 y/o) came to stay with us last month. Apparently I am so awesome, he decided he needed to draw me a picture…on my tv screen…with a rock.
Yeah, 720 vs 1080 is the deal breaker for me. I’d get this as a birthday gift for myself, but I wanna treat myself right, ya dig?
@dcm714 Dig
@dcm714 check this
I scored a 42" Seiki super cheap years back from Amazon on Black Friday. Quality was surprisingly good and it’s still going strong today.
Already have the 20" version in the kid’s room and love it very much. So…brought this to my brother’s attention and he bought it.
Yea, our postman is not going to attempt delivery of this item at all.
Just noticed tonight that my 40" Sony Bravia screen is starting to come apart; plus the dead pixels, my brother reminded me of, make this the best impulse purchase of the household.
@ciabelle It worked! Your order number is: grieving-fierce-tooth
/image grieving-fierce-tooth

I’ve got a Seiki 40" 4k TV that I use as a monitor. It’s been in daily use for nearly two years and it’s been bullet proof so far. I can’t speak for this particular model, but I wouldn’t hesitate to buy another Seiki if I needed another TV.
@thekiltedwonder why is it important that your monitors are bulletproof? Are monitor shootings prevalent in your area?
@elimanningface You sir, have posted the reply of the year!
@elimanningface Heh. Well, when I hunt those damned mice that keep getting in my house…
@thekiltedwonder I can send some underemployed cats over to help out.

/giphy catching mice
Meh, your timing is impeccable. Just got a new apartment and need a new TV, but I’m pinching pennies… This gives me the excuse I need to make some sweet televisual action happen. Thanks!
@RDW0409 Is that giphy NSFW?
Fuko 12 – someone living near Dallas scores a pallet of these.
I picked up a Seiki 40" tv from Wal-Mart black friday a few years back. For a little-known brand I was pretty impressed. Volume could get pretty damn loud for a flat tv. Made a great bedroom tv. This deal might be good for that too, but I cannot speak for this particular model.
All I hope is the remote for this will change the channel going “up”. It’s an advanced feature currently lacking on my TV
@cspwal Have you tried a universal remote instead? Or searching for a replacement on eBay or something?
Oh, wow. Deal paused until 4pm. Is this the first item that’s had the new circuit breaker treatment?
@jsh139 i understand the pillows did too
@Yoda_Daenerys ahh, nice
@Yoda_Daenerys They did, and then sold out at 4:00:01.
I have 2 Seiki tvs, both “dumb” 32 inch 1080p models, one is about 4 years old, the other just over 2. Both have worked flawlessly and have a pretty impressive picture. The sound isn’t bad either, they have downfiring speakers that actually sound fairly good. Not afraid of this brand at all.
So how does pause help vmp? I don’t see a vmp buy?
@msujp Instead of letting them sell out, the rest of the stock will go on sale for VMP members only at 4pm ET.
@jsh139 VMP memberships for sale! Step right up and get your VMP memberships, right here! Five dollars gets you a chance to nab this amazing deal! VMP memberships for sale! Step right up…
@msujp Doesn’t really help. Makes you think you have a chance to get a popular item, but in reality it just makes it harder to get one earlier in the day. (assuming you were looking earlier)
Dammit. Two days in a row where my “I’ll wait and see if this is still here in the morning” has resulted in me seeing “Deal Paused, Come back at 4PM” which means I have to actually do the research and decide for myself. Yesterday, I knew I was busy at 4:00 PM and didn’t bother but today I won’t be and thus I am compelled to do this work.
Also, as an East Coast person (though NOT a whiner) this 8:00 AM thing is just too early for my taste: on work days, I rarely get out of bed before 8:30 AM. Thus, if you West Coast Whiners need an extra vote for the 8:00 AM (5:00 AM your time) resume to be moved an hour or even two later, please let me know… I can pretend to be one of you, though I must admit that I suck at the whole whining thing.
@baqui63 fuko-ish feeding frenzy to begin in 4+ hours, now seeing that so many liked it will drive demand to sell it out.
i could be mistaken, but i don’t think the pre-8am circuit breaker tripped, fwiw.
/giphy circuit beaker

@Yoda_Daenerys With enough cells, the dead bulb will become an arc lamp (albeit a short-lived one) and current will continue to flow.
@baqui63 We have a light fixture that had incandescent bulbs in it and it had a dimmer. 3-way switch I’d guess you’d call it because there were 2 light switches that controlled it. One of the switches had the dimmer control and if you held it, it would dim. If you tapped it, it would turn off.
Well, I swapped the bulbs for the LED ones meh just sold and to my surprise the lights were ALWAYS on. How? Even when I tapped to turn off or flipped the other switch, the light was still on, but dim. How is there still a complete circuit there and why didn’t it work that way before? Scary!
@medz The dimmer is probably a TRIAC based circuit, which doesn’t completely switch off the power. With incandescents, it’ll be too low powered to be noticable; with LEDs, it’s enough to light them up.
@medz What @narfcake said.
I was literally the guy in the write-up, looking at amazon for 50-inchers, wincing at the prices, waiting for a deal. Decided my price point, and this is way below my threshold. The timing felt like providence so I’m in! Meh is life
I have a Seiki not smart,bought it at QVC about 3years ago for $500 and this TV is study it has survived a 5year old finger prints,ice cream and vicks menthol ointment. Screen cleans with ease no streaking, also it is a slim and light weight TV, only con is the speakers are not the best, but I have min connected to a Bose System whcih works out perfect. So if you want a cheap smart TV, go for it !!
/giphy No streaking

Guesses on how many are held out for VMPs? 175 sold before circuit breaker. My guess is there are 5 more.
Good luck, VMPs. If I have word that something has gone well today, I may be among those trying.
@djslack Five would be my guess as well, as that’s probably how many are on a pallet.
That’s not to say that there aren’t more; they’re probably reserving some for the morningsave.com audience too. Mediocre has to profit too, y’know.
@djslack 28 is my guess
@Yoda_Daenerys Very close! Sold out with 201 – which means they held onto about 15% of inventory.
(I’m thinking that 200 may have been the target, though.)
@Yoda_Daenerys Very good guess!
I forgot to be here on time.
@djslack i remembered and still didn’t get one, at least there weren’t captchas, but by the time i confirmed the order - sold out
@narfcake Er… 12.9%, but yeah, that’s about 15%.
I wonder if the activity for the first circuit breaker is in input to the calculation for the second one. I’d guess yes, or eventually it might be.
@baqui63 You’re right; I was thinking in terms of the stopped quantity (26/175).
For an extra $50 plus shipping, I’ll try to buy a TV for you at 4pm. If I don’t succeed, you’ll get a refund. PM me if interested.
Don’t be a sucker and pay $5 every month for VMP that you won’t use. Use my VMP purchasing service and get VMP access to the goods without the hassle of a monthly subscription! Start being a winner. Do it today!
@medz $5.00 shipping?
@MrMark nah this item is probably like $40 to ship, right? I may be able to put your shipping address on my account in advance in which case meh would ship to you and I would just need the fiddy bucks.
@medz i feel like your announcement needs one of these:
@medz New house payments are hitting you kinda hard, huh?
@Barney sadly haven’t even had to make a payment yet. Broke from buying stuff to fix it up though.
@medz is this like paying somebody to stand in line for you? i think that may be illegal in some states. and to think i offered this service for free to the stay at home mom complaining about the timing of the circuit breakers
/giphy capitalism

Dear Meh, I think it’s super fucking cool that you put this deal on hold for VMP members. I don’t need a cheap TV right now, but I really like and appreciate the gesture, and hope you continue it in the future.
@Yoda_Daenerys We wanted our VMP members to have a shot at this too, so we’re holding back some of these until 4pm ET.
@mediocrebot test case - passed

@communist holey moley, it took only 39 seconds for the last 25 tvs to sell to vmpers
I have never clicked the Meh button until today and I did it in error. I was scrolling around the “Deal Paused” page looking for an active link that would allow me to get in a queue for purchase and found the Meh button next to the normal “buy” button was a hyperlink so I clicked it. I really did not want to criticize this deal. In fact I intend to try to get it when it becomes available again. It appears there is no way to un-meh a meh clicking, so there it is: my first one.
@NortonsArk Once you click meh, you have to live with that
regretdecision forever.@NortonsArk Dude, I click the meh button every day or at least try to (so far, at 219 days straight). This has nothing to do with whether or not I buy the day’s deal.
Perhaps it is a sad thing that I buy crap that I’ve said is crap. Or maybe it is somehow heroic. Or something else… ok… it surely isn’t heroic.
@medz The card was declined.
@mediocrebot LOLOL
Guess what happened:
A ) I’m totally broke and have no available balance/credit
B ) The person who commissioned my VMP buying service sent me bad payment info
C ) My bank card was compromised and I finally got the new one activated and forgot that I still had my old card # on my meh account
D ) I purposefully put in bad card info to test the /buy command
Each is as possible as the next.
@medz C)
@medz A
@medz D
@medz E) All of the above
/giphy safe-loose-psychic

Boom! Snagged a 4pm VMP unit.
This will replace my 32" Philips I bought from Woot four and a half years ago!
I got a vmp one. While waiting at the doctor’s waiting room. On a phone. With poor reception. On a dare.
Oh God, what did I just do?
@Bandrik you can always cancel, but then you have to wait around until the next tv deal
To cancel is to admit defeat! NEVER GIVE UP! NEVER SURRENDER!!
@Bandrik Meh.be if you cancel the Meh.tites will fulfill my ‘partially cancelled order’
/giphy erica listening?

@Yoda_Daenerys Spooky gif
@Bandrik hopefully not indicative of picture quality on this bad boy

fyi… amazon has a wall mount for $14.99 that should fit this.
Frakking idj… er… people… I work with… I got distracted by an argument (really, more of a loud discussion) with someone at about 3:57 PM and didn’t notice what time it was until about 4:04 PM. At least I won the discussion.
@baqui63 don’t worry, it sold out in less than one click’s time anyway, you were better off winning your dispute with the idjits
/giphy idjits dispute

Dear meh., if you put another TV like this up in the near future, I just meht buy it!
@Yoda_Daenerys Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@mediocrebot Shoot. So much for a replacement of the one that arrived with a cracked screen.
Am i VMP membership for free shipping i just brought the 50 in tv and could u tell me arriving shipping date
@0003181918 there’s no ‘V’ next to your username, so you’re not a VMP that i can tell.
from the specs above:
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, July 28th - Monday, August 1st
Mine arrived yesterday and the screen is cracked internally.
rut rooh, mbyae i am lses ditsppnaioded my oerdr was ineenrttavdyly canecllded
@caddylikescake same here. Impressed as I was by the fast shipping time, I would have preferred it to be late but intact
@caddylikescake Same. Got mine today and the screen is totally cracked.
@caddylikescake Received my television today, looks like it went 8 rounds with Joe Lewis. Looks like this may be a trend.
@caddylikescake Atlanta checking in. Broken screen.
@caddylikescake Us too. Such a bummer…
@caddylikescake Are they sold out? Looks like more than a few of us are going to be disappointed…
@caddylikescake Yeah, same here in Phoenix. Have you received any word from Mediocre? Or should we start the warranty process through Seiki and hope for the best? I wonder how much it will be to ship this freaking thing…
@bluecolor Update: Seiki doesn’t cover damaged TVs. Only defective ones. Because there’s a difference. Yay, out $250.
@clocklaw “looks like it went 8 rounds with joe lewis” this keeps making me lmao. love this community.
Screen cracked here too
@caddylikescake same here
@caddylikescake mine is also completely shot. Turned it on for the first time and it looks like a postmodern art installation from that one Portlandia sketch. Hey @meh, what’s my resolution here?
@RDW0409 photo finish:
@RDW0409 4 x 17 pixels. is that not what you wanted.
@meh I see what you did there. I don’t like it, but I respect that I set myself up for it.
On desktop now, can upload pic for realsies.
@RDW0409 FYI, @meh happens to just be another user here, not a site employee. She’s had the username well before meh.com existed.
@narfcake thank you for the clarification! @meh, my apologies for invoking your name in vain. Is @wearemeh who I’m looking for?
@RDW0409 looks perfect
@RDW0409 If you had gotten that TV for free in a fuku, I’d say hang it as wall art. It actually looks rather cool. But since you didn’t… bummer.
@RDW0409 Nope; that’s just their social media name. This is where you need to write into:
I am now experiencing nonbuyer’s relief. I really wanted one, but couldn’t justify the cost.
@OldCatLady ditto, mostly
Ours arrived today, no broken screen. Issues setting up the WiFi, seems to only like unprotected networks. Ethernet it is!
Finishing set-up, display and sound need tweaking.
Are there any left? Ours just arrived today. We took it carefully out of the box and had started screwing the feet on before we noticed the screen looked a little strange at the bottom. Then we noticed all the cracks on the right hand side. We plugged it in, and sure enough, the picture was positively spider-webbed with cracks. It’s completely unusable. Such a buzzkill. We both had really rough days but it looked like opening up the TV would be the highlight, until it wasn’t. I’m a longtime VMP member and I’ve never had a problem with Meh, so I’m hoping we can get a replacement.
@Galeanthropy Well on the bright side, it looks better than most “modern art”.
Had basically the exact same experience as Galeanthropy. Very depressing. Been a VMP member since day 1 (barring a short period where my credit card was being replaced). broken tv
Is our only recourse to contact the company and pay the shipping charges (if they’ll even accept it) and such?
edit: oh wow, it’s an epidemic. Damn.
@bluecolor Looks like Meh understands the situation and is taking care of it.
@Galeanthropy Yup. They’re awesome as always.
Well, this pretty much sucks. Seiki says that since the TV was damaged, and not defective, the warranty is void. So either meh comes through or we’re all just out $250 bucks. COOL.
My birthday is this week…the saddest bday…
@bluecolor Wow I was way too bummed out. Apologies for the melodrama. Anyone try the fedex option? Any chance they’ll cover this? I’m kicking myself for not unboxing it at the store I picked it up at. Lesson well learned!
Looks like Meh will take care of us. I just got an email requesting an address for a return shipping label. I figured they would do the right thing. Probably alot of these will end up in the next fuku.
@grillet I doubt they’ll want to increase their shipping cost by including all these broken TV’s in the fuku. My guess is everyone will just get boxes of broken glass.
@grillet I got the same email. cue huge sigh of relief
I mean, Meh had to know there’s no way all of us could be fabricating this…I’ll bet they’ll be re-evaluating what companies they do business with in the future.
@Galeanthropy Hahahaha… ask them about dunnage. The warehouse end of their operation has had some problems with packing items in past. Meh has always been very, very responsive to customer complaints.
@Galeanthropy It was most likely the fedex ground service. Shipping companies (at the base level) aren’t equipped to handle products like these with care, and the foam protection is only suitable for movement between warehouse racks.
@bluecolor I was thinking that was the case as well, that the foam is probably fine for moving between racks or plastic wrapping a dozen together onto a pallet and transporting via semi truck. But FedEx with all their automated conveyor belts and people tossing things around like someone’s guitar at an airport? The results are not surprising.
For anyone with a broken TV who still wants to get one, check out the sale at Walmart for the 48" Hitachi for $250. You can also get a $10 gift card if you order through their app for the first time.
More from WM - 55" Sansui for $250 or a 49" Sceptre 4k for $280.
@narfcake thanks much. I may have to wait until I get my refund or whatever from Meh, but hopefully that won’t take too long.
@narfcake Oh nice… that is even bigger than the Meh one… I may get this if I get a refund for my broken one.
@dunda If you’re impatient/not wanting to risk shipping anymore, like me, there’s a 50" Westinghouse available for in-person purchase from Best Buy https://www.google.com/shopping/product/8804176358357610978/reviews?biw=1477&bih=718&q=50" tv&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.128153897,d.amc&tch=1&ech=1&psi=admYV8_6CaTRjwTHuoOgDw.1469634921901.11&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjOsaeXgZTOAhXD6YMKHRQQByIQqSQIxAE&prds=rstart:40
Uhgggg this is annoying
And delivered broken.
I finally got it from FedEx today. Broken as well.
Was excited that mine arrived, but sadly my glee was cut short. Mine too has more spiderwebs than Shelob’s lair. Support message sent to meh, awaiting reply.
@Bandrik You will be good. They will send a shipping label so all you have to do is take it to a fedex location. Just keep all the foam and pack it as you received it.
@bluecolor Thanks! Sadly the closest fedex place is 40m drive away. but better than a $250 paper weight.
Just received mine, no visible damage. Won’t be able to plug it in until later tonight but fingers crossed
@dylanjstewart nope, it’s broken. Relatively minor, but there is a bright white stripe across the top and the bottom corner is obviously compressed under the screen
Just unboxed mine and discovered a broken screen as well. The box looked ok when I received it…
I’m joining the club too, just went to hook mine up today
Meh got back to me this morning and I’m sending it back after I sent some pictures of the packaging (which didn’t look too bad, but apparently it was enough). While I’m waiting for them to send me a return label, I thought I’d share this wonderful family recipe for any of you to make to help cheer up.
Grandmother’s Chocolate Poundcake
3 c. sugar
1/2 c. shortening
2 sticks margarine
5 eggs
3 c. sifted plain flour
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. cocoa
1 1/4 c. milk
2 tsp. vanilla
Cream sugar, shortening and margarine.
Add eggs, one at a time, beat well.
In a separate bowl, mix flour, salt, baking powder and cocoa.
Sift together 2 or 3 times.
Alternately add milk and dry ingredients to sugar mixture.
Add vanilla. Mix well.
Bake at 325° in greased tube pan for 1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.
Immediately remove from pan; cool on rack.
UGH just unboxed…real bummer, also cracked. So, we don’t file a claim with FedEx? I messaged Meh.
@platojello CS is off on weekends, but from what it appears, I believe you’ll be shipping these back (with a prepaid label you print out) and that they’re handling these cases with FedEx as not to impose the hassles on your end.
Mine arrived intact, but I too cannot get it to connect to my WiFi… Maybe meh will offer a cheap wifi router again soon? Or maybe I should just get a Roku and be done with it?
@ciabelle I had the same issue. It does not like password protected connections. We ended up hardwiring is. Kind of defeats the purpose of WiFi, but at least our connection is secure.
@MzSooze I played with it some more and got it to work! The “easy setup” is the culprit. Go into settings and select network and enter your WiFi password there… Connected right away and was watching Netflix without problems.
@ciabelle That helped! Thanks for sharing the steps you used.
Mine arrived. Looked good out of the box. Set up was easy. Picture looks good, sound is fine. Only issue is that “feet” are just an inch or so too wide to sit on my fireplace mantle. But I can mount it to wall. Of course that will happen when I get around to it. For now it is just leaning against the wall. Works fine and I’m liking it. Big improvement over the 32" TV that it replaced.
Sorry others had bad experience with breakage.
@JonCBK Note, by setup I mean I plugged my Apple TV into it. I doubt I’m going to ever bother with the “smart” aspects of this TV. TVs should not be smart when you can buy cheap and small extras that work better and are easily upgraded by companies who actually do software.
Mine arrived cracked as well. Hope it’s not too late for a replacement. I knew I was asking for trouble waiting to long to hook it up.
Cracking open a long moribund discussion thread!
Tried casting a video off my PC to this TV (or anywhere) for the first time today. Seems to work fine – EXCEPT that I can’t figure out how to hide various status displays. It helpfully shows me the volume and zoom levels in the upper left hand corner, and provides the instructions" Press “MENU” to show/hide menu options" along the bottom of the screen.
Pressing menu shows/hides the player controls, but nothing seems to make the other stuff go away. It’s distracting and could cause screen burn in. Aside from covering those spots with electrical tape, any ideas?